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Serbia meets obligations by joining UN Treaty (Tanjug)

BELGRADE - Serbian Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic said Tuesday that ratifying the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which the Serbian parliament was discussing today, would contribute to Serbia’s fulfillment of international obligations.

“Serbia is among the bigger exporters of defense industry products, and the signing and ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty for Serbia means that it will continue to strengthen its overall administrative and other capacities in this area,” Gasic said in the parliament.

The ATT was adopted by the UN General Assembly in April 2013. The signing of the treaty started in June the same year. The treaty will enter into force on December 24 this year. It had to be ratified by at least 50 states.

Gasic said that Serbia would be among the countries fulfilling their international obligations when it comes to conventional arms transfer, a confirmation that it followed the policies, objectives and standards of the EU in all terms.

The Arms Trade Treaty has so far been signed by 121 states and ratified by 54.

Serbia signed the document on August 12, 2013.
