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EULEX need the "big fish" among Serbs (Danas)

Oliver Ivanovic, president of the Citizens' Initiative SPD to Danas from prison in Mitrovica

Mitrovica, Belgrade - My detention is punitive measure, not a security measure. The only goal is to intimidate the remaining Serbs, especially those who are already in some kind of public and secret indictments. Witnesses were heard, neither I nor my lawyers did not know who they are, which means that we were not able to influence them. Escape as a reason for extension of custody is complete nonsense, especially as the Government of Serbia guarantees that I will be available at any time. These guarantees were sufficiently credible to the Hague tribunal and the convicted Serbs of much greater political importance, but not here. They want to demonstrate the power, to break me morally and physically, to test the reaction of the Serbs in northern Kosovo and send a message: "This is how will pass anyone with an opinion and does not fit the established trend" - said in an interview with Danas, the President of Civic Initiative SDP Oliver Ivanović.

Ivanovic is in custody as of January 27th, on suspicion first, and now accused of war crimes and serious crimes in Mitrovica in 1999 and 2000. Ivanovic will enter a plea, together with four Serbs in a joint indictment, before the court in the northern part of Mitrovica. These days is expected the court's decision whether he will remain in custody.

You claim this is "political process" against you and that your "enemies are secret and powerful". Whether is known what is the reason and who is behind this process?

- The main reason is that EULEX had failed to impose itself. Since the beginning, the mission was torn because of the different instructions, political constraints, and changes in its operations. For example, it respects the Constitution of Kosovo, but is a status neutral. They inherited ailment of all international missions in Kosovo that their success depends on the situation and relations with the local population, who make up 90 per cent of Kosovo Albanians, which means to ignore or minimize the Serbs, make adjusted reports that most would not contest, that, with honourable exceptions, goes on from 1999 to the present. The doctrine of the creation of ethnic balance in the arrests and convictions is only now emerging. Albanians since 2001 seek EULEX to leave or reduce to an advisory international mission with absolute abandonment of executive powers. Instead a report by Dick Marty appeared, the Special Prosecution, Special Court based in The Hague, and announcements mentioned the top of the KLA. EULEX gets a mandate extension for another two years, maybe even longer. The Drenica group trial began, there were arrests for criminal activity with "Schengen visa", several corruption scandals in the announcement, the three Mayors indicted or convicted. In all this, not a single Serb. Because the charges that EULEX is anti-Albanian, which will soon follow, should be minimized with arrest of the "big fish" among Serbs. There I fully fit - after 2012 there was a complete change of generations in politics among Kosovo Serbs, and for me, there is a story that could be reheated. My eventual conviction would have pulled 15 to 20 arrests; it can already be seen from the case. It's disappointing because we expected from foreigners to demonstrate the standards applied in their countries. We made them a little overrated.

How do you comment the assessment that you are the first victim of integration of the north of Kosovo into the Kosovo's legal and political system?

- My arrest is not related to the integration, except perhaps for the fact that it was not appropriate to them that I was elected for mayor of Mitrovica-North or a deputy, because they believed that it would be harder for the arrest.

What do you expect of the outcome of the political crisis in Pristina and where do you see the place of the Serbian List?

- Hashim Thaci will not easily give up, even though due to the balance of political power he’s practically sent to the opposition. However, Thaci better than anyone else knows the relations within Kosovo politics. There's "army" of his people in public enterprises, institutions, administration. He is aware that he cannot break the formed block LDK, AAK and the Initiative for Kosovo, supported by Self-Determination. This is a very heterogeneous group in which it will be the most difficult to harmonize with the extreme demands of Albin Kurti, and neither the international community, who are still completely aside, would not allow them the effort invested in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina to fail. Not to mention the possible loss of credibility of the EU that already is not too big in Kosovo. I think a new coalition will form government, but soon will have a serious problem and at that point the PDK will be part of some a concentration Government or there will be early elections. Serbian list should clearly define their interests, but those should not be fitted as an ultimatum. Favourable solutions for reserved seats, community of Serbian municipalities, the safety of Serbs, legal security, return and other issues must be reached through long-term, daily negotiations with the Albanians, foreigners and combined, primarily in coordination with the official Belgrade, whoever makes the Government of Serbia.

Disappointment in Albanian politicians

Whether some of the Albanian politicians and officials from Kosovo visited you in prison?

- No, it's a bit of a disappointment. I am convinced that all Albanian politicians with whom I met, clashed on political issues and build a relationship of mutual respect know that this, charges against me, are ridiculous. But due to political expediency does not dare to say anything.