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Djuric: Serbia unites in elections (TV Most)

In the forthcoming elections which will be held on 24 April Serbia will unite, with the aim of continuing the reforms, said the Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric, in an interview for Alo. He added that Serbia needs strong institutions, especially in an area where our people are jeopardized – Kosovo. Serbia needs to protect the economy, its interests in Kosovo and strongly advocates its position in the region, he said adding that it could be done “exclusively if we are united and have strong political representatives to lead us.”

Regarding the Democratic Party of Serbia and Dveri movement who attack state policy regarding Kosovo, Djuric recalls that "those who had the responsibility for the situation in Kosovo at a crucial time, when the unilateral independence of Kosovo was declared, did not lift a finger to prevent it." "They did nothing to protect our people and property in Kosovo not only in 2004, during the March pogrom, but also before when they released more than 1,200 persons from prison, convicted terrorists, including the Mazreku brothers, who had been sentenced to 100 murders and dozens of rapes," said Djuric. He believes that the amnesty of leading KLA criminals contributed to creating an environment in which those who committed crimes against Serbs remain unpunished, and in a very short period of time created a pogrom in 2004.