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Belgrade Media Report 29 January 2018



Vucic on Zagreb’s protest note: As if Germany were writing to Jews (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Pink on Sunday evening that he would like to see the text of the protest note sent by Croatia to Serbia over the exhibition on Jasenovac. He says that he would then wonder whether this is possible since historical facts in regard to this camp are quite clear. “This is as if somebody would be writing a protest note to the Jews for marking the Holocaust Day, and for the note to be coming from Germany,” said Vucic. He adds that he understands that we can’t agree with Croatia on what happened 27 years ago, but he can’t understand why we can’t agree on what happened 72,73 years ago. He points out that there is no way of forcing the Serbs to forget there was suffering of its nation, the terrible genocide and horrible crimes committed in the region of Bosanska Krajina, Herzegovina, but also Lika, Banija and Kordun, which was controlled by the former Independent State of Croatia (NDH). “This is really impossible, since it would be a crime to forget, but also not to remind in the future of the terrible crimes that occurred, precisely so they are not repeated and never to be repeated to any other nation,” said Vucic.


Brnabic: No reason for Croatia’s protest note (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that the relations with Croatia were always complicated but that she did not see a reason for Zagreb’s note of protest to Belgrade over the exhibition “Jasenovac - The Right to Not Forget”, held at the UN headquarters in New York.
“I regret the protest note but I see no reason for any - Croatia should have supported the exhibition to commemorate the horrible things that happened in WWII to prevent them from happening ever again,” she told reporters, adding that the mere fact there was a debate on this at international level was terrible. She added that Serbia has a right and an obligation to point out to the victims of Jasenovac, and that Croatia should be doing it itself, alone, or work with us and with Israel and Roma organizations. Serbia’s relations with Croatia are always complex and we would like them not to be so complex, because regional stability is in our interest. Brnabic also said that Serbia would continue to strive to have best possible relations with Croatia.


Serbia, Macedonia dedicated to achieving common goals (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Serbia Vera Jovanovska Tipko assessed today that progress has been made in improving the political dialogue and overall relations between the two countries, as evidenced by a number of important mutual visit at the highest level. They emphasized that the holding of joint sessions of the governments of the two countries gave positive results and that the third joint session is planned for the first half of this year. Brnabic, who received Jovanovska Tipko on a farewell visit in the capacity of the Ambassador of Macedonia, expressed the belief that the implementation of joint projects would enable participation in third markets, faster job creation and prosperity to which both Serbia and Macedonia strive. She reminded that the two countries already cooperate in the fields of economy, tourism, science, education, technology and culture and that these two foreign trade partners are very important to each other. Jovanovska Tipko pointed to the great importance of the completion of important roads between the countries and the signed cross-border cooperation programs between Serbia and Macedonia, which will simplify and accelerate the flow of people and goods. The officials concluded that EU integration, regional stability and economic progress are common goals, and the mutual assistance and cooperation in their achievement is key to good neighborly relations.


Serbian parties part of the local assembly in Presevo (FoNet)


The coalition of Serbian parties has entered the Presevo municipal assembly, show the preliminary results of the repeated voting at polling station n.5. This coalition received 41 votes at the polling station where there are no registered Serbs, as it is claimed in Presevo. It is quite certain that the local government will be comprised of the Alternative for Changes led by Sciprim Arifi that has 15 deputy seats, the Reform for Changes of the Democratic Party of Albanians – Sami Salihu with three seats, and the coalition of Serbian parties with two seats.

According to the current state, the opposition will be comprised of the Democratic Party of Albanians led by Ragmi Mustafa with 11 seats, the Party of Democratic Action led by Riza Halimi with six seats and the Democratic Union of the Valley led by Skender Destani with one seat.

Earlier, President of the municipal electoral commission Zecirja Miftari said they had established a technical mistake. In the first counting, the number of ballots has not corresponded with the number of voters that had turned out.


Varadi: Separation of Kosovo and Metohija contrary to international law (Radio Belgrade)


International law, ever since it has been created, is more of a goal than a reality, International Law professor and academician Tibor Varadi told Radio Belgrade. “One of the organs that should lead to reality is the International Court of Justice, with which I had contacts. I saw that arguments have some kind of chance. People who work there are interested in international law,” says Varadi. However, the fact is that the biggest countries in the world are not members of the International criminal court, either the US, Russia or China, so in this case international law is only partially a goal. The job of the new generations is to draw closer the reality to this goal, said Varadi.


In the international-legal sense, several issues remain unclarified, but one of the most complicated is Kosovo and Metohija. For us this is part of territory, but for most of the states it is an independent territory?

“This was also the dispute before the International Court of Justice. We requested an advisory opinion and an opinion was given where they actually avoided an answer to the essence of the question. The essence of the question was whether the unilateral independence of Kosovo and Metohija was in accordance with international law, while an answer was given to the question whether this document on declaration of independence was in accordance with international law. They diverted from the essence. I personally think that separation of Kosovo and Metohija is contrary to international law, but I must tell you that international practice in this domain is not sufficiently legal practice. The outcome depends from relation of powers. The Crimea, Catalonia, Kurdistan…relations of powers are more important here then legal principles. Let me go back to the essence: at this moment Kosovo separated from Serbia contrary to international law. At the same time, the fact is that Kosovo and Metohija, de facto, is not part of Serbia, so that the argumentation that we need to preserve Kosovo is such that a person may emotionally understand it, but it is difficult to preserve something that is not in our possession at this moment. Here it is very difficult to reach a right strategic orientation, because if we want to keep the present state, then Kosovo is not part of Serbia, because, at this moment, the administrative, judicial or legislative power there is not Serbian. In the case of the assassination of Oliver Ivanovic, Serbia wanted for our organs to take part in the investigation. If Kosovo were part of Serbia, this would, of course, be the job of Serbian organs. In that situation, when Kosovo and Metohija is de facto not Serbia, even though this is not just, what is the wisest thing? Whether to build relations on the de facto reality, or based on the desired reality, the answer is not easy. Yet, it should be taken somehow into consideration, that, just or not, Kosovo is not part of Serbia at this moment.”

Will this be a year of denouement?

“It would be nice, but I don’t think it is realistic. Yet, one should not forget that there are Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, with their destinies and difficult life, that there are exceptional cultural treasures, and this can and should be preserved, regardless of whether Kosovo is de facto part of Serbia or not. Here one should not soothe the demands or give them up. The Serbs in Kosovo have the right to their identity, language and culture, even if Kosovo and Metohija is not part of Serbia. There is no dilemma here, and the argumentation ‘to preserve Kosovo’, it seems to me, has slightly separated itself from reality.”

The internal dialogue in the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts?

“The internal dialogue makes sense because it is good to hear other opinions about one painful and difficult topic, and to hear our opinion in the light of other opinions. Dialogue is fine. The Academy will not have a singular opinion since this is a political opinion, and the Academy is not a political factor. The Academy will encourage academicians to speak and present a stand, but there will be no joint opinion and this is good.”

Our EU path and Kosovo and Metohija. The binding agreement?

“If it is an international agreement, then it is always legally binding. In regard to Kosovo and Metohija we have many agreements. Their content is not always unambiguous so it is subject to different interpretations. As far as I can see, both sides are trying to create with these agreements some solution that doesn’t mean unambiguous acceptance of either side, but enables normal life.

That is not easy and I think that these negotiations will continue…I think this will not be resolved quickly, just as matters with Cyprus have not been resolved quickly. Are binding agreements a compromise solution then? That is the goal of a legally-binding agreement, but I think that we still haven’t reached an agreement that could mean ‘well, now we agreed’. That is still far away.”

The possibility of a frozen conflict is mentioned as an alternative to the agreement in Brussels.

“Frozen conflicts are more a matter of international politics than law. There are such, unresolved situations, for example Cyprus. Sometimes the international community gets used to living with an unresolved situation, but I wouldn’t call this a legal solution, but political acceptance of one unresolved situation, if this situation doesn’t produce great damage and conflicts. Therefore, it is imaginable to reach a semi-resolved situation, with which it can be lived for some time. This has been in history, an option of a frozen conflict is not unthinkable, but it would be better to reach a solution.”


What Jerusalem is for the Jews is what Kosovo is for the Serbs (Vreme, by Nenad Popovic)


Weak states, and handover of territory is weakness, are recognized as instable and insecure for investments and development, because in such circumstances one cannot see the end to changing of their borders and further political quakes that are ruining the economy of a state.

I have recently visited Israel, the country with a little over eight million inhabitants and a gross domestic product of as much as 320 billion Dollars. This state has a permanently open issue of a threat to part of its territory claimed by other nations in its surroundings. Yet, this state is at the same time an obvious example that a permanent conflict situation is not an obstacle to economic growth and attracting investments, as some politicians in our country are trying to depict. On the contrary, Israel has demonstrated, precisely with its resolute policy of protecting territorial integrity, readiness to defend uncompromisingly its Constitution, statehood, laws and territory. Perhaps many don’t like this policy, but it has been stable and non-changeable for decades, and this is precisely what gives investors security and confidence in this state. Israel is a state whose most sacred part, the city of Jerusalem, is a matter of dispute of two nations with the involvement of the international community, just as the issue of Kosovo, but this has not prevented the American Intel to purchase last year the Israeli innovation company with headquarters in Jerusalem, Mobileye, for as much 15.3 billion Dollars.

Despite everything, Serbia is still the best market for the Kosovo Albanians. Here they have the economy, they have jobs, they have legal security and safety for business guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Serbia, and not by the mafia-style criminals who rule Kosovo presently. Not to mention how many Albanians are getting treatment in Serbian hospitals, trusting unconditionally the Serbian healthcare.

We need to economically strengthen the position of the Serbs in the province and ensure their strong institutional link with Serbia proper and republican organs in Belgrade. That is guarantee of the survival and strengthening of the Serbs in Kosovo and pledge of further expansion of our rights and our state in the province in the future.

We need to defend the right to our property in Kosovo and to resolutely resist all attempts of its usurpation. We also need to point to issues of our property rights, rights of the state, citizens and the Church in the most important international institutions and to defend them firmly.

International law is firmly on our side, and UNSCR 1244 confirms our territorial integrity in Kosovo and Metohija. We have friends in the UN, firstly Russia and President Vladimir Putin, as well as China, which are an important backbone in the fight for our right in Kosovo on the international scene. Only Serbia is a member of the UN and there is no possibility for its southern province to become one as well. A seat for Kosovo in the UN would only be another name for independence of Kosovo. That would be a scam of Serbian citizens, while any official of our country who would enable with his/her actions Kosovo to become a member of the UN, would be a traitor of the Serbian nation and Serbian national interests.

We can and we must talk with the Albanians in Kosovo about the widest possible rights and biggest possible autonomy in the world that they can get in the Republic of Serbia. However, the result of these talks, and the position of the Albanians in Kosovo, must remain within the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and UNSCR 1244.




Izetbegovic meets Erdogan, Dodik finds unacceptable that only Izetbegovic is attending meeting in Turkey (


Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Bakir Izetbegovic met on Sunday night with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. This meeting was held on the eve of trilateral meeting Turkey- B&H- Serbia, where besides Erdogan and Izetbegovic, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will attend. It is expected that officials will discuss cooperation in the region and route of highway Sarajevo- Belgrade.

Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik stated that “it is a serious precedent that only one member of B&H Presidency, and it is not the Chairman, is participating in today’s talks in Istanbul”. He deems that such moves aim to give some other dimension: “This is dangerous for B&H and it comes from those who persistently tried to present themselves as B&H’s defenders, which is something that Bakir Izetbegovic is doing, while in fact he is destroying the essence of its institutions and its existence”. Commenting the trilateral meeting in Turkey, Dodik said that RS has excellent relations with Serbia and that “Turkey is dramatically interfering here, giving support directly to Bosniaks”. He further added that he does not know what will be the matter of discussion in Istanbul and noted that this presents introducing of new practice, where member of B&H Presidency is attempting to be presented as B&H representative in these talks. “As much as I understood, there is no decision of B&H Presidency behind this, but this was Izetbegovic’s and possibly Erdogan’s decision. Vucic is not the one who can dictate form of the meeting, because he is visiting Turkey”, said Dodik.


HR Inzko says international community will not impose proposals for Election Law of B&H (ATV)


High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko said that the international community will not impose its proposals for the Election Law of B&H. Inzko said that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is “involved in the process of looking for the best possible solution, but it does not think about imposing solutions for now”. “The OHR is not the leading institution in the process related to the Election Law of B&H - the European community and the US are. We offer an expert assistance”, Inzko told reporters. Commenting on the issue of changes to the Election Law of B&H, Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the OHR’s interfering and imposing of solutions would be a fiasco. “I do not see the OHR’s role here at all. I believe that our partners are the European Union, which will be much better and more credible partners once they get free from the OHR and it will be easier to talk with them. Basically, I think that local factors alone should come to an understanding and ultimately show good will”, Cvijanovic told reporters.


French Ambassador Rousson: IC is willing to give expert opinion on Election Law, but it will not give solution (TV1)


French Ambassador to B&H Guillaume Rousson, asked about the issue of B&H Election Law, said that he follows the situation closely and added that B&H institutions should be working on changes to the law. He further said that political parties should work on reaching a joint solution. “The international community is willing to give expert opinion, but it will not give a solution,” he said. Speaking about the Reform Agenda, Rousson reminded that it was adopted by all political parties in B&H in 2015 and added that most of things happened in 2016 and some in 2017. He acknowledged that the strategy on rural development was adopted, but the completion of the EU Questionnaire is in final phase. Rousson said that some other laws and bylaws are yet to be adopted, in regards with the fight against corruption and rule of law.


Europe against entity voting in B&H (EuroBlic)


The latest resolution on B&H of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) warned that entity voting and right to invoke veto in B&H House of Peoples (HoP) in the process of adoption of reform laws have turned into obstacle.

Member of B&H Delegation to PACE Milica Markovic told the daily that she tried to dispute these claims of the resolution but did not succeed. Markovic argued that the entity voting was labeled as a problem by political Sarajevo two years ago already and was again launched now as a reason for delays in reforms. Markovic also said that she does not think that Bosniak politicians will again try to abolish entity voting by launching this story in B&H Parliament “because this is a constitutional category and they are aware of the fact they cannot achieve this through a regular procedure. However, they are playing a different card – they want foreigners to exert pressure in B&H and say that the entity voting is the reason why laws are not being adopted and that something needs to be changed”.

Head of B&H Delegation to PACE Senad Sepic confirmed that the resolution stated that “complicated constitutional organization of B&H and possible abuse of entity voting” is one of the reasons for difficulties in adoption of reform laws. Sepic added that even politicians in B&H are aware of this fact and added that the resolution, however, did not state what needs to be done in order to make decision making easier. Sepic said that it is impossible to reach an agreement with political leaders to change B&H Constitution because the current situation suits leaders of all three sides in B&H. “They are using the current situation for their personal survival and they have neither interest nor will to change it”, Sepic concluded.


Turkey accepts Dayton structure of B&H and existence of RS (Nezavisne)


Spokesperson for the Presidency of Turkey Ibrahim Kalin said during the reception for media in Sarajevo that Turkey wants to contribute to preservation of peace and stability in B&H, together with the EU, the UN and other international partners. Furthermore, Kalin underlined that mistakes from the past and war-time atrocities must not happen again. Kalin said that Turkey accepts the Dayton organization of B&H and the existence of Republika Srpska (RS). “Dayton structure obviously has its weaknesses, but that is the way it is. Organization of the country is like that and you have to operate within that framework. One day, when the time comes, it might be possible to reconsider things and make some improvements. However, it is not up to us, but up to people in B&H who should make the final decision,” Kalin said. He added that Turkey is committed to continuation of economic cooperation with B&H and that it will try to increase not only quotas for export of meat, but to improve other business activities as well. Furthermore, according to Kalin, Turkey has expressed its concern to Russia because of the presence of members of ‘Srbska Cast’ in the RS. Presidential Spokesperson noted that leaders of Turkey and Russia discussed the situation in the RS, adding that Turkey finds the actions of RS’ leadership to be a reason for concern. Kalin also criticized the marking of the Day of the RS on January 9, saying that it was not in line with the decision of the Constitutional Court of B&H. He underlined that Turkey has good relations with both Serbia and Croatia.


Zvizdic attends World Economic Forum in Davos (FTV)


Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Denis Zvizdic attended a special session on acceleration of long-term development of the Western Balkans, organized as a part of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Participants at the session said that the Western Balkan countries can improve their cooperation which would secure long-term security and stability of the region. Zvizdic said that leaders of the countries have the responsibility to keep the region on the path to Europe. The B&H CoM Chairman added that the European integration, as the key goal of both B&H and Western Balkan countries, will remain in focus. Zvizdic also pointed out the importance of the Berlin process which encouraged the cooperation of the Western Balkan countries and entire region with the EU and he added that the Western Balkan countries must continue working on the implementation of economic reforms and improvement of business environment. Reporter noted that Zvizdic also held a number of bilateral meetings with prime ministers of the countries in the region on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum. They discussed acceleration of the journey towards the EU and problems the countries in the region are faced with. Zvizdic also met with businessmen and representatives of companies which expressed interest in investments in B&H and Western Balkans.


Ivanic will be candidate of SzP for post of RS President or member of B&H Presidency (BNTV/ATV)


The Main Board of PDP held a session in Banja Luka on Sunday. On this occasion, the Main Board proposed Mladen Ivanic as a joint candidate of Alliance for Changes (SzP) for one of the two key positions i.e. the Serb member of B&H Presidency or the Republika Srpska (RS) President. The Board expects SzP to carry out talks in the coming days in order to agree on joint candidates for this year’s general elections. Addressing a press conference after the session, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the decision on the post that Ivanic will be nominated for in the elections should be reached within SzP. “The Main Board of PDP has confirmed that Mladen Ivanic is PDP’s proposal for one of the two individual candidacies for the October elections”, Borenovic confirmed. The PDP leader expressed confidence that Ivanic will win the elections regardless of the post, emphasizing importance of defining a concept that will lead the current RS opposition towards election victory. The PDP leader underlined that PDP is ready for the general elections and that this party has established its election platform. He explained that the Main Board adopted the program of renewal of the RS aimed to create a modern RS where laws equally apply to everyone. He said that PDP condemns the RS authorities’ endorsement of the law on excise duties, which causes increase of fuel prices.

PDP also agreed leaders of the lists for the RS Assembly and B&H parliament respectively and according to the plan, leader of PDP Borenovic and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak will switch places. Thus, Borenovic will be the leader of the list for B&H Parliament, while Crnadak will be the leader of the list for the RSNA. Besides Crnadak, members of PDP Perica Bundalo, Milan Svraka, Milan Djukic, Dragan Galic, Miroslav Brckalo and Ljubisa Krunic will be leaders of the list for this party.


SDS Board of Sarajevo-Romanija Region proposes Sarovic as joint candidate of SzP for Serb member of B&H Presidency (BNTV)


SDS Board of Sarajevo-Romanija Region held a session on Sunday. On this occasion, the Board unanimously proposed Mirko Sarovic as a joint candidate of Alliance for Changes (SzP) for the post of the Serb member of B&H Presidency. The Board concluded that SzP will jointly perform in the upcoming general elections, which means that SDS will propose a candidate for one of the two key functions i.e. the Serb member of B&H Presidency or the RS President. The Board emphasized that City Boards of SDS in Banja Luka, Bijeljina, and Doboj have proposed very good candidates and that the final stance will be taken by the Main Board and the Presidency of this party. Addressing a press conference on this occasion, Vice President of SDS Milovan Bjelica confirmed that the Board reached a conclusion that SDS should make the first move and choose to nominate a candidate for the post of the Serb member of B&H Presidency. According to Bjelica, this Board wants to make significant contribution to the victory of SzP in the upcoming general elections and to lead to changes in authorities in Republika Srpska (RS). He concluded that change in authorities in the RS is necessary.


Croatia sends note to Serbia over Dacic’s statement on Jasenovac (HRT)


The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia has sent a note to the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Zagreb in which it expresses deep dissatisfaction with statements made the Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic at the UN headquarters on January 25th during the opening of the “Jasenovac – The Right to Remember” exhibit. The note points out that the statements made by Minister Ivica Dacic in the UN demonstrate that the Republic of Serbia is continuing to misuse and manipulate the victims of Jasenovac for daily political purposes. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs warns that such untrue and insulting statements, directed toward the Republic of Croatia and its officials, raise doubt in the sincerity of the Republic of Serbia’s declared stance on the desire for reconciliation and building of good neighborly relations. Namely, Serbian Foreign Minister Dacic said at the event that the aim of the exhibit is for the crimes committed in the Ustasha camp during World War II “to never be forgotten and to not allow relativization and rehabilitation of crimes.” Without directly mentioning Croatia, he added that there was “a lot of opposition on the part of one country” to the exhibit being organized in the UN.


Croatia sending Ljubljana a diplomatic note over issued fines to Croatian fishermen (HRT)


Croatia has protested Slovenia's decision to issue fines to Croatian fishermen, sending Ljubljana a diplomatic note. Slovenia claims the fishermen illegally crossed over into its territory in Savudrija Bay, part of which is claimed by both countries. Croatia and Slovenia were unable to resolve their border dispute through arbitration and Slovenia said last month it would begin implementing the ruling in the case. The fines appear to be part of that policy. In a statement issued on Saturday, Croatia's Foreign Ministry warned that as members of the EU and NATO the two countries had a responsibility to resolve issues peacefully. "Croatia will be forced to respond in the same way in order to protect its territory. We believe that Slovenia's announcement constitutes conduct that is contrary to good neighborly relations and European values," the ministry said. Croatian police have announced they would respond with fines of their own. The Interior Ministry said it had records of more than 200 illegal crossings of the border at sea by Slovenian fishermen. Most of those violations were committed by the same eight fishermen and in the same location, according to a statement from the ministry. President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said that it was unfortunate that fishermen were getting dragged into the dispute. “It is irresponsible to send out fines before an agreement has been reached. Croatia has continuously pushed for talks. We've offered some proposals that I think could be acceptable to Slovenia. This kind of conduct can only escalate the situation," the president said. Croatian politicians agree the fishermen should not have to cove the fines. SDP leader Davor Bernadic blames the government for failing to resolve the border dispute. “I expect them to cover all of the costs that may be incurred by our fishermen. Neither they nor their families should have to endure any hardships because of this,” he said. Ivan Vrdoljak of the People’s Party, a junior member of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic’s government said the Interior Ministry would cover the fines because the fishermen “had done nothing wrong.” He also said unilateral action by either side on this issue was inappropriate. Croatian MEP Ivan Jakovcic of the Istrian Democratic Assembly advised fishermen not to pay the fines. He urged the authorities in Zagreb and Ljubljana to reach an agreement on the border.


Djukanovic-Orban: United Europe guarantor of stability (CDM)


Only a unified Europe can be a guarantor of security and stability, as well as the economic prosperity and competitiveness of our continent, the leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic and the leader of the ruling party Fides and the Hungarian PM Viktor Orban agreed at the meeting in Budapest. DPS stated that Djukanovic thanked Orban and his government for supporting and assisting Montenegro and the region in the integration processes.

Orban commended Djukanovic for his role and contribution to the creation and development of modern Montenegro on its way to the EU and NATO, expressing his willingness to even more decisively contribute to the policy of enlargement to the countries of the Western Balkans, together with the partners from the Visegrad Group and colleagues from other EU member states. Both officials are pleased with the development of bilateral relations of friendly countries, and Orban emphasized the need for even closer cooperation between the two governments.

Djukanovic is staying in Budapest upon the invitation of the director of the Institute for International Affairs and Trade, Marton Shobler. There he gave a lecture on the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans before members of the diplomatic corps, Hungarian diplomats, representatives of the scientific community and NGO sector.


Friendly relations between Montenegro and US (CDM)


Prime Minister Dusko Markovic met US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos. “The officials agreed that the two countries are in good and friendly relations,” the Government said. Markovic also met his Irish counterpart Leo Vardakar.

“Vardakar said that he wanted to see Montenegro in the EU as soon as possible,” the government said. On the first day of his stay in Davos, the PM of Montenegro also discussed the topics of the Western Balkans and beyond with former PM of the United Kingdom Tony Blair. Prime Minister said that the World Economic Forum in Davos was an excellent opportunity for Montenegro to present its economic and development potentials, and to make many contacts with representatives of friendly countries as well as companies willing to invest in our country.

“Responsible policy of Montenegro has resulted in a strong international reputation. As a new NATO member, it has been invited to participate in the largest global economic and political forum in Davos. I have made numerous contacts with serious owners of capital who already invest or intend to invest in Montenegro in the coming period. It was a great opportunity to make numerous contacts with representatives of governments of other countries and their leaders who strongly support Montenegro and appreciate its overall progress,” the PM said at the Davos Forum.


Zaev: I’m an optimist that a potential national consensus about the name can be reached (Meta)


I’m an optimist that it is possible for a national consensus to be reached regarding this issue, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev after the five-hour coordinative meeting between the country’s political leaders where the proposals by mediator Matthew Nimetz about the name dispute were discussed. “This process requires inclusivity, dedication, and political responsibility in order to build a national consensus in Republic of Macedonia. In order to achieve that, a political will and courage on part will be needed but a solution is possible if a similar political will is needed on the Greek side” said Zaev after the meeting. When asked whether there will be any new meetings, the PM said that “there certainly will be.” VMRO-DPMNE’s party leader, Hristijan Mickoski stated that at the meeting he was presented with Nimetz’s proposal, which, as he said, was more or less known to the general public in Macedonia and also said that in this moment “the whole responsibility is on the Government how it will lead the process.” The country’s president, Gjorge Ivanov said that he cannot disclose more details about what was discussed, but he said that he is a “realist with an experience.” DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti said that this was one of the most fruitful meetings regarding this issue.


Ahmeti suggests that the name dispute should be solved as the Agreement with Bulgaria – without a referendum (Meta)


In an interview for the Greek daily newspaper DUI’s party leader, Ali Ahmeti, suggested that the name dispute should be solved according to the model that was used for the Agreement for good neighborly relations with Bulgaria, with a consensus between the two governments and by ratification at both parliaments.  “The best way for closing this issue is the model of the Agreement for good neighborly relations between Skopje and SOfia, by reaching a consensus between both governments, and then a ratification at both parliaments – said Ahmeti and explained that the government and the opposition have a historical responsibility to reach a solution and to lead the citizens and the country towards joining NATO and the EU.

Regarding the proposals provided by mediator Matthew Nimetz, DUI’s party leader said that the government together with the opposition is analyzing them and is trying to have a positive and constructive approach. “The inclusion of the term “Macedonia” in the name of our country does not represent a threat to Greece’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” said Ahmeti in his interview for Kathimerini.


Nimetz calls Zaev-Tsipras meeting of historic importance (MIA)


The Davos meeting of PMs Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras is positive, crucial and of historic importance, according to Matthew Nimetz. The special envoy in the name issue appointed by the UN says the parties now are faced with a historic opportunity that must be seized. "I'm optimistic that in cooperation with the international community, in coordination with the UN, with Washington, Brussels and Berlin, a mutually acceptable solution could be found," he notes. "The meeting of the PMs Tsipras and Zaev in Davos was positive and crucial, a meeting of true historic importance provided that it contributes to settling the important differences between the two neighboring countries. It's time that talks are intensified as regards the conditions for a final agreement while treating with caution the issues raised by the two premiers. I'm coming to Athens and Skopje for talks in order to accelerate the process. I believe now there's a dynamic to find a solution," says Nimetz. Regarding a timeline for solving the dispute, Kathimerini says that the UN hopes a name settlement could be reached by April, whereas Nimetz says that concrete moves are already being made to intensify name negotiations. "We can switch to a quick process in order to produce a positive result in several months' time, perhaps even earlier than that," the UN-appointed mediator notes. According to Kathimerini, Nimetz has proposed wide use of the new name once Macedonia is integrated into the EU, but not before the integration process is concluded. In the meantime, the new name can be used in international organizations and at summits. The Greek daily also reports that other countries will be suggested they use the name either in Macedonian, or in English or they translate it in any language they want, MIA reports.

"For example, if the solution involves New or Upper Macedonia, many countries likely will use the English translation, i.e. Republic of New Macedonia or Republic of Upper Macedonia. Others, including Greece, can use the Slavic name Republika Nova Makedonija or Republika Gorna Makedonija. Within the same framework, with regard to a change to the constitution, Nimetz believes it falls under the jurisdiction of the political leadership of FYROM and law professors in the country," writes Kathimerini. According to the newspaper, the mediator is aware there are differences in the two countries, which in turn requires compromises.

"I fully believe that now there is willingness in the two countries and in the international community in general to close the open issues between the two neighboring countries. This is a historic opportunity that has to be seized. There's no doubt that a name solution contributes to strengthening the stability of Europe and it will be beneficial for the citizens of the two countries," Nimetz says in the interview.

The UN name envoy on Jan. 29-30 will pay a visit to Athens before traveling to Skopje on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, MIA has reported.


Patriotic organizations stage protest against language law (MIA)


A number of people, organized by patriotic associations, attended Saturday a protest outside the parliament against the introduction of bilingualism in the country making Macedonian an inferior language, which threatens the unitary character of Macedonia. The protest was organized via social media and wasn’t supported by any political party. According to its organizers, the protest is part of the all-national protest launched six months ago against the unprincipled and anti-Macedonian policies and decisions of the illegal and illegitimate authorities, installed to implement anti-Macedonian interests.


With 35.000 amendments VMRO-DPMNE is going to filibuster the Law on languages (Meta)


The opposition party VMRO-DPMNE has up until now filed 19.000 amendments to the Law on languages, report the media which call upon sources at the parliament. The party, reports Television 24 has announced that it will file a total number of 35.000 amendments. The amendments are arriving continuously at the parliament’s archive, where the services are working at full speed. Some of the opposition MPs are at the archive where they are signing the amendments on the spot. This means that the MPs from the opposition party will try with the so-called filibustering to block the passing of the Law on languages. The coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE’s group of MPs, Vlatko Gjorchev said that the total number of amendments will depend on the answer given by the ruling party on their requests for re-calling the content and to return to a dialogue.


Interior Ministry evaluates opposition’s protest (ADN)


The Interior Ministry reacted on Saturday at the end of the opposition's protest saying that all the process went smooth and calm. This institution had a thank you message for the protesters which developed a peacefully protest. “The Interior Ministry thanks the participants for the peaceful manner and citizenship demonstrated during the protest this Saturday. We thank the citizens of Tirana for their understanding and patience despite the difficulties that they may have encountered during the blockade of some road axes today,” underlined the ministry.

The former leader of the Democratic Party and former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha declared at the end of the opposition’s protest this Saturday that more than 500.000 Albanians protested against the most corrupted government ever. “More than 500.000 Albanians were part of the best protest ever this Saturday in Tirana. All of them protest against the government of crime, drugs and corruption,” said Berisha.


Basha unveils opposition’s future plans (ADN)


Opposition’s efforts for the creation of an anti-mafia government will continue incessantly. The Democrat leader, Lulzim Basha underlined this fact during a communication with journalists on Sunday. “We will continue to fight for the creation of an anti-mafia government, detached from the organized crime that may guarantee fair and free elections in Albania. The citizens conveyed a clear message of protest and refusal against this crime captured government. Their massive participation was at the same time a message that Albania may, should and will become a European country with an equal judicial system that serves to the citizens not oligarchs,” said Basha. He also thanked the men and women that joined opposition’s protest one day ago while inviting them to continue the protests. “My deepest gratitude goes to numerous citizens that joined yesterday’s protest in the boulevard. Their presence opened a horizon of hope for the country’s future,” declared the DP chairman.




Fate of Flashy US Diplomat Yee Illustrates Rift in Washington Foreign Policy (Sputnik, 27 January 2018)


As a US State Department official, he caused a storm with his statements in the Balkans. When the EU demonstrated its feebleness, he persuaded the president of Macedonia to issue a formation of a government mandate to his ideological and political rival.

Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Brian Hoyt Yee was regarded as the voice "from there" in the region, but suddenly in January, reports emerged that he had resigned and might be appointed as an ambassador to either Bosnia and Herzegovina or Macedonia. Yee is no longer listed as an employee of the US State Department, but information on his appointment hasn't been confirmed, either. Yee's other antics have included accusing Sputnik of using propaganda to undermine Montenegrins' trust in their system of justice, claiming Russia was pushing President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik to withdraw from Bosnia and Herzegovina and telling Serbia to hurry up and choose between Russia and the West. Recently, Dodik told local television that Yee "lied to the media here when he said that he resigned, so as not to lose his credibility as 'a powerful statesman.'" According to Dodik, what Yee was saying in the Balkans had nothing to do with the policy of the new Trump administration in the US, and since he continued to pound away on the same line as before, he lost credibility. Historian Aleksandar Rakovic told Sputnik that Yee's policy toward the Balkans was destructive: instead of allying with the regional powers, he was turning them into the United States' opponents. Yee was acting from a position of strength while claiming that he was representing the US, but in fact he just took advantage of the vacuum. Echoing US researcher Mike Gonzalez, Rakovic said that Yee's resignation must be linked to a document leaked in December 2017 from the office of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in which a lot was said about US policy in Eastern Europe, particularly, that allies should be treated better than rivals. "Brian Hoyt Yee will not likely be visiting [the region] again, except as a private citizen." Rakovic said. "He is the second person after [former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense] Michael R. Carpenter who tried to draw Montenegro into NATO. Just as Mike Gonzalez pointed out, Yee took advantage of the vacuum and continued to push forward the Clinton policy, but now that the vector of US foreign policy has changed, he is not welcome in the State Department. Probably, he resigned because he was disappointed. But it is unclear whether he resigned or was asked to leave," Rakovic said. Obrad Kesic, a political consultant from Washington, said in an interview with Sputnik that the fact that Yee hasn't yet been appointed as an ambassador after leaving the State Department might indicate that he is being punished for the policy he was implementing because it didn't correspond with the interests of Trump's team.

However, Kesic noted that Yee is backed by Congress, which has a different understanding of foreign policy than that of the US president. This could mean that Yee will eventually get the appointment. "To the best of my knowledge, he will be working either in Athens or in one of the Asian countries. If that doesn't happen, he will have to look for a job outside state service. Yee behaved in the Balkans just like local authorities allowed them to: he was regarded as deputy foreign minister of the US. In reality, he was on the bottom echelon in terms of ranking, contrary to what he was trying to show," Kesic told Sputnik. He added that Yee was implementing the heavy-handed approach of the Obama and Bush eras, while Trump promised a completely different strategy.

The views expressed in this article are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.