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Jablanovic: I believe we will have over 5 percent of votes (Tanjug)

Aleksandar Jablanovic, who heads the Srpska electoral list, believes that it will have over five percent of votes won in the Kosovo early elections once the ballots cast by voters in northern Kosovo and internally displaced persons are counted.

The votes cast in northern Kosovo in Sunday's early legislative elections are still being counted, and the votes of displaced persons for the Kosovo assembly have not been processed yet, Jablanovic told reporters in Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday.

The electoral results from northern Kosovo are late because the OSCE was involved in the entire process, Jablanovic explained, adding that the electoral material has been sent to southern Mitrovica for verification after being packed up.

Unofficial and incomplete figures show that over 15,000 voters in northern Kosovo took part in the elections, he reiterated. "In three days, with no campaign, posters or promotion on television, we managed to urge the citizens to go to the elections and explain to them that these elections are no recognition of a state of Kosovo," he said.

According to incomplete figures, the Srpska list won 9,772 votes, while PDS - the other Serb list - won 607 votes, with complete figures expected in the next few days, Jablanovic said. "Reports from the Central electoral commission say that only about 23,000 Serbs voted in the elections, which is not true because the figure does not include the votes from northern Kosovo or those of displaced persons in central Serbia. According to our information, we have around 12,000 Serb votes from central Serbia alone," he said.

The fact that there was not a single incident is very important, as is the fact that the Serbs have finally demonstrated that they are not the problem and that they have preserved the unity that will continue to grow stronger, Jablanovic said.

Whoever gets to represent the Srpska list in the Kosovo assembly will have to "represent the interests of the Serbian people and the Serbian government in this territory," Jablanovic said. "I definitely expect the Srpska list to make it past the 5 percent threshold," Jablanovic concluded.