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Scary undermining of the political class (Koha Ditore)

Deputy leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Kadri Veseli, in an opinion piece published in several media outlets calls on political parties to come together and form a sustainable government as the only guarantee for continuation of reforms, rule of law, economic development and other issues of importance for Kosovo. Veseli says that it is not only important to have a stability of votes at the Assembly of Kosovo but to have the readiness of the representatives of majority community to take valuable decisions for all the Kosovo citizens and, particularly for those of minority communities.

“If there can be no winning party or winning coalition from elections, what is the sense of the democratic election race when after the elections, its meaning can be lost entirely and be replaced with some improvisations”, writes Veseli.

He says it is time for everyone to be more tolerant and understanding, free of prejudices and learn to communicate with one another even when it seems this is impossible to achieve. Certain opposition representatives, claims Veseli, have recently adopted a vocabulary and political culture which cannot be justified even by Machiavelli theory.

“PDK is the real option of the country’s future governance within the democratic and constitutional legitimacy, by respecting the will of the people who had their say on 8 June. But PDK has also demonstrated high level in the opposition”, Veseli writes.