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Kosovo Serbs are waiting for a definitive agreement between PDK and LDK (Danas)

The latest coalition of Kosovar Albanians – the PDK and the LDK, of Hashim Thaci and Isa Mustafa has not yet started formal negotiations on the composition of the new government of Kosovo with representatives of the Kosovo Serbs, said to Danas, the presidents of the Serbian List and the Progressive Democratic Party (PDS) Aleksandar Jablanovic and Nenad Rasic.

The leaders of the PDK and the LDK so far had only informal contacts with the Serbian List, which has nine, and with the PDS, which has one seat in the new parliament of Kosovo. Jablanovic and Rasic agreed that the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, despite speculation, was not going to enter a new Kosovo government. Jablanovic said that Haradinaj promised the Serbian list, because of the existing constructive cooperation, support of the AAK in the Assembly in any occasion.

- We only had one informal meeting with Thaci and Mustafa. We were told that Mustafa will definitely be Prime Minister-designate where they want Serbian list and other parliamentary groups of the non-Albanian communities. At the parliamentary session on December 8, constitution of the parliament should be ended and that a new government of Kosovo would be elected - says Jablanovic.

According to him, the Serbian List is willing to join the government, but only if the conditions are met, defined by the Prime Minister and the Government of Serbia - the return of Serbs to Kosovo, annulment of the privatization in the Serbian communities, protection and restoration of the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Community/Association of Serbian municipalities. Jablanovic says that he had not discussed the representation of the Serbian List in the future government, although he sees "no reason why it would be lower than before." He said that for the Serbian lists in the first place are the conditions, while the ministerial chairs are in the background.


- Coalition Thaci - Mustafa has yet to formulate policies and orientation of the future government, after which it will begin formal negotiations on the composition. The PDS could support three of the four conditions of the Serbian List for entry into government. But we think that the request to reverse and to stop all the privatizations in Serbian communities was unrealistic, because it is the strategic value of the EU. This condition should be reformulated - considered Nenad Rasic.