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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 20

  • Kurti: Reciprocity measures aimed at protecting local producers (media)
  • “New government to decide what to do with unimplemented agreements” (Klan)
  • Trump names Richard Grenell as acting intelligence chief (RFE)
  • Kosnett in Mitrovica: Tariff should be lifted (RTK)
  • AAK: Final agreement with Serbia to be under Kosovo's existing borders (media)
  • Government of Kosovo dismisses Telecom board (media)
  • Hoti: Telecom board’s dismissal, only the beginning (Telegrafi)
  • Kurti to ministries: Scan the situation at ministries and submit the report (RTK)
  • Cakaj: Albania cannot change Kosovo borders (TV Dukagjini/RTK)
  • Reka: Visa liberalisation this year, a priority issue (RFE/Zeri)

Kosovo Media Highlights

Kurti: Reciprocity measures aimed at protecting local producers (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti reiterated that the government of Kosovo plans to withdraw the import tariff on Serbia and instead introduce reciprocity measures to protect local producers.

Speaking at the second Convention of Kosovo Manufacturers held yesterday in Pristina, Kurti said: "We do not want tariffs as punitive measures towards the consumers but reciprocity as a protective measure towards producers. Products made in Kosovo that are being subjected to disloyal practices and competition will be protected. As soon as recommendations reach my office we will analyse them and decide to remove the tariff and establish reciprocity. We are an independent and sovereign country and will act accordingly," Kurti said.

In his remarks, Kurti also quoted to have said that the reciprocity measures will be based on WTO and CEFTA principles.

“New government to decide what to do with unimplemented agreements” (Klan)

British reporter and political analyst for The Economist, Tim Judah, said that as the new government of Kosovo considers what measures to take as part of reciprocity approach towards Serbia and also what to do with unimplemented parts of agreements already signed by the parties, "here is an office of Serbia’s Min of Finance in north Kosovo from a picture I took two weeks ago."

The picture that Judah posted on Twitter shows a sign in the Cyrillic alphabet at the entrance of a building saying: Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Finance, Treasury Department, Kosovska Mitrovica office.

Trump names Richard Grenell as acting intelligence chief (RFE)

Radio Free Europe reports that the U.S. President Donald Trump has appointed the U.S. Ambassador to Germany and his Special Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia negotiations, Richard Grenell, as Acting Direction of National Intelligence.

"Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him," Trump tweeted.

Kosnett in Mitrovica: Tariff should be lifted (RTK)

The U.S. Ambassador to Kosovo Philip Kosnett said on Wednesday at the Social Club in Mitrovica that Kosovo is an independent state and it should remain such.

“I consider that it is necessary for all who live in Kosovo to accept this. Kosovo is in a transition period, however, the international community helped Kosovo for twenty years. But this will not last forever. I think that we should not forget the past, but it is important to understand it and use it to build a better future for both populations,” Kosentt said in Mitrovica.

He also said that the U.S. strongly support the current dialogue process lead by EU, which aims a comprehensive agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. He also mentioned the recently signed agreements on airline, motorway and railway, as a success which initiate the process. He added that he expects that lifting of the tariff on Serbian goods to be the next step.

Kosnett also said that it would have been good if NGOs were also involved in the dialogue. Kosnett said that President Thaci also plays a significant role in governing Kosovo ‘And I respect his readiness to work with President Vucic and the others in Serbia in order to move forward and encourage the Prime Minister and the others in the new government to do the same thing.’

AAK: Final agreement with Serbia to be under Kosovo's existing borders (media)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) issued a statement presenting its position on the process of dialogue with Serbia.

AAK said the political status of Kosovo has been concluded on 17 February 2008 and should be recognised by Serbia in its existing borders.

“The discourse and decision to remove the tax and camouflage it with reciprocity takes Kosovo to a process already exhausted and is a setback to Kosovo’s position and reposition which prevented partition and brought Kosovo closer to the Grand Finale by ensuring the active, primary, and guaranteeing role of the U.S.,” the party said.

It further noted that the Association of Serb-majority Municipalities can only be established in line with the Constitution of Kosovo, the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia signed on 19 April 2013, and the ruling of the Kosovo’s Constitutional Court. The rights of the Serb Orthodox Church, according to AAK, need to be based on the applicable legislation and the Constitution while the broadened rights for the Serb community should be based on the Ahtisaari Plan which has already been incorporated in the Constitution of Kosovo.

“Today Kosovo has in its offer also a fourth element: Kosovo market, already protected with the 100% tax. This tax should be offered only in exchange of a Final Contract for mutual recognition between Kosovo and Serbia in existing borders.”

AAK also said that other open issues line war crimes, reparation, missing persons, succession are also ready to be addressed. “These positions need to be final as part of the offer for mutual recognition. We are ready to support and contribute to these positions.”

Government of Kosovo dismisses Telecom board (media)

Yesterday, the government decided to dismiss the board of Kosovo Telecom citing the current situation in the company and the need for ‘changing managing concept.’

At the same time, the government has also instructed the preparation of a ‘reserve list’ of general secretaries of ministries who will be affected by the reorganization of the government. “The government will be engaged in considering all possibilities for their employment in equivalent positions, in line with the Law on Civil Service of Kosovo,” a statement issued by the government said.

Furthermore, the government annulled the decision of the previous governments relating to allowances for senior officials following the end of their mandate.

Koha Ditore reports on the front page that the government of Kosovo led by an LVV-LDK coalition has already put in motion a ‘sweeping broom’.

Hoti: Telecom board’s dismissal, only the beginning (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister Avdullah Hoti said that government’s decision to dismiss the Kosovo Telecom board is ‘only the beginning’.

“In the coming days we will analyse auditing and performance reports of all public enterprises and will take adequate decisions regarding their boards. We need to save these companies from failure,” Hoti wrote on Facebook.

Kurti to ministries: Scan the situation at ministries and submit the report (RTK)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti has sent a brief letter to the ministers of his cabinet, requesting from them to scan the situation at the ministries they lead and send a report.

“As I already informed you in the last meeting of the government, I am writing to you to request scanning of your Ministry. So, I plead you to draft a report on the situation of the respective Ministry, including projects, processes, targets and challenges. We have to know the current situation of the institutions that you found, in order to be efficient in our functioning,” Kurti wrote.

According to this letter, Kurti expects a response within six days. “After concluding the scanning, please submit them to my office by Monday, 24 February,” Kurti wrote.

Cakaj: Albania cannot change Kosovo borders (TV Dukagjini/RTK)

Albania’s Acting Foreign Minister Gent Cakaj said on Wednesday that Albania cannot change Kosovo’s borders, as it is not on the table of negotiations. He said he never lobbied exchange of territories. “I did not support politicly and neither publicly that idea,” he said.

He said he is concerned with the fact that Kosovo politicians accuse official Tirana in order to hide their responsibilities towards their citizens.

“The Constitution of Kosovo stresses it clearly that eventual change of borders can only pass through ratification at the Assembly,” he said.

Cakaj said he does not have any open issue with Ramush Haradinaj and that he will safeguard official relation with Kosovo. “But of course, I cannot remain silent towards stubborn facts.”

Reka: Visa liberalisation this year, a priority issue (RFE/Zeri)

Minister of European Integration Blerim Reka said that visa liberalisation is a matter of priority for the new government. “Short term priority is to have visa liberalisation this year,” Reka told RFE.

He said that delays in the process have been due to the failure of the Kosovo authorities to fight corruption and organised crime. “Not only has it had an impact but this is the main request of hesitating countries and not so much of foreign ministries of these countries but of interior ministries and the ministries of justice.”