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Street cannot dismiss me (Vesti)

I have no intention to resign, because I have not violated the law in any moment nor I have offended the citizens by a comment. I've condemned the attack on Serbs on Christmas Eve in Gjakovica/Gjakova, and that's all. Protests and demands of the Self-determination have nothing to do with what I said, told Vesti Aleksandar Jablanovic, the Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government.

Do you think that they would protest regardless of your statement?

- I am sure it would have been protests; just the motive would have been of some other nature. First of all it does not suit Self-determination to see Serbs in the Kosovo government who work in the interests of Serbs.

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa has somehow stood by you. What about the other ministers?

- The entire Mustafa's cabinet knows that the reference to my statement and creating so much fuss about the Trepca is only a wish of the opposition to come to power with the help of the street. Last month, at no point there has been a change in cooperation between the Serbian list and the Democratic League of Kosovo and the Democratic Party of Kosovo. My colleagues in the government know who the target of my statement was, and that it was not about the mothers of the missing Gjakovica citizens, than only those who have stoned a bus carrying Serbs. Activists of Self-determination have nothing to do with mothers who are looking for their innocent victims in the last war. Mothers were protesting in front of the church, democratically and dignified, they did not attack or physically harassed. They have abandoned the protest because they are misused for political purposes.

How is it in the government sessions?

- At the government sessions there are no problems. In Pristina I am moving significantly different, with police protection, but so far I have not had a problem of physical nature.

At the protest there were banners with your face that was crossed out. And they were singing a song to you.

- It is part of the political folklore of the opposition. We did not enter the government to make the gap between Serbs and Albanians even bigger, but to do something for the benefit of all our citizens, regardless of whether they are Serbs, Albanians and Roma. The situation is very difficult in economy, but also with crime and corruption, and irresponsible actions of certain political parties only tend to make the situation even more difficult.

Whether the protests might lead to a scenario similar to that in March of 2004?

- I hope this will not happen. There are structures that are tasked to monitor everything that precedes and which may be a result of the protests on the ground. I do not have the professional capacity to talk about it.

The fictional "case"

- No need for no one in Belgrade to announce on this case, because there is no case. The case was invented and fabricated. The statement that condemned an act of vandalism in Gjakovica has been exaggerated and distorted before the Kosovo public, in order to draw attention from the stoning of returnees - says Jablanovic.

The future of the Trepca

- The position of the Serbian List was agreed with the coalition partners. We agree that the Trepca is a serious company of which depend economic future of Kosovo and the entire region. The Trepca Act has to be passed in a peaceful manner, with a cool head and the opinion of experts who can provide the best possible solution.