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Headlines - 15.01.2014

UNMIK Headlines 14 January

• Revote for mayor of northern Mitrovica (Koha)
• Zbogar: I am only an observer (Tribuna)
• Last efforts on dialogue (Tribuna)
• Hyseni: Kosovo made unacceptable concessions in the dialogue (Epoka e Re)
• Vetëvendosje criticizes Prizren meeting (Epoka e Re)
• Vetëvendosje calls on state prosecutor to investigate PTK (dailies)
• Thaci and Limaj reconcile (Lajm)

Headlines - 14.01.2014

UNMIK Headlines 13 January

• Pantic doesn’t take oath, North Mitrovica heading to early elections (Koha Ditore)
• Decision on Pantic today (Zëri)
• Ivanovic: Declaration papers were covered by glue, on the parts where Kosovo symbols were supposed to be (Epoka e Re)
• European Parliament requests more responsibility from EULEX (Koha Ditore)
• EULEX chief had the fate of the energy highway in his hands (Koha Ditore)

Headlines - 13.01.2014

UNMIK Headlines 11 January

• Meeting between Kosovo and Albania governments begins in Prizren (Tribuna)
• Demaci: This is national unification (Epoka e Re)
• U.S. wants constitution of municipalities in the north according to Kosovo laws (Koha)
• Schultz: I will not lead Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Koha)
• Neutral swearing in (Tribuna)

Headlines - 11.01.2014

UNMIK Headlines 10 January

• Thaci and Rama co-chair “national meeting” (Tribuna)
• EU: Inauguration, according to Kosovo laws (Epoka e Re)
• Pacolli promises recognitions from five African countries (Koha)
• AAK: Current dialogue should end! (Tribuna)
• Bajrami: AAK’s departure cannot ruin the dialogue (Koha Ditore)
• Deda: Brussels agreement has divided Kosovo (Koha)
• 60 failures and scandals in 6 years of governance (Koha)
• Ivanovic announces division from Pantic (Zëri)
• Salustro leaves with his head down (Epoka e Re)
• Platini: Kosovo to be accepted in FIFA and UEFA after UN membership (Koha)

UNMIK Headlines 9 January

• Rohan: Brussels agreement, step towards implementation of Ahtisaari (Koha)
• €1.7 million for “police region of MUP” (Koha)
• Northerners prepare oath without symbols, government is uninformed (Koha)
• EULEX restructuring was not initiated by the Kosovo Government (Tribuna)
• Gashi: Ukë Rugova has no tendencies for post of LDK leader (Epoka e Re)
• Lutfi Haziri removes UNMIK fences in Gjilan (Zëri)

UNMIK Headlines 8 January

• Thaçi calls on all Serbs to return to their properties (dailies)
• Vucic: Serbs want peace and calm (dailies)
• Insurance policies in Brussels (Tribuna)
• Invitations without Kosovo symbols (Zëri)
• 12 January deadline (Epoka e Re)
• EULEX to restructure in two phases (Tribuna)
• Vulin’s mindset should be changed (Lajm)
• Vllasi: Serbia is creating propaganda (Epoka e Re)