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Belgrade Media Report 25 January 2018



Vucic and Thaci discuss resumption of dialogue (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic talked in Davos with the President of provisional institutions in Pristina Hashim Thaci about the resumption of the dialogue and resolution of problems. He notes that he doesn’t understand why Pristina has accepted only exchange of information when it comes to the investigation into Oliver Ivanovic’s murder, but he hopes they will find his assassins. “We need to decide what we can, what we want, what is it that we want with ourselves. We need to have a realistic, serious and responsible approach in the future. We need to lose the least we have to and to gain the most we can and I have said many times that the situation in which we and Pristina are agreeing needs to be such so that both sides are somewhat dissatisfied and angry,” said Vucic. He underlines that if somebody thinks they can gain everything and others not to gain anything, then this is the wrong path that will not lead to a solution.


Balkans and EU need each other (Tanjug/RTS/B92)


At the meeting of the group “New Leaders for Europe” within the World Economic Forum in Davos, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic pointed out today that the Balkans need Europe, but that also the Balkans are needed in Europe. Brnabic said that European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans is an important factor for the future of the region. Speaking at the meeting, whose focus was the future of Europe and global trends, she reiterated that Serbia is deeply and honestly committed to European integration because we share European values and the idea of long-term peace, prosperity and stability. The Prime Minister recalled that last year's elections in Germany, France and the Netherlands showed that most citizens are committed to the European values, economic and internal development of the EU. Brnabic added that she hopes that, despite all the challenges this year, the EU will be stronger and more competitive.

She spoke about Serbia, the Western Balkans and the future of Europe with the members of the “New Leaders for Europe” group, primarily with Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium in charge of the Digital Agenda and Development Cooperation Alexander de Croo, as well as with Dana Reizniece-Ozola.


Serbia keeps up with EU in its priorities (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed on Wednesday, on the basis of statements of high officials at the World Economic Forum in Davos, that Serbia is keeping up with Europe and the most advanced EU states for the first time when it comes to priorities. Brnabic pointed out that German Chancellor Angela Merkel dedicated 80 percent of her speech to the importance of digitization for Germany and Europe, adding that it is our pleasure to hear those plans and to confirm that our priorities are also priorities for both Germany and Europe. She said that she was particularly pleased to hear praise for the work of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, pointing out that Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said he was pleased to see his friend Vucic among the participants, and underlined the significance of Serbia in the constructive solution to the migrant crisis. It is great to see that the participants in the opening speeches recognized the importance of Serbia in the constructive resolution of the migrant crisis, and that in the address of Chancellor Merkel we saw that we are on the right track with digitization. It is a new paradigm of economic development, Brnabic stated. She said that the Serbian delegation had many bilateral political and economic meetings, and that she, together with President Vucic, heard today in the Congress Hall the speeches of German Chancellor Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Gentiloni and French President Emmanuel Macron. She announced that she will have a joint meeting with Martina Larkin from the World Economic Forum, and that the President tomorrow will have more political meetings, while she will talk with businessmen and companies that invested, or want to invest in Serbia.

This is especially important to me because, as my predecessor, the President had also talked in Davos with some investors who came to invest in Serbia two or three years later, she pointed out and reminded that one of such investors is Kromberg & Schubert. This is a great opportunity for us to present Serbia and that investors come after Davos through contacts made there, Brnabic concluded.


Kuburovic: Pristina requesting Prosecution’s data on Ivanovic’s murder (RTS)


Serbian Justice Minister Nela Kuburovic has told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that Pristina had send two requests to the Serbian Prosecution for Organized Crime to provide certain data within the investigation on the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. “The Prosecution will certainly respond,” said Kuburovic, adding that a written response had arrived from Pristina at the request of the Prosecution for Organized Crime that they are ready to provide all data they collect in the pre-trial procedure on Ivanovic’s murder. As they promised, they will also send the accident report. “For now, we have no information from the Kosovo organs nor have they provided any document,” concluded Kuburovic.


Djuric: Serbia was not sent one single new information on the murder (Radio Belgrade)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has told Radio Belgrade that judicial organs in Serbia did not receive any information on this crime from Pristina even seven days following the murder of Oliver Ivanovic. He says that concrete results of the investigation are the only way to go forward in Belgrade-Pristina relations. “Serbia was not submitted a single new information on Ivanovic’s murder and we continue to demand that Serbian organs are included in the investigation,” said Djuric. He says that more people have been engaged in this case in Serbia proper than in Kosovo. He reminds that the assassination occurred one hour before the Brussels dialogue was supposed to resume, one year after the obstruction from the Albanian side.

When it comes to life of the Serbs in Kosovo, he says that the visit of the President had sent a clear message to the Serbs that they are not alone. He says the Office has been doing a lot on resolving housing issues, renewal of monasteries and churches, and not it is trying to strengthen the economy. Djuric explains that this can be economically beneficial for businesspeople since the Kosovo market is not small and says there is interest of the Association of Bussinesspeople and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Speaking about the joint life with the Albanians, Djuric says there are no lasting hostilities, that one should work on new models of survival and that nothing is unfeasible with strengthening of institutions.


PACE on situation in Kosovo and rights and obligations of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV/Novosti)


Separate debates on Serbia’s rights and obligations and the situation in Kosovo and Metohija were held yesterday in the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE (PACE). At the meeting of the Marija Obradovic and Zarko Obradovic took part in the debate on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija at the Political Committee meeting. On that occasion, they reiterated the request for Serbian organs to be included in the investigative proceedings on Oliver Ivanovic’s murder. They are pointed to the difficult position of the Serbs and non-Albanians, permanent instability and high degree of crime and corruption. “We pointed also to the fact that Pristina has not fulfilled one single obligation from the Brussels agreement, nor is it showing will to improve cooperation. I was shocked with the statement of the Self-Determination MP Aida Derguti who marked Oliver Ivanovic as a war criminal linked to criminal activities and as a leader of a paramilitary formation,” said Marija Obradovic.

Delegation members also appealed that the Special Court for war crimes starts finally working, and they called the initiative of 42 Kosovo MPs manipulation and undermining the Brussels agreement. Serbia’s rights and obligations were also discussed before the PACE Monitoring Committee, and Aleksandra Tomic, the Head of the Serbian parliamentary permanent delegation in PACE, and delegation member Aleksandar Stevanovic took part in it.


Croats requested ban of exhibition in UN (Novosti)


Croatia has attempted to prevent the exhibition on Jasenovac that will open today at the UN headquarters in New York, but it gave up when UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres personally approved the exhibition, Novosti learns. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received official approval from the UN Secretary General for the exhibition to go ahead. According to Novosti, the disputable issues for Croatia were the photography of Alojzije Stepinac and his horrible mission in catholizing the Serbs, as well as the number of the killed as mentioned in the film that is part of the exhibition.




Federation of B&H HoR adopts Proposal of Law on Pension and Disability Insurance (TV1)


At its session held on Wednesday, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina House of Representatives (HoR) adopted Proposal of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Law on Pension and Disability Insurance. Prior to discussion and voting on this Proposal, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Minister of Labor and Social Policy Vesko Drljaca , SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) addressed MPs and said that the new law will be more just than the existing law regulating this area. He went on saying that this law stipulates a new method of calculation of pensions, adding that it should stabilize the pension fund in the Federation of B&H and enable regular payment of pensions. Drljaca stressed that the most vulnerable categories of pensioners will be protected through the lowest guaranteed pensions. He added that on April 15 every year, pensions will be harmonized in line with growth of GDP and living expenses. Reporter noted that according to new law, highest pensions will not be changed until the lowest pension reaches 20 percent of the highest pension in the Federation of B&H. However, representatives of opposition SDP deem that according to this law, pensions of future pensioners will be lower by up to 30 percent. Head of SDP Caucus Elvir Karajbic wondered whether the Federation of B&H Government works in interest or against interest of pensioners.

Head of DF’s Caucus Dzenan Djonlagic said that the Federation of B&H authorities included provisions on increase of pensions for current pensioners in the abovementioned law, despite the fact this law is related to retirement and calculation of pensions for future pensioners.

Head of SDA Caucus in the Federation of B&H HoR Ismet Osmanovic stressed that this law will significantly contribute to stabilization of pension fund in the Federation of B&H and that it will enable increase of pensions and provide more just method of calculation of pensions for future pensioners. He denied all claims of the opposition parties saying that this law is detrimental for current and future pensioners.

SBB B&H’s Nasir Beganovic stated that this party voted in favor of new Law on Pension and Disability Insurance and requested amending of this legal solution in line with results of discussion on all objections submitted by stakeholders. Beganovic said that this process should be completed in the period of three months.

HDZ B&H’s Jozo Bagaric deems that it was necessary to adopt this law in order to stabilize pension fund in the Federation of B&H.


PACE adopts Resolution on B&H (BHT/RTRS/N1)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted the Resolution on B&H in Strasbourg on Wednesday. The Resolution was supported by 62 MPs, 2 were against and 3 abstained from voting. The Resolution that was presented on Wednesday has strongly criticized the fact that B&H officials have not implemented the necessary constitutional changes yet, with which it would be possible to implement the verdicts rendered by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the cases ‘Sejdic-Finci’ and ‘Pilav’. The Resolution also criticized the failure to implement the verdicts of the Constitutional Court of B&H (CC B&H), regarding the election of MPs in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), as well as the verdict regarding the election process in Mostar. CoE also called upon the authorities in the four cantons in the Federation of B&H to adopt the necessary laws, that would guarantee the status of constituent people for Serbs. Those cantons are Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, West Herzegovina Canton, Canton 10 and Posavina Canton. In this Resolution, a great emphasis was put on the need to respect the rule of law. The Republika Srpska (RS) officials are urged to implement the CC B&H’s decision on the registration of the military property in the RS and to respect the verdict on the unconstitutionality of marking 9 January, as the Day of the RS. “The EU perspective is of great importance for the future of B&H. Unfortunately, we are witnesses of certain problems, when it comes to political presentation in B&H and the way that that transcends to the EU level. We must do our best to overcome those problems and obstacles, so we can create a better and brighter future for B&H. I am convinced that through honesty and fairness in solving many opened issues, we can find solutions and create a better future for our country, in an effective and viable way”, said Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Borjana Kristo, during the Wednesday’s session of the PACE. During this session, the PACE has elected Bosnian citizen Dunja Mijatovic as the new Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights. Mijatovic was elected for a nonrenewable term of six years starting on April 1, 2018. She replaces Latvian Nils Muiznieks. Mijatovic was the OSCE representative on freedom of the media from 2010 to 2017. Delegate from UK Alexander Dundee said that the report on situation in B&H is balanced. He called on leaders from B&H to refrain from rhetoric that may hinder functionality of the state. Dundee stressed that B&H should be praised for things that were done well, but added that nothing has been done when it comes to B&H Election Law. Austrian member of PACE Stefan Schennach assessed that the Constitution of B&H stemming from the Dayton Peace Agreement is not good for the state, because it recognizes only three constituent peoples. “No one is even thinking of implementing the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling”, Schennach noted.

French member of PACE Bernard Fournier deems that the politicians in B&H can only agree on the aspiration towards the EU membership. “Some progress has been made, especially in the fight against corruption and organized crime”, he stated. Croatian member of PACE Domagoj Hajdukovic asserted that a functional B&H guarantees stability of the region.


OHR, OSCE appeal to B&H political parties to work on amendments to Law on Elections of B&H (Nezavisne novine)


The Office of the High Representative issued a press statement on Wednesday following a decision of SDP to withdraw from the process of negotiating amendments to the Law on Elections, and called on all political parties in B&H to focus on finding acceptable solution for the amendments, which would allow unobstructed organization of the elections. “It is of key importance to have the competent bodies in B&H take necessary steps in order to ensure unobstructed elections 2018 and implementation of the election results,” reads the statement. The OSCE Mission to B&H appealed to all political parties in B&H to get involved in the dialogue about the amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H.


US Embassy to B&H: B&H needs free and fair elections (TV1)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement reading that B&H needs free, fair and credible elections in 2018. The statement also reads that general elections in 2018 need to be held and results of elections must be implemented. It was added that all amendments to the Election Law of B&H need to get wide political support and bring B&H closer to the EU standards.  The statement also reads that it is clear that adoption of changes of legislation concerning election of delegates in the Federation of B&H House of Peoples (HoP), in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H in ‘Ljubic’ case is necessary.


B&H Presidency members Ivanic and Izetbegovic discuss amendments to Law on Elections with OSCE’s Berton (Nezavisne novine)


Members of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic and Bakir Izetbegovic held separate meetings with Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Bruce Berton on Wednesday in Sarajevo and discussed the issue of the Law on Elections.  Izetbegovic pointed out that the wide consensus of all parliamentary parties must be ensured for the adoption of the amendments to the Law on Elections, as well as active participation of the Office of the High Representative in the process. Izetbegovic also said there is a need to maintain sensitive balance between civic and ethnic elements in all possible solutions.


Ivanic certain as candidate (Srna)


Representatives of the Alliance for Changes agreed that Mladen Ivanic is going to be their candidate for one of the major positions at the October elections. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica stated that SDS is going to propose the second candidate for either the Serb member of the Presidency or RS President. “We have discussed candidates who can present and carry the program and policy of the Alliance for Changes, who can absolutely guarantee those policies will be implemented. Our common goal is to win the post of the RS President and the Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and bring needed changes to the people,” said Govedarica. SDS Executive Board in Bijeljina believes that current Mayor of Bijeljina Mico Micic should be a candidate for the RS President. Following a session of the Executive Board held on Tuesday evening, Micic stated that their main focus must be on winning the elections both individually and as a part of the Alliance for Changes. “I can accept the candidacy only after the consultations are completed,” said Micic. NDP leader Dragan Cavic stated he expects a final agreement on the candidates in the next several days. Daily noted that PDP Presidency of the Banja Luka City Board expressed its full support to PDP leader Branislav Borenovic in these negotiations.


OHR and SDP, DF and SDA insist on application of 1991 census for election of delegates into Federation of B&H HoP (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list reads that talks on reform to the electoral legislation, which are spearheaded by the OHR and mediated by the US Embassy in B&H and the EU Delegation to B&H, are continuing away from public eye. Daily learns there is no progress in terms of implementation of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H’s decision on election of legitimate delegates into the (Federation of B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) (‘Ljubic’ motion). Furthermore, the daily writes that the OHR and ‘the Bosniak parties SDP, DF, SDA’ insist that the election of delegates into the Federation of B&H HoP is based on results of the 1991 census and that they also insist on keeping the provision from the Constitution of Federation of B&H according to which each canton should elect at least one Croat, Serb and Bosniak delegate into the Federation of B&H HoP (if there are such representatives in cantonal assemblies). According to daily, both these requests the OHR is insisting on have been rejected by the CC of B&H, which leads the author to say if these two requests were to be applied, it would allow Bosniaks to again elect “six of their Croats out of 17 delegates in the House of Peoples and establish authorities without majority will of that people (Croats)”. According to the daily, if the Croat proposal regarding legitimate election of delegates into the Federation of B&H HoP were to be adopted, it would open a possibility for indirect election of members of the Presidency of B&H in the parliament of B&H.


MOST wants President to propose specific measures instead of criticism (Hina)


During her visit to Krapina on Wednesday, President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic said that the better economic indicators should also be seen in ordinary people's bank accounts. "Macroeconomic indicators have been improving as of late and this should be welcomed. But if the state is delivering better results, then citizens must be able to feel that in their bank accounts. There are a lot of people with blocked accounts. The government must find a way to unblock their accounts and pass a new Enforcement Law," the President said. She also stressed the need for swift, effective and systematic measures for demographic revival. "I welcome what has been done so far, but that is not enough. Measures should be put in place as soon as possible to increase job security, especially for pregnant women and mothers of underage children, and to reduce fixed-term work contracts to a minimum." The leader of the opposition MOST party, Bozo Petrov, commented on criticisms which President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic addressed to the government on Wednesday, saying that the President should "put her money where her mouth is." "I have nothing against drawing attention to problems, because attention should be drawn to all that is bad in Croatia and all that should be changed for the better. I would only advise the President to put her money where her mouth is and take advantage of all the options at her disposal. She can call a government meeting, she can warn them and she can present her initiatives and her bills," Petrov told the press in the parliament building. He called on the government and the President to propose concrete measures and legislative initiatives. "I've had enough of all these shows. They are using their positions to draw attention to certain anomalies, but are not using their positions to correct those anomalies. They should stop being hypocritical and should finally start doing their jobs," Petrov said.


Vujanovic under the pressure (RTCG)


Montenegrin President Filip Vujanovic is under pressure to schedule local elections for the Capital and 11 municipalities at the same time as the presidential elections, reported the Cabinet of the Head of the Montenegrin state. The Cabinet announced that it is legally impossible for local elections in Podgorica and 11 other municipalities to be held on April 15, when the presidential elections will be held. "Before the scheduling of the presidential elections and immediately after it some of the opposition parties through the media, exert pressure on the President of Montenegro to schedule local elections for the capital and 11 municipalities at the same time as the presidential elections. Pressure is done through the media without an official and reasoned written proposal to the President of Montenegro who would have been given legal arguments. Valuable arguments for such a proposal could not be given, but the intention is to force the President through political and media pressure to unlawfully announce local elections. Those parties, instead of seeking through local assemblies to shorten their mandates and commit to early scheduling of the election, decided to use political and media pressure," Vujanovic’s cabinet said. It is recalled that the current Law on the Elections of Councilors and Deputies determines the duration of the mandate of the councilor until the time for which they were elected. Their mandate, as they explain, ends with the constitution of the newly elected Assembly and it cannot be constituted before the expiry of the mandate of the previously elected councilors.


PMs Zaev and Tsipras unblock EU integration process (MIA)


Macedonia and Greece will raise the level of negotiations aimed at solving the name issue. The process will involve the foreign ministers of the two countries under the auspices of the United Nations. This was stated Wednesday evening by Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev after his first direct meeting with his Greek counterpart Alexis Tsipras in Davos, which lasted almost three hours. Zaev told reporters that Macedonia's preparedness to show it had genuine willingness to solve the name dispute was expressed at the meeting. To that end, he said, the government will rename the airport and the highway, with the latter being called 'Friendship'.

"Macedonia will remain committed to the process of finding a name solution, which must protect the national identity and the identity of our people. The government will rename the airport and the highway. The highway will be called 'Friendship'." "It proves we have no territorial aspirations toward our neighbor. On the other hand, they have demonstrated their good will to help us increase our cooperation with the European Union and other international institutions," stated PM Zaev. He added that majority of the citizens in the two countries wanted close and friendly relations that would contribute to strengthening mutual cooperation. "We want to become equal partners in the EU and loyal partners in NATO. We want to stand shoulder to shoulder in order to help each other, to support each other in difficult and trying times. We have shown in the past, when the two countries are facing serious challenges, we can work side by side in the interest of the two sides," stressed Zaev. A complex erga omnes name solution and ways to deal with irredentism in all its forms, PM Tsipras told Zaev at their meeting in Davos on Wednesday evening. Speaking to reporters after the three-hour talks, the Greek Premier reiterated that Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic perspective required most importantly 'full closure of the name issue.' 'For the EU, NATO accession processes to move forward as our neighbor wishes, we must find a solution to all open issues. I've made it clear that we should agree on a mutually acceptable, compound name for overall use. Within this framework we have also shared ideas and agreed to intensify under our auspice the consultations already underway within the UN,' Tsipras said. The Greek PM told to all of those following his meeting with Zaev in Davos, 'some with agony and skepticism, others with genuine hope', that the two PMs wish to iron the existing differences with realism and a sense of responsibility. 'We are not aspiring to settle the name issue only, but to set the relations of our two countries on solid foundations of mutual respect and good-neighborliness. It means that we should first deal with the irredentism in all of its forms and certainly to ensure to leave no room for similar provocations to emerge in the future,' Tsipras said. Yesterday's meeting in Davos has also brought an agreement for Macedonia to enter the second phase of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SSA) with the EU, which came into effect in 2004. An agreement was also reached for advancing Macedonia's bid to join the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative. Zaev and Tsipras held a tete-a-tete meeting to be joined after two hours by the Foreign Ministers, Nikola Dimitrov and Nikos Kotzias.


Nimetz confirms his visit to Athens and Skopje next week (MIA)


The UN mediator in name talks, Matthew Nimetz, issued a press release late Wednesday officially confirming his intention to visit Athens and Skopje next week. "At the invitation of the Governments of the Hellenic Republic and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Matthew Nimetz, Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, will travel to Athens and Skopje from 29 January to 1 February 2018. The visit is part of United Nations efforts to assist the sides in finding a mutually acceptable solution to the 'name' issue," the press release reads. Nimetz will arrive in Skopje on 31 January to meet with state leadership on the next day, namely on 1 February. At the last round of negotiations on 17 January in New York, Nimetz presented a new set of ideas, expressing optimism that a solution is within reach to solve a 27-year-old dispute between Greece and Macedonia. In the meantime, Macedonia's government has been analyzing Nimetz's proposals. Following the meeting in Davos of the Prime Ministers of both countries, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras, a coordination meeting over the UN mediator's proposals, bringing together Macedonia's top officials and political party leaders, will take place on Saturday afternoon at the MPs' Club in Skopje.


Hahn: Zaev and Tsipras have shown courage, vision, and statesmanship (Meta)


The EU Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, stated that yesterday’s meeting between the Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and his Greek colleague, Alexis Tsipras is very good news. “The meeting between Alexis Tsipras and Zoran Zaev is very good news. It shows courage, vision, and statesmanship. The solution of the longstanding dispute will be good for both countries, the region and Europe,” wrote Hahn.


Law on languages to undergo Venice Commission scrutiny after adoption (MIA)


The Law on the Use of Languages will undergo scrutiny in the Venice Commission after its adoption in the parliament, whereas remarks will be incorporated in the law. Government spokesman Mile Bosnjakovski told Wednesday's press briefing that the law complies with the Constitution, supported by majority of MPs. He again urged the opposition to return to the parliament for the amendment debate over the law on Monday. "The parliament is the place where VMRO-DPMNE MPs are supposed to file their proposals. The Government decided to forward the law to the Venice Commission in August of last year. There is political will in the country to incorporate its remarks and opinions in the law," said Bosnjakovski. The law was passed on 11 January but President Gjorge Ivanov did not sign the bill. MPs will again discuss the law at a repeated plenary debate next Monday.


Ali Ahmeti will also attend the leadership meeting regarding the name (Meta)


At the leadership meeting that will take place this Saturday at the MP’s club in Skopje, where the presidents of the biggest political parties will talk about the framework for the solution of the name dispute, that our country has with Greece, will also be attended by the President of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, confirmed for Meta, Artan Grubi, the party’s chief of staff. The government’s spokesperson, Mile Boshnjakovski, at the press conference announced the meeting and said that the government had already started the process of analyzing and coordination regarding the latest framework provided by the mediator and that he expects that a wider national consensus will be built.


VMRO-DPMNE to return to parliament to prevent the adoption of the Law on Languages (Meta)


The VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group will return to the parliamentary benches and with amendments to try and stop the adoption of the Law on the use of Languages, said the party’s vice-president Mitko Janchev at a press conference. “The proponents want to push the unconstitutional law on bilingualism by force, and it is not only detrimental to VMRO-DPMNE, but to the Republic of Macedonia. The government’s decision not to withdraw the law and not to open a constructive debate over the law could cause long-term consequences for the country and disrupt the cohesion among citizens. VMRO-DPMNE is on the side of the people and the Republic of Macedonia and therefore, will do everything to defend the country and national interests,” said Janchev. He added that the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentary group will return to Parliament to convince MPs from parliament about the risk of the consequences of adopting this law, which he says, not only goes beyond the framework of the Constitution and the Ohrid Framework Agreement, but puts them in a subordinate position to all other ethnic communities in the Republic of Macedonia.


Rama, Albania and Serbia together in EU, with one condition (ADN)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama declared on Wednesday from Danvos that he hopes, that Albania along with Serbia enter EU in the same time "under the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo". "This is a performance-based process. Serbia has advantage because it is already negotiating and we hope to start negotiations this year. But that's healthy competition and we would like to move faster and, why not, be in the same position in the future and to join the EU together, on the assumption that Serbia recognizes Kosovo," Rama said.


Diaspora, ministers of three countries meeting for a joint action (ADN)


The Ministers for Diaspora of three countries Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo, Pandeli Majko, Edmond Ademi and Dardan Gashi held a tripartite meeting in Ohrid on Wednesday to discuss on a possible joint action. This meeting was considered like a great beginning to make a stronger relation between these countries in the framework of the Euro-Atlantic integration process.

They agreed to conduct joint visits to the USA, Germany and other countries to meet Diaspora communities and that their joint action should continue and be mutually encompassed also with other interested parties in the region.


Basha: 27 January protest, people’s march against oligarchy (ADN)


The 27 January protest will not be a partisan protest but people’s march against oligarchy and corrupted government. In his latest appeal to the citizens on Wednesday, at the eve of a forewarned protest, the Democrat leader Lulzim Basha underlined this fact, adding that citizens will raise the voice in defense of their cause. “People’s power will be unfolded through a march in the boulevard on January 27. We will join forces raising the voice against the innumerous injustices experienced everyday by the citizens. This protest will be our call for equal justice for everyone,” said Basha. In conclusion he stated that 27 January protest will be a civic reaction against a government that serves only to the oligarchs’ interests.




Assassination of Serb leader in Kosovo signals gathering political storm (TransConflict, by Rene Wadlow, 25 January 2018)


Narrow nationalism has led to changes in population distribution toward more mono-ethnic areas, but each state still has ethnic minorities who live uneasily side-by-side. Kosovo is the state where “living together” is most fragile. Ivanović’s assassination could mark the beginning of a social and political storm. There are some 4,600 NATO troops in Kosovo who may be able to prevent wide-spread violence, but troops are not bridge builders.

The January 16th assassination of Oliver Ivanović, the 64-year-old leading Serb political figure in Kosovo, may increase tensions within Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians. Many officials, knowing the tense climate in Kosovo, are already calling for calm. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that “the most important thing is to preserve stability in the north of Kosovo.” The Russian Foreign Minister warned of the “risks of contagion in an atmosphere of terror and a resurgence of inter-ethnic conflict in the area.” The pleas for calm are not simply the rituals after any political assassination, but are an objective evaluation of the dangers of increased tensions within an already fragile Kosovo. There are a good number of political factions that must be happy to see Oliver Ivanović dead. However, it is not yet known who had the ability to organize the drive-by killing of Ivanovic, utilizing seasoned assassins who fired five shots from a moving car. We may never know even if the killers are caught. During the break-up of the Yugoslav Federation, when Kosovo was still part of Serbia, Ivanović was the director of the Trepca mine complex in Mitrovica. The mine then employed 23,000 people and was an important percentage of the economy of Kosovo. He led an armed faction of Serbs during the 1998-1999 war in Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians. The Trepca mine complex then closed, never to re-open.

Once the war was over and Kosovo went under the control of NATO forces and the European Union, Ivanović turned his energy to politics. For a while he represented the Serbs of Kosovo within the Government of Serbia as Serbia has never recognized the independence of Kosovo. However, he came to realize that the refusal of the Serbian administration to recognize Kosovo’s independence was a dead end. He decided to enter politics within Kosovo as the leader of a small Serbian-Kosovo political party, the Citizens’ Initiative Party. Through such activity, he angered Serbian government figures who could not control him. He was also disliked by the Kosovo Albanian political leadership who do not like Serbs regardless of their political views.

Ivanović saw himself as a bridge builder, recognizing the need to work with the Albanian authorities in Kosovo while at the same time defending the rights of the Serbs living in the two-million-person state of Kosovo. He spoke out strongly against the drug gangs which are among the only exporters in the Kosovo economy. Most Kosovo officials allow the traffickers to operate with impunity. Therefore, there were many factions who wished him dead. The assassination has the potential to lead to inter-ethnic violence. The death is also a sign of the difficulties of creating a multi-ethnic state and trans-frontier cooperation with neighbors, especially Albania and Serbia. Kosovo was declared formally independent in 2008 and is on the eve of marking the decade as an independent state. However, it is not a member of the United Nations, in part as a result of Russian opposition, nor a member of the European Union. European Union officials have tried to facilitate negotiations between Kosovo and Serbian diplomats with no visible results. As a result of conflicts in the early 1990s, the Yugoslav federation broke into the multitude of pieces that we have today. Now there are difficult negotiations among the independent states to re-establish some of the forms of cooperation that had existed within the Yugoslav federation. The consequences of a break up were visible early, especially as there were ethnic minorities within each of the Yugoslav republics. Narrow nationalism has led to changes in population distribution toward more mono-ethnic areas, but each state still has ethnic minorities who live uneasily side-by-side. Kosovo is the state where “living together” is most fragile. Ivanović’s assassination could mark the beginning of a social and political storm. There are some 4,600 NATO troops in Kosovo who may be able to prevent wide-spread violence, but troops are not bridge builders.

Rene Wadlow is President of the Association of World Citizens.

The views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of TransConflict.


Turkish trade center to be established in Balkans (Anadolu Agency, 25 January 2018)


BURSA, TURKEY - Top of Form

Bottom of Form

The Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO) and the Rumelia Balkan Industrialists and Businessmen Association (BALKANTÜRKSİAD) signed a protocol to establish a Turkish trade center in the Balkans. According to a written statement released by BTSO, the protocol is aimed at increasing the trade volume between Bursa and the Balkans.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, BTSO Chairman İbrahim Burkay stressed that the Balkans is a gate for Turkey to open up to Europe and the world. "We desire to further boost trade volume between Bursa and Balkan countries," he added. Burkay stated that Bursa, the leading city of the Turkish economy, and the Balkan region are parts of a whole thanks to their historical values and common cultural ties. He continued, "We want to strengthen our bonds of communion with the Balkans through new trade cooperation in line with our national objectives. We introduced the New York Turkish Trade Center last year. We are also working in different countries. The Balkan Turkish Trade Center, which we aim to establish, will also make significant contributions to our targets." BALKANTÜRKSİAD President Berat Tunakan stated that they aim to strengthen ties between Turkey's producing city Bursa, and Balkan countries, in all areas.

Tunakan said that they intensively maintain contacts in Balkan countries and that they have been to Bulgaria twice in the past one-and-a-half months. Pointing to the Balkans' consensus on consolidating trade relations with Bursa, Tunakan underlined, "We can never neglect the Balkans. The Turkish trade center, which we plan to establish with the BTSO, will contribute greatly to the formation of new cooperation and the achievement of foreign trade volume targets."