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Kosovo’s diplomacy focused on lobbying for new recognitions of the independence (Turkish Weekly)

4 September 2014

Senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs say that the UN General Assembly Session which will be held this month in New York, will be used by the delegation of Kosovo for lobbying.

Deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, Petrit Selimi says that the focus of the delegation of Kosovo, which will be led by president Atifete Jahjaga will be new recognitions of the independence of Kosovo.

“The focus will be to lobby for new recognitions of the independence and a better coordination in the United Nations Organization”, said Selimi.
According to him, Kosovo, in the framework of the process of European integration and dialogue, will also become a member in different international organizations.
“In the framework of the process of European integration and dialogue, Kosovo will become a member of other international organizations too. Initially, Kosovo will become a member of UN agencies and then the UN itself”, declared Selimi.

Former deputy minister of Foreign Affairs, professor of history at the University of Pristina, Ibrahim Gashi says that Kosovo is still far from the accession in the UN, but, according to him, this is not an impossible process.

“Accession of Kosovo in the UN is not the end of the marathon in the process of the internationalization of Kosovo. With this, all challenges of Kosovo in the international aspect would be overcome. But, I think that we’re still far from this accession, for as long as the world order continues to be polarized by different regional crises, for which world decision makers have different stands. In this international reality, Kosovo must continue with its individual lobbying, state by state, to secure as many recognitions as possible and in order to establish as many bilateral relations as possible”, says he.

Meanwhile, professor of International Law, Afrim Hoti says that the accession of Kosovo in the United Nations will not be done by current structures of the foreign policy of Kosovo.

According to him, delegation of Kosovo in the General Assembly of the United Nations must be ready to cooperate.

“The role of our delegation must focus in democratic processes, free elections and hope to build institutions that reflect the will of the citizens. Our delegation must also show readiness for cooperation. Accession is another issue which doesn’t depend on our delegation, but accession in the UN will not happen through this structure of our foreign policy”, declared Hoti.