Prosecution in Djakovica rejected complaint for demolishing memorial plaque to Slavuj and Perenic (Kontakt plus radio)
Basic prosecution office in Djakovica rejected complaint and due to lack of evidence decided not to launch a criminal proceeding against unknown perpetrators, who in May 2016 on the way Zociste-Velika Hoca, demolished memorial plaque dedicated to the journalists, Djuro Slavuj and Ranko Perenic, Association of Journalists of Serbia said, Kontakt plus radio reported.
The prosecution response was delivered in the Albanian language. The responses for the previous four cases of demolition were not delivered. This is the fifth demolition case of the memorial plaque, dedicated to the journalists who went missing in 1998, and which journalists place it again. Memorial plaque has an inscription in Serbian and Albanian languages, saying: “Here on 21 August 1998, journalists went missing. We are looking for them,” Kontakt plus radio reported.