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Ambassador Reichell: Minority cannot violently impose will to majority (

The German Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Ambassador Ernst Reichell, stated that opposition is to be blamed for the created situation at the Assembly of Kosovo.

Ambassador Reichell was hosted today by the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, to discuss the current situation at Kosovo Assembly.

“Opposition, which should respect democratic rules, where minority cannot impose through violent actions the will of the majority, is to be blamed for this situation,” informs a press release issued by the Assembly of Kosovo.

Veseli stressed that he is making efforts to keep the spirit of parliamentarian democracy at the Assembly of Kosovo, continuing to insist on democratic means which bring closer the ruling coalition and the opposition.

 “The Assembly cannot be blocked and it will continue its work with a package of draft-laws with a great importance for the development of the country,” Veseli stressed.

According to the press release, Ambassador Reichell said that Kosovo is very close to concluding the process of signing the Stabilization Association Agreement and liberalization of visas.