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Unemployment - problem of youth in northern Kosovo (Radio Kontakt Plus)

Unemployment is the biggest problem of young people in northern Kosovo municipalities - Northern Mitrovica, Zvecan/Zveqan, Leposavic/Leposaviq and Zubin Potok. The research results conducted by the Youth Educational Club "Synergy" show that 60.6 per cent of the respondents marked as the biggest problem the youth unemployment, which is followed by domestic violence, poor educational system, poverty and crime among young people.

Researcher on the project Igor Simic said that the results showed that young people in the north of Kosovo are not satisfied with the situation in which they live and the circumstances in their surroundings, but they are not willing to get involved in the process of solving problems. "My message to the representatives of local governments, institutions and NGOs is to engage young people and give them the possibility to involve more actively in the decision making process," said Simić.

Striking fact is that 81 per cent of young people, 15 to 30 years old, wants to leave the north of Kosovo.