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Kosovo president Hashim Thaci dismisses Serb advisor (Serbian media)

Kosovo President Hashim Thaci dismissed his political advisor Branislav Nikolic following claims of his alleged involvement in “dubious activities directed against the constitutional order and sovereignty of Kosovo”, a statement said on Wednesday.

The statement from the president’s cabinet said that Thaci took media reports about Nikolic’s dubious activities seriously even though he did not have any official report about those alleged activities by his Serb advisor from any security service.

It added that the president “remains committed to promoting the rights of non-Albanian communities and their representation at all levels of central and local government under the constitution”. The Nikolic case is a question of law and order, it said.

Pristina media reported that Nikolic was an agent of Serbia’s top civilian security service the Security information Agency (BIA) who was alleged to have “secured false testimony about the trade in human organs during the Kosovo war”.

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