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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, December 8, 2022

  • Office of President: Postponing elections only after assessment by security bodies (media)
  • Interior Minister Svecla says incidents in the north are terror attacks (RFE)
  • Two blasts in north on Wednesday; police say they’re shock bombs (media)
  • EU condemns attacks on CEC offices in north of Kosovo (Kallxo)
  • COMKFOR Ristuccia: We don’t tolerate violence (RTK)
  • EULEX steps up patrol in north; “trying to reassure local population” (Express)
  • Bislimi meets chief foreign policy advisor to EC President (media)
  • Krasniqi: PDK will certainly win the next national elections (media)
  • Association of Journalists presents the 2022 Annual Journalism Awards (media)
  • Kosovo Albanian’s Death in Serbian Prison Raises Concerns (BIRN)
  • Faik Rexhepi Recalls Iconic Photo of Resistance (Prishtina Insight)
  • FIFA fines Serbia for Kosovo flag in dressing room (Reuters)

Office of President: Postponing elections only after assessment by security bodies (media)

Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani could decide to postpone the date of elections in the north of Kosovo only if this is the assessment of security and election mechanisms. This is what the Office of the President said when asked on Wednesday if there are conditions to hold the mayoral elections in the north. “The Office of the President is in continuous inter-institutional contact and if there is a request to postpone the elections, in line with the practices of the Venice Commission, the President will invite the political parties for consultations and then make a decision,” an advisor to Osmani advisor told the media.

Interior Minister Svecla says incidents in the north are terror attacks (RFE)

Kosovo’s Minister of Interior Affairs, Xhelal Svecla, said on Wednesday that authorities consider as terror attacks the incidents that happened in the north on Tuesday. He said that police have assessed that they constitute “an attack against the constitutional order, inciting for terror acts, committing terror acts, setting on fire and possession of arms”.

Svecla told a press conference in Pristina that according to the first information from the ground, “be it from the police or the intelligence mechanisms, part of these criminals” used to work in Kosovo Police in the past. “According to the information we have, some of them are former members of Kosovo Police. I am not saying all of them, but some of them are officials that have resigned recently”.

Svecla said that during the attacks were used shock bombs, hand grenades and firearms and that the authorities are working to bring the perpetrators to justice. “These groups supported and directed by Serbia proved once again that they are against the basic right of the citizens of these municipalities to decide and elect their local leaders,” he said.

Two blasts in north on Wednesday; police say they’re shock bombs (media)

All news websites report that two blasts were heard on Wednesday in Mitrovica North. Deputy police director for the region, Besim Hoti, said that the explosions came from shock bombs. “There were two explosions from shock bombs. There are no damaged or injured persons. One bomb was thrown at a crossroad in the Bosniak Neighborhood and another one at the Miners’ Hill,” Hoti said. “There are houses nearby, but no one was injured. These are shock bombs; they don’t have destroying capabilities but make an exceptionally loud noise”.

Telegrafi reports that according to residents of the Bosniak Neighborhood, the explosive device was thrown from a moving vehicle. They also said they feel worried and that they want a greater police presence there. The news website notes that the neighborhood is a multiethnic settlement, where Albanians, Serbs and Bosniaks live.

EU condemns attacks on CEC offices in north of Kosovo (Kallxo)

The European Union has called on all stakeholders to refrain from any provocative actions and to restore calm following attacks on the offices of the Central Election Commission (CEC) in the north of Kosovo. The EU condemned the attacks in a statement to the news website. “When it comes to the organisation of partial elections in the north, Kosovo’s authorities must carefully consider all security, administrative, and political factors to ensure that elections are inclusive and held only in peaceful conditions,” the EU said.

Asked if the EU would monitor the extraordinary elections in the north, they said: “Unfortunately, the very short deadlines do not allow the EU to deploy an election observation mission. Our methodology foresees that each EU EOM is deployed well in advance of election day in order to cover and be able to provide detailed analysis of all aspects of the election process in a final report.”

COMKFOR Ristuccia: We don’t tolerate violence (RTK)

Commander of KFOR peacekeeping troops, Angelo Michele Ristuccia, said in an interview with RTK that the recent developments in Mitrovica North and that everything that has been done in the north over the years is in danger of being lost.

“Our first duty is to ensure freedom of movement in Kosovo. We are equipped to deal with situations. We act according to the situation in the best way possible and we react to whatever situation we face. We cannot tolerate violence, and we will not tolerate it,” Ristuccia said.

He also said that if the situation deteriorates “we can count on the support of the NATO and the 27 member states”. “I believe we have sufficient forces and equipment to face any situation. NATO has increased our presence on the ground, and we are ready to face any situation,” he added.

EULEX steps up patrol in north; “trying to reassure local population” (Express)

The EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) told the news website on Wednesday that the incidents in the north on Tuesday have prompted them to step up patrols in order to maintain peace and security. “We have already significantly increased EULEX’s Formed Police Unit (FPU) mobile reconnaissance patrols in coordination with Kosovo Police and KFOR and we are trying to reassure the local population through our increased presence in northern Kosovo. It is important for all people from all communities to remain safe and to feel secure. As of November 16, in addition to the significantly increased mobile reconnaissance patrols, the EULEX Formed Police Unit and the Reserve Formed Police Unit officers are patrolling on foot in all northern municipalities, namely in Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok,” the mission said.

Bislimi meets chief foreign policy advisor to EC President (media)

Kosovo’s First Deputy Prime Minister Besnik Bislimi met on Wednesday in Brussels with the chief foreign policy advisor to the President of the European Council Charles Michel, Simon Mordue. Bislimi tweeted after the meeting: “Good meeting and conversation with Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to European Council President, Simon Mordue. Kosovo is a reliable partner to EU and now is the time to further advance our integration process with the application for membership in EU”.

Krasniqi: PDK will certainly win the next national elections (media)

Leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Memli Krasniqi, said on Wednesday that this party is always ready for elections but that holding elections at this time is not the solution. “PDK is always ready for elections. We are ready even if they were to be held now. We didn’t plan for elections in the north of the country, but there too we were the first with our candidacies … I am not certain though if elections are the solution, because when you ask for a mandate, you need to provide solutions for the people that have voted you,” Krasniqi said.

Association of Journalists presents the 2022 Annual Journalism Awards (media)

The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK), with the support of the OSCE Mission, European Union, UN Women Office, and German Embassy, presented today in Pristina its 2022 Annual Journalism Awards to journalists for their stories in six different categories.

Through these awards, the AJK and its partners are seeking to promote media freedom and safety and professional journalism, and honour journalists who produced outstanding stories during 2022.

“With media freedom in decline across the world it is vital that media use the power and influence of information responsibly, and inform the public with accurate, objective and independent news they can trust. I’m glad these awards go to such journalists in Kosovo, and I applaud their work in the interest of the public,” said Ambassador Michael Davenport, Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo, as he presented the Journalist of the Year Award to Saranda Ramaj.

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Kosovo Albanian’s Death in Serbian Prison Raises Concerns (BIRN)

Norway’s Foreign Ministry told Prishtina Insight that Serbia is responsible for prison conditions in Serbia, after reports that an Albanian from Peja, a citizen of Norway, died in a Serbian jail.

Media in Kosovo and Norway have been reporting the death of a Kosovo Albanian from Peja, Artan Zymberi, also a citizen of Norway, in a prison in Serbia.

On November 30, Norwegian media reported that a Norwegian citizen had died in a Serbian prison.

In Kosovo, there were reports that the man was Artan  Zymberi, a Norwegian citizen of Kosovo Albanian origin who was sentenced to three years in prison in Serbia and who, after serving over one year, died under unclear circumstances in Sremska Mitrovica prison in Serbia.

The Norwegian ministry told Prishtina Insight it was aware of the death of a Norwegian citizen in Serbia.

“The Norwegian Foreign Service notified the next of kin and provided consular assistance to the family,” Lars Gjemble, from the ministry, said.

Due to Norwegian legislation on the duty of secrecy, the Foreign Service was unable to comment on consular matters to anyone other than those directly involved, according to the Ministry.

“Local authorities are responsible for prison conditions in Serbia, including the health and safety of inmates,” it added.

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Faik Rexhepi Recalls Iconic Photo of Resistance (Prishtina Insight)

Pictures can sometimes replace words. Different languages often do not have the ability to convey a message and emotion all over the world, as sometimes a single picture caught by the photographer’s eye can.

Eyes full of resistance, arms that manifest resistance and legs that convey perseverance in the middle of violence in a forbidden era – these are just some of the reasons why Faik Rexhepi’s photo near the Grand in Prishtina has remained a picture stored in the collective memory.

It was August 30, 1990, when photographer Hazir Reka caught the rare moment, the right person at the right angle to send a message to the world – the perseverance of freedom.

In an interview with BIRN, Reka says the photo of Faik Rexhepi remains his favorite, because of the resistance he conveys.

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FIFA fines Serbia for Kosovo flag in dressing room (Reuters)

Serbia have been fined 20,000 Swiss francs ($21,290.19) after a flag which showed Kosovo as part of their country was hung in the dressing room when they faced Brazil at the World Cup on Nov. 24, world soccer's governing body FIFA said on Wednesday. The image of the flag with the message "we do not surrender" in Serbian went viral on social media when it was shared by Hajrulla Ceku, Kosovo's Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport.

FIFA also fined the Croatian Football Federation 50,000 Swiss francs ($53,208.47) after it said supporters transmitted messages that were not appropriate for sports events in the game against Canada on Nov. 27. Saudi Arabia received two fines of 15,000 Swiss francs, respectively, for misconduct after receiving a total of six bookings in the matches against Argentina and Mexico on Nov. 22 and Nov. 30.