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Kosovo at UNESCO, Serbs protest at Iber Bridge at 12:44 (Indeksonline)

Students of the so-called University of Pristina in Mitrovica North announced that they will protest today in Mitrovica, with the motto “Kosovo not in UNESCO.”

The protest will be held at “Brothers Milic” square, in vicinity of the central bridge over the River Iber. The protest will start at 12:44 as a symbolic sign for UN Resolution 1244.

Students also appealed to the population, representatives of public and municipal institutions to join the protest.

The decision on the proposal for Kosovo’s acceptance at UNESCO will be made today at the plenary session of the UNESCO’s Executive Board. The final decision will be made during the General conference, however if a positive decision is reached today, then acceptance is certain.

 On the other hand, Serbia has called on the UNESCO members to reject this request. There are 58 countries at the Executive board, and 32 of them have recognized Kosovo’s independence.

If the proposal passes today, the main stamp of acceptance will be put at the UNESCO’s General conference which will be held from 3 to 18 November. The decisions there are made with two thirds of the 195 member states, from which 111 have recognized Kosovo.