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UNMIK Headlines 23 March

Headlines - 23.03.2016

Kosovo steps up security amid Brussels terror attacks (Zeri)

Kosovo authorities have stepped up security measures amid yesterday’s terror attacks in Brussels. Kosovo Police spokesperson Baki Kelani said there is an increased number of police patrols throughout Kosovo but stressed they have no concrete indicators of a possible terrorist attack in Kosovo. Meanwhile, Kosovo’s ambassador to Belgium Mimoza Ahmetaj confirmed that all citizens of Kosovo that either work or happened to be in Brussels at the time of the attacks are safe and sound, including the delegation for technical talks with Belgrade led by Edita Tahiri.

German authorities arrest three Kosovars (Koha)

Citing an article published in Reuters, the paper reports that the German authorities arrested three Kosovars near the border with Austria on Tuesday. A police spokesman said the three men were travelling in a vehicle with Belgian plates and that an investigation was launched into a suspected attack. The arrests were made prior to the Brussels terror attacks. “Investigations were launched into a suspected plan to carry out a serious criminal act against the state. There was information about this,” the police spokesman said. He also said that so far there is no indication that the suspects had any relation to the attacks in Brussels.

Mustafa: Association will be established (Epoka e Re)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa said in an interview for Radio Free Europe that the statute for the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be drafted and will serve as the basis for the establishment of this mechanism. He said the Association/Community will be established in coordination with the Assembly of Kosovo “and we will not act unilaterally.”

Delays in the implementation of Brussels agreements (Koha)

The paper reports on page two on delays to implement agreements reached between Kosovo and Serbia as part of the EU-brokered dialogue in Brussels. The paper recalls that Pristina and Belgrade signed in August last year agreements on the telecom, energy, freedom of movement and the principles of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. The Constitutional Court of Kosovo later ruled that several parts of the agreement on the principles of the Association/Community were against the Constitution of Kosovo. According to the paper, Serbia is responsible for the failure to implement the other three agreements. As a result, the paper adds, Serbian state companies for energy and telecommunications continue to operate illegally in Kosovo’s territory.

Politically affiliated persons proposed for Procurement Review Body (Zeri)

The paper reports on the front page that the government of Kosovo has proposed people affiliated with the ruling coalition parties to become members of the Procurement Review Body board. Sources told the paper that the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) have each proposed two members as did their coalition partner, the Serbian List. The opposition accused the government of proposing “party militants” while analyst Avni Zogiani said the Procurement Review Body has traditionally covered up misuses in public tenders rather than bringing them to attention and believes this will remain the case even when new members are appointed to its board.

Kosovars to travel to FYROM only with ID cards as of 17 April (Lajmi)

Kosovo’s Ambassador to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Ylber Hysa, told Pristina-based TV21 on Tuesday that starting on 17 April Kosovars will be able to travel to FYROM using only their ID cards.