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Belgrade Media Report 04 March 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Friday 4 March 2022

• Petkovic: Pristina is using the crisis in Ukraine to realize its ideas (RTS)
• Serbian official says KLA graffiti painted on Kosovo Serb homes (Beta)
• Vucic with Ukrainian Ambassador: We will accept refugees (B92)
• Opposition politician: Serbia’s regime uses Ukrainian war to spread fear (Nova S, N1)
• Some opposition parties blast Serbia voting yes on U.N. resolution condemning Russia (Beta)
• Vucic’s allies are not thrilled with the resolution either (VIP)
• The United States supported Serbia (Fonet)
• Swedish ambassador concerned over misinformation in Serbia media (FoNet)
• CoE delegation notes tense political situation in Serbia prior to elections (N1)

Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Komsic: Serbia's vote for the Resolution condemning Russian aggression may be a surprise, but it is good for peace in our region (Nova BH)
• SDS, PDP comment on Serbia’s vote in UN GA; Crnadak: RSNA should make decision on this matter soon (O kanal)
• Serbia’s condemnation of Russian aggression was met with exuberance and hysteria in political Sarajevo; Izetbegovic goes to see Erdogan who said he will not introduce sanctions against Russia (Dnevni list)
• Russian Ambassador to UN Nebenzia forwards to UN Secretary General Guterres the letter of Dodik in which Dodik presented the opinion that B&H is neutral regarding the conflict in Ukraine (Dnevni list)
• Ambassador Alkalaj: B&H took the right side with voting on UN Resolution; Dodik’s letter caused ridicule among Ambassadors (Dnevni avaz)
• SDS’ Vukanovic slams Dodik over his letter to UN (Oslobodjenje)
• Serb representatives not to attend B&H HoR’s emergency session on Ukraine because foreign policy is not B&H HoR’s competence (RTRS)
• Sarovic: Debate on war in Ukraine is not topic for B&H Parliament but for B&H Presidency (BN TV)
• HR Schmidt: There will be no war in B&H; Not possible to remain neutral on issue of war; Elections have to take place; I am ready to withdraw Inzko’s law (Dnevni avaz)
• B&H FM Turkovic: Forces must be united, we must stop with our political bickering and outsmarting, and we must fight for B&H, all its peoples and citizens; B&H will follow EU sanctions against Russia and they will be implemented accordingly (FTV)
• Turkovic asks from EU to grant B&H status of EU candidate (Oslobodjenje)
• Covic: Danger of escalation in B&H is realistic, I am convinced wisdom will prevail (RTV)
• FB&H HoP adopts statement condemning Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine (FTV)
• FB&H Tourism Minister Djapo says FB&H will vote to expel Russia from World Tourism Organization (Dnevni avaz)
• Milanovic calls on Dodik to return RS representatives to B&H institutions; Dodik: RS representatives did not leave joint institutions but some others in B&H have abandoned B&H Constitution (HRT1)
• Grlic Radman: Putin should be convinced by pressure of senselessness of invasion (Hina)
• Prime Minister says Croatia will consistently implement sanctions against Russia (Hina)
• Croatian military attaché refuses Moscow’s note alleging Croatians fighting in Ukraine (HRT)
• Croatia agrees to send 70 troops to the new NATO battalion stationed in Hungary (Hina)
• Djukanovic gives mandate to Abazovic for composition of Govt. (CDM)
• Uljarevic: Abazovic a connective tissue of unconnected parts of political spectrum; every government part of political agreement (CDM)
• Abazovic: We’ll wait for SNP until Sunday, Ibrahimovic can also schedule parliamentary session (Vijesti TV)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Almost unanimously, Macedonian Parliament adopts declaration condemning Russian aggression on Ukraine (Republika)
• Nikoloski: What’s happening in Ukraine is war, not a military operation (Republika)
• Bekteshi doesn’t know what sanctions Russia could impose on Macedonia (Republika)
• Nikoloski announces protests meant to secure early general elections (Republika)
• Osmani at a meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Brussels (Nezavisen Vesnik)
• Osmani: Accelerate EU enlargement in the name of security (Nezavisen Vesnik)
• Xhaferi on an official visit to Kosovo (Nezavisen Vesnik)
• Meta urges Kosovo's NATO Membership ASAP (ADN)
• Extraordinary meeting of NATO Foreign Ministers in Brussels, Xhaçka also present (Radio Tirana)
• From planes and ships to defense plans / Minister Peleshi shows NATO response to Russian occupation of Ukraine (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 3 March 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Thursday 3 March 2022

• Serbia votes ‘yes’ to UN’s resolution condemning Russian attack, West welcomes (N1)
• Representative of Serbia to the UN: We are not giving up on the principles of international law even today (RTS)
• Vucic addresses the nation: I think this is just the beginning (B92, N1)
• Can Serbia survive war in Ukraine? What the West is threatening us with? (Blic)
• Brnabic: We will not confiscate property from Russian companies (RTS)
• Vulin: Serbia proves to be the only free country in Europe (B92)
• Dacic: The United States understands the position of Serbia (RTS)
• Drecun about the conflict in Ukraine and Serbian position (RTS)
• Ponos: Serbia Should Join in All UN Declarations Condemning Aggression on Ukraine (N1)
• Serbian officials, analysts slam Pristina’s request for admission to EU and NATO, criticize pressures on Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia (Vecernje Novosti)
• Vucic: Protest note prepared for Turkey, we are deciding whether it will be delivered (RTS)
• Russian Ambassador to Serbia Botsan-Kharchenko strongly criticizes op-ed written by EU High Representative Borrell (Politika)
• Botsan-Kharchenko says he does not expect Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia, reiterates Russia expects nothing from Serbia when it comes to recognition of Donetsk People’s Republic and Luhansk People’s Republic (Vecernje Novosti)
• Vucic talked with the British Minister of Energy about strengthening bilateral cooperation (RTS)
• Bocan-Kharchenko: The joint forecast is that Serbia will have a favourable solution for gas (RTS)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• Borrell confirms B&H also joins sanctions against Russia; EC welcomes decision of Western Balkans to implement sanctions against Russia (Hayat)
• B&H FM Turkovic orders examining all international obligations of B&H in connection to possible effects of sanctions against Russia (BHT1)
• B&H Directorate of Civil Aviation: B&H airspace remains open for Russian airplanes (Nova BH)
• B&H Presidency session suspended due to opposing positions on Ukraine; Komsic and Dzaferovic reject discussion on B&H’s neutral position; Dodik accuses them of violating B&H Constitution (FTV)
• HR Schmidt: Dodik needs to understand that he cannot leave B&H Presidency’s session few minutes after it started and phone Lavrov just like that (N1)
• Covic meets Plenkovic in Zagreb, condemn Russian aggression on Ukraine, reiterate that agreement on Law on Elections is crucial (Dnevni list)
• Croatian President Milanovic says EU should grant status of candidate to B&H (HRT)
• Opposition says Croatian problems mustn't be ignored due to war in Ukraine (Hina)
• MPs and guests in Parliament emotionally welcome Prime Minister's speech on Ukraine (HRT)
• Djukanovic’s Cabinet: Allegations that Council was supposed to decide on sending Montenegrin soldiers to Ukraine false and malicious (CDM)
• Djukanovic talks with Escobar about Ukraine: Montenegro determined and strict in implementing coordinated decisions of NATO and European partners (CDM)
• Abazovic: We stand side by side with the EU and NATO in support of Ukraine (CDM)
• Srzetnic strongly supports the EU's decision to suspend the distribution of Russian media Russia Today and Sputnik (CDM)
• Medojevic: Montenegro should not side with anyone in the war in Ukraine (CDM)
• The European Parliament welcomes the announced sanctions of Montenegro against Russia (RSE)
• Maddox: Montenegro and Great Britain are among the 141 countries that voted for the resolution against Russian aggression (CDM)
• Alexandrovich: Russian services tried to assassinate the President of Montenegro (Portal Analitika)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Pendarovski: Ukraine is not far from N. Macedonia, we should be cautious (TV Sitel)
• Pendarovski: Country received early November information that Russia was preparing for invasion of Ukraine (Sitel TV)
• Double EU standards: Will Ukraine start accession negotiations ahead of Macedonia, and maybe become a member? (Republika)
• War in Ukraine makes speeding up Albania’s and region’s EU integration more imperative, FM says (Tirana Times)
• "Russia is committing war crimes" / Albania joins 37 countries to refer the situation in Ukraine to the International Criminal Court (Radio Tirana)
• Resolution, Rama: Serbia's vote against Russia unifies the Balkans with the West (Radio Tirana)
• EP asks EC to convene an intergovernmental conference as soon as possible, to open negotiations with Albania (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 2 March


EU resolution on Russia, Serbia is mentioned in the text (B92, Tanjug)
MEPs: Serbia to harmonise with EU policy, impose sanctions on Russia (Beta, N1)
EU Ambassadors: We are counting on Serbia at UN General Assembly (Beta, Tanjug)
Vucic: Serbia will join U.N. decisions on Ukraine, but will not introduce sanctions against Russia (Beta)
Dacic: We have died for the sake of others; they aren't against Russia, but against Serbia (RTS)
FM: Serbia backs Russia-Ukraine peace talks (Beta)
Several hundred refugees from Ukraine arrived in Serbia (RTS)
Serbian Parliament Speaker, Ivica Dacic, called presidential elections (B92)


Bosnia & Herzegovina

UK PM Johnson says shelling of Kharkiv by Russian forces is atrocity reminiscent of attacks on Sarajevo by Serbs in 1990s (AJB)
Dodik’s conversation with Lavrov sparks reactions; Komsic: I cannot wait to see what was this about (O kanal)
Dzaferovic calls on NATO and EUFOR to intensify their forces in B&H in order to prevent evil scenarios and crises (Hayat)
Turkovic demands ban on use of B&H airspace for Russian airplanes (BHT1)
Former High Representatives urge EU to fast-track accession talks with B&H (N1)
Media carry history of B&H’s independence, on occasion of marking 30th anniversary since referendum on B&H’s independence on February 29, March 1, 1992 (Hayat)
IC congratulates B&H Independence Day (O kanal)
Head of EU Delegation to B&H Sattler writes op-ed on occasion of 30th anniversary of B&H’s independence (Dnevni avaz)
Dodik: Serbs cannot accept March 1 as holiday; Dodik criticizes Sattler (ATV)
HDZ B&H’s Lovrinovic: There is no reason to celebrate March 1 (Glas Srpske)

Croatian President backs Ukraine's EU membership bid (Hina)
Plenkovic: Croatia supports EU membership candidate status for Ukraine (HRT)
MEP Picula: Putin will have to answer to war crimes tribunal just like Milosevic (Hina)
PM Plenkovic to Address Parliament on Ukraine (Hina)
Croatian Armed Forces not on high alert, says president (HRT)

Montenegro joined EU sanctions against Russia (CDM)
Adzic: I expect Abazovic to get a mandate for the composition of the government (RTCG)
Djukanovic: Minority government most realistic in the next year, I preferred early elections (CDM)
Republic of North Macedonia

Mickoski: The Government must stop trying to divide our people over Ukraine (Republika)
Petrovska: There is no decision and there will be no decision to deploy our troops in Ukraine (Republika)

Xhacka calls on the EU: Ukraine showed that the cost of isolation is far higher than the cost of integration (Radio Tirana)
President Meta calls on citizens: Follow the initiative of the Albanian Red Cross, to collect aid in support of the Ukrainian people (Radio Tirana)
The war in Ukraine, Yuri Kim: Surprised by the reaction to the situation, Albania, great contribution (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 1 March 2022

United Nations Office in Belgrade

Daily Media Highlights

Tuesday 1 March 2022


• Selakovic: Lobbying of Viola von Cramon for self-proclaimed Kosovo destabilizes the region (RTS)
• Vucic: There is huge pressure on Serbia, it will be difficult to endure (B92)
• Serbia resolves open issues to achieve durable peace in region (Beta)
• Ombudsman invites his counterparts from Ukraine, Russia to Belgrade (Beta)
• Air Serbia flies to Russian capital, other flights to Moscow and Kyiv stopped (FoNet)
• Serbian central bank approves AIK Bank’s purchase of Sberbank (N1)
• Serbia ready for Ukrainian refugees, Red Cross opens account to help Ukrainians (Beta, FoNet)
• Ponos: Scars from the 1990s wars, NATO bombing one of the reasons for Serbs' rooting
• in conflict between Ukraine and Russia (
• Opposition presidential candidate: President Vucic humiliates Army of Serbia (FoNet,, N1)


Bosnia & Herzegovina
• European Commission: EU expects all countries that want closer relations with bloc to align with EU sanctions policy (BHT1)
• EU HR Borrell: Russia might launch activities to destabilize Western Balkans (Nova BH)
• Russian FM Lavrov explains situation in Ukraine in details to Dodik (RTRS)
• Dodik: RS will continue to insist on neutral position in regard to sanctions against Russia (RTRS)
• Sarovic calls on RS authorities to present clear position on current crisis; Borenovic criticized for being photographed in front of Ukrainian flag; Dodik: It is irresponsible action (RTRS)
• Dzaferovic and Komsic harshly condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine (FTV)
• Turkovic calls for extraordinary session of B&H CoM (FTV)
• Komsic sends instruction to Turkovic suggesting that in its further activities regarding aggression against Ukraine, B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs be guided by principles of international law (BHT1)
• Komsic: Borrell, Stoltenberg have reasons for concern for security in B&H; It is good additional EUFOR troops are coming to B&H; Sattler came to express gratitude four our stance about Ukraine (FTV)
• FB&H Banking Agency takes over management of ‘Sberbank’ in FB&H (FTV)
• RS Banking Agency takes over management of ‘Sberbank’ (RTRS)
• Radoncic congratulates B&H Independence Day; Cubrilovic, Tegeltija: March 1 is not state holiday (Dnevni avaz, Nezavisne)
• HNS’ Colak: Elections are possible only with new Law on Elections, any other option is crisis with unforeseeable consequences (
• PM Plenkovic Announces 124 million Kuna in Support Measures for Ukraine (HRT)
• Gov’t reassures Sberbank Croatia clients there is enough money to cover deposits (Hina)
• Djukanovic requires Ministry of Defense and Staff of the Army to take urgent action on situation in Ukraine (CDM)
• Konjevic: Resolution on Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine supported by 44 MPs, Democrats ready to vote for it (CDM)
• Immediately ban Russian, propaganda and aggressive media on the territory of Montenegro (CDM)
• Montenegro has launched a procedure to close airspace to Russian planes (RFE)
• Djukanovic held consultations on the mandatary for the composition of the new government (CDM)
• Erakovic: Only real solution now is formation of political government (CDM)
Republic of North Macedonia
• Defense Minister Petrovska says we will send forces to Ukraine if NATO asks us to; Skopje will donate military equipment to Ukraine (Republika)
• Government orders cable operators to stop airing Russian TV channels in Macedonia (Republika)
• Albania joins EU sanctions on Russia, closes airspace (Tirana Times)
• Tirana sanctions, 28 agreements suspended between Russia and Albania from transport to trade (Radio Tirana)
• Albanian national football team will not play against the representative of Russia in the League of Nations match (Radio Tirana)
• Xhacka receives the ambassadors of the USA, EU and Ukraine (Radio Tirana)
• Commissioner Varhelyi meets with Prime Minister Rama (Radio Tirana)

Belgrade Media Report 28 February


Vucic: Serbia considers the Russian and Ukrainian people to be fraternal peoples, we respect the norms of international law (RTS, B92)
The Government adopted the Conclusion of the National Security Council (Tanjug)
Brnabic: Serbia will protect its interests (Prva TV)
Dacic: Serbia to look after its own interests in Russia Ukraine conflict (Beta)
Foreign Minister: Serbia believes that violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity is a big mistake (Beta)
Selakovic informed the Ukrainian ambassador about the conclusion of the National Security Council (RTS)
Sharp response from Ana Brnabic to Philip Kosnett: Vucic chose international law and peace (B92)
The American embassy supported Vucic's position regarding Ukraine (Danas)
EP rapporteur for Serbia Bilcik: Serbia’s decision on sanctions will define relations with EU (N1)
The European Union is analysing Vucic's assessments regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine (FoNet)
Ambassador of Ukraine in Belgrade on the position of Serbia (RTS)
Russian Ambassador on the position of our country: We understand Serbia, we are not asking for anything (Tanjug)
Trifunovic: All embassies welcomed Serbia's position on Ukraine, taking into account very specific position in which Serbia finds itself (Nezavisne)
Vucic: The situation is not naive; I should remind them what they did to Serbia (Tanjug)
Bildt: Serbia disqualified itself from EU accession (N1)
Former Serbian Prime Minister Covic slams USA for violating international resolutions and agreements, claims USA is accusing Russia of what it has been doing worldwide for decades (Vecernje Novosti)
DF Mandic: The Serbian people from Montenegro welcome Vucic's decision! (Novosti)
Kosovo police are stepping up logistics at the Brnjak checkpoint near Zubin Potok (RTS)
Vucic on the provocations of Pristina: We are monitoring the situation, but we do not want to agree to their game (RTS)
Vulin with the president of Interpol on Pristina's request for membership (RTS)


Bosnia & Herzegovina

Dodik: B&H has no united foreign policy due to SDA (RTRS, Oslobodjenje)
RS President Cvijanovic: RS has neutral stance regarding conflict in Ukraine (ATV)
Turkovic: B&H will follow EU’s position on Ukrainian crisis (Nova BH)
HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic calls for end to conflict in Ukraine, calling it invasion (O kanal)
HNS condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (N1)
EUSR Sattler: EU wants B&H to harmonize its foreign policy with EU foreign policy and take EU’s stance on Ukraine (Nezavisne)
SDS Main Board: Dodik to present his stance about Ukrainian-Russian conflict in B&H Presidency; Sarovic: SDS respects territorial integrity of Ukraine but it opposes sanctions; Radovic: Authorities to find ways to address economic consequences of conflict (BN TV)
B&H officials claim that international community is considering sending NATO troops to B&H (N1)
MEP von Cramon-Taubadel says EU member states think about possible impact of Ukrainian conflict on security situation and stability in B&H (Face TV)
Borrell says EU is afraid that Russia will not stop in Ukraine; stresses that EU has to remain vigilant on impact of crisis in Western Balkans and look at what is happening (AJB)

Milanovic, Plenkovic criticize Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (Hina)
Plenkovic: Croatia on right side of history (Hina)
Plenkovic: Croatian Government will adopt package of measures to oppose Russian aggression on Ukraine (AJB)
Former Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Kovac condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, points out importance of membership in NATO (Oslobodjenje)
Coalition partners support government measures against Russia, aid for Ukraine (Hina)
First Croatian volunteers arrive to join the Ukrainian Army (TCN)
Croatia begins taking in Ukrainian refugees (HRT)

Abazovic left for London, Ukraine conflict accelerated processes over the formation of a new govt (CDM)
MFA: Montenegro has joined the European Council's restrictive measures against Russia; Bilchik: Putin's attempt to weaken the EU failed (CDM)
Djukanovic: Montenegro stands in solidarity with Ukraine, it’s a security threat, both NATO and EU values have to be preserved (CDM)
Konjevic: It is important that all parties clearly define their attitude towards the tragic Ukrainian events (CDM)
URA: Russia's military aggression against Ukraine for harsher condemnation (CDM)
GP New Left: Impose full sanctions on Russia, provide all necessary military and financial assistance to Ukraine (CDM)
Republic of North Macedonia

Mickoski distances himself from Russophiles in party, demands declaration of support for Ukraine (Nezavisen vesnik)
Zaev: I strongly condemn the aggression against Ukraine, the whole democratic world is on the side of peace (Libertas)
Government: Banned flight for Russian planes over Macedonian territory! (Libertas)
Sela: Open Balkans risks becoming Putin’s Trojan horse (Libertas)

Kurti and Rama express solidarity with Ukraine (Radio Tirana)
Xhacka: Resolution proposed by Albania & USA, condemning the attack on Ukraine had been adopted (Radio Tirana)
Meta: I encourage civil society to pursue humanitarian assistance (Radio Tirana)