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Government: Demarcation must be passed this month, we must not keep the youth isolated (Indeksonline)

The news website reports that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro was supposed to be resent to the Assembly this week. While some MPs have expressed their opposition to the deal, EU high representatives have reiterated that the Assembly must adopt the agreement so that Kosovo can get closer to visa liberalisation. Faton Abdullahu, spokesman for the Kosovo government and advisor to Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, told the news website that the recent measuring of Kosovo’s territory has proved that the country will not lose any territory as a result of the agreement. “For the government, this is the most important thing. Now there should be no delays in sending the bill to the Kosovo Assembly this month. We recommend that it should be passed because it is in the interest of our country … Failing to adopt the demarcation will imply isolating our youth and all others,” Abdullahu added.