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UNMIK Headlines 22 August

  • Motion for Assembly’s dissolution to be voted today (media)
  • “Early elections to take place on 6 October” (Koha Ditore)
  • Kosovo leaders hail U.S. State Department’s statement (media)
  • Haradinaj: Tariff will not be lifted (Kallxo)
  • Petritsch: No option should be rejected (RTK)
  • Vucic: We will fight for our interests, we understand the U.S. (VoA, RTK)
  • Kosovo FM Pacolli appoints six new ambassadors (Koha)
  • LDK: A resigned government has no right to appoint new ambassadors (Koha)
  • Veseli pledges to invest illegally-obtained money in new jobs (Epoka e Re)
  • Mitrovica Mayor Bahtiri says he will join Vetevendosje (media)
  • Korab Sejdiu expected to join Vetevendosje (Gazeta Metro)

Motion for Assembly’s dissolution to be voted today (media)

As Kosovo Assembly’s session is set to get underway, most media anticipate that it will result in the dissolution of the parliament.

Zeri reports that heads of major political parties represented at the Assembly have stated they will vote in favour of Assembly’s dissolution although MPs from opposition parties, the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) and Vetevendosje have expressed concern over Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) position saying that the party is ill-disposed to head to elections and will do all it can to delay them. However, head of PDK parliamentary group Memli Krasniqi said all the party’s MPs will attend today’s session and vote in support of Assembly being dissolved.

Epoka e Re underlines that before the motion for dissolution is to be put to vote, MPs will first vote on ratification of agreement with EU on funds from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).

President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci meanwhile met yesterday head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Valdete Daka with whom he discussed preparations for possible extraordinary elections. Thaci said that once the Assembly is dissolved and new elections announced, it will be important to begin preparations for ensuring a fair and democratic election process. “All technical, professional preparations need to be in place and also secure budgetary means to organise an election process which would meet highest democratic standards,” Thaci said.

“Early elections to take place on 6 October” (Koha Ditore)

The paper reports that early general elections in Kosovo are set to take place on 6 October, a date which a source says was mentioned by President Hashim Thaci in a meeting with head of Central Election Commission (CEC) Valdete Daka, a day before the Assembly is expected to vote on its dissolution.

The unnamed source added that early elections will be announced right after the Assembly is dissolved. “The President said that if the Assembly is dissolved tomorrow (Thursday), we will immediately on Friday or Monday at the latest decree the date for early elections. He has decided to have elections take place on 6 October.”

Kosovo leaders hail U.S. State Department’s statement (media)

The U.S. State Department issued a press statement following the meeting of the State Secretary Mike Pompeo with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The statement says Secretary Pompeo encouraged Serbia to focus on European integration by accelerating domestic reforms and “resuming negotiations with Kosovo on a comprehensive normalization agreement centered on mutual recognition.”

“The Secretary reiterated that both sides should avoid provocations that hinder the normalization process, and engage with the spirit of compromise and flexibility necessary to secure an agreement and unlock both countries’ potential.”

The statement has been positively received by leaders in Kosovo. Enver Hoxhaj, Deputy Prime Minister, took to Twitter to praise the statement of the U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. “Welcome the statement by Secretary Pompeo on Kosovo - Serbia dialogue. Final normalization agreement must be centered on mutual recognition as the only means for both countries to prosper and accelerate their EU integration path,” Hoxhaj wrote. Kosovo’s Acting Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli, took to Facebook to write that the U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo encouraged Serbia to focus on the resumption of the negotiations with Kosovo in order to reach a comprehensive agreement for normalization of relations and mutual recognition. “Secretary Pompeo stressed that they should avoid provocations which impede the normalization process and engage in the spirit of compromise and required flexibility to ensure an agreement and unblock the potential of both countries,” he wrote. Pacolli further expressed appreciation to the U.S. Secretary of State for the principled position in support of Kosovo, saying that he has expressed this support in the latest meetings that he had with him.

Haradinaj: Tariff will not be lifted (Kallxo)

Kosovo’s outgoing Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said on Wednesday that a final settlement between Kosovo and Serbia should be reached in the existing borders. “Serbia is not interested in an agreement and they are trying to find excuses not to show up at the table of talks. I think their excuse is the tariff, the truth will come out and the only thing remaining is mutual recognition between the two countries. Our concept is 100% state, 100% Kosovo … The tariff will not be lifted until an agreement is reached,” Haradinaj said.

Petritsch: No option should be rejected (RTK)

Former EU Emissary for Kosovo Wolfgang Petritsch said while commenting the meeting of the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with the U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo that there is a new political initiative of the U.S and that there is a change of Washington’s position towards Pristina. According to him, Washington is now taking a more criticizing approach towards Pristina’s policies, especially with regards to the imposed tariffs on Serbian goods. “Tariffs also weaken the idea of CEFTA’s free regional trade, and this biased measure by the Prime Minister of Kosovo affects economic development of the region,” he said. Mentioning the letters that the U.S. President Donald Trump sent to the Presidents of Kosovo and Serbia, Petrich said he believes that it is a positive move, however he was not pleased about the danger of Brussels being expelled from the game on finding solution for the Kosovo issue. Speaking about speculations that Washington could propose a conference to resolve Kosovo’s issue, Petrich said that this was his idea a year ago, however it would have to be led by the EU. “I consider it to be important that in case such conference is organized, no option should be excluded in advance. What will they agree in the end is a matter of negotiations and the best arguments,” he said.

Vucic: We will fight for our interests, we understand the U.S. (VoA, RTK)

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic told Voice of America in Serbian that the U.S. are making pressure to Kosovo to lift the tariff on Serbian goods, from the time it was imposed. “Can America make more pressure, I am convinced it can. Would this happen? I think that everyone is waiting announcement of new elections in Pristina and their conclusion,” he said. He added that he has confirmed to U.S. officials that Serbia is ready to resume with the dialogue as soon as the tariffs are lifted. Vucic further said that Serbia understands the position of the U.S. towards the independence of Kosovo. “What we are seeking is to fight for our interests, to benefit as much as possible for our people in Kosovo and for Serbia. This is something that people should understand,” Vucic said. He added that his position is clear and that they can only discuss about a compromise, and that he as President of Serbia would never sign an agreement with which Albanians gain everything and Serbs nothing.

Kosovo FM Pacolli appoints six new ambassadors (Koha)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli has appointed new ambassadors to several countries, a move which the paper says is taken on the last day of the current government. New appointments include Ilir Dugolli to Turkey, Frymezim Isufaj to United Kingdom, Lulzim Mjeku to Saudi Arabia, Lendita Haxhitasimi to Italy, Lulzim Pllana to Austria, and Adriatik Kryeziu to Canada.

“This decision of Minister Pacolli comes at a time when the majority of the government is being criticised by western countries for political appointments. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is setting an example of civil servants who possess professional qualifications can take the lead of representing Kosovo abroad,” the Kosovo MFA said in a reply to KTV.

At the same time, the paper reports that Pacolli has also submitted to the head of Kosovo Assembly foreign affairs committee, Vjosa Osmani, the candidacy of Nait Hasani, MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), for ambassador to Albania. Pacolli asked Osmani to begin necessary procedures for endorsing Hasani’s appointment. Epoka e Re meanwhile reports that Hasani has already been interviewed by the Assembly’s committee and that it is now up to President Hashim Thaci to decree his appointment.

LDK: A resigned government has no right to appoint new ambassadors (Koha)

The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) has issued a press statement slamming the recent decision of outgoing Minister of Foreign Affairs Behgjet Pacolli to appoint six new Kosovo ambassadors.

“The Democratic League of Kosovo expressed concern over the unlawful appointments of ambassadors recently taken by the resigned government,” the statement reads. LDK said these actions further degrade Kosovo’s foreign service and are against the public interest.

Veseli pledges to invest illegally-obtained money in new jobs (Epoka e Re)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli said during a visit to the Agency for Administration of Sequestrated or Confiscated Assets that the illegally-obtained money has reached the amount of €40 million and that these will be invested in opening new jobs. “Instead of luxury cars of corrupt rich people, we will have qualitative investment on the youth,” Veseli said.

Mitrovica Mayor Bahtiri says he will join Vetevendosje (media)

Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri said he plans to leave the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) led by Behgjet Pacolli and join Vetevendosje. “It is true, I will join Vetevendosje on Friday along with at least 600 other activists who were in AKR,” Bahtiri told Telegrafi.

Korab Sejdiu expected to join Vetevendosje (Gazeta Metro)

Korab Sejdiu, a former member of the Pacolli-led New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and an independent member of the Kosovo Assembly, is expected to join the Vetevendosje Movement led by Albin Kurti, the news websites learns from its sources.