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Thaçi: normalization of Albanian-Serb relations is done through Pristina (Klan Kosova)

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi said that normalization of the relations between Serbs and Albanians does not pass from Belgrade to Tirana, but through Pristina to the other territories.

 “Albania and Kosovo are two sovereign countries, but the more consultations the better. The two countries are oriented towards the Euro-Atlantic future. We have the same ambitions on developments. I think that positions of the Prime Minister Edi Rama in Belgrade were principled and just. Kosovo is building good relations with all Balkans countries, including Serbia. The problems between Kosovo and Serbia are resolved directly, with international mediation. But messages of the PM Rama could have e helping role in this process as well. The full normalisation of Albanian-Serb relations, do not pass from Belgrade through Tirana but from Pristina,” Thaçi said in the interview given to Klan Kosova.

 Speaking about the elections in Montenegro Thaçi said he hopes that citizens of this neighboring country will orient toward the Euro-Atlantic future of the region. “Montenegro made a very brave step during the war years by sheltering thousands of refugees from Kosovo. At that time, Milo Djukanovic had stated that it is not their war and that he would shelter Kosovo citizens. Also Kosovo was happy when Montenegro declared its independence. Later he had recognized the independence of Kosovo. Today we have to do with a pro-Russian opposition which has announced that if it comes to power, it will withdraw recognition of Kosovo and it will reconsider partnership with Europe. Therefore, we, as well as Albanians there are oriented towards the Euro-Atlantic future of Montenegro, I believe in the will of people for a safer future.”

 President Thaçi commented also Kosovo’s relations with Turkey after the failure of the attempted coup there. He said that the relations continue to be good and stressed that Kosovo’s sovereignty is not harmed by these relations. “The relations are not colder or warmer, but there is cooperation between Kosovo and Turkey. Turkey is among the first countries that has recognized our independence. As far as the coup is concerned, we have made our position clear: we respect legitimate institutions. The cooperation between the two countries is continuing, but Kosovo makes its decision on its own and there is no interference on our internal affairs,” he said.

“We work in accordance to our standards, the Constitution of Kosovo and our laws and we do not fall under any influence. The positions of the Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj with regards to the Fetullah Gulen’s schools, were coordinated with me as well. The relations with the Turkish state will continue to be good. But they should not be seen from the private or personal perspective. I am saying it again, Kosovo is a sovereign state and it makes its own decisions.”

 Thaçi also said that Kosovo will be soon recognized by Vatican, where Kosovo will soon open a Consulate in order to deepen our relations,  which are already good. “Kosovo has a tradition of cooperation with Vatican. President Rugova also cooperated with Vatican, and so do I. The position of the Pope John Pol the II about the war in Kosovo should not be forgotten. I have to stress that Pope Francis has made a very dynamic movement  in relation with Albanians and the region. After my invitation, he has promised that he will visit Kosovo. And Vatican in one way or another, is revealing identity values of the country. Also, in a few days we will open Consulate in Vatican. Kosovo’s recognition by Vatican is a matter of days,” Thaçi said.