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Koha: "Serb mayors to win in North Kosovo, and then resign again" (Serbian media)

Pristina based daily Koha Ditore writes that Kosovo President, Hashim Thaci announced that the Serbian List planed participation in the local elections called in the four northern Kosovo municipalities, Serbian media are quoting.

The Pristina daily says that the Serbian List will participate in elections for mayors in the four Serb majority municipalities - but that mayors elected this way "will resign immediately after election (results) have been confirmed."

The newspaper described this alleged plan as "a new game" of the Serbin List, Serbian media quotes.

Thaci earlier this week scheduled the elections for May 19.

The heads of the four municipalities resigned in November in response to Pristina’s 100 percent taxes on products from central Serbia, and also to the arrest of four Serbs Pristina suspects of killing Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic.

Representatives of the Serbian List were in Belgrade on Wednesday where they met with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, when they decided to participate in the elections.

Vucic said after the meeting that he told Serbs not to allow Albanians to elect their representatives with just over one percent of the vote, and added that when it comes to deciding to leave (Pristina's) institutions, they should wait until after his meetings in Berlin on April 29 and 30, when will speak with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

"I would prefer them to participate (in elections), but I did not say it to them that way," Vucic said, adding that Serb representatives would make their own decision.