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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, November 2, 2023

Albanian Language Media:

  • Kurti: In order to preserve community, discrimination must be fought (media)
  • President Osmani meets Dora Bakojanis (RTK)
  • EU: We will soon invite Bislimi and Petkovic to Brussels (Reporteri)
  • Kryeziu: Discussions can only continue where they left off on October 26 (RTK)
  • Rama announces "supportive visit" to Kosovo after acceptance of EU plan (media)
  • Krasniqi: Government MPs with monthly income close to €2000, voted against miners and policemen (media)
  • Queue in front of vehicle registration centre in the north of Kosovo (RFE)
  • SPO raids house of Isni Kilaj (media)

Serbian Language Media:

  • Vucic informed Bocan-Kharchenko about the difficult situation in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)
  • Vucic: I will never sign the independence of Kosovo (Kosovo Online)
  • Kurti accepted the CSM, Vucic agreed to the agreement, asking to sign it after the elections (N1)
  • Unclear when the population census will be held in Kosovo (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)
  • The house of the Dukic family from Suvi Do near Lipljan robbed (Kosovo Online)


  • Hasani: Unveiling the Parallel: Serbia’s Failed Attempt to Imitate Russia’s Strategy with Neighbours (Prishtina Insight)


  • Why Ursula von der Leyen needs the Balkans to believe in EU membership (Financial Times)



Albanian Language Media  


Kurti: In order to preserve community, discrimination must be fought (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is participating in the Summit of the Western Balkans against Racial Discrimination, under the slogan: "Unity in diversity", which is being held in Pristina. He pledged on behalf of the government to face racial discrimination to defeat racism and fight inequality.

"Since the beginning of our government, we have set our priority and vision for justice for all without distinction", Kurti said, as he added that in order to realise this vision, we must face the injustices that exist, especially discrimination.

He spoke, among other things, about the rights of the Roma and Ashkali communities, for whom he said that a first strategy was approved in 2022, where the fight against discrimination is included as a component in itself.

"In order to preserve the community, we must fight discrimination, and to deal with cases of discrimination, we must do it where it is most present", Kurti said.

President Osmani meets Dora Bakojanis (RTK)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani received today the rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Greece’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs Dora Bakojanis.

Dora Bakojanis is the rapporteur for Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe from the Committee for Political Affairs and Democracy in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Bakojanis will draft the comprehensive consultative report for the commission for politics and democracy, which goes for approval in the plenary session of the CoE parliamentary assembly.

Dora Bakojanis was the Foreign Minister of Greece, as the first woman in the highest post in Greece and with a sensational political career, which makes her well aware of the circumstances in the Balkans.

EU: We will soon invite Bislimi and Petkovic to Brussels (Reporteri)

A meeting at the level of chief negotiators between Kosovo and Serbia will soon take place in Brussels. In an answer to the news webpage, the spokesperson of the EU, Peter Stano, said that the mediator of the EU is planning to quickly organise this meeting.

"The EU facilitator is planning to organise a meeting soon at the level of chief negotiators to continue discussions on advancing the implementation of the Agreement on the Road to Normalisation following the informal meeting in support of the October 26 Dialogue," Stano said in an answer to

Kryeziu: Discussions can only continue where they left off on October 26 (RTK)

The spokesperson of the government of Kosovo, Perparim Kryeziu, has stated that the discussions in Brussels can only continue where they were left on October 26. According to Kryeziu, the meetings on October 26 have clarified the way forward

"Now and for sometime, what is needed is the implementation of the Basic Agreements and its annex. This has been our commitment in the dialogue process since February 27 and March 18", he told RTKlive.

According to him, the meetings of October 26 have clarified the way forward. "Discussions can only continue where they left off on October 26. In our opinion, the signing of the Agreement is the guarantee of the final acceptance and its full implementation. The international pressure on Serbia to sign it is nothing more than a demand for its respect and implementation", Kryeziu said.

Rama announces "supportive visit" to Kosovo after acceptance of EU plan (media)

Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama has said that Albania will strongly support Kosovo in the implementation of the Basic Agreement, while it will continue to play its role in promoting peace.

“I couldn't be prouder of Albania's firm and concrete contribution to the ongoing difficult process of normalising relations between Kosovo and Serbia. However, the ASMM draft statute accepted by Kosovo and Serbia as a suitable working document is an EU draft.

Albania will strongly support Kosovo in implementing the Basic Agreement and will continue to play its part in promoting peace, stability, and regional cooperation among all countries in our neighbourhood. I will soon be going to Pristina to personally show my support,” Rama wrote on X platform.

Krasniqi: Government MPs with monthly income close to €2000, voted against miners and policemen (media)

The leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Memli Krasniqi has reacted after the non-support of the MPs of the government for the motion for parliamentary debate on the miners of "Trepca" and for the allowances for the policemen.

"MPs of the parliamentary majority, with a monthly income close to 2,000 euros, today voted against the miners and policemen of their country, who every day risk their health and lives for the state of Kosovo. Does it go any further? This Assembly has lost all understanding of what it is called for. These MPs no longer represent anyone or anything except their own interests and personal gains. What a shame!", Krasniqi wrote on Facebook.

Queue in front of vehicle registration centre in the north of Kosovo (RFE)

A convoy of vehicles with "KM" licence plates was seen on the morning of November 2 in front of the Registration Center in North Mitrovica, after the government of Kosovo decided on October 30 to postpone the deadline for the re-registration of vehicles with illegal Serbian licence plates in those of RKS - Republic of Kosovo.

The postponement of the deadline was preceded by a request from the Kosovo Police Directorate for the northern region addressed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo. This request was based on the requests of citizens who requested that this term be extended.

According to the government's decision, the deadline for re-registration of cars with Serbian licence plates such as "PR", "KM", "PZ" and the like will be until December 1.

Sinisa from North Mitrovica, who was waiting in line in front of the Registration Center from 7:30, told Radio Free Europe that he was relieved by the decision of the government of Kosovo and that people were left with no other solution, apart from re-registration in the RKS , as they cannot move freely between Kosovo and Serbia.

"What do I do? You can leave Kosovo, but you cannot re-enter".

Asked why he had not yet re-registered his car with RKS plates, he said he believed he would still be able to drive his car with "KM" plates.

"We all feel deceived," said Sinisa.

The licence plate issue has caused a series of crises in the north of Kosovo, inhabited by a majority of Serbs.

Initially, on July 31, 2022, barricades were set due to the issue of licence plates and in November of the same year, Serbs left the institutions of Kosovo in the north, after the director of the police for the northern region, Nenad Djuric, was suspended. Djuric had refused to implement the decision of the government of Kosovo on the re-registration of cars with Serbian licence plates to the RKS.

The plan of the government of Kosovo from October of last year envisaged that from April 21, 2023 only the movement of vehicles with RKS licence plates would be allowed.

On November 23, 2022, in the dialogue mediated by the European Union, Kosovo and Serbia reached an agreement on licence plates issued by Serbian authorities for cities in Kosovo.

According to the agreement, Serbia agreed not to issue new licence plates and Kosovo waived the penalties provided for in the plan for re-registration of cars.

However, both sides later interpreted this agreement differently.

On December 6, 2022, the government of Serbia adopted a decree on the basis of which vehicles with "KM" licence plates are allowed to drive without a registration tag, i.e. they only need to show officials an insurance policy and a technical inspection certificate.

Official Pristina interpreted this step of Belgrade as a renewal of registration on the grounds that it contradicts the Brussels agreement. Therefore, Kosovo authorities banned the movement of cars with "KM" licence plates in the north that were registered in the Serbian system after the agreement on licence plates was reached in November 2022.

However, the deputy director of the Kosovo Police for the northern region, Veton Elshani, confirmed for Radio Free Europe that the Kosovo Police after the deadline for re-registration did not consider fines for citizens because this was a "political issue".

SPO raids house of Isni Kilaj (media)

News websites report that the Specialist Prosecutor’s Office (SPO) raided today the house of Isni Kilaj, an official of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) in Malisheve. 

This was confirmed by the head of KLA war veterans organisation in Malisheve, Metush Kryeziu.

"Indignated by such cowardly acts. In the wake of these raids, members of EULEX this morning continued to raid the house of Commander Isni Kilaj. What is happening? Why is a group of people which is close to Thaci being targeted? This court, already lacking facts, is making a spectacle. Shame!" he said.

Serbian Language Media


Vucic informed Bocan-Kharchenko about the difficult situation in Kosovo (RTS, Tanjug)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, received the Ambassador of the Russian Federation, Aleksandar Bocan-Kharchenko, who he informed about the recent talks in Brussels and informed him in more detail about the difficult situation in Kosovo, reported RTS. 

President Vucic emphasized that ‘’Serbia remains committed to preserving peace and stability, while the authorities in Pristina continue the daily persecution of the Serbian population, especially in the north of Kosovo, which leads to the ethnic cleansing of the Serbian people’’.

Vucic reiterated that any recognition of ‘’the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo is not acceptable for Serbia’’, as it is firmly committed to respecting international law and preserving national and state interests, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced.

The interlocutors agreed that it is of essential importance to form the Community of Serbian Municipalities, which Pristina persistently avoids. Vucic thanked for the consistent support that the Russian Federation provides to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia, both in the United Nations and in other international forums.

Vucic and Bocan-Kharchenko stated that Serbian-Russian relations are developing successfully, with the hope that comprehensive cooperation will continue in the future. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on current regional and global topics.

Vucic: I will never sign the independence of Kosovo (Kosovo Online)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said today that he will never sign the independence of Kosovo, thus responding, as he stated, to the untruths presented in the pre-election campaign.

In a video message on the "buducnostsrbijeav" Instagram account, Vucic pointed out that falsehoods and lies are heard in every election campaign.

"As the President of the Republic, I have to react to something that does not concern me, that does not concern the block of political parties that I personally support but concerns the state and the basic postulates on which our country rests. Namely, as they said in the last campaign, that they are against the sanctions against Russia, and I will personally introduce them on April 3, and after the election I did not do that, and they are still advocating for sanctions against the Russian Federation, so now they invented that I am ready to sign the independence of Kosovo, just for the elections to pass. I want you, people of Serbia, to know that this is a notorious lie. And as an honourable man, but not only that, but also as a man who respects the Constitution of his country, the laws of his country, and who loves more than anything people in Kosovo and Metohija and who will always stick to the law and the letter of the oath taken on Miroslav's Gospel, I want to tell you that this is a notorious lie. They cannot bring Serbia down with lies, and that is why I am sure that work and results will always win. I will never sign the independence of Kosovo, and to the credit of all those on the Serbian political scene who tell such lies," said Vucic. Kurti accepted the CSM, Vucic agreed to the agreement, asking to sign it after the elections (N1)

During the separate meetings of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Brussels with representatives of the European Union, significant steps were taken towards the formation of the Community of Serbian Municipalities. As Nova learns, the proposal for the Statute of this community was accepted by both parties, but currently a suitable form is being sought that will satisfy Belgrade and Pristina, cited N1.

Nova portal sources point out that, in addition to Kurti accepting the establishment of the CSM, Vucic also accepted the draft and implementation dynamics of the Ohrid agreement, but demanded that there be no signature before December 17, when elections are held in Serbia.

After separate meetings at the EU headquarters, it seemed that the two sides were far from any agreement. While the President of Serbia claimed that Kosovo's membership in the UN is unacceptable for Serbia, messages came from Pristina that it was Vucic who refused to sign the agreement proposed by Brussels.

Nova portal writes that it could be heard five days later that progress had been made and that the EU expects concrete moves, when the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in the capital of Serbia. At the press conference, she explained that she is asking Belgrade to accept the agreement offered by the EU, while Pristina is obliged to implement it and establish the CSM.

"What is it? It is about the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. It foresees certain steps, such as the recognition of documents, institutions, and on the other hand, it goes along with the establishment of the Community/Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority, which Kosovo should implement. This will pave the way for the normalization of relations," emphasized the guest from Brussels, and then added that it is important for Serbia to support the Statute of the CSM. 

"It is crucial for both sides. That is why it is important that Serbia supports the Statute of the ZSO, and Kosovo must implement that Statute. In addition, Serbia must start implementing the existing agreements and not waste time on it,'' she said.

Where did such demands and expectations come from in moments when it seemed that the negotiations were at a dead end?

According to Nova's sources, the head of the European Commission made this request based on the epilogue of (separate) meetings that Vucic and Kurti had with EU representatives.

"Kurti accepted the establishment of CSM and the Statute that was created. This proposal of the Statute has been accepted by both sides and now we are only looking for a form that will "seal" the agreement. The statute provides a complete Kosovo framework, so the CSM will not have any executive functions and security, except in the areas of education, health and the part that concerns transparency in budget financing from Serbia," explains the interlocutor from diplomatic circles, wrote portal Nova.

As the source of Nova said, it is expected that there will be a name change.

"It is very likely that it will not be called the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities, and there is a possibility that some other municipalities with an Albanian majority will be added to that 'association.' The story about the executive functions of that body, similar to what the Republika Srpska has in Bosnia and Herzegovina, simply does not stand and it will definitely not happen," says the interlocutor.

Kurti again with unrealistic demands, Vucic postpones the signing due to the election

According to Nova's source that there are still problems in the negotiations is shown by the fact that the Kosovo PM Kurti, at the meeting with Vucic and EU representatives, asked for a formal, i.e., ceremonial, signing of the agreement.

On the other hand, the President of Serbia emphasized that the possible signature can only come after the end of the elections in Serbia, which are planned for December 17.

"That's where Kurti's request to join the EU and NATO appeared, and he also requested that the five member states that did not recognize Kosovo do so. Vucic accepted the draft and the dynamics of the implementation of the Ohrid agreement, but without signature, but that does not mean that there will be no signature. The course of the negotiations was significantly influenced by the fact that two models of agreement were proposed: One that would include a detailed statement from both parties and would have the same weight as the signatures, and the other that would include separate agreements between the two parties with the European Union. Vucic accepted everything, including the signing of the agreement, but not with Kurti on the same document. Also, he emphasized that the possible signature can only come after the end of the elections in Serbia and suggested, among other things, that the President of France visit Belgrade in the next month and a half, which coincides with the period of the pre-election campaign," explains the interlocutor of Nova portal.

Unclear when the population census will be held in Kosovo (KiM radio, Radio Gorazdevac)

Representatives of the non-governmental organizations "Aktiv" from North Mitrovica and "Eye of vision" from Pec told Radio Gorazdevac that they do not know whether there will be a census in Kosovo, given that the Kosovo Statistics Agency is not ready for a census, and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti is determined that it is held anyway.

The head of the department for practical policies in the NGO Aktiv, Igor Markovic, says that he is not optimistic when it comes to holding the census in the north of Kosovo.

-According to the latest statements of Prime Minister Albin Kurti, the population census will be held, allegedly, based on the original plan, i.e., in the period between the first and the fifteenth of November. This would practically mean that it would be held on the entire territory of Kosovo. What is problematic is that the representative of the Kosovo Statistics Agency announced that there are no basic political and security prerequisites for holding a population census in the North of Kosovo due to the unpleasant events that happened in Banjska on September 24.

Markovic says that the research conducted by the NGO Aktiv last year, which concerned the perception of Kosovo Serbs regarding the upcoming census, gave very interesting results.

"Among other things, approximately 50% of citizens stated that they will actually participate in the upcoming census. This is actually a very surprising result considering that the previous cycle of the population census organized in 2011 in Kosovo was boycotted by the majority of members of the Kosovo Serb community. I strongly believe that these results would change if the research was conducted in the current period. In the sense that there really are no basic prerequisites for conducting a population census. By conducting a population census not only in the North of Kosovo, but generally speaking in Serbian areas," said Igor Markovic.

As one of the problems, Markovic considers the lack of organization of the institutions that oversee conducting the census, as well as the untimely notification of the Serbian community in their native language.

"What is problematic is that the Kosovo Agency for Statistics, as well as all other relevant institutions involved in the preparation and execution of the population census, did not inform the public on time in the Serbian language about how and in what manner the population census will be held and carried out. So, from that perspective, I believe that if the enumeration process really begins, truly the census of people will face extremely strong resistance from the Kosovo Serbs, and in the end, in that sense, we could say that the enumeration process would be unsuccessful," Igor told Radio Gorazdevac.

The general director of the non-governmental organization "Eye of vision" from Pec, Veton Mujaj, says in an interview with Radio Gorazdevac that, according to the current situation, the census will not take place soon. As he says, there are plenty of reasons for that.

"I see that the census will not take place, because it was supposed to take place in 2022, then in September, so it was postponed to the first of November. We have a statistics agency that says it won't be able to be held due to various conditions. The collection of the electronic material needed for the census has not been completed, the commissions in four municipalities in the north were created two months ago, and six months of work are needed. Then there are other problems, which were conveyed to the Government, that it is necessary to find another time. Partners say that it is not good to work in a period when it is too cold or hot, looking for the best time to start with it. So, another problem was created in the North because it is not known whether the census will be received in the North, the goal of the partners is for everyone to participate. There will be a census, when? No one knows that now," said Veton Mujaj for Radio Gorazdevac.

Based on the results of the survey filled out by citizens on the Radio Gorazdevac website, the following results were:

When asked whether they will participate in the upcoming census, 60% of respondents say they do not know whether they will participate, while 40% said they will not participate in the census.

When it comes to the influence of Belgrade, the Serbian List or the Kosovo authorities on their decision not to/participate in the census, 100% of citizens who filled out the survey on the Radio Gorazdevac website say that no one can influence their decision.

When asked if they think that the Serbian community will boycott the upcoming population census in Kosovo, 60% of respondents say that they will not, while 40% of them said that they do not know.

The house of the Dukic family from Suvi Do near Lipljan robbed (Kosovo Online)

In Suvi Dol, near Lipljan, the house of the Ivica Dukic family was broken into and robbed last night.

The Dukic family is currently in Serbia, and the fact that the house was broken into was noticed this morning by the first neighbor who reported the case to the police.

The police came to the scene and investigated.

As Kosovo Online learns, the thieves entered the house through the window, rummaged through all the things and took appliances. 





Hasani: Unveiling the Parallel: Serbia’s Failed Attempt to Imitate Russia’s Strategy with Neighbours (Prishtina Insight)

Opinion piece by Adelina Hasani, a researcher with the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, KCSS, co-founder of the initiative Femaktiv in Prizren and editor-in-chief of Prizma Medium.

Serbian authorities attempted to legitimize the terrorist attack in the north of Kosovo by presenting it as an effort to protect Serb minorities from the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. This narrative draws parallels to the Russian Federation’s legitimation attempts for its aggression against neighboring countries, as in the case of Ukraine.

In the north of Kosovo, specifically in the village of Banjskë, a heavily armed and highly equipped terrorist group launched a military attack on September 24, resulting in one policeman being shot dead and another being wounded in a seemingly well-prepared and prearranged ambush. The well-organized armed assault clearly represented a direct act of aggression against Kosovo’s territorial integrity and national security.

The government of Kosovo has presented compelling evidence that this attack was meticulously planned and orchestrated by the Serbian government. 

The Kosovo Police have seized a substantial cache of weapons, including heavily armored vehicles, hundreds of firearms, explosives, machine guns, drones, rocket launchers, anti-personnel mines, uniforms, and logistical equipment, among other items. Furthermore, they have also discovered provisions that are expected to sustain the attackers for an extended period.

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Why Ursula von der Leyen needs the Balkans to believe in EU membership (Financial Times)

Balkan odyssey 

It was armed with both carrots and sticks that Ursula von der Leyen toured the Balkans this week, to give encouragement to those governments working hardest to meet EU membership standards, and warn the laggards that Brussels’ newfound appetite for enlargement might not last forever. 

Context: the six western Balkan states of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are all aspirant EU members. Accession for any of them looked a distant prospect until Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine last spring got Brussels talking seriously about enlarging the EU again.

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