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European Broadcasting Union condemns attack on RTS cameraman (RTS, Serbian media)

The EBU and its community has strongly condemned an attack on journalists in Kosovska Mitrovica this week.

Radio Television of Serbia (RTS) cameraman Vladimir Milić was among a group of journalists assaulted by the Kosovo Police Force in the Mitrovica Community Centre while covering a meeting of the local community about the Kosovo dialogue.

Reportedly, the Kosovo police, armed with assault rifles, broke into the meeting hall where they threw tear gas and concussion bombs. A group of five journalists were assaulted and Milić was beaten and his camera broken.

EBU Director General Noel Curran said: "Physical attacks on journalists are absolutely unacceptable and have no place in today's society. It is particularly shocking that this attack appears to have been perpetrated by the Police, whose job should be to protect the rule of law and order.

"Journalists should be allowed to do their job free of fear and intimidation. Independent journalism is the backbone of strong democracies, fostering dialogue between people, promoting divergent voices and acting as a watchdog for all of society."

The EBU calls on the Kosovo authorities to condemn this brutal act of violence and ensure an appropriate environment for the work of journalists and the media to continue in line with international standards on freedom of expression.

The statement is available here: