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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 15, 2021

Albanian Language Media:

  • COVID-19: 178 new cases, one death (media)
  • With 99% of votes counted, LVV stands at 47.88 (media)
  • LDK leader Isa Mustafa resigns post (media)
  • EU issues statement on the early legislative elections in Kosovo (media)
  • Lajcak: I am looking forward to working with new government of Kosovo (media)
  • Pacolli: Important to accept election result (media)
  • Limaj congratulates Vetevendosje on election result (Klan)
  • LDK's Quni congratulates LVV on its victory (media)
  • Albanian president, prime minister congratulate Kosovo on democratic elections (media)
  • Presevo Valley's Mustafa congratulates Kosovo on free and fair elections (RTK)
  • Spahiu: Expected election outcome (Klan)
  • ECAP has yet to receive any complaint over election process (Kallxo)

Serbian Language Media:

  • In Serbian communities in Kosovo, 41 new cases of coronavirus, one deceased (Kontakt plus radio)
  • EU: New authorities of Pristina to continue dialogue with Belgrade (Tanjug, B92, RTV Puls) 
  • Lajcak: I look forward to cooperation with incoming government in continuing Brussels dialogue (Kosovo-online)
  • Vakat coalition gets a large number of votes (RTK2)
  • Simic: 95 percent of votes for Serbian List (Tanjug, RTV Puls)
  • Reactions after the election (KiM radio) 
  • Selakovic: We do not agree that the recognition of Kosovo is the only choice (RTV Puls, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)
  • Blinken congratulates Serbian Statehood Day: ''Comprehensive agreement aimed at mutual recognition, with compromise on both sides'' (Kosovo Online)
  • Statehood Day marked in Serbia (N1)
  • Bishop Grigorije: I will never be a politician, but will always speak the truth (N1, DW, KoSSev)
  • Dusan Janjic: Verdict of Zoran Djokic must be discussed in Brussels (N1)
  • Lawyer Pantovic in open letter to Haradinaj-Stublla: You violated the presumption of innocence (KoSSev)
  • Russian Deputy PM Borisov visits Belgrade (N1)
  • Emini: Vote for LVV is punishment for old ruling elite for how they governed Kosovo (KoSSev)


  • The end of an inglorious era (Prishtina Insight)


  • Ex-Kosovo PM Stages Comeback That May Hurt Serbia Ties More (Bloomberg)
  • Serbia Donates Thousands Of Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccine To North Macedonia (RFE)


  • New doses of Pfizer’s vaccine arrived in Serbia, almost 850.000 people inoculated (Tanjug)



Albanian Language Media  


COVID-19: 178 new cases, one death (media)

Kosovo's National Institute for Public Health announced that 178 cases of COVID-19 and one death have been confirmed in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile, 267 recoveries have been reported over the same period.

With 99% of votes counted, LVV stands at 47.88 (media)

The Central Election Commission has announced the most recent figures of the election results reflecting 99.23 percent of the votes.

According to the latest numbers, the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) scored 47.88 percent, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) 17.36, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) 13.08 percent, and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo stands at 7.4 percent.

LDK leader Isa Mustafa resigns post (media)

The leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Isa Mustafa resigned his post following the election result of the party yesterday. 

Mustafa confirmed resignation in addressing reporters following a meeting of the party's chairmanship. "The result is very bad for the LDK, a result that we did not expect at all based on the work on the ground and the work done by Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti," he said. 

Mustafa said he will soon call a convention of the party to elect his sucesor and added that at present he has not appointed an acting leader of the LDK.

Gazeta Blic writes that apart from Mustafa, the current leadership of the party will also fall paving way for the election of new leadership.

Prishtina Insight reports that yesterday's election results of the LDK are in a sharp decline from the party’s performance less than 18 months ago in October 2019’s parliamentary election, when it came a close second to Vetevendosje with 24.5 percent of the vote. In 2019, the party received over 206,000 votes, while just 102,000 LDK votes have been counted thus far in this year’s election.

EU issues statement on the early legislative elections in Kosovo (media)

The EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi issued a statement following early elections that took place yesterday in Kosovo. 

“On 14 February, people in Kosovo cast their vote in the early parliamentary elections. Pending the certification of the final results, we look forward to the formation of the new Assembly and government as well as the election of a new President. The European Union has deployed an Electoral Expert Mission (EEM) which will remain in Kosovo to follow the post-electoral procedures as well and issue recommendations.

“The European Union will continue to engage with the authorities, with a view to supporting Kosovo in achieving tangible progress on its European path. This will require Kosovo to advance on reforms, guided by the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and the European Reform Agenda, as well as on regional cooperation. Kosovo’s European path also goes through the comprehensive normalisation of relations with Serbia and the EU expects the new authorities in Pristina to engage constructively with a view to a continuation of the meetings of the EU-facilitated Dialogue and seize the opportunity in front of them to reach a comprehensive agreement.”

Lajcak: I am looking forward to working with new government of Kosovo (media)

The EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, added to the EU statement on Kosovo elections saying they demonstrated maturity of  its institutions, all relevant actors and political parties. 

"The citizens have made their voices heard and I’m looking forward to working with the incoming government on the continuation of the Dialogue," he wrote on Twitter.

Pacolli: Important to accept election result (media)

Leader of the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) Behgjet Pacolli, who ran together with the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) as part of a pre-election coalition, said after the publication of preliminary results  showing the Vetevendosje Movement winning the elections:

"In a democracy, it is important to accept the result and congratulate the opponent. I would like to thank all the citizens of the country for once again setting a high standard in this election process, without incidents and with a high turnout. After the certification of results, it is important for the new Assembly and Government to be constituted as soon as possible," he said.

Limaj congratulates Vetevendosje on election result (Klan)

Leader of the Social Democratic Initiative (NISMA) Fatmir Limaj congratulated the Vetevendosje Movement on its election result and said that the winner has a great deal of work ahead. 

"I congratulate those that have won. Time for blaming is over, now it is time for work," Limaj said at a press conference.

Commenting on his party's election result which according to preliminary results suggests is not enough to win representation in the new Assembly, Limaj said: "NISMA will not  be part of the parliament but we will continue our engagement and promotion of our cause. We will not give up on our determination for the country."

LDK's Quni congratulates LVV on its victory (media)

Former minister and MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Anton Quni said the citizens of Kosovo demonstrated high level of responsibility by massively voting in yesterday's elections and congratulated the Vetevendosje Movement on its victory. 

"At the same time, I express my full belief that the LDK, as per tradition, will remain constructive and support democratic processes that consolidate Kosovo's statehood and the functioning of democratic institutions," he wrote on Facebook.

Albanian president, prime minister congratulate Kosovo on democratic elections (media)

President of Albania Ilir Meta congratulated Kosovo for holding free and democratic elections on Sunday saying he hoped the new institutions will be formed swiftly. 

"Congratulations to all the citizens and political class of Kosovo on the excellent example of trust in democracy and free vote, as well as on the successful standards achieved in yesterday's parliamentary elections. I commend the high turnout of citizens who defied weather conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic in order to take their future in their own hands," Meta said. 

Prime Minister Edi Rama meanwhile sent his greetings to all political parties in Kosovo, particularly the Vetevendosje Movement which he said is the clear winner. Rama said he hoped the will of the people of Kosovo translates into a new chapter for Kosovo "with a sustainable government, constructive inter-party dialogue, economic and social development."

Presevo Valley's Mustafa congratulates Kosovo on free and fair elections (RTK)

Chairman of the National Council in the Presevo Valley, Ragmi Mustafa, congratulated Kosovo for holding free and democratic early parliamentary elections.

"The Republic of Kosovo with parliamentary elections is continuously demonstrating high maturity on the part of the citizens and electoral democratic capacity. An example of free race, voting procedure, vote administration. The success expressed extraordinary maturity of an election process and democratic emancipation," he wrote on Facebook.

Mustafa also congratulated the Vetevendosje Movement and its leader Albin Kurti on victory as well as all the other political parties and candidates. "I hope this democratic spirit accompanies the formation of the Republic of Kosovo's institutions."

Spahiu: Expected election outcome (Klan)

Nexhmedin Sahiu, political analyst, told Klan Kosova that the election result was as expected. "It was anticipated that the Vetevendosje would have such a score following the coalition with Vjosa Osmani and the redesign of Albin Kurti's campaign and political vocabulary," he said.

Spahiu said that the decline of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) was also expected "as a result of deceits" while that of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) is a success for Enver Hoxhaj's leadership of the party. 

"Kurti has all the preconditions for a successful governance. We have to wait and see what will happen." He continued: "Kurti is expected to fight corruption and establish social justice. The foreign policy is his weakest point.

ECAP has yet to receive any complaint over election process (Kallxo)

The Election Complaints and Appeals Panel (ECAP) has not yet received any complaint from political parties or candidates regarding yesterday's election process, confirmed ECAP's Mule Desku for

Political parties and candidates are entitled to submit complaints even after the preliminary results are announced by the Central Election Commission, the news website explains.



Serbian Language Media


In Serbian communities in Kosovo, 41 new cases of coronavirus, one deceased (Kontakt plus radio)

The North Mitrovica Crisis Staff announced today that in Serbian communities in Kosovo one person died as a result of the coronavirus, 41 new cases of infection were registered, while 14 people came out of isolation, reported Kontakt plus radio. 

The deceased is from North Mitrovica.

Out of 130 processed samples, positive cases were recorded in the municipalities: North Mitrovica (23), Zvecan (6), Leposavic (4), Strpce (3), Gnjilane (2), Priluzje (1), Prizren (1) and Gracanica (1).

Currently, 295 cases are active.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, a total of 14,015 people have been tested, of which the presence of coronavirus has been confirmed in 3,950 people.

In the Serbian communities in Kosovo104 people have died   as a result of Covid-19.

EU: New authorities of Pristina to continue dialogue with Belgrade (Tanjug, B92, RTV Puls) 

The EU expects the new authorities in Pristina to engage constructively in the continuation of the dialogue with Belgrade and use the opportunity to reach a comprehensive agreement, said EU Foreign Minister Josep Borel and European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi, reported Serbian media.

In a joint statement, after yesterday's elections in Kosovo, Borell and Varhelyi state that the EU will continue to provide support to Kosovo's European path, but also reminded of the obligations facing the future authorities in Pristina.

"Kosovo is required to make progress in reforms, through the Stabilization and Association Agreement and the European Reform Agenda, as well as regional cooperation. The European path of Kosovo leads through the comprehensive normalization of relations with Serbia, and the EU expects from the new authorities a constructive engagement in the continuation of the dialogue mediated by the EU," Borell and Varhelyi said, reported Serbian media.

The statement added that the EU will continue to monitor the post-election processes in Kosovo, where the formation of the Parliament, the Government and the election of a new president are expected.

Lajcak: I look forward to cooperation with incoming government in continuing Brussels dialogue (Kosovo-online)

EU Special Envoy for Belgrade-Pristina talks Miroslav Lajcak said yesterday’s parliamentary elections demonstrated maturity of the institutions, all relevant actors and political parties, Kosovo-online portal reports.

In a post on Twitter, Lajcak wrote that he looks forward to cooperation with the incoming Kosovo government and continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

“The citizens have made their voices heard. I look forward to working with the incoming government on the continuation of the dialogue”, he added.  

Vakat coalition gets a large number of votes (RTK2)

According to more than 700,000 votes counted by the Central Election Commission (CEC), the Vakat Coalition, led by Rasim Demiri, received 5,609 votes, based on 95.84 percent of the processed votes, reports RTK2. 

In Serb-majority municipalities, where Bosniaks do not live in a large number, the Vakat Coalition received 209 votes in Ranilug, 34 in Partes, 9 in Klokot, 25 in North Mitrovica, 256 in Novo Brdo, and 5 in Gracanica.

The holder of the list of the Civic Initiative "United Community", Adrijana Hodzic, also received many votes, reported RTK2.

Simic: 95 percent of votes for Serbian List (Tanjug, RTV Puls)

According to the preliminary results, the Serbian List won 95% of the total number of Serbian votes in the entire territory of Kosovo, said today the vice president of the Serbian list, reported agency Tanjug. 

"We took a big and convincing victory in the elections yesterday. Our people have realized that this is a great political event for us. We took all 10 seats in the Pristina parliament. We have shown strength, that we are resolutely with the state of Serbia, that we are with uniquely with the Serbian List," Simic told Tanjug, RTV Puls quoted.

By winning 95% of the votes, the Serbian List won all 10 mandates, which are guaranteed to the Serbian community.

"All other minor political parties that ran outside the Serbian List, Rada Trajkovic, Nenad Rasic, and Slobodan Petkovic, did not win even 1,500 votes. Rada Trajkovic won 450 votes on the entire territory of Kosovo and Metohija, Rasic approximately that much," said Simic.

He added that the Serbian people have shown strength and that they are really determined to follow the state and national policy, led by the Serbian List, with the help and support of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, reported RTV Puls.

"Despite numerous obstructions and provocations in relation to the Serbian people and the state of Serbia, despite the deletion of our citizens from the voter lists, and despite the weather conditions, our people have shown that they want to support their country in difficult circumstances globally, politically and in terms of health," Simic said.

He pointed out that this is an important moment for everyone, and the citizens realized that the elections are being held at an important moment when their fate is being decided. 

"After the formation of the Pristina government, the status of Kosovo and Metohija will be decided. We will have a lot of challenges, and the people have shown determination to go to the polls en masse and decisively, "Simic said

Asked whether the new government in Pristina could work without the support of the Serbian List, Simic said that it is evident that the SL will be an unavoidable political factor and that everyone must talk to it.

"Everyone who is ready to respect the Serbian people, their interests in Kosovo and Metohija and survival, we will talk to everyone. It is still early, we are waiting for the final results, and of course someone to invite us to talk," Simic pointed out.

Regarding the future of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, after the victory of Albin Kurti, who does not hide that it is not among his priorities, Simic said that it is very important for Serbs to continue the dialogue as soon as possible and conduct it on an equal level.

"What Kurti is saying now is of course not important to us, it is very important that the EU and the international community understand that the dialogue must continue as soon as possible in order to solve the problems of both Albanians and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, in order to resolve many issues important for Serbian people and state of Serbia," concluded Simic.

Reactions after the election (KiM radio) 

Extraordinary parliamentary elections were held in Kosovo. Candidate for MP in front of the CI ''For Freedom, Justice and Survival'', Rada Trajkovic, believes that Serbs have lost their individuality by going to the polls collectively. SDS member Mihailo Scepanovic said that they continue regardless of the results. For Fatmir Sheholli, the victory of Self-Determination is historic.

According to the CEC's preliminary results, the Self-Determination Movement is the clear winner of Sunday's snap parliamentary elections, with more than 48% of the vote. 

When it comes to Serbian parties, according to the preliminary results, the Serbian list won the most votes, 5.27 percent, with all 10 mandates in the Assembly of Kosovo.

Trajkovic, told RTV Kim, that she is grateful to the voters who supported them.

"I am very grateful to those brave Serbs who voted for the list that was supported by Nenad Rasic and his party. How can we find a modality to support that brave electorate and create satisfaction, because it would be in the function of democratizing society and something that implies a future for Serbs, those who were not frightened by Radojcic and corrupted by Vucic. That is the main question for me since this morning, how to multiply them and how to encourage them to change the Serbian society in Kosovo and Metohija in the future," said Trajkovic.

The election results were not a surprise to her.

"I knew what we were facing. I knew that there would be terrible pressure on the citizens, that they had to come out collectively as if they did not have their individuality, which definitely shows Serbs in a very primitive way, and I am sorry because of this," she said. 

The SDS won 455 votes. On behalf of the SDS, Mihailo Scepanovic said that every vote of their party was significant. He congratulated the Serbian List on its victory.

"We wanted, with our new ideas, in a different way, and old experience, to help the people south of the Ibar, to solve their life problems. Our policy was not based on anything that contradicts the policy of the state of Serbia. We can look at everybody, who gave their vote to the SDS, with our heads held high," Scepanovic said.

Scepanovic expects that the Serbian List will deal more with the problems of the inhabitants south of the Ibar.

The director of the Institute for the Affirmation of Interethnic Relations, Fatmir Sheholli, points out that the victory of Albin Kurti in the parliamentary elections is spectacular.

"This is, in addition to the spectacular and historic victory of Albin Kurti, in the sense that no political party, not even Ibrahim Rugova, could get so much votes, and many deputies. For the first time in Kosovo, we will face a new parliament, that Kurti is the undisputed leader in Kosovo, he can form the government alone, without anyone's support, because he will have a enough deputies," Sheholli believes. 

On the other hand, Shaholi notes that the elections are a debacle for LDK, also for DPK. He says that after it is known how many deputies Ramush Haradinaj will have, it could be that his party will help Kurti in the election of the President of Kosovo, reported KiM radio. 

Albin Kurti's main priorities will be the provision of vaccines in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, but also employment, Sheholi notes. In this ‘new era’ , as Sheholli calls it, he expects Kosovo to be given credits for visa liberalization, EU membership and adds that dialogue will not be the main topic.

Professor of Constitutional Law, Mazllum Baraliju told RTV Kim that only after the final counting of votes, more precisely when the total number of conditional and votes from the diaspora is known, will it be seen whether the Self-Determination Movement will have enough deputies to form the Government.

"Most likely, Self-Determination will have more mandates, because the majority of voters from abroad are their voters. If Self-Determination wins more than 61 votes, it will not be a problem to form a government, especially if it unites with minority communities, but not the Serbian. We have to wait for the final results of the elections," Mazllum pointed out and added that it will not be difficult to form the Government, but that election for the president will be more difficult, because 80 deputies are necessary to be present during the voting.

We are very satisfied with the preliminary results, the candidate for MP in front of the Roma initiative, Sunaj Garipi, told RTV Kim. "During the campaign, we could see great dissatisfaction among the citizens, so we expected to have a large number of votes," Garipi added.

"According to the latest results of the CEC, we have about 3,800 votes. We are still waiting for the final results, to see how many we will have in total. On this occasion, I would like to thank all our Roma, all voters who supported us, and we will try to justify their trust with our work in the future," he said.

The Roma Initiative won the most votes in Gracanica.

The Central Election Commission announced that the turnout in Gracanica was 45.56 percent, reported KiM radio.

Selakovic: We do not agree that the recognition of Kosovo is the only choice (RTV Puls, Vecernje Novosti, Tanjug)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Nikola Selakovic stated that the position that the only choice of Belgrade was to recognize Kosovo would not find a desirable answer in Serbia, Serbian media quoted. 

Selakovic said in an interview with Belgrade based Vecernje Novosti that he was afraid that the solution in which Serbia was asked to 'just admit it' sounds more destructive. 

Selakovic stated that he was not one of those who would say that Serbia automatically has a bad position with the new American administration

"I am convinced that with our state policy, which has shown great persistence and rationality, and with our new ambassador in Washington, we will succeed in working much harder to attract interlocutors who will be ready to listen to us," Selakovic said.

He said that Belgrade would point out that, no matter how well someone knew the situation in the region from the period of the 1990s, 2021 is the year, and that a lot had changed.

Asked if there was an initiative from Belgrade that would imply an "innovative solution" at the moment, mentioned at the recent meeting of the Presidents of Serbia and France, Aleksandar Vucic and Emanuel Macron, Selakovic answered that there are always such possibilities and added that what they specifically contain was not said in the media.

"When there is what the media called an 'innovative proposal', it is discussed with those who can influence decision-making. Western countries have not talked to us on that topic in the past 13 years, especially those that have recognized Kosovo's self-proclaimed independence," Selakovic said.

Blinken congratulates Serbian Statehood Day: ''Comprehensive agreement aimed at mutual recognition’’ with compromise on both sides (Kosovo Online)

On behalf of the US government, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken congratulated the citizens of Serbia on Statehood Day. He reminded them of the alliance between the two countries and announced further support for Serbia on its European path and normalization of relations with Pristina, reported portal Kosovo Online.

In his congratulatory message, he confirmed that the US is committed to the development of a long-standing alliance between the two countries, as well as to supporting the realization of Serbia's strategic goal - membership in the European Union, and the normalization of relations with Pristina.

"The State Department welcomes the efforts leading to the establishment of normalization of relations with Kosovo, and reaching a comprehensive agreement aimed at mutual recognition will require flexibility and a willingness to compromise on both sides," the US Secretary of State said in an official statement on Serbian Statehood Day.

He reminded that this year marks the 140th anniversary of official diplomatic relations between the two countries, and that the common history was marked by the alliance during the two world wars, but also by individuals such as Nikola Tesla, Mihajlo Pupin and Mabel Grouitch, and both countries recognize Serbian contribution to the American Apollo 7 mission to land astronauts on the moon.

At the end of the congratulations, Blinken wished the people of Serbia peace and good health and announced the continuation of joint work on overcoming the current challenges posed to the whole world by the Covid-19 pandemic, reported the portal.

Statehood Day marked in Serbia (N1)

Serbia is marking Statehood Day on Monday with wreath laying and decoration ceremonies attended by top state officials, N1 reports.

February 15 is marked as the anniversary of the uprising against the Ottoman authorities in Serbia led by Karadjordje Petrovic. It is also the date that the first constitution of Serbia was adopted in 1835 on the day that the Serbian Orthodox Church marks Sretenje (candlemas) during the rule of Prince Milos Obrenovic.

The central ceremony is held in the town of Orasac where the uprising began in 1804 with a wreath laying ceremony and at Oplenac outside the town of Topola where Karadjordje and his descendants in the Karadjordjevic royal dynasty were buried. In a separate ceremony, President Aleksandar Vucic presented decorations to a number of people for contributions to the state and society. A wreath will also be laid at the monument of the Unknown Soldier on Mt Avala outside Belgrade.

See at:

Bishop Grigorije: I will never be a politician, but will always speak the truth (N1, DW, KoSSev)

Serbian Orthodox Bishop Grigorije Duric, who is the head of the Eparchy of Dusseldorf and all of Germany, told Deutsche Welle in an interview that he neither has the ambition to become a politician nor the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church but that he will always speak his mind openly and is not afraid of the consequences.

Currently, his name is filling newspaper columns, tabloids are scolding him on front pages, he is receiving threats, he is being called a traitor. But at the same time, he is because of his popularity being mentioned as the new patriarch or even president. However, the Bishop told DW that he is neither afraid nor has the intention to enter politics. He also doesn’t feel he is ready to be the head of the Church.

„I am not afraid at all. But I also have no doubts that there is a basis for fear. In any case, I will always try to speak openly and without fear about things that I think deserve criticism,” he said.

When asked whether he plans to enter politics, the Bishop said he „will certainly never be a politician,“ but added that he will always say what he thinks, although he does not think that what he says is ideal and infallible or that he is not subject to criticism.

„As a church leader and as a human being, I have an obligation, but also a need, to tell the truth. And the truth, as we well know, can often hurt. And not only can it hurt the one to whom it is addressed, but it can also hurt the one who utters it,” the Bishop said.

But that is not a reason to keep quiet, particularly if one is granted a responsible position in society, he said.

“If, as a bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church, I was afraid to freely say what I think, how could the people entrusted to me be able to have the courage to raise their voices against untruths? That is why it is important that as a shepherd I speak freely, and that such words and attitudes then give freedom to those who may be afraid,” the religious leader said.

See at:

Dusan Janjic: Verdict of Zoran Djokic must be discussed in Brussels (N1)

Forum for Interethnic Relations Director Dusan Janjic said the verdict of Zoran Djokic, sentenced by Pristina court to 12 years in prison, was “horrifying” and indicates there is “no legal state” in Kosovo, BETA news agency reports.

He added the court proceeding against Djokic was “a farce” that he was arrested and sentenced without evidence, as well as that authorities in Belgrade didn’t get engaged to enable fair trial to this Serb from Pec.

“Since the day of Djokic’s arrest, no official information from the investigation could be obtained. This mechanism to punish war crimes in Kosovo is used selectively and most often is used for political or private reckonings”, Janjic said.  

He also opined this case must be discussed in Brussels, at the talks of Belgrade and Pristina delegations.

“Existence of secret indictments that are activated as per the needs of the politicians must be regulated once for all. Pristina obviously won’t do it on its own, and the international community already missed to resolve this issue”, Janjic said.

He recalled that EULEX took over all war crimes indictments from UNMIK, but didn’t get engaged to enable fair trials to the defendants.

“Trial of Zoran Djokic was neither fair nor transparent. He was a victim of the forces above him”, Janjic added.

Asked what message a verdict to the Kosovo Serb of 12 years in prison, which as it is claimed, is not based on evidence, Janjic responded that the message was clear, there is no rule of law in Kosovo for anyone, especially for the Serbs.

“Ordinary citizens have nothing to expect from the Kosovo judiciary, and for Serbian-Albanian relations this verdict brings a message “fight till extermination”, Janjic said. 

Lawyer Pantovic in open letter to Haradinaj-Stublla: You violated the presumption of innocence (KoSSev)

By claiming that Zoran Djokic is a “genocidal criminal,“ you grossly violated the presumption of his innocence, guaranteed by the Constitution of Kosovo and the Kosovo Criminal Procedure Code, while also expressing disrespect for Kosovo regulations, Zoran Djokic’s defense lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic wrote in an open letter to Kosovo Foreign Minister, Meliza Haradinaj Stublla, KoSSev portal reports.

The Basic Court in Pristina, in a first instance judgment, sentenced Zoran Djokic from Pec to 12 years in prison for war crimes against civilians last Friday.

Although it is a first instance verdict, Kosovo Foreign Minister Haradinaj-Stublla reacted immediately afterward, the portal recalled.

“Kosovo has taken justice into its own hands. Convicting genocidal criminal Djokic is just the start and it’s not enough, not even 12 years, not just 1 person. Serbia and all its criminals will be held accountable for the crimes against humanity in 1998-1999 in Kosovo,“ Haradinaj-Stublla tweeted.

Following that, Djokic’s lawyer, Ljubomir Pantovic sent an open letter to Haradinaj-Stublla. In the document that he submitted to KoSSev, he recalled that this is still not the final decision, which can be changed with an appeals process.

He also pointed out that Stublla “sent a direct message to the Kosovo judiciary that a 12-year prison sentence is insufficient“.

Read the full letter at:

Russian Deputy PM Borisov visits Belgrade (N1)

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov is visiting Belgrade for meetings with top state officials including President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, N1 reports.

Borisov was welcomed at the airport by Minister without portfolio Nenad Popovic who escorted him to the Red Army memorial cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony.

He is also due to visit the St Sava Temple in Belgrade which is decorated with mosaics made by Russian artisans.

Emini: Vote for LVV is punishment for old ruling elite for how they governed Kosovo (KoSSev)

The vote for LVV is a vote of punishment for the old ruling elite and how they governed Kosovo over the past 20 years, but also a vote of hope for political stability, reforms, and prosperity, the executive director of the Civikos platform, Donika Emini told KoSSev.

According to the latest CEC data, Self-Determination won 48.21% of votes. When it comes to other parties – PDK won 17.33%, LDK – 13.17%, AAK – 7.43%, Srpska Lista – 5.22%, NISMA – 2.59%, and UZ-AH 0.73%.

Donika Emini told KoSSev that yesterday’s elections are important to Kosovo for various reasons.

The first one is that the electorate and their demands have been changing, as they are “not voting for the parties that are built in the past and that are basing their causes in the past”.

“They are voting for parties who promise to fight corruption and parties who are going to create jobs and take care of their well-being”, she said.

According to Emini, a vote for LVV is a vote of punishment for the old ruling elite.

“The vote for LVV is a vote of punishment for the old ruling elite and how they governed the country in the past 20 years, but also a vote of hope that they are giving to Kosovo and political elites for the last change, for political stability, reforms, and prosperity”.

She, however, added that the change is not going to be a snap.

See more at:





The end of an inglorious era (Prishtina Insight)

By Jack Robinson and Eraldin Fazliu

After Sunday’s election, Kosovo is set to have its first ever government not to feature either PDK or LDK, as Vetevendosje inherits a country eager for change but short on patience.

Early election results on Sunday confirmed what months of opinion polling had suggested. The Kosovo electorate has turned its back on the country’s two traditional parties of government, PDK and LDK, and placed its faith in Vetevendosje and a coalition between Albin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani.

PDK and LDK are both set to fall to their lowest ever share of the vote, as the two parties that have dominated Kosovo politics since the war continued their bruising start to the new decade. In less than 14 months, the 2020s have already seen Kosovo politics completely redefined.

Having been beaten back into third place in 2019’s elections after more than a decade in power, PDK were further damaged in November 2020, when the Kosovo Specialist Chambers indicted its founder Hashim Thaci and leader Kadri Veseli.

Thaci’s decades-long balancing act between statesman and suspect has seemingly finally come to an end, with a trial likely to tie him up for most of the next half decade – a pre-trial judge has already rejected his application for temporary release. The man who defined Kosovo politics for nearly 15 years is gone.

PDK was already undergoing something of a renaissance following its heavy defeat in 2019, and the party steadfastly kept to its promise to remain in opposition despite numerous opportunities emerging to make up part of yet another coalition government over the last year. 

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Ex-Kosovo PM Stages Comeback That May Hurt Serbia Ties More (Bloomberg)

Ex-Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti won snap elections in a comeback that could worsen already tense relations with neighboring Serbia.

Kurti’s party, whose last government lasted just four months, got 48% in Sunday’s ballot, according to preliminary results with 97% of votes counted. Four other parties are also on track to enter parliament, as well as minority lawmakers who traditionally back the election winner.

Less than a year after Kurti was ousted as premier because of disagreements over how to handle the emerging coronavirus pandemic, the former political prisoner has again won support with promises to tackle corruption and introduce universal health care.

More importantly for the outside world is his pledge to leverage American support in Kosovo’s intractable standoff with Serbia.

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Serbia Donates Thousands Of Doses Of COVID-19 Vaccine To North Macedonia (RFE)

Serbia has donated 4,680 doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to neighboring North Macedonia, which has struggled to secure any vaccine supplies for its population of 2.1 million.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev met on February 14 at the Tabanovce border crossing for a ceremonial handover of one of the boxes containing doses of the shot.

Serbia is donating enough doses to fully inoculate 2,340 people with the two-dose regime.

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New doses of Pfizer’s vaccine arrived in Serbia, almost 850.000 people inoculated (Tanjug)

New contingent of 40.950 doses of Pfizer-Biontech vaccines arrived in Serbia today, the Ministry of Health told Tanjug news agency.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced a new contingent of the vaccines on Sunday, adding that the first shipment of AstraZeneca vaccines should arrive during this week.

Almost 850.000 people have been inoculated in Serbia, and Serbia comes as second in Europe, after Great Britain on number of people inoculated as per million of inhabitants.