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Belgrade Media Report 17 January 2018



Brnabic: Assassination of Ivanovic a massive loss, a blow to stability in the region (Tanjug/RTS/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a telegram of condolences to the family and wife of the murdered leader of the Citizens initiative SDP, Oliver Ivanovic, stating that this is a great loss for all citizens of Serbia, especially in Kosovo and Metohija, and a blow to the stability in the region. “Struck by sadness, we express great sorrow, because the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic is a loss for all citizens of Serbia, especially those living in Kosovo and Metohija. The assassination of your husband is a big blow to the stability of the entire region”, she wrote in the telegram. Brnabic pointed out that the Republic of Serbia will do everything in its power so that those who committed this cowardly, terrorist act and those who ordered it are discovered and brought to justice. “The government of Serbia stands beside you and your family in such difficult moments,” she said.


Brnabic, Borisov condemn murder of Oliver Ivanovic (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov about the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, with whom she agreed that such violence should not be tolerated and that it endangers the stability of the entire region of the Western Balkans. In a phone conversation, Brnabic and Borisov condemned Ivanovic’s murder and talked about possible reactions of Bulgaria as the presiding country to the European Union, which has the European perspective of the region as one of its main objectives.

Brnabic informed Borisov about the measures undertaken by the competent authorities regarding this crime in Kosovska Mitrovica. The Prime Minister of Bulgaria conveyed to the Serbian Prime Minister the condolences for the family and friends of Oliver Ivanovic.


Djuric: Answers on murder, then resumption of dialogue (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told the RTS evening broadcast Oko specijal that the dialogue will not resume in Brussels until Serbia receives answers on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. Djuric stressed that the information acquired by Serbian organs show that at issue is a serious and broad organization. “We are receiving more and more information from minute to minute, I am more and more convinced that this is not coming from our country and surely not from the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. We are not requesting and we are not begging, but we are demanding that Kosovo organs find immediately the perpetrators and bring them to justice,” said Djuric. “The one who did this, did the worst thing for our nation. Now it is very important that those who are responsible for the investigation, and those are Kosovo institutions, to give an answer and we are requetion, demanding that Serbia is enabled to take part in the investigation, while we will be conducting our own investigation certainly,” said Djuric.

RTS was told by Oliver Ivanovic’s lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic that Ivanovic will be buried in Belgrade on Thursday.


Drecun: Veseli could provide a lot of information on Ivanovic’s assassination (RTS)


The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee Milovan Drecun told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) news that the current course of the investigation into the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic shows that at issue is a very well planned and, unfortunately, efficiently performed brutal murder of Ivanovic, and that it was perpetrated by professionals. “The owner of that vehicle is dead, non-existent, it was purchased in 1994 – everything has been precisely planned, this is an assassination that also has regional character – the question is where the assassins come from, where the weapons come from, who gathered intelligence information,” said Drecun. He thinks the investigation needs to go in two directions. “Towards Kadri Veseli, the Kosovo Assembly speaker who is the Head of Tachi’s illegal intelligence service. This para-service operates especially in southern Mitrovica and conducts subversions in the north. I think that he could provide a lot of information on this murder,” said Drecun. The second part of the investigation should go towards Washington. “I would like the State Department to offer information of their intelligence services based on which they made an estimate that some unrests and incidents are expected in northern Kosovo in the following period. Let’s see on what information are these analysis based. Does it, perhaps, include unconfirmed information that a group of professional assassins entered Albania a month ago. Where are they, what was happening with them?” wondered Drecun. He says that Serbia will work with all capacities on this case. “Our own investigation has been launched and I think we will be able to have some results since this case must be resolved, it is so important for Serbia, for stability generally and for the future of the entire process of normalization of relations,” says Drecun. He thinks that the reason why Pristina doesn’t want cooperation with Belgrade in the investigation of Ivanovic’s murder is because they want to manipulate with evidence that will be collected, to direct the course of the investigation, to hide executors and prosecutors and to transfer responsibility on Belgrade. “They have strong support in this from individuals and certain opposition politicians in Serbia. Their option is ‘we’ll do everything’. But what have they done for Staro Gracko, for the March pogrom?” wondered Drecun.

Drecun says that our security services are working with full capacities, adding that the concentration of Western intelligence services is extremely strong in Kosovo and Metohija. “They have deeply entered this organized criminal environment in Kosovo and Metohija. Look at the report of the German BND, KFOR on organized crime. It turns out that they know everything; they know exactly how this criminal organization functions in Kosovo and Metohija. I think they are the ones who can first acquire information. You have extremely capable people among the Italian Carabiniers, the French Gendarmerie, and you also have the Germans and the Americans. If there is sincere political will in these states, then they will acquire certain data. I think this is also a big challenge for them,” said Drecun.

He thinks there is danger of destabilization in Kosovo and Metohija. “If you take into consideration that the issuance of first indictments in the special prosecution are drawing closer, then threats arriving from certain former terrorist commanders, and now from politicians that the KLA will re-activate, then the petition with 16,000 signatures of veterans, then attacks on the Serbs, especially on the property of Serb returnees, then the group that Haradinaj’s clan inserted in Kumanovo – there is capacity for destabilization,” notes Drecun. On the other side, he points out that the dilemma is whether Ivanovic’s murder is the final ending of somebody’s plan, or it should be a beginning of the realization of a new plan. “If this is a beginning of the realization of a new plan that needs to lead to a wider destabilization of the north, then this is dangerous. Imagine a situation where, God forbid, some Albanian politician would be killed in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. What would this lead to? You remember what were the tensions between the southern and northern parts,” said Drecun.

The upcoming visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to northern Kosovo following the murder of Ivanovic is very risky but necessary, Drecun said. “The trip is very risky but necessary. The President will be with the Serb people and show that Serbia fully supports the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, encourages it and guarantees security as much as Serbia can do this, and relieves the growing tensions. Vucic’s visit will turn the tide and prevent further tensions,” said Drecun.


Ljajic: Most important to shed light on Ivanovic’s murder (Tanjug)


For the family of Oliver Ivanovic and his relatives and friends, now that he is not among the living, the most important thing is to discover who ordered and perpetrated the murder, Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Rasim Ljajic told Tanjug. “Everything else is drawing away attention from this fact, and unfortunately in certain circles in Belgrade and Pristina, we have been also noticing elements of political vultures,” says Ljajic. He stresses that the most important thing now is to exert pressure, primarily on international institutions that have jurisdiction to discover the perpetrators and to shed light on the murder. “It is simply inconceivable that in the small Kosovska Mitrovica such large international community, with all the instruments at its disposal, cannot solve this murder, the more so since there are traces of a burned car that could obviously lead to the perpetrator. Without resolving the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, not only will there be a dark stain on the faces of many, but also the repercussions of this crime will be far-reaching,” concluded Ljajic.


Other Serbian officials react to murder of Ivanovic (RTS/FoNet/Tanjug)


Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic told Radio Belgrade 1 that the Republic of Serbia has complete will and interest in quickly resolving the murder of Oliver Ivanovic.

“The Republic of Serbia asks EULEX and UNMIK to accept the participation of our state authorities in the investigation and to share information with us, because it would help the to reach the perpetrator faster. We will conduct our own investigation through the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime,” said Stefanovic. According to him the security situation in Serbia is stable, while he expects KFOR representatives to do everything to protect the Serbs in the southern province. He warns there is a possibility for those who mean well to Serbia and the Serbs in northern Kosovo to abuse the situation. Stefanovic had stated earlier that, unfortunately, Serbia has no operative possibility in this part of our territory, but that KFOR and UNMIK are guarantor of security for the Serbs.

Serbian parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic most harshly condemned the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, pointing out that at issue is an unscrupulous terrorist act directed against all Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the state of Serbia, peace and stability in the region.

“This abominable and cowardly act demands the condemnation and urgent reaction of the organs of EULEX and UNMIK in order to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice as soon as possible. To that end, I expect that the request of the state authorities of the Republic of Serbia to participate in conducting the investigation on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija will be fulfilled,” said Gojkovic in a written statement sent to the media.

The Prime Minister of the Provincial government Igor Mirovic pointed out that the most important thing is to preserve peace and not to react hastily at any cost. Mirovic labeled the murder of Ivanovic a great tragedy and noted that the most important thing is for Serbian state organs to act as soon as possible in order to discover the perpetrators of the crime as soon as possible.

The General Secretary in the Serbian Foreign Ministry Veljko Odalovic has told RTS that one of the best among us who fought for the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija was killed. “Ivanovic didn’t do anything to inflict damage on somebody, neither to the Albanians nor to the Serbs. He always spoke the language of arguments, openly,” said Odalovic. He says that today’s date, 16 January, is the “black day” when it comes to security of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, because Dimitrije Janicijevic was killed on this date three years ago and there was an assassination attempt on dean Radivoje Papovic on this date twenty years ago.


Patriarch praises Oliver Ivanovic (TV Hram/B92)


Serbian Patriarch Irinej has told TV Hram that Oliver Ivanovic did not want to leave Old Serbia even at the cost of his life. He pointed out that Ivanovic, as somebody who knew exceptionally well the difficult situation in which the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija have been for a long time, persisted in his role of a national and social representative. “Many were forced to leave the territory of Old Serbia. Ivanovic came under pressure and was exposed to the greatest temptations. Although he could have left that holy land, he did not want to do it at any cost. It turned out, unfortunately, that he did not want to do it at the cost of his life,” said Irinej.

He pointed out that the shots fired at Ivanovic represented shots fired at the Serbs and Serbia.

“We are grateful to the late Oliver for being the brightest example of our kin, alongside our clergy, monks and all honorable Serbs, as well as for all the good that he has done for the Serb people and the Serbian Church,” Irinej said, and added: “To the family, to all his relatives, to the true friends of the late Oliver Ivanovic and to our people living in Kosovo and Metohija, we offer sincere condolences, along with a desire that they live in mutual love and in peace with other peoples. We pray to the Serb saints who live forever in the holy places in Kosovo and Metohija as the guardians of our people, to plead with the victor over death, the resurrected Christ, to grant Oliver eternal rest.”


Russian Embassy in Belgrade: A display of lawlessness that governs Kosovo (RTS)


The Russian Embassy in Belgrade has announced that the murder of Ivanovic is yet another attempt at intimidating the Serb population and a display of lawlessness that governs Kosovo. It is stressed that the Embassy is deeply shocked with the murder in the terrorist attack of a man who, following the NATO aggression against Serbia and the forceful separation of Kosovo and Metohija, devoted his life to protecting the rights of the Serbs in the province and because of which he as exposed to persecutions. We offer deepest condolences to the family and closest ones of the murdered. We hope that the crime will be fully investigated along with the leading role of international structures in Kosovo and the participation of Serbian authorities and that the killers will receive severe punishment.




Reactions of B&H officials to Ivanovic’s murder (Srna/Nezavisne/N1)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic was "a classic blow to the stability of Serbia and the north of Kosovo". As he said, the murder is a blow to the "commitment of the leadership of Serbia that has given its immense contribution to the difficult job of building peace and trust among people in Kosmet". Dodik called the Ivanovic murder in Kosovska Mitrovica a criminal act that shocked all citizens of RS. "I express full support for the institutions of Serbia in finding those who stand behind this murder and their punishment, as well as preventing an obvious attempt to create chaos in Kosovo and Metohija, and to destabilize Serbia" the RS President's office said. Dodik, on behalf of the citizens of RS and his name expressed his condolences to the Ivanovic family.

Zeljka Cvijanovic, the Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister, said that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic is terrible and unacceptable, and that it is obvious that attention must now be directed on that area. "It needs to be seen what is happening there, meaning why such liquidations are happening there and how the perpetrators will be sanctioned" Cvijanovic told reporters. She also sent a telegram of condolences to the family, friends and associates on the occasion of the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, expressing the hope that the perpetrators will be quickly brought to justice. "With a sincere grief and astonishment, I received news of the tragic death of Oliver Ivanovic in Kosovska Mitrovica. I condemn every form of violence and I hope that the perpetrators will be quickly brought to justice ", Cvijanovic said in a telegram of condolences.

She pointed out that the tragic death of Oliver Ivanovic is an irrecoverable loss for his family, but also for those who honor their work and serve their people and community. "On behalf of the RS government and my name, I give you the expressions of our deepest sympathy" reads the telegram of condolence of Cvijanovic.

Mladen Ivanic, a member of the B&H Presidency, said that he personally knew Ivanovic and that for years they had the opportunity to communicate. "I saw him as a man with a stable, calm, realistic, approach that was very democratic in resolving the problems of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," Ivanic said, adding that he was shocked by the problems Ivanovic had in recent years. "I could never link him with murder charges brought against him. I'm particularly shocked by what happened. It's terrible, it may be the most serious political assassination that has ever happened anywhere in the former Yugoslavia," Ivanic said, expressing the hope that the perpetrator will be found, because the act is deeply troubling. He points out that it is evident that Ivanovic was a political personality and that from a political point of view, this could have unimaginable consequences. "I hope that things in Kosovo and Metohija will calm down and will not go towards further escalation" Ivanic said.

RS Assembly speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that it was sad news. "It seems to be timed and organized. Today, representatives of Pristina and Belgrade were supposed to meet in Brussels to negotiate further cooperation. This day has been used and directed to prevent this negotiations, and to deal with things with some other means. We have to stay self-contained, stay calm in our sadness and react rationally to these events. I would not like to make this serious crime a reversal of something else that is much more difficult. I hope that the authorities of both Kosovo and Serbs in Kosovo and, in particular, the state of Serbia are going to find a solution to this situation. Great grief and great sadness" said Cubrilovic.


B&H and entity officials reach agreement on remaining answers to EC Questionnaire (Klix)


During yesterday’s meeting of representative of B&H authorities with entity officials, the agreement concerning the remaining questions from the EC’s Questionnaire was reached.

Chairman of CoM Denis Zvizdc said that the meeting that he is content by the results of the meeting and that they managed to agree text of answers to remaining questions. “All bodies within coordination mechanism received clear and defined deadlines, where these answers need to be submitted into verification procedure by Friday. We expect that in next few days, we will have completed all answers to the Questionnaire, after which follows the procedure of verification and technical preparation”, said Zvizdic. He noted that authorities are entering the final phase, of complex job and added that answers will be delivered on more than 25,000 pages.

Federation of B&H PM Fadil Novalic said that the job will be completed after technical harmonization in line with principles of coordination mechanism. He reminded of latest crisis at B&H and Federation of B&H level, regarding the budget and noted that this is a bright example and new signal sent to the EU.

Republika Srpska (RS) PM Zeljka Cvijanovic said that all open issues concerning the Questionnaire have been agreed and that everything should be harmonized by Friday.

Presidency of B&H will hold a regular session on Wednesday at 1500 hrs. Proposed agenda includes, among other issues, a reported prepared by the Council of Ministers of B&H regarding activities within the process of European integration of B&H with focus on remaining obligations pertaining to preparation of answers to the EC’s Questionnaire.


Huston on regional cooperation, influence of Russia on NATO integration of B&H (BHT1)


Commander of NATO Headquarters in Sarajevo Robert Huston asked about importance of regional cooperation said that it is very important because there are many similar cross-border issues, such as natural disasters, organized crime, corruption, terrorist activities, etc. He explained that with well-developed regional cooperation, countries can help each other in certain crises, and added that NATO takes useful part in organizing exercises and bringing experts.

Asked to comment on influence of Russia on NATO integration of B&H, Huston said that it exceeds his mandate, and added that this is a question for NATO Headquarters in Brussels. However, he said that NATO is not afraid of Russia, and added that since Russia is a member of international community, NATO listens to Russian ideas and hopes that they will find a joint approach to help B&H to move forward.


Covic meets US Ambassador Cormack and Head of EUD Wigemark (FTV)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with US Ambassador to B&H Maureen Cormack and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark in Sarajevo on Tuesday. Participants of this meeting discussed the current political situation in B&H, while focus of this meeting was on necessity to amend the Election Law of B&H in line with the EU standards and relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H. Among other things, collocutors concluded that it is necessary to additional intensify talks among parliamentary parties regarding amending of the Election Law of B&H, in order to enable implementation of results of upcoming general elections in B&H.  Covic assessed after the meeting that solutions which at the time same time improve the EU perspective of B&H and guarantee full equality of all constituent peoples - based on consistent application of the principle of legitimate representation in the election process - should be looked for through amendments to the Election Law of B&H.


Grabar- Kitarovic: Croatia is friend of B&H and we wish you only the best (


Following the meetings with Croatian President Kolinda Grabar- Kitarovic, a press conference took place in premises of B&H Presidency. “We used today’s talks to underline significance so that B&H would maintain its primary foreign- policy priority, which are European integration. You can help us so that our candidate status is not only a distant future, but reality during this year,” said Chairman of B&H Presidency Dragan Covic. He stated that some sort of bad climate was created towards the Croatia and towards President Grabar- Kitarovic personally, though there are no reasons for that. President Grabar- Kitarovic said that she is glad to be here and provide support as friend of B&H “who wishes you nothing but all the best in your internal development and EU path, activation of MAP and all the goals you set for yourself. Today’s talks were very open. I am glad that we agreed to intensify our communication, that we will meet more often and work harder on resolving of open issues, which burden our relations.”

“There are not many countries in the world directed towards each other. B&H and Croatia breathe together. B&H is also the homeland of Croat people. Unfortunately, things in B&H are often observed as wining for one people and loss for the other. This is not the case at all… Croats in B&H only want peace and equality with Bosniaks and Serbs. They are not and they will not be an ethnic minority in this country. It is crucial to secure functioning of institutions in B&H, after the elections, so that ‘Mostar case’ would not to be repeated” said President Grabar- Kitarovic.


Croatian President arriving to B&H amid political tensions (Hayat/BHT/FTV)


This is the second official visit of the Croatian President to B&H. BHT1 presenter said that she will arrive amid political tensions between B&H and Croatia, due to numerous open questions that culminated with her interfering with B&H Election Law. On the eve of the visit, member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that a decision on the Election Law has to be reached in B&H, while all others can say what they think. Chairman of main Council of Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Bozo Ljubic said that Croatia is a signatory of the Dayton Peace Agreement, therefore the Croatian President has legitimacy to discuss the matter.

Although Grabar-Kitarovic was supposed to arrive to the International Airport in Sarajevo on Tuesday evening, the plane did not land and the latest announcements say that Grabar-Kitarovic will arrive to Sarajevo on Wednesday morning.

Member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic welcomed the visit of the Croatian President and added that the other two members of B&H Presidency have huge obligation to make efforts and solve the issue of B&H Election Law.

Chairman of B&H Council of Ministers Denis Zvizdic vowed for solving of open issues between B&H and Croatia.

Bosniak member of B&H Presidency and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic said recently that Croatia will show its good will towards B&H by agreeing to discuss issues related to B&H’s property in Croatia and resources of B&H used by Croatia.


EC: No unresolved legal issues blocking Peljesac (HRT)


The European Commission has announced that there are no unresolved legal issues blocking the construction of the Peljesac Bridge, connecting southern Dalmatia with the rest of mainland Croatia. The commission’s statement comes in response to claims by MP Ivan Lovrinovic from the Change Croatia Party, that the EC was making funding for the project conditional to resolving the border issue with Bosnia and Herzegovina. An EC spokesman told the HINA newswire that the commission had analyzed in detail the project Croatia had submitted for the EU co-financing of the Peljesac Bridge and checked to make sure that all of the criteria and procedures foreseen by the Cohesion Policy had been adhered to before approving funding for the bridge. On the basis of additional information submitted by Croatia, the European Commission concluded that there are no unresolved legal issues blocking the project’s completion, the EC spokesman said.


Reactions of Montenegrin officials to Ivanovic’s murder (RTCG/CDM)


Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic has condemned the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, stating that he is convinced that with the maximum engagement of all, the perpetrators of this crime will be found.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Ivan Brajovic, condemned the murder of Oliver Ivanovic, the leader of the Civic Initiative "Freedom, Democracy, Justice," and expressed the hope that negotiations will continue between Belgrade and Pristina in spite of this event.

Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs Srdjan Darmanovic said that Montenegro supports dialog between Belgrade and Pristina and that he hopes that the murder of Oliver Ivanovic would not interrupt negotiations.


Belgrade interested in the rights of Serbs in Montenegro (CDM)


Official Belgrade is interested in the rights of Serbs in Montenegro, said Serbian deputy prime minister Ivica Dacic. “We do not interfere with internal affairs in Montenegro. We are interested in the rights of Serbs, the language issue, and everything else, but without interfering with what is the internal matter of Montenegro. A Serb in Podgorica as a Montenegrin in Belgrade enjoys all rights. That’s normal,” Dacic said. He is clear – Serbia and Montenegro are two friendly countries. “Regardless of the fact that we do not have the same opinion on certain topics, we don’t have any close countries than one another. We want our relations to develop in the political area, but also in the sphere of economy. To grow economic cooperation, to solve the infrastructure problems, to improve railway transport, the highway etc., as well as to represent our common political interests,” Dacic said. He welcomes Jean-Claude Juncker’s statement that Montenegro and Serbia are the two leaders of integration, and that in the foreseeable future they will be EU members. “I support the principle of regatta. To join the EU by merit and progress,” Dacic points out. He adds that Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will soon visit Montenegro.


About the presidential election without the opposition (RTCG)


Parliament Speaker Ivan Brajovic will hold consultations today with leaders of parliamentary parties on the occasion of presidential elections which will be announced within the legal deadline by January 20th, without representatives of the opposition. Representatives of the Democrats, the Democratic Front (DF), the Social Democratic Party (SDP), the Socialist People's Party (SNP), Demos and URA have announced that they will not attend the meeting. According to his letter, before the implementation of the constitutional obligation to call the presidential elections, Brajovic intends to exchange views with elected representatives of citizens in the spirit of good political practice. "The Speaker of the Assembly in this way too wants to enable all parliamentary parties to make a contribution to a fair and democratic electoral environment in a constructive way with their views and proposals," the statement said. Brajovic will inform the party presidents of the arrival of the ODIHR's Mission for situation assessment, which will stay in Montenegro at the invitation of state authorities. "The goal of the mission is to assess the pre-election environment and prepare the upcoming elections, on the basis of which the ODIHR will decide on the implementation of the necessary activities in the monitoring process," the statement said. Foreign minister Srdjan Darmanovic points out that a common European goal is the stability of the region. He praised Serbia’s progress on the road to the EU. “Montenegro will continue to be Serbia’s partner in the upcoming period. We are satisfied with the messages from Brussels. This year will be crucial for the Balkans. The order of the countries presiding the EU is very favorable for us. We are strengthening relations with our neighbors. We monitor and support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina,” said Darmanovic.


Scott to testify on DF’s involvement in terrorism attempt (Dnevne novine)


American citizen Brian Scott will testify on Democratic Front’s involvement in the plan to cause chaos in Montenegro on 16 October 2016 soon, despite delays and obstructions by defense attorneys and defendants. As Sasa Sindjelic’s testimony is nearing its end, Scott, owner of a Florida based defense contracting services company, could testify via video link already by the end of this month. Dnevne novine’s sources close to investigation say that even the attorneys are aware that they cannot come up with new questions for Sindjelic and that the hearing would be finished during next week. Scott will also explain what exactly DF wanted from his company, Patriot Defense Group. According to his previous statement given to US judicial authorities, DF addressed Scott’s company for protection and help during the evacuation of people if the alliance’s plan for a violent takeover of power in Montenegro failed. As the US Ministry of Justice reported on Scott’s hearing, the PDG was asked to “provide protection” to DF and help it in evacuating people from Montenegro after 16 October 2016, which the company rejected.


Macedonian government expressed its condolences for the murder of Ivanovic (Meta)


The Macedonian government has expressed its condolences for the brutal murder of Oliver Ivanovic, one of the Serbian political leaders in Kosovo. “With a complete understanding of the traumas caused by this uncivilized act, we are calling on temperance and a fast reaction of the authorities in the Republic of Kosovo through an institutional procedure to clear out the circumstances and to reveal the organizers and the executors of this brutal murder,” said the press release. The government has also expressed hope that the political elites including the citizens of Kosovo and Serbia will continue with the processes of promoting interrelations.

“The government of the Republic of Macedonia is calling on and is joining the ranks of voices of reason that the violence and the terror are not a solution, and that the region should continue forward towards the exceptionally significant period for all the countries in the region,” said the press release.


Zaev-Borisov: The Agreement guarantees longstanding friendly relations (Meta)


The Agreement of good neighborly relations, friendship, and cooperation, which was ratified at the Macedonian Parliament, guarantees longstanding friendly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia, remarked the prime ministers of both countries, Zoran Zaev and Bojko Borisov in the telephone conversations that had regarding the ratification of the Agreement.

Borisov and Zaev were unanimous that the Agreement guarantees a sustainable building of friendly relations between Bulgaria and Macedonia, and it provides a stable platform for collaboration in the region based on European values” states the press release issued by Borisov’s cabinet.

The Agreement of friendship, good neighborly relations and cooperation, was signed Zaev and Borisov on the 1st of August 2017 in Skopje.


ARM Chief of General Staff attends NATO Military Committee session in Brussels (MIA)


The Macedonian Army (ARM) Chief of ARM General Staff, Lieutenant General Metodija Velichkovski, attended Tuesday the Military Committee in Chiefs of Defense session within the 'Resolute Support' format at NATO HQ in Brussels. At the session of NATO member and partner countries taking part in Afghan mission, Commander of the 'Resolute Support', General John Nicholson, and NATO Senior Civilian Representative Ambassador Cornelius Zimmermann briefed the attendees about the political, strategic and operational situation in Afghanistan and provided further recommendations for 2018 and beyond. Velickovski held several meetings with his counterparts from NATO member, partner and the countries - part of the Adriatic Charter, the Ministry of Defense said in a press release. The Military Committee meets twice a year at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, at the level of Chiefs of Defense to discuss NATO operations and missions and provide the North Atlantic Council with consensus-based military advice on how the Alliance can best meet global security challenges.


VMRO-DPMNE will temporarily return to parliament for Stoltenberg’s speech (Meta)


MPs from VMRO-DPMNE will attend Parliament today to hear NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s speech who is coming tomorrow to visit the country. However, for now, the return of the opposition to the benches will be only for this occasion, as for the future, the party says, they will inform the general public in a timely manner. “We have been and remain with our policy orientations towards the European Union and NATO. It is true that we will attend the address of the NATO Secretary General. For further matters, whether we are returning or not to Parliament, we will inform you and the general public in a timely manner”, said the director of the Center for Communications of the party, Ivo Kotevski. The main opposition party, for a month and a half, has boycotted working in Parliament because of the detainment of suspects from last year’s violence on 27 April, among six are MPs from VMRO-DPMNE.

The new party leader, Hristijan Mickoski, recently said that their MPs will return to Parliament “when a democratic environment is created for it to function”.


Reactions of Albanian officials to Ivanovic’s murder (ADN)


President of the Republic, Ilir Meta strongly condemns the murder of Kosovo Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic. The Albanian Head of State expressed his deeply sorrow for the brutal assassination of the leader of “Freedom, Democracy and Justice” Civil Initiative, Oliver Ivanovic through a press release issued on Tuesday. He also appealed for a careful and calm assessment of the situation so that this criminal act does not affect the important process of dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, a process that is very important for the European future of both countries and for the stability, peace and security of the entire region.

Prime Minister Edi Rama sees the murder of Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic in Mitrovica as an intentional act aims to stir tensions in Kosovo. “I am deeply sorry for the brutal assassination of Ivanovic. This grave acts is a clear attempt to incite hatred and tensions in Kosovo hampering the ongoing dialogue between two countries. The efforts for dialogue and peace should not be ceasing but should be further enhanced,” declared PM Rama through a press release issued on Tuesday.


Basha promises to protesters: No more agreement with Rama (ADN)


The leader of the opposition Lulzim Basha promised on Tuesday to all the democrats that the protest of 27 January will not end with another agreement with the Prime Minister, Edi Rama as the last one did. So he urged to everyone to join this protest and to stop Premier and his government to control all the public institutions and continue the collaboration with crime.

"John Lennon said in his famous song: 'War is over, if you want it'. If you want, if we want, Edi Rama ends! This is the protest message. If the people rise, if the citizens come together, Edi Rama ends! "




NATO continues to guarantee security in Kosovo following Serb politician’s murder (TASS, 16 January 2018)


The NATO-led KFOR mission will continue to guarantee a safe and secure environment throughout Kosovo following the murder of one of the Kosovo Serb leaders Oliver Ivanovic, NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu told TASS.

When asked if NATO planned to strengthen the KFOR mission, she said that "KFOR continues to guarantee a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement throughout Kosovo, under the provisions of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244." "NATO condemns the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. We urge all parties to exercise restraint to defuse tensions, and allow the judicial authorities to carry out a full investigation," Lungescu added. According to her, "NATO fully supports the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and calls for this dialogue to continue as soon as possible. This is critical for regional peace and security."


Nimetz: The term ‘Macedonia’ will be kept in the name (Antenna TV, 17 January 2018)


The proposed solution for the name will include the term “Macedonia”, said United Nations mediator Matthew Nimetz, before today’s new round of talks in New York with representatives from Macedonia and Greece, Vasko Naumovski and Adamantios Vasilakis. “The term “Macedonia” will be kept in the proposal for the name dispute, as it has already been recognized by more than 100 countries in the world”, Nimetz told Greek Antenna TV. He pointed out that the name with which the country is registered in the UN is “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, that is, the term Macedonia is part of the name, and Greece has recognized the country by that name. Nimetz stressed that there will be no miraculous solution to the name, that the dispute lasted too long, and that any further delay would make the problem even more difficult to solve. The UN mediator assesses that there is a positive mood in both Athens and Skopje to improve relations and strengthen the European dimensions of the region.

“I have some ideas that both parties should consider. I want to help by bringing their differences in attitudes closer. We know that the solution to this difficult dispute between two neighbors requires a dose of compromise from both sides, and I believe that this will be achieved in accordance with the dignity and national interests of both sides”, added Nimetz.

He will be holding a press conference in New York after the meetings with the delegations of the two countries.