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UNMIK Media Observer, Afternoon Edition, February 14, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • Ismaili: CBK regulation has not banned any currency (RTK)
  • Murati on CBK regulation: Belgrade propaganda creating confusion (Klan)
  • Kurti meets Davenport, discuss transition phase for CBK regulation (media)
  • Kurti only words of praise for his government on 3rd anniversary of victory (Koha)
  • Bajrami: Because of Kurti, U.S. questioning partnership with Kosovo (media)
  • Serwer: EU, U.S. were wrong to appease Serbia and punish Kosovo (Kallxo)
  • Kanin: Kurti’s actions make everyone forget about Banjska (RFE)
  • Ex UNMIK chief: Kosovo Serbs, hostage of Belgrade destabilizing policies (media)
  • “Darling, you’ve failed” – LDK with symbolic action in front of govt building (Koha)

Serbian Language Media:

  • NATO SG urges all sides in Western Balkans to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric and actions (Tanjug)
  • Yet another shipment of dinars for Kosovo stopped at Jarinje (RTS)
  • Serbian List meets French MEPs (Kosovo Online)
  • Biden congratulates Vucic and the Serbian people the Statehood Day (NMagazin, Beta, media)
  • Exhibitions, events to mark Serbian Statehood Day (N1)
  • Vucic meets Russian Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko (Tanjug)
  • Nova: Marko Djuric the new head of diplomacy? (Danas, FoNet)
  • Djuric: US companies condemn Pristina's blockade of Serbian goods (Kosovo Online)
  • Ugljanin: There are no flyers calling for violence against Kosovo police on streets of Mitrovica, my statement was misinterpreted (Danas)
  • Lucic: Signal for users in northern Kosovo to be restored today, criminal complaint against Hetemi filed (Kosovo Online)


  • Advertising inequality (Kosovo 2.0)
  • New Gas Supplies For the Western Balkans Facilitates a Geopolitical Game Rather Than the Green Energy Transition (



Albanian Language Media  


Ismaili: CBK regulation has not banned any currency (RTK)

Central Bank of Kosovo (CBK) Governor Ahmet Ismaili said that the regulation on cash payment operations, which has triggered many reactions, was adopted with the aim of securing integrity and improving the financial system of Kosovo. He said that the CBK sent a letter to the Serbian National Bank confirming their readiness to find the best solution for the interest of the citizens.

“Politics should not have to deal with the Central Bank in Kosovo or in Serbia. We have our institutions. I had the opportunity to personally inform the Governor of the Serbian National Bank during a very good conversation in Frankfurt last year at the European Central Bank. I don’t see any differences between us in terms of professionalism and I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t cooperate for the interest of our citizens. If politicians stay outside this domain, perhaps they are used to interfering, but if they do stay outside this domain, I am sure we would be able to resolve every issue that is in the interest of our country. They have enough topics to address, but if politicians are left to decide on the financial system of a country, I can say that this system will not have a good perspective. Not that politicians are bad people, but they have their own work, and we have ours,” Ismaili argued.

Ismaili said that the Serbian Dinar has not been banned and that the Euro is the only currency for payments. “If we were to ban the Dinar, we would have to ban the Pound, Franc, and Dollar too. In fact, they are not banned, it [the regulation] only provides that only one currency serves as a means of payment, and that is the Euro. All other currencies, including the Dinar, are allowed to be kept in possession. Namely, any Serb from Kosovo does not violate the law when he keeps Dinars in his pocket, that is their choice, and they also have the right to convert them in a licensed institution, either Euros into Dinars or Dinars into Euros, they have the right to have a savings bank account if the bank offers it in Dinars,” he said. He also added that no article of the regulation prohibits receiving funds from Serbia.

Murati on CBK regulation: Belgrade propaganda creating confusion (Klan)

Kosovo’s Minister of Finance, Hekuran Murati, told a press conference in Pristina today that “Belgrade’s propaganda” about the Central Bank of Kosovo’s regulation on cash payment operations is creating confusion. “In terms of the objective of the CBK regulation and many other laws that we have adopted, all our international partners are in unison in supporting us all the way. I believe you have seen this from the statements of the embassies too. There is no dilemma about the objective we want to achieve. The only difference is how to design the transitioning period. You have also seen that the CBK is also greatly involved … to address questions and concerns. Oftentimes these are also a result of the propaganda that comes from certain elements mainly from Belgrade to create confusion about an issue that is completely technical and legal,” he said.

Murati also said that “the main reason why Belgrade is opposing the regulation is because it will no longer be able to finance illegal activities in Kosovo”.

Kurti meets Davenport, discuss transition phase for CBK regulation (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti met on Tuesday with the OSCE Head of Mission in Kosovo Michael Davenport, and discussed current developments, including the transition phase and the information campaign on the enforcement of the regulation of the Central Bank, and areas of cooperation. “The meeting highlighted the importance of effective communication with the public, and mentioned the Prime Minister’s video message for the Serb community in Kosovo in Serbian language about the content, purpose and enforcement of the regulation,” a press release issued by Kurti’s office notes.

Kurti only words of praise for his government on 3rd anniversary of victory (Koha)

The news website notes that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti had “only words of praise for the work of his government on the third anniversary of Vetevendosje’s victory in the general elections when they won over 50 percent of votes”.

“Today is February 14, the day that marks the third anniversary of our historical victory. The third anniversary of the great democratic, political, and social change. This was only an electoral victory, but a moment of a great overturn in Kosovo. It was an electoral evolution, where justice was triumphant over discrimination and public interest prevailed over personal and private interest. We have governed with clean hands, by protecting the country, legality, and peace. We overcame major challenges with courage and determination,” Kurti said in today’s government meeting.

Kurti said the government came to the people’s aid with the fiscal package to help them overcome global challenges with energy and living costs that came after the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

Referring to the opposition, Kurti argued that they are trying to stop reforms in the economy and judiciary but that “reforms are taking place”. “We created support platforms for youth as promised, we fought crime and corruption, and we destroyed gangs as we had promised. We invested more than all other previous governments in the Kosovo Security Force. We returned the customs terminal to the state, and we turned public enterprises into profiting enterprises,” he said.

According to Kurti, after February 14, 2021, Kosovo is stronger, more stable, and a better place to live in. “Today marks not only the day of love, but also the day of love for the values and commitment to Kosovo,” he said.

Bajrami: Because of Kurti, U.S. questioning partnership with Kosovo (media)

MP from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Hykmete Bajrami, criticized Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti today for his policies saying that because of them Kosovo’s partnership with the United States of America is being questioned for the first time ever. “Today on the third anniversary of the governance of Kurti and the Vetevendosje Movement, this is the reality: thanks to Kurti’s policies, the U.S. or the first time in history are questioning the partnership with Kosovo. For 231 days, Kosovo has been under sanctions from the EU, and Albin has accepted Zajednica [the Association of Serb-majority municipalities],” Bajrami writes in a Facebook post.

Serwer: EU, U.S. were wrong to appease Serbia and punish Kosovo (Kallxo)

U.S. political commentator on the Balkans and professor at John Hopkins University, Daniel Serwer, said in an interview with the news website, that the European Union and the United States of America have made serious errors in relation with Kosovo in the last two years. “Both the EU and the U.S. in the last two days, in my opinion, have made serious mistakes by appeasing Serbia and punishing Kosovo. The opposite would be closer to a good policy, I think,” he argued.

Asked how the international community’s involvement affected the political development of Kosovo and its ability to address domestic and foreign challenges, Serwer said that the international community was good with Kosovo in the past and that the current democratic and economic development would not have been possible without international aid.

Serwer also said that Kosovo needs to improve its relations with the United States and the EU. “I don’t blame only Pristina for the current lack of trust, but Pristina must avoid scoring its own goals with its international partners. More consultations can be useful,” he said.

Kanin: Kurti’s actions make everyone forget about Banjska (RFE)

David Kanin, professor of European Studies at John Hopkins University in the U.S. in an interview with the news website said that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s actions are “helping Serbia” and “making everyone forget about Banjska”. “The Americans don’t want Kurti to do things that cause troubles in the region, and which the west wants to be really quiet, as it is dealing with everything else happening in the world,” he argued.

The news website notes that the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, James O’Brien, said on Tuesday that the Kosovo government is jeopardizing its partnership with the United States with its decision not to allow the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo. Kanin said “this means a lot, because the U.S. is the protector of Kosovo”. He did not rule out the possibility of sanctions but added that the U.S. would not go as far as to cut off relations with Kosovo.

Kanin also argued that Kosovo should postpone as long as possible the enforcement of the decision on the Serbian Dinar or revoke it completely.

Ex UNMIK chief: Kosovo Serbs, hostage of Belgrade destabilizing policies (media)

Former UN chief administrator in Kosovo, Soren Jessen-Petersen, said in an interview with the news website on Tuesday that the EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia is the only way forward. Asked if he believes an eventual agreement could be reached this year, he said: “I am afraid this will not happen, given the current political leadership in Serbia”.

He said that regardless of the progress made, Kosovo is still faced with domestic and foreign challenges. “There is a threat that the overload of talks and political disputes will discourage the new generation of leaders engaged in politics,” he said.

Jessen-Petersen said that Kosovo’s institutions need to do more for the Serbs in terms of feeling they belong in Kosovo and at the same time it needs to be cautious about continuous destabilizing policies by Belgrade and which are keeping many Serbs in Kosovo hostage”.

The former UNMIK chief also called on Kosovo’s political leaders not to take for granted the support of their allies and to be careful in their actions.

“Darling, you’ve failed” – LDK with symbolic action in front of govt building (Koha)

The youth forum of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) through a symbolic action today in front of the Kosovo Government building in Pristina criticized the Kurti-led government. On Valentine’s Day, they raised a banner saying “Darling you have failed”. Another banner said that “love lasts forever, but the mandate lasts four years”.



Serbian Language Media


NATO SG urges all sides in Western Balkans to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric and actions (Tanjug)

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called upon all sides in the Western Balkans to refrain from inflammatory rhetoric and acts that may lead to further escalation of tensions, and at the same time emphasized the importance of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Tanjug news agency reports.

Speaking in a press conference Stoltenberg called upon Belgrade and Pristina to engage in the dialogue under the EU’s auspices, stressing that he encourages both sides to engage in good faith in the negotiations process.

He also said that heightened tensions are present in Kosovo lately and in other parts of the Western Balkans, recalling that he visited the region ahead of Christmas.

Yet another shipment of dinars for Kosovo stopped at Jarinje (RTS)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Petar Petkovic said today yet another shipment of dinars, allocated for pensions, salaries and social aid assistance to Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo was not allowed to enter at Jarinje crossing point, RTS reports.

Petkovic said that “as per instruction of Albin Kurti, today, yet another shipment of dinars, allocated for the salaries, pensions and social aid assistance for the Serbs and non-Albanians in Kosovo, whose survival depends upon the inflow of funds from the Republic of Serbia budget was not allowed to enter at Jarinje administrative crossing point”.

"Members of Kurti's police not only prohibited the entry of dinars, but at the administrative crossing they demonstrated insolence and rudeness towards the representatives of the National Bank of Serbia and the Henderson company, and then chased them away under the threat of arrest", Petkovic said.

By this, Petkovic added, Kurti sent a clear message that the so-called transition period is a lie, and that the work on the operationalization of the decision to ban dinar is under way at all times.

He underlined that the money had been sent in line with established decades long procedures, stipulating that shipment of dinars with all accompanying documents is taken over by British Henderson Company at Jarinje crossing point, and then transferred to the National Bank of Serbia vault in Leposavic, but that the shipment was banned to enter.

“It has become obvious Kurti’s messages that dinar is not banned in Kosovo and Metohija are lies and shameless propaganda, and that his plan of ethnic cleansing of Serbian population in the province is ongoing without delays”, Petkovic said.

The previous shipment of dinar was banned from entering on February 7.

Serbian List meets French MEPs (Kosovo Online)

Serbian List President Zlatan Elek said following the meeting with European Parliament delegation headed by French MP Jean-Lin Lacapelle he informed his guests that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti “makes the lives of Serbs in Kosovo unbearable, in order to drive them out of their centuries-old places”, Kosovo Online portal reports. He added that the French parliamentarians agreed the international community is very much responsible for the situation in Kosovo.

“We spoke of events since Albin Kurti took power, about the extremely difficult position of Serbs, that since Kurti came to power Serbian people are placed under unbearable conditions. Particular emphasis was placed on the latest decision of the Kosovo government to abolish dinar and payment transactions. We received firm promises, I am sure that our interlocutors understood our position and that they will present these facts at the European and French parlaments”, Elek said.

He also said they handed over material to their guests on which it is clearly seen that an old Serbian cemetery was plowed over in the north of Mitrovica, at Brdjane settlement. Elek said they spoke about almost nonexistent progress in return of displaced persons from Kosovo, and that the Community of Serbian Municipalities is important under guarantees of the international community and agreements from Brussels in 2013 and 2015.

Lin-Lacapelle confirmed he spoke with the Serbian List President Elek about difficulties Serbian people face, adding they understand “very strong connection of Serbian people and Kosovo”, He also said they are surprised with “blindness, and perhaps complicity of Europe in terms of Kurti’s provocations”, adding they feel that there is “willingness of Kosovo government to make Serbian people disappear”, the portal reported.

Biden congratulates Vucic and the Serbian people the Statehood Day (NMagazin, Beta, media)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic received the congratulations of the President of the United States of America (USA) Joseph Biden on the occasion of the Statehood Day, February 15, the Presidency announced today, reported NMagazin portal.

"On behalf of the people of the USA, I send my best wishes to you and the Serbian people on the occasion of the celebration of Statehood Day on February 15," the US President's congratulatory message reads and states that "the USA appreciates the support that Serbia provided to Ukraine in defense of its sovereignty and territorial integrity when it faced with the brutal invasion of Russia".

"The USA strongly supports Serbia's path towards EU accession and remains committed to helping Serbia strengthen its democratic institutions towards the fulfillment of this goal. Building a more successful and stable Western Balkans is in the interest of both the USA and Serbia, and during the coming year I look forward to advancing this goal by strengthening regional energy security and expanding our economic ties," it added.

"Our armed forces continue to serve side by side in Sinai, promoting regional peace and security. Serbia's participation in United Nations and European Union peacekeeping missions has also been key to supporting stability in other parts of the world," the US President's congratulatory message stated.

Biden added that he "encourages Serbia to continue with last year's progress achieved in the Dialogue with Kosovo, mediated by the European Union".

"The agreement on normalization and implementation represents key steps towards a more peaceful and successful future for Serbia, the region, and Europe," states the congratulatory message of the US president.

Statehood Day messages from world leaders to Vucic 

Tanjug agency reported that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wished happiness and good health to Vucic and prosperity and well-being to the friendly people of Serbia.

Congratulating Vucic on Statehood Day, French President Emmanuel Macron underscored the significance he attached to the relations between Serbia and France.

"Our cooperation is based on a century-long friendship and includes a large number of fields. I express a desire for France and Serbia to continue to strengthen their relationship, especially through economic projects, including, potentially, the specialised EXPO, to be hosted by Belgrade in 2027. Support for Serbia's European integration remains a priority of our partnership. France will also continue to support the EU-facilitated dialogue towards normalising relations between Belgrade and Pristina," Macron wrote.

Extending his best wishes to Vucic and the people of Serbia, Italian President Sergio Mattarella noted that the past year had seen a further deepening of cooperation between Belgrade and Rome that had enabled the ties between the two countries and peoples to become even stronger.

Vucic also received congratulatory messages from Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Belgium's King Philip, Dutch King Willem-Alexander, Japanese Emperor Naruhito, Saudi King Selman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Bahrein's King Hammad bin Isa Al Khalifa, Moroccan King Mohammed VI, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, Slovenian PM Natasa Pirc Musar and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.

Indian President Droupadi Murmu extended best wishes for Vucic's good health and well-being as well as for continued progress and prosperity of the friendly people of Serbia.

She noted that her visit to beautiful Serbia last year had reconfirmed a mutual commitment to taking the historical relations between the two countries to new heights.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi wrote that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Serbia had significant opportunities to develop their relations in all bilateral, regional and international fields as well as a mutual determination to achieve that, heralding a bright future for the great peoples of Iran and Serbia.

Australian Governor-General David Hurley, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, Singaporean President Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Transitional President of Gabon Brice Oligui Nguema, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov and President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow also sent congratulatory messages.

Exhibitions, events to mark Serbian Statehood Day (N1)

A number of exhibitions and events are being organized to mark Serbian Statehood Day across the country, including a review of the military’s latest arms and equipment, N1 reports.

Serbian statehood day is marked on February 15 to recall the First Serbian Uprising against Ottoman rule in 1804 on the Christian holiday Sretenje (Meeting of our Lord) and that date in 1835 when the first Serbian Constitution was adopted in the city of Kragujevac.

The exhibitions will be staged in Belgrade, Nis, Novi Sad, Uzice, Subotica and Zajecar. They will include copies of Serbian constitutions at the State Archive, awards and decorations, photographs of Kosovo taken in 1903 by Frenchman Albert Khan, the work of Serbian painters, a play about Princess Ljubica, a Museum of Genocide Victims documentary and other events including an exhibition of Cyrilic script through the centuries is set up at the Belgrade Waterfront tower and Sava Promenade.

The Army of Serbia will fire a gun salute at 4 pm from the fortresses in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Nis with a parade of ships and boats in Belgrade and Novi Sad. The military will also exhibit its latest weapons and equipment at Nis Fortress.

Vucic meets Russian Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, Tanjug news agency briefly reported. The meeting took place at the General Secretariat building of the Serbian President.

Nova: Marko Djuric the new head of diplomacy? (Danas, FoNet)

“The former ambassador to the United States, Marko Djuric, could be the minister of foreign affairs in the future government of Serbia, and the fact that some members of Ivica Dacic's cabinet have already been given new responsibilities shows that the path to that position is open for him,” reported Danas, citing Nova daily.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Sunday the return of Djuric to Serbia, where he will "perform one of the most important functions in our country".

Dacic's chief of staff, Nikola Nedeljkovic, was appointed ambassador to Greece at the beginning of February.

''Bearing in mind that Vucic likes surprises, and even more loyal people around him, which Djuric certainly is, there is a chance that he will be at the head of the future government,'' Nova states, Danas cited.

Djuric: US companies condemn Pristina's blockade of Serbian goods (Kosovo Online)

Serbian Ambassador to the United States Marko Djuric, who presented Serbia's economic potential at the Washington hotel Willard, said the US companies had sent an important message condemning the government of Albin Kurti for imposing a blockade on Serbian goods, Radio Television of Vojvodina (RTV) reports.

Officials from the Office of the US Trade Representative, representatives from Congress and federal US institutions, as well as representatives from companies such as Oracle, Mastercard, PepsiCo, Airbnb, Citi, and many others, attended the event at the Willard Hotel, where the concept of lobbying originated.

Djuric emphasized that an important message heard from representatives of US companies was the condemnation of the trade embargo and blockades on Serbian goods implemented by the Albin Kurti-lead government.

"Some US companies, even some US mega-brands, are suffering financial consequences due to Kurti's actions", Djuric told Tanjug news agency.

Djuric: Serbia achieved important diplomatic success; we are one step closer to international isolation of Pristina

Serbia's Ambassador to the United States, Marko Djuric, speaking about the UN SC session, stated in an interview with Vecernje Novosti that Serbia had achieved a significant diplomatic success, which, although appearing small, represented a significant step toward broader international condemnation of unilateral acts by the current Pristina regime. He added that UN member states had not remained silent about “the terror against the Serbian population” in Kosovo but had expressed serious disagreement with Kurti's actions and drastic measures.

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Ugljanin: There are no flyers calling for violence against Kosovo police on streets of Mitrovica, my statement was misinterpreted (Danas)

The President of the North Mitrovica Municipal Assembly, Nedzad Ugljanin, told Danas that flyers calling for violence against the Kosovo police were not distributed in Mitrovica North, as was reported yesterday, but that they were shared only on social networks and Telegram groups.

Ugljanin notes that the Albanian media in Kosovo misinterpreted his statement after the appearance of these flyers.

"I said that the posters were spread on social networks, not that the posters were distributed in the northern part of Mitrovica. The ‘National Defense’ told on social networks, in 4-5 points, how to oppose police officers and workers of the municipal administration," says Ugljanin.

Danas recalls that ‘’the Pristina portals reported this news, including Koha, reporting that the author of the flyer was allegedly a "new organization", and that the "distribution" of the flyer was also confirmed by Ugljanin’’.

"Information from the field is that a new organization 'National Defense' was formed tonight, and they were handing out leaflets to respond with cocktails, stones, and other things against the police, and against the municipal administration," Ugljanin told KTV at the time, reported Danas.

He adds that there are also "witty points" on the list, but there are also dangerous ones, when it is said that ''Molotov cocktails to be thrown at police officers'', reported Danas.

"This is the beginning of rising tensions. We believe that this is a new organization that has appeared on social networks. The leaflets were not seen in the city, but they were distributed on social networks and internet pages. It is certainly connected with the situation surrounding the dinar. There are various organizations that function in the northern part of Mitrovica, we saw the other day that new graffiti with motifs of the Northern Brigade appeared. Perhaps some are individual, but some are more organized and operate over a longer period in the north. They do not contribute to the stabilization, but to the destabilization of the situation in the north of Kosovo. We want the protests to be held in a democratic way as the one that took place two days ago,'' says Ugljanin.

In several groups on Telegram, and then on other social networks, photos of flyers calling for "resistance to Kurti's police" and signed by the previously unknown "National Defense" were published. The Serbian List soon announced that it was a scam and called on citizens not to fall for provocations, with the information that the flyers appeared in the evening, recalled Danas.

Lucic: Signal for users in northern Kosovo to be restored today, criminal complaint against Hetemi filed (Kosovo Online)

Vladimir Lucic, Telekom Serbia CEO said the company would connect two base stations in northern Kosovo today through alternative means to restore signal for MTS phone users, adding a criminal complaint had been filed against Leposavic mayor, Lulzim Hetemi, for gross violation of official authority.

Lucic told RTS that around 5,000 users would regain mobile phone signal today after an incident and, as he said, intentional disruption of the MTS signal in Leposavic yesterday.

He claimed that malfunction occurred intentionally, describing it as a significant incident due to the deliberate disruption of the MTS signal.

"The other operator, Vala, whose current representatives in the municipality are granting more permits to cover the north, not only installed its repeater on the roof of the Leposavic municipality building but also disrupted our signal. The mayor continued to create incidents – he did not allow our workers, saying he could only remove our equipment and give it to us", Lucic said, adding that they filed a criminal complaint against Hetemi for abusing his official authority but also for destroying private property.





Advertising inequality (Kosovo 2.0)

Advertising in Kosovo continues to perpetuate gender inequality.

The gentle clink of a spoon against a tiny teacup accompanies the sight of a Turkish teapot boiling on the stove. A door opens and a man enters the house. Over 10 people are gathered in the living room waiting for him, a woman with a smile on her face and a tray full of teacups comes down from the kitchen to serve them.

While everyone is sitting, dancing to the music and drinking their tea, the woman who serves them is sitting separated from the rest. One man turns to another and says, “Uncle, I almost forgot, I came to arrange a marriage,” the camera pans to the woman with the tray, implying that the man had come to marry her to someone.

This scene is from an advertisement for tea. Such advertising, which reduces women to servants and promotes the idea that men determine women’s fate, is considered at least outdated by many, and sexist by others. Such videos and other similar forms of advertising are still prevalent on television, radio, billboards and elsewhere.

Before the rise of social networks, these advertisements were mainly on the TV and radio. Now, they are everywhere, as different companies flood social media to promote their products or services.

Over the years, social media users in Kosovo have been exposed to advertisements using slogans such as “make your husband yours.” In these advertisements, beauty salons suggest that if women do their hair and wear makeup, her husband will be more responsible. On March 8, International Women’s Day, it is common to see household products like vacuum cleaners, clothing irons, and other items on sale as a way to celebrate women.

Recently, an international brewing company began advertising its products through sexually suggestive expressions on billboards and social media. These expressions included a play on words in Albanian with sexual connotations. Meanwhile, “Show your girlfriend what it’s like waiting while shopping,” was written on a shop that sells tires and other car parts.

A social media account for a serum which is supposed to grow eyelashes and eyebrows posted an advertisement telling women: “Of course he ignores you, have you seen your eyelashes?” This slogan was accompanied by a photo showing a man staring at the woman in front of him.

The list of similar advertisements is long. Many of them intentionally or unintentionally perpetuate gender roles, rigid expectations about how women and men should behave. This makes efforts for an equal media landscape more difficult.

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New Gas Supplies For the Western Balkans Facilitates a Geopolitical Game Rather Than the Green Energy Transition (

Gasification plans are a trap for the region's green transition and risk benefiting powerful political players – especially Russia and the US – more than local citizens

The Western Balkans plan to rely on hydrocarbon as a quick and affordable replacement for coal. The region is now looking to secure new gas supplies from sources other than Russia with the support of the West. However, this diversification would come with new geopolitical and economic risks, while the new dependence on gas would further compromise the decarbonisation of a region heavily polluted by coal burning.

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