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The headscarf as a vote (Tribuna)

Lulezim Krasniqi writes in his opinion piece that on the eve of parliamentary elections, the issue of the headscarf is one of the topics in TV debates with political leaders. “The Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has again reached a coalition with the Justice Party (PD), and they have agreed that if the PDK wins the elections it will allow headscarves in schools. The PD led by Ferid Agani was part of the Thaci government, but could not achieve the objective of having headscarves in schools. Because Ferid Agani himself is more interested in his position in the next government, rather than the position of the Islamic community … The Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) meanwhile has yet to position itself on the issue of the headscarf and say what it will do if it wins the elections. One thing is certain though, they don’t want to lose votes … Vetevendosje leader Albin Kurti, during a TV debate in May, repeated his position that Vetevendosje is in favor of allowing headscarves in schools. Vetevendosje did not fall for the trap because it can lose votes and it justified its position calling on human rights. The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) has yet to say whether or not it supports headscarves in schools. Earlier however, the AAK positioned itself against headscarves and religious classes in schools”.
