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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, June 14, 2022

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kosovo Assembly adopts in principle law on minimum wage (media)
  • PDK announces boycott of today's Assembly session (media)
  • EP: Final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia to centre on mutual recognition (media)
  • Austria's FM Schallenberg visits Kosovo, calls for visa liberalisation (media)
  • “Open Balkan has meaning only if six countries are involved” (Klan Kosova)
  • Delegation from Croatian parliament visits Kosovo Assembly (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic: There will be no power anywhere, hard winter ahead; no mention of mutual recognition in the negotiating framework with the EU (Danas, Beta)
  • AFET adopts report on Serbia: "Urgent" sanctions on Russia demanded; legally binding agreement based on mutual recognition between Belgrade and Pristina (Danas)
  • Bilcik on the report: "It is not an ultimatum, the government in Serbia should decide whether it will be on the right side of history" (Danas)
  • Bilcik against the wording ‘mutual recognition’ (KoSSev, RFE)
  • Vucic: Non-paper presented, Austria wants tangible enlargement process (N1, Beta, FoNet)


  • Western Balkan migrant route most used in 2022 (Euractive)




Albanian Language Media  


Kosovo Assembly adopts in principle law on minimum wage (media)

The Kosovo Assembly adopted today in principle a law that will pave the way to an increase of the minimum wage. 68 MPs voted in favour of the bill, and six MPs from the multiethnic group abstained. MPs from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) left the assembly session before the voting saying that an injustice was being done against the war veterans by not including them in the law. MPs from the other opposition parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), did not take part in the voting. LDK MP Arben Gashi said the ruling party was easily agreeing with the Serbian List. “When it serves your interests to adopt laws that are causing problems in Kosovo, you are easily agreeing with the Serbian List. Whereas on other issues, you complain all the time. You are failing to implement the legislative agenda,” Gashi argued. Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj, slammed Assembly President Konjufca and Prime Minister Kurti saying that the adoption of the law “is a victory for members of the UDB [Serbian State Security Service]”. 

Faton Klinaku, acting leader of the war veterans, warned MPs on Monday that there would be consequences if they adopted the bill, and called on the veterans to be on standby.

PDK announces boycott of today's Assembly session (media)

The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) leader Memli Krasniqi said at a news conference today that the party MPs would not be taking part in today's session of the Kosovo Assembly in sign of protest over non-inclusion of KLA war veterans in the draft law on minimum wage.

Krasniqi said KLA veterans are the category that has most contributed to the freedom of Kosovo. "The approach of this government has consistently ignored the glory and sacrifice of the Kosovo Liberation Army war, and this is being manifested officially. With the decision not to include the contribution of KLA veterans in the new law that sets the minimum wage, Prime Minister Kurti is trying to shake the foundations of the dignity of these men and women, who are the most deserving of the freedom we enjoy today," Krasniqi said. 

EP: Final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia to centre on mutual recognition (media)

The European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) adopted reports on Kosovo and Serbia. For the first time the European Parliament stated that the final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia should be based on mutual recognition, Radio Free Europe reports. Similarly, RTK notes that for the first time a European institution mentions recognition as the outcome of the dialogue.

The conclusion was presented during the vote on Serbia report which was supported by 50 MEPs, five votes against and three abstentions. EP rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik, who authored the report on Serbia said that his wish is for the partners in Serbia to realise how important it is to move forward in their European path.

The report on Kosovo meanwhile was approved with 43 votes in favour, nine against and five abstentions.

In it, MEPs commended Kosovo’s increased political stability and strong commitment to its European path and reiterated their call on EU member states in the Council to proceed urgently with adopting a visa-free regime for the citizens of Kosovo, underlining that any further delays undermine the EU’s credibility. It also reconfirmed “unequivocal” support for the EU-facilitated Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and reiterated the importance of achieving a comprehensive, legally binding normalisation agreement. “MEPs also stress that the independence of Kosovo is irreversible and call on the EU countries that have not yet recognised Kosovo to do so immediately,” AFET said in a statement.

Rapporteur for Kosovo, Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, said the report on Kosovo can serve as an important tool to present the European Parliament’s strong commitment towards Kosovo’s EU integration and also provide guidance as to how EU standards can be implemented.

The reports will be submitted to a vote in the European Parliament as a whole at the plenary session in July.

Austria's FM Schallenberg visits Kosovo, calls for visa liberalisation (media)

Austria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg, is visiting Kosovo. He met President Vjosa Osmani, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Donika Gervalla-Schwarz and will meet Prime Minister Albin Kurti later in the day.

At a joint press conference with Gervalla-Schwarz, Schallenberg called for visa liberalisation for Kosovo saying this should happen as soon as possible. On the issue of dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Schallenberg underlined the importance of the process: "It is natural that full normalisation and recognition will be at the end," he is quoted as saying. He also noted that the situation in Ukraine should serve as a wake up call for the EU and that in light of this, the EU should tackle the Western Balkans integration as a priority.

Gervalla-Schwarz meanwhile noted that Austria deserves to be considered an important actor in the Western Balkans' European Union integration. On dialogue with Serbia, she said: "I am very happy that our cooperation is close. I underlined our readiness and seriousness in the process which could end very soon if Serbia would give up blocking it."

“Open Balkan has meaning only if six countries are involved” (Klan Kosova)

Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro, Jovana Marovic, said in an interview with Vijesti that she views the Open Balkan as an initiative that aims to contribute to the economic development of the region and that the initiative has meaning only if all six countries of the Western Balkans are involved. “I see the Open Balkan as an initiative aimed at contributing to economic development and improving economic cooperation between countries in the region,” she said.

Delegation from Croatian parliament visits Kosovo Assembly (media)

A delegation from Croatian Parliament's Committee on European Affairs, headed by its chairman Domagoj Hajdukovic, is visiting Kosovo. They met today Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca and members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora.

"Our two friendly countries share common democratic values and nurture excellent cooperation relations. At the same time, the Republic of Croatia remains a strong ally and supporter of the Republic of Kosovo's integration processes," Konjufca said on social media after the meeting. He also said he thanked Croatian legislators for their role in strengthening friendship between Kosovo and Croatia

Chairman of the Kosovo Assembly's committee Haki Abazi said that bilateral cooperation, as well as foreign policy priorities were discussed in the meeting. These, Abazi said, included Kosovo's membership bid for the Council of Europe, NATO's Partnership for Peace programme, regional cooperation within the Berlin Process, situation in Ukraine, Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Kosovo's European integration process, situation with five EU countries that have not recognised independence of Kosovo, and visa liberalisation. 




Serbian Language Media


Vucic: There will be no power anywhere, hard winter ahead; no mention of mutual recognition in the negotiating framework with the EU (Danas, Beta)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic said today that he was very worried about how things would develop in the coming period, especially next winter, because he was not sure how the conflict in Ukraine will end and what effects it could have on Serbia, Europe, and the rest of the world, reported Danas.

"I am especially worried about the winter because the oil has jumped again, there will be no electricity anywhere, and gas - that is the question. It will be a difficult winter for all of us," said Vucic after visiting the Monument to the Heroes from Kosare.

Vucic also said that many behave as if Serbia was "their easiest target". He said that the state was fighting and did all in accordance with the possibilities, and that those who have a different opinion were slowly starting to understand that.

"We have a fair approach to both western and eastern partners. We tell everyone in person what we think. And every day, analysts tell us that we will no longer be able to sit on two chairs. People, you did not understand when we said 100 times - we have our own policy. And we boldly say that to both," he added, reported Danas. 

"Euroscepticism is growing, but we are on the European path, rational ahead of emotions"

Vucic stated that Euroscepticism was growing every day, but that Serbia remained on the European path, noting that rational must be ahead of emotions. 

"We have to set things up rationally. Can we do without Europe and their investments? Are we emotionally overjoyed by their statements about Kosovo and Metohija and foreign policy pressures? Well, no one is, but we must be reasonable enough, so that our emotions do not prevail, "said Vucic.

He stated that ''we must conduct policy in accordance with our essential, real interests" and in the future, stating that his mandate will last five years, and that the government would be elected soon, reported Danas. 

"There is no mention of mutual recognition in the negotiating framework with the EU"

Vucic also said that the "full normalization" of relations between Belgrade and Pristina was officially in the negotiating framework with the EU, but that mutual recognition was not mentioned anywhere, the daily reported.

Asked about continuation of negotiations with Pristina after the statement of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the recognition of Kosovo, Vucic said that "it is ours to negotiate".

"We do not have a problem with the issue of missing persons, but we are asking for every right we give to the other side for ourselves. As far as encroaching on statehood and territorial integrity is concerned, we respect international public law, to which the entire world refers so much. We are just repeating what the West is constantly saying when they call for respect for the territorial integrity of Ukraine," Vucic said.

He added that in the coming period he expected "fierce" criticism of Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija and "non-introduction of restrictive measures" against Russia.

Asked what his expectations are from the meeting of EU and Western Balkan leaders on June 23 in Brussels, Vucic said that it would be "interesting" at the Union's headquarters.

"For the first time, no one knows what will happen; I can only guess. Now I am waiting for Pristina to be rewarded with visa liberalization and to explain how they will reward them and not others," said the President of Serbia.

Commenting on the frequent attacks on Serbs and their property in Kosovo, Vucic assessed that the Pristina authorities "are preparing many things against our people", reported Danas daily.

"They are filing criminal charges against the people who opposed them in the north, their only goal is to clean up the north, and everyone is pretending that nothing is happening," Vucic said.

He added that ''Kosovo and Metohija is the only place where a military conflict took place and where the rate of return of displaced persons is lower than three percent''.

"Less than three percent of displaced Serbs have returned, there is no similar situation anywhere in the world. The great ones, when they make a mistake, will not admit it, but always justify their policy. We consider it the worst aggression, but they will not change their attitude," Vucic said.

The President of Serbia confirmed that the director of the Office for KiM, Petar Petkovic, recently met in Istanbul with representatives of KEDS, reported KoSSev portal.

"Petkovic had excellent talks with the representatives of KEDS in Istanbul, very good and very decent and I believe that we will succeed in doing what concerns KEDS and our side and distribution in the North in accordance with what was agreed" Vucic said. But he added that he heard that "Albanians have something against it again", reported the portal. He also said that Elektrosever will be in charge of distribution. 

AFET adopts report on Serbia; "Urgent" sanctions on Russia demanded; legally binding agreement based on mutual recognition between Belgrade and Pristina (Danas)

The Foreign Policy Committee of the European Parliament adopted most of the amendments to the text of the resolution on Serbia. The document asks Serbia for a closer harmonization with EU foreign and security policy, with special emphasis on the request for Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia, but also to normalize relations with Pristina, so that Serbia's path to the EU continues, reported Danas daily. 

The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament (AFET) is sitting in Brussels today, which voted on the amendments to the resolution of the EP rapporteur for Serbia, Vladimir Bilcik.

The document states that Serbia, as a candidate for membership, should show adherence to EU policies and standards, among others in relation to Russia, where Belgrade should comply with the Union's restrictive measures, review relations in the economic sphere and defense policy, and fight against disinformation from the Kremlin.

Danas reported, in a separate article, that for the first time, the adopted report explicitly stated the expectation of "mutual recognition" of Serbia and Kosovo, i.eBelgrade and Pristina are expected to sign a legally binding agreement based on mutual recognition.

The daily notes that this was in line with the direct messages on the recognition of Kosovo given by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz during his recent visit to Belgrade and Pristina.

Several amendments were also rejected.

The report was adopted with 50 votes in favour and five votes against.

The European Parliament will decide on this resolution in July, recalled Danas.

Bilcik on the report: "It is not an ultimatum, the government in Serbia should decide whether it will be on the right side of history" (Danas)

"In the report on Serbia, we gave a clear call to the Serbian authorities to make decisive choices," said Vladimir Bilcik, the EP's rapporteur for Serbia, after his text of the resolution on Serbia was adopted by the European Parliament's Foreign Policy Committee (AFET).

Serbia is the weakest in the region when it comes to harmonization with the EU foreign policy regarding sanctions against Russia, Bilcik pointed out.

"I emphasize very clearly that we are not presenting this in order to give an ultimatum, but it must be clear to the Serbian authorities what we expect from them. Serbia should make a decisive choice and be on the right side of history," the EU rapporteur for Serbia said.

Bilcik stated that the report on Serbia was primarily about the rule of law and European values - such as rule of law and democratic values, but that the war in Ukraine brought "a major change in the rules of the game in European politics", and that this cannot be ignored or left out of the report, which is why the emphasis is on Serbia's harmonization with foreign and security policy.

- The report clearly says that the future of Serbia is in the EU, the perspective of membership is very clear. The report highlights key areas where we expect more decisive progress, Bilcik said, reported Danas.

Bilcik against the wording ‘mutual recognition’ (KoSSev, RFE)

Vladimir Bilcik, said that he was not satisfied that the wording on mutual recognition was included in the text, reported portal KoSSev, citing RFE.

"Most governments recognize Kosovo and have a majority in the European Parliament, so the political decision of the political majority is for this to be in the text. However, the recognition is not in the hands of the parliament and that is what the Serbian public should understand, "Bilcik said at the end of the vote, reported KoSSev.

He reiterated that ''the issue of recognition of Kosovo is the exclusive prerogative and right of the governments of the EU member states'', and that at this moment he did not see any progress towards possible recognition. In this regard, he confirmed that he was in contact with his government in Slovakia, and expressed his belief that the issue of recognition "is not a topic" in Bratislava, reported KoSSev.

Vucic: Non-paper presented, Austria wants tangible enlargement process (N1, Beta, FoNet)

Austrian Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Alexander Schallenberg met Monday in Belgrade with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and presented an Austrian non-paper.

The non-paper seeks to make the European Union enlargement process much more tangible and to create a possibility for candidate countries to gradually integrate with EU policies that are beneficial to all of them, the President’s Office for Media Relations said.

Vucic said Serbia appreciates Austria’s commitment to speeding up its European integration and hopes for continued support on this path. “I informed minister Schallenberg of the challenges that the Western Balkan countries face on their European path,” said Vucic.

He told Schallenberg that it was in Serbia’s interest to continue advancing the political dialogue and deepening cooperation with Austria.

Vucic said Austria was the third largest foreign investor in Serbia and its fifth largest foreign trade partner in the services trade. Austrian companies currently employ over 22,000 workers in Serbia, said Vucic, adding that he believes the newly established flights between Belgrade and Salzburg will help further boost cooperation between the two countries, said the President’s media office.

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Western Balkan migrant route most used in 2022 (Euractive)

The Western Balkan route is now the number one preferred route for smuggling illegal and irregular migrants into the EU, according to new data from Frontex, the EU border guard agency.

The number of irregular entries into Europe increased by 82% during the first half of 2022 compared to the same period last year. Half of those crossing, or 40,675 illegal entries, came through the Western Balkan route.

“This is nearly three times the figure from the same period of last year. The main nationalities on this route included Syrians and Afghans. Most of the people detected had been in the Western Balkans already for some time before seeking to enter the EU,” according to Frontex.

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