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The wasted opportunity to create the Kosovo army (Koha)

Political analyst Halil Matoshi argues in an opinion piece that if the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) led by Isa Mustafa had said “yes” to another mandate of reserved seats for minority communities in the Kosovo Assembly last year, the Kosovo Army would be a reality today and its troops would be executing the orders of their superiors. Matoshi recalls that laws that have vital importance for the country, such as the law for changing the name and structure of the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Armed Forces, requires 2/3 of votes of all members of parliament and 2/3 of votes of minority MPs. “The mechanism of the double majority is a constitutional category and one should have sacrificed something to win something much more essential. The minority communities have this mechanism in their hands and they can use it if an agreement is not reached with them. At this point, extending the mandate of reserved seats for minority MPs does not harm the development of the political system in Kosovo. Rather, the blocking of important laws by minority communities would cause serious harm. In order to get their support for Kosovo’s future army, minority communities should be given another mandate of reserved seats without hesitation,” Matoshi opines.