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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, January 14

  • U.S. Ambassador calls for swift formation of government (media)
  • President Thaci expected to address Constitutional Court (Indeksonline)
  • Hoti: We made our offer – everything is in LVV’s hands now (media)
  • Godfrey expects progress in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue before U.S. elections (media)
  • Another vehicle set on fire in Kosovo north (Zeri)

U.S. Ambassador calls for swift formation of government (media)

All media report that the United States Ambassador to Kosovo, Philip Kosnett, visited Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) leader Isa Mustafa at his office on Monday. Kosnett did not talk to the media after the meeting, but a press release issued by the LDK notes that he has called for the swift formation of the new government. Mustafa is quoted as saying on RTK that the solution for the new government must come from the Vetevendosje Movement.

Under the leading front-page headline The LDK is divided, the U.S. Ambassador calls for the swift formation of government, Koha Ditore reports that even after their meeting with the U.S. Ambassador, LDK officials did not give any signs that a coalition agreement with the Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) is close. According to the paper, within the LDK there are differences on the share of power in exchange for the post of Assembly President. One part of the party’s leadership reportedly finds unacceptable LVV leader Albin Kurti’s proposal to compensate the post of Assembly President with one of the important ministries in the new government. Meanwhile, the Office of Kosovo President Hashim Thaci has not ruled out the possibility of addressing the Constitutional Court if the winning party or coalition runs late with proposing a candidate for Prime Minister. Vetevendosje representatives reacted to this saying that this is pressure by President Thaci and that he is pre-empting the process of forming the new government.

Zeri reports on its front page on what it calls The 15-week long table tennis match for the formation of the government. The paper notes that while President Thaci is waiting to decree the candidate for Prime Minister, the LDK and LVV are making endless offers for a coalition government but are not taking into consideration each other’s proposals. “The international community meanwhile has stepped up the pressure for a swift formation of the new government,” the paper notes.

In a similar tone, Bota Sot reports on its front page that “patience is coming to an end, international pressure is mounting for an agreement between the LVV and LDK”. The sub-header of the article notes that both parties have “responsibility and obligation toward the people and Kosovo’s allies”. In a different article related to the same issue, the paper notes that “President Thaci must know his constitutional boundaries” and that he is applying (un)reasonable pressure for the formation of the new government.

Epoka e Re reports on the front page that the United States are calling for the creation of the new government and that U.S. Ambassador Kosnett believes that mandate of the voters must be fulfilled as soon as possible. “The two winning parties are meanwhile blaming each other for blocking the process. LDK representatives argue that as the winner of the October 6 parliamentary elections the Vetevendosje Movement must unblock the process, whereas Vetevendosje is blaming the LDK for blocking the negotiations, claiming that Mustafa’s party is adamant to get the post of Assembly President,” the paper notes.

President Thaci expected to address Constitutional Court (Indeksonline)

Citing sources close to the Office of Kosovo President, the news website reported on Monday that President Thaci will soon address the Constitutional Court on the timeline for the winning party to nominate a Prime Minister candidate and what happens when the party or the winning coalition refuses to nominate a PM candidate. According to the source, Thaci is expected to address the court later this week.

Hoti: We made our offer – everything is in LVV’s hands now (media)

Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) Avdullah Hoti said on Monday that his party made a coalition government offer to the Kurti-led Vetevendosje Movement (LVV) and that “now everything is in their hands”.

“In all the meetings held so far with Vetevendosje Movement, we have expressed our readiness to co-govern by respecting the will of the citizens expressed on 6 October 2019. Only an agreement which reflects this will is acceptable for the LDK and ensures stability of the government to commence its full mandate, which is more than required to complete the reforms for economic and social development and European integration. Unfortunately, such agreement has not been reached so far. Despite the lack of the agreement, we have made it clear at the 26 December 2019 constitutive session of the Assembly that the LDK is engaged for establishment of the new institutions as soon as possible. It is in the hands of the winning party to find a way for forming the new institutions. We made our coalition government offer in our last meeting. And now, everything is in the hands of the Vetevendosje Movement. The next meeting can be held if the winning party offers solution for agreement. We are interested in this meeting, but only a meeting for agreement, and not only for the sake of meeting,” Hoti told Radio Free Europe.

Godfrey expects progress in Kosovo-Serbia dialogue before U.S. elections (media)

The United States Ambassador to Serbia, Anthony Godfrey, said on Monday that the U.S. would continue to support the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, several news websites report.

“We expect there will be progress in dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina before the elections in the U.S., because progress is absolutely necessary for stability in the region. This is why we will continue to support the process,” Godfrey said.

Another vehicle set on fire in Kosovo north (Zeri)

The paper reports on page five that four days after the vehicle of Serbian List deputy leader and Kosovo Assembly Vice President, Slavko Simic, was set on fire in Leposavic, another vehicle has been set on fire on Monday morning in the same town. When asked by reporters about the incidents, Branislav Radovic, a spokesman for Kosovo Police in the north, said “we are dealing with a major problem here”.