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Kocijancic: First the abolition of tariffs, then dialogue (Tanjug, Radio Mitrovica Sever)

Brussels is informed about the elections in the north of Kosovo, EU spokesperson Maja Kocijancic says, but also once again urged a quicker continuation of Belgrade and Pristina dialogue as the best way to resolve all open issues in the region, reports Radio Mitrovica Sever, quoting Belgrade based agency Tanjug.

On that occasion, she emphasized the necessity of a quick continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

"The region needs reconciliation, comprehensive normalization and the resolution of all open issues. This is what the people who are living there are searching for, and on what the EU will continue to work on all levels," says Kocijancic.

When asked by Tanjug on how dialogue can continue without a previous abolishment of tariffs, Kocijancic emphasizes that currently tariffs' abolishment is a prerequisite for the continuation of the dialogue and that the EU, the Member States and the United States are constantly asking for it.

"Tariffs stand in the way not only for the dialogue but also for the European Kosovo's road,'' says Kocijancic.

She was unable to comment on yesterday's dismissal of another minister from the Serbian list from the provisional Kosovo institutions, because she said that it was "an internal policy".