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President wants to lead Kosovo delegation to New York (Koha)

While the Kosovo Assembly was voting on the constitutional amendments paving way for the establishment of the special court, Prime Minister of Kosovo Isa Mustafa received a letter from President Atifete Jahjaga which angered him and his deputy, Hashim Thaci, a great deal. In the letter President Jahjaga said that based on her constitutional responsibilities, she had decided to lead the Kosovo delegation travelling to New York in end of September to take part at a series of events part of the UN General Assembly week. “I suggest the delegation led by me, as the President of the country and in accordance to my constitutional duties, also includes all leadership levels of the country,” Jahjaga wrote at the time. A source that spoke to Koha said that there was disagreement amongst the President’s staff about whether to send the letter when there seems to have already been an agreement in place between Jahjaga and Thaci to have the president and prime minister rotate in leading Kosovo at the UN General Assembly. This year, it was the prime minister’s turn to take the role. The source added that Jahjaga insists on leading the Kosovo delegation in order to use the opportunity to lobby for another term in office as president of Kosovo.