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The bridge of an endless process (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Veton Surroi in an opinion piece today writes that at the time when Kosovo signed four agreements with Serbia in Brussels on 25 August, it showed Kosovo’s readiness to be part of a trap set by Serbian negotiators. “The trap is simple: create tables, which will examine and solve the specific problems by concerned citizens, but without the basic principles with which the negotiations will be guided on the table,” Surroi writes.   According to the author, the basic starting point of the Kosovo negotiators has been the belief that “negotiations with Serbia would integrate the Serb population in Kosovo, consequently would empower the Republic and consequently lead to its recognition, even from Serbia.”  “This confidence will have been correct only if Kosovo would accept a Serb autonomy in Kosovo, and Serbia to recognize the independence of that country together with Serbian autonomy within it,” he writes. Meanwhile, according to Surroi, Serbia has negotiated for an organizational entity that would integrate Serbs in the Serbian community, not in Kosovo. “Serbia has negotiated that if a Serb majority municipality needs anything, to address it to its autonomous entity, and not to the relevant Ministry. Serbia has successfully negotiated that the Kosovo Serbs feel functional part of Serbia, and thus be integrated into Kosovo so as to become an obstacle to the functioning of Kosovo as a state.”