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Belgrade Media Report 19 February



Brnabic very unpleasantly surprised by Slovenian president (Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday she was unpleasantly surprised by a statement made by Slovenia’s President. Namely, Borut Pahor said that his country would try to influence the five EU member-states that have not recognized Kosovo, to do so. According to Brnabic, who recently led Serbia's delegation taking part in a joint session of the two governments held in Slovenia, this statement was not in line with good and friendly relations.

This issue, she continued, was not mentioned during her meeting with Pahor that was long and open. “At that meeting, I made a request that they, as a country that has recognized the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo, influence Pristina to respect the agreements it has negotiated and signed,” Brnabic told reporters. She welcomed the fact that Slovenia called on Pristina to implement the Brussels agreement, with an emphasis on the formation at last of the Community of Serb Municipalities. “We currently have very friendly relations with Slovenia, and this statement is not in the spirit of friendly relations with Serbia, and I am very unpleasantly surprised,” Brnabic made herself clear.  She also said that she should discuss this with her Slovenian counterpart Miro Cerar - stressing that statements such as Pahor’s do not contribute to cooperation, regional trust, and adding that she sees no reason for Slovenia to interfere in this.


Brnabic: Kosovo independence unacceptable for Serbia (Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Friday that the independence of Kosovo and Metohija is unacceptable for Serbia and emphasized that Belgrade is dedicated to dialogue, because everything stipulated by the Brussels agreement has been fully implemented on our part.

Brnabic told reporters on the occasion of statement by German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel that Serbia should accept Kosovo’s independence in order to join the EU, that he had not produced any document regarding that. She pointed out that the legally binding agreement is exclusively under the jurisdiction of Belgrade, and explained that it would be nonsense for Gabriel to bring any document when Belgrade is the one holding talks with Pristina about it.

She said that at the meeting with Gabriel on 14 February they discussed dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and a long-term normalization of relations. Brnabic assessed that Gabriel’s statement in Pristina had been misrepresented that Serbia should recognize Kosovo’s independence, stating that the German official was speaking figuratively that Serbia should accept the independence of Kosovo. This is his opinion, he is foreign minister of a country that recognized the independence of Kosovo, but there are five EU member states that did not. Serbia does not have to do it and will not, the Prime Minister reiterated. She recalled that Belgrade is committed to dialogue and that everything agreed upon by the Brussels Agreement has been fully implemented on our part, stressing that only the energy agreement has remained on which we are working. Pristina has not made any step and I, as Prime Minister Serbia ask the EU countries and those that recognized Kosovo - what about the Brussels agreement and why are we still talking about accountability of Belgrade, which proved to be the most responsible in the region, Brnabic stated.


Vucic wants support for declaration on survival of Serbs (Beta)


President Aleksandar Vucic says the declaration on the survival of Serbs has been completed.

But it will only be discussed after the local election in Belgrade, Vucic said on Thursday, according to Beta. Vucic told reporters that it was his fault that this document was not presented today - i.e., on Statehood Day - as he said he asked RS President Milorad Dodik for talks to be held with all political factors in Serbia before the document is handed over to the parliament or to the government. Vucic said he also wants international community's support.
"It's impossible to talk 14 days before the election, it would be just salvos of insults. We will wait 14 days and try to talk and achieve general national unity, and point out the objections to that paper," Vucic said. He said he wanted to try to make the best possible text that would be good for the entire Serb nation.


Dacic: Dialogue with Pristina precondition for stability of region (government website/Beta/RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated on Friday that Belgrade will continue to advocate a lasting solution to the issue of relations with the interim institutions of authority of Pristina in order to secure peace and stability in the region. The official website of the Serbian government brings the speech of Dacic in full at the informal meeting of foreign ministers of EU member states and candidate countries, being held in Sofia (Gymnich):

“Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished Colleagues,

I am very pleased to have yet another opportunity to have talks in the format enabling direct and sincere exchange of views among the EU Member States and candidate countries. I would like to thank Bulgaria, holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a neighboring and friendly country to Serbia, for organizing this meeting and its great efforts aimed at making the enlargement of the European Union to the Western Balkans once again one of the central topics.

At the beginning, I would like to touch upon the European Commission enlargement strategy. This document is important for Serbia in many ways – it affirms that the EU recognizes the EU enlargement to the Western Balkans as a goal that can be reached in the near future; it also recognizes Serbia and Montenegro as the current front-runners in this process and provides the framework within which the process will develop in the years ahead.

We are aware of the fact that there were opinions within the EU that setting the timeframes would be counter-productive. Allow me to respectfully disagree with these views. There is no better motivation for political leaders, administration and citizens of a country than setting concrete timeframe for conclusion of a strategic process to which we have all been strongly committed. I was Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Serbia when Serbian nationals were exempted from visa requirement for travels to the Schengen Area and we are all familiar how encouraging that measure was for the continuation of the European integration process and national reforms. I am deeply convinced that the road map with a timeline for Serbian membership, with specific dates will have an equally positive effect on the perception of the EU by the Serbian people.

The upcoming EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia will be the major meeting at the highest level ever since the 2003 Thessaloniki Summit. We would like to see more of such meetings in the future with encouraging results for Serbia and the region as a whole.

My Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that I am heading, are actively working in order to reach the highest possible level of cooperation with the EU in the security and defense areas. Serbia’s participation in EU missions in various hotbeds of crises around the world – Somalia, Mali, Central African Republic, including Serbia’s notable participation in UN Missions – reflect our genuine desire to be recognized as a reliable and credible partner of the EU in crisis situations, sharing the responsibility in overall European efforts to ensure global and regional peace and stability.

I am sure that you will agree that in the past years, Serbia has achieved a high level of cooperation in crisis situations such as the migrant crisis. I am also sure that many other aspects of our cooperation including participation in the EU HELBROC battle group, cooperation with the European Defense Agency, initiatives for participation of civilian structures in multinational operations, testify to Belgrade’s clear position that full EU membership is considered as the country’s foremost foreign policy priority.

The transnational nature of the current security threats requires joint response of all actors, and I would like to reiterate that you may most seriously count upon Serbia in the context in the fight against challenges including terrorism, human trafficking, hybrid threats and proliferation.

The greatest security challenge for Serbia is posed by the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo and the situation in the Province which generated a series of security threats to the safety of all citizens, bearing in mind the discrimination and violence to which the members of the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija have been subjected since 1999 and threats to Serbian cultural and historical heritage. I would also like to remind you that out of more than 200,000 expelled Serbs only 1.9% came back to Kosovo and Metohija. Is anyone thinking about that?

Serbia entered the dialogue on the normalization of relations with Pristina convinced that what the citizens of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as Albanians and Serbs in general needed most, was the normalization of relations. In order to reach the Brussels agreement, Serbian political leaders have invested their utmost political credibility in this dialogue.

Unfortunately, the largest part of the agreement that I initialed as then Serbian Prime Minister, together with Hashim Thaci and Catherine Ashton, has not been implemented for which Belgrade is not to be blamed. It is our expectation that this will change in the near future so that the establishment of the Association/Community of Serbian Municipalities may ensure security and perspective to the Serbian community in Kosovo and Metohija. We shall continue the dialogue in good faith for we believe that it is a necessary precondition to stability and security in our region.

When it comes to bilateral disputes, the position of the EU is that it does not want to import instability and that final solutions should be found before accession. I have to notice that this rule has not been followed to date. A large border dispute is ongoing between Slovenia and Croatia. How come this rule was not respected in their case?

On the other hand, I would like to ask all colleagues to respect the common position of the EU. It is absolutely counter-productive that some foreign ministers send to Belgrade arrogant messages that we must recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

I would like to recall that that is a unilateral act and that Serbia is ready to conduct dialogue in order to find a lasting solution. But that is what you in the EU do not want to hear bearing in mind the importance of Kosovo for Serbia. Do not offend or humiliate us. We want an agreement, but the agreement means the respect of the interests of both parties. We will, as before, continue to pursue a lasting solution with the aim of achieving peace and stability in the region.

Thank you for your attention,” Minister Dacic concluded.


Burundi withdraws recognition of Kosovo independence (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that Burundi has withdrawn the recognition of Kosovo’hs independence. Dacic, who recently visited Burundi, told an extraordinary press conference in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that this country withdrew recognition of Kosovo’s independence two days ago and that it decided to make this decision known on the tenth anniversary of the unilateral declaration of independence of the southern Serbian province. He said that Burundi’s decision shows how fragile the so-called Kosovo independence is and the falsity of the data presented by the authorities in Pristina. Dacic pointed out that the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo’s independence shows that this issue cannot be solved without agreement with Serbia. Dacic assessed that the declaration of independence of Kosovo is a failed experiment and violence against Serbia, Serbs and the international legal order. He noted that despite great support it has from the Western powers, Kosovo is far from being internationally recognized. Kosovo is not a member of the UN, the OSCE and the Council of Europe - the most important international organizations, he added. Dacic said that Serbia will continue to fight for state and national interests and that the EU common position does not stipulate that Serbia must recognize the independence of Kosovo, adding that it is arrogant, unacceptable and counterproductive to demand that from Serbia.


Belgrade sends protest note to Barbados over recognition of Kosovo (Tanjug)


The Serbian Foreign Ministry has sent a note of protest to the Foreign Ministry of Barbados that said Belgrade was astounded by the news of Barbados’ decision to recognize the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo. This “unreasonable and unexpected act comes at a time when many countries in the world, including some of Barbados’ close neighbors, are reassessing and revoking their decisions to recognize the so-called state of Kosovo. It will certainly not contribute to an ultimate solution to the issue of Kosovo's status that is acceptable to both sides”, the note said.


Djuric: Belgrade will pose questions about Ivanovic’s murder (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has stated that the investigation into the murder of Oliver Ivanovic will be also discussed at the end of February within the continuation of the technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that Belgrade expects answers. Djuric told journalists that Belgrade will have many questions for its interlocutors and this is why competent experts from the police will also travel to Brussels. Apart from that, the Serbian delegation will propose talks about the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, as well as about problems of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, including those that concern personal documents, administrative line crossings. “There is no more important question for us than the Community of Serb Municipalities. This is something that they have owed us for 1,766 days and this is the topic of all topics,” said Djuric. He stressed that the Serbian side will use the meeting in the most productive way, so that this is really dialogue and cooperation, and not something that will serve somebody to take pictures. The technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held from 26 to 28 February in Brussels.


Djuric: Decade of encouragement for separatist movements (RTS)


What the sponsors of Kosovo’s independence have called a unique case has actually become an inspiration to many who believe that by pursuing unilateral acts or violence they can create new pseudo-states on the territories of sovereign states, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. He addressed the world and domestic public through social networks as well. “On the tenth anniversary of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo we are actually marking ten years since the violation of the system of international law and principle of sovereignty of states,” said Djuric. He notes that the past decade was the decade of encouragement for separatist movements that started to wake up throughout the world, and they will continue so by referring to the case of the self-declared Kosovo.


Mogherini optimistic about Belgrade-Pristina agreement (Tanjug)


EU High Representative Federica Mogherini expects Belgrade and Pristina to reach a legally binding agreement on normalization of relations by the end of next year, having already entered discussions on the issue. Speaking at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Sofia on Friday, Mogherini said she was “realistically optimistic” about the perspective that this could bring results by the “end of our mandate, which is the end of 2019.” She said she saw clearly the determination of Belgrade and Pristina and, especially, the two presidents. “They have entered discussions on a legally binding agreement that would tackle the issue of normalization of relations in a comprehensive manner, and that would definitely be a qualitative change in the situation of both sides, but also of the region,” she said.


Lavrov: ‘Wicked practice’- EU pushes Balkans to choose either West or Russia (Beta)


EU’s demands for the Balkan states to choose between the West or Russia are counterproductive and only increase tensions on the European continent, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Beta. Ukraine was presented with same dilemma, Lavrov said, which “eventually led to a fracture in the Ukrainian society and state; caused an unconstitutional coup (in 2014) and the rise of radicals, including Neo-Nazis, in the internal political affairs of the country.” “Now they want to drag the Balkans into this same game, making them choose whether they are with the West or with Russia,” he warned.

The European Union’s demands for Serbia to accept the anti-Russian component of the bloc’s foreign policy are “sad and upsetting,” Lavrov said ahead of his visit to Belgrade. This approach by Brussels “contradicts all our joint statements made after the Cold War ended… that one shouldn’t strengthen one’s own security at the expense of others. This is what they are trying to do, as I have said, by working to integrate the Balkans into the policy of dividing lines; the policy of surrounding Russia with the military infrastructure of NATO.” “This is a manifestation of the same philosophy and mentality that contributes to the tensions in Europe; that guided those who were expanding NATO and made Ukraine and European countries choose whether they are with the West or with Russia. It is a wicked practice,” the FM said.

Countries like Russia, China and Turkey want to work in the region on an “open, constructive basis, but we see attempts by the US and the EU to introduce anti-Russian elements in its Balkan policy,” he said. According to the minister, Russian diplomats never tell their counterparts that they shouldn’t make friends with the West. “But Washington and some European capitals send their emissaries to the Balkans with a specific message: ‘Do not be friends with Russia; refuse cooperation with it in all possible areas.’”

At the same time, Lavrov pointed out that Russia does not “see any risks in the desire of the nations of the Balkan region and other countries on the European continent to develop relations with the EU, including joining it. They are presented with the terms of entry and they themselves must decide how satisfactory those conditions are and how they match their national interests.”

Serbian aspirations to join the EU have been discussed with the country’s President, Aleksandar Vucic, and “he never said that it would be done at the expense of Russia. On the contrary, he stressed that the Russian vector of the foreign policy and cooperation would remain very important for Serbia. I am sure that this is in the interest of the Serbian people,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov went on to praise the “pragmatic approach” of the Serbian authorities, which is aimed at taking advantage of connections “both in the West and the East.” “One shouldn’t think about creating closed alliances, be it in military, political or economic spheres. We need to look at things beyond the four-year horizon until the next election in this or that European country, and see perspective. That perspective, I think, is a very positive one, if we are all guided by interest in joint work, for the benefit of our own citizens in each individual country and on the European continent as a whole. It seems to me that this is what the Serbian leadership’s approach comes from,” he said.




Dodik confirms he will run for B&H Presidency; reactions (Srna/BNTV)


President of Republika Srpska (RS) and the SNSD Leader Milorad Dodik, confirmed his candidacy for the Bosnia and Herzegovina B&H Presidency Member from RS, said that the candidate for the RS President in the forthcoming elections will be from this party, too. He has pointed out that his candidacy is definitive, announcing he would gather broad support.

"This victory is unquestionable and neither the Alliance for Change nor the Bosniak votes will make it fail. All the surveys and our intention to gather a dozen political parties within this candidacy and our patriotic bloc for RS are absolutely clear and others have nothing to look for in that regard" said Dodik. He says that he is not interested in the counter-candidates, adding that everyone else speculates, while the SNSD plays openly. "I can, as a political opponent, look at their "My plan is to win. The victory is definitely a part of my plan, and all this will be confirmed by the authorities not only of the SNSD, but also of the coalition partners and others I am discussing with, that are not only political parties, but also the NGOs," Dodik has said.

Dodik’s opponents believe that his candidacy for the Serb member of the B&H Presidency is “the beginning of the end of his political career”. PDP Leader Branilsav Borenovic stated that this will be the beginning of the end of Dodik’s political career and Borenovic is certain that current Serb member of the B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic will win in the election race against Dodik. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) did not want to comment Dodik’s announced candidacy, but the US Embassy in B&H issued a statement regarding this. “We support the policies that contribute the progress of B&H on its EU path and put the citizens of B&H at the first place. They are the ones that have to decide who are the best suited leaders capable of implementing such policies”, reads part of the statement of the US Embassy in B&H. SDS leader Vukota Govedarica said that there is an autocratic climate in SNSD.


Durakovic confirms he will run for RS President in general elections (Fena)


Former Head of Municipality of Srebrenica Camil Durakovic confirmed on Friday that he will run for the post of the Republika Srpska (RS) President in the next general elections. According to a statement, Durakovic said he will seek endorsement for his candidacy from associations, political parties and community, and that he will not base his campaign on negative propaganda but on truth, concrete plan and assuming responsibility.


Insulting poster taped on building of Serbian Embassy in Sarajevo; reactions (


Unknown persons have taped a poster on the gate of Serbian Embassy to B&H, with the image of Skull and Bones and insulting inscription (‘Cetnici Kostobacani’). The poster was taped to the entrance gate of the Embassy. Serbian Ambassador to B&H, Stanimir Vukicevic said that the incident occurred late on Wednesday afternoon, after which the staff informed the police, which investigated the scene. Ambassador deems that this poster is in connection with protests of the Bosniak Movement, announced for Thursday at 11 hrs. He stated that Embassy will raise security level and added that he expects results of the investigation carried out by member of Police Administration of Centar Municipality. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak said that placing of the poster, on the eve of marking of one of the most important dates in history of Serb people, presents “insane act”, which comes from those who would like for Serbia and B&H and Serbs and Bosniak people, to remain in constant conflict. Crnadak warned that this is not only a message for Serbia, but for Serbs living in Republika Srpska and B&H and he called on competent authorities to reveal persons standing behind this incident.

Federation of B&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic stated that he will personally engage in this case. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed hope that perpetrators of abovementioned act will be discovered by competent institutions in B&H. Commenting on the insulting poster, RS President Milorad Dodik characterized it as the biggest insult for the Serb people that appeared from the end of the war until today. According to Dodik, this is a clear message that “the RS has nothing to do in B&H anymore”.

Serb member of B&H Presidency Mladen Ivanic said that no one from the Federation of B&H condemned this and that he finds it hard to understand this fact.

OHR condemned the incident in front of the Serbian Embassy in Sarajevo, expecting that the competent authorities will thoroughly and quickly investigate the incident and arrest perpetrators. The OHR said that these actions not only endanger security of diplomatic missions but also have negative effect on reconciliation process.

Head of SDS Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives Aleksandra Pandurevic said perpetrators of the incident mean no good to both Bosniaks and Serbs, arguing it is disgraceful that no institution in Sarajevo condemned the incident.

Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Mirko Sarovic condemned the incident, stressing that these things do not contribute to building of trust and stability in these areas. Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Ognjen Tadic said that placing the offensive poster is pointless and rather stupid action.

Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Stasa Kosarac said the incident shows that Sarajevo has not changes its political and ethnic attitude towards Serbs.


Gutic gets removal, Kukic gets bomb! (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz daily reports that the Tuzla Canton (TC) Assembly, which convened on Saturday, removed the TC Government with Prime Minister (PM) Bego Gutic at the helm. 20 representatives voted in favor of the removal (13 out of 16 SDA representatives), three representatives were against (all three from SDA), whilst 11 representatives abstained from voting. According to the daily, request for holding of urgent session of the Assembly was sent by 15 representatives (13 from SDA, one from BPS and NSRzB respectively). As a result, 10 SDA representatives got excluded from the party on Saturday as well as TC Government Ministers Husein Topcagic and Jakub Suljkanovic. Removed PM Gutic addressed the Assembly, criticizing, among others, SBB B&H and SBB B&H President Fahrudin Radoncic and founder of SDA in TC Mirsad Kukic, who was removed (from position of President of SDA Cantonal Board of TC) by decision of SDA Presidency a few days ago. Head of SBB B&H Caucus in the TC Assembly Fuad Hadzimehmedovic replied by saying Gutic was not removed by Radoncic but by 13 representatives from SDA. Head of SDP Caucus Dzevad Hadzic said this is about a classic showdown within SDA. According to the daily, this is the fifth government reshuffle in the TC during the 2014-2018 tenure.

Unknown perpetrator threw a bomb nearby ‘QM’ discotheque in Banovici on Saturday night around 2030 hrs. According to the daily, it is Mirsad Kukic’s discotheque. (Mirsad Kukic was removed from position of President of SDA Cantonal Board of TC by decision of SDA Presidency a few days ago).Two young people sustained mild injuries.


RS President visits Serb community in Karlovac (ATV)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik paid a visit to Karlovac and a local Orthodox monastery in this city where he met with religious dignitaries there to found out how the Serb community lives. Serbs from Karlovac spoke about their life and problems. They said that they have good relations with their Croat neighbors and that there are no inter-ethnic problems in Karlovac. Dodik said that a significant number of Serbs had left Karlovac after the war and the fall of former Yugoslavia, but that life in that city was restored to the extent that it was possible. Not so long ago, Serbs in Karlovac were the majority. Events in the past 70 years, and especially after the last war, have influenced the fact that there are five times less Serbs here. The church in the center of Karlovac was mined and demolished several times. Dodik said that he also came to show support to the renewal of the church and the parish life in Karlovac.


B&H CoM adopts answers to EC Questionnaire (BHT1)


B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) unanimously adopted answers to European Commission’s Questionnaire on Wednesday 14th of February. Following the session, B&H CoM Chair Denis Zvizdic held a press conference and stated that the process of providing the answer was the most complex process in previous phases of EU path of B&H. Entire material has more than 20,000 pages of laws and bylaws, and around 1,200 representatives of institutions at all levels of authorities provided answers to the questions. Zvizdic explained that 99 percent of answers were adopted by working groups by consensus, and explained that number of members of these working groups ranged from 27 to 127. He said that this process will lead B&H to the candidate status, and added that the completed Questionnaire will be submitted to EC President Jean-Claude Juncker during his visit to B&H on February 28. The Questionnaire is the realistic review of the situation in B&H, for the EC to check level of harmonization of procedures, laws, and system with legal heritage of the EU. Federation of B&H government, which held an urgent session on Thursday 15th of February, adopted the information on technical finalization of answers to the EC’s Questionnaire and gave consent to ‘Answers of Bosnia and Herzegovina to European Commission’s Questionnaire for Preparation of Opinion on Request of B&H for Membership in European Union’. The Federation of B&H Government’s Office for European Integration will submit conclusions to the Federation of B&H bodies and institutions, as well as the Commission for European Integration of the Federation of B&H House of Representatives and the Federation of B&H House of Peoples. B&H Presidency also on Thursday adopted the information on technical finalization of answers to the European Commission’s Questionnaire. Following the session, B&H Presidency Chair Dragan Covic held a press conference and stated that by completing the Questionnaire, B&H has everything to acquire the candidate status.


There are no legal and legitimate elections without changes to Law on Elections (Dnevni list)


Croat member of the B&H Presidency and HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic met in separate meetings with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark and High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko in Sarajevo on Thursday 15th of February. Covic reiterated the position of the Croat side that changes to the Law on Elections must secure legitimate representation of peoples, in line with decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which is related to election of members of the Presidency of B&H and the Federation of B&H House of Peoples. According to the daily, Covic said during the meeting with Wigemark that without aforementioned solutions, legal and legitimate elections cannot be organized in October of 2018 and that the election results cannot be implemented. Covic spoke about the same topics with HR Inzko, and that the meeting resulted in messages that parties must strive towards finding solutions to the Law on Elections. The OHR issued a statement, which reads that Inzko and Covic had constructive conversation about the current political situation in B&H, and that the HR reiterated the longstanding position of the OHR and the wider international community that political parties should concentrate their efforts on providing a solution in the Ljubic case, which will enable smooth conduct of the 2018 general elections and the implementation of election results without significant delay. “I encourage parties to take advantage of the facilitation being led by the EU and the US, and engage in constructive efforts to find a compromise,” said HR Inzko.


Covic: There will be no talks on elections in Mostar (RTRS)


According to current developments, the announcement of President of Herzegovina-Neretva Cantonal Board of SDP, Zoran Mikulic about opening of official negotiation between representatives of SDA, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and SDP concerning the elections in Mostar, will remain empty words. Mikulic’s claim that he encountered “positive vibration” in SDA and HDZ B&H municipal boards, were denied by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. Namely, after the latest session of HDZ B&H Presidency, Covic said that these are mere fabrication. Covic said that raising of this issue, now in February, serves nothing but election campaign. He stressed that nobody was even mentioning Mostar in past six months, and only HDZ B&H insisted that issue of Mostar needs to be solved in package with B&H Presidency and House of Peoples.


US Embassy expresses concern over purchase of 2,500 rifles for RS Police (Oslobodjenje)


The US Embassy to B&H commented a decision of the Republika Srpska (RS) Ministry of Interior to purchase 2,500 automated rifles for the RS Police and stated for the daily: “The US Embassy expresses concern over recent reports on existence of paramilitary organizations, illegal training camps and disproportionate acquisition of weapons, considering the threat it might represent to stability in B&H. Although police forces need to have the tools to maintain order and law, the amount and types of weapons that are being purchase must be within the standard needs for law enforcement. We call on all relevant institutions to urgently investigate these issues and take appropriate steps – administrative or legal.” The Embassy also stated that they will continue to work with the institutions of B&H in service of the citizens, and in order to improve security of the country.


EUD comments procurement of rifles for RS Police (Oslobodjenje)


The EU Delegation to B&H commented a decision for procurement of 2,500 automatic rifles for Republika Srpska (RS) Police, and stated: “We expect the RS Ministry of Interior, as well as all other law enforcement agencies in B&H, to distribute capacities, including the armament, strictly in accordance with the constitutional and legal structure of B&H, respecting professional standards and key principles of police work in democratic environment,” stated the EUD and pointed out that the police work is founded on responsibility, integrity, transparency and respect for basic human rights and freedoms.


US Embassy: We are not planning any training that would include usage of firearms that the RS is purchasing from Serbia (NAP)


The Press Office of the US Embassy to B&H stated that they are not planning any training that would include usage of firearms that Republika Srpska (RS) is purchasing from Serbia. RS Interior Minister Dragan Lukac denied media information that representatives of Russia will participate in the training, adding that training of “RS special unit members” will be carried out in cooperating with colleagues from USA and European police. The US Embassy stated that the US is dedicated to assist securing of stability and security in B&H. “This long- term partnership includes training for special police units at state level, in the RS, Federation of B&H and Brcko District. All Embassy’s programs are directed towards strengthening of abilities of police forces to fulfill their duty and protect all citizens of B&H,” reads the statement.


Consent requested from B&H institutions before issuing permit for RS MoI’s purchase of firearms (BHT1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations stated that before issuing a permit for the purchase of firearms for the Republika Srpska (RS) Ministry of Interior (RS MoI), this institution requested prior consent from B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs, B&H Ministry of Defense and B&H Ministry of Security, as well as opinion from B&H Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA). All Ministries gave their consent, while B&H OSA gave an opinion which is not binding, according to a statement issued by this institution. Therefore, B&H Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations approved the import of 2,500 guns from Serbia for the needs of the RS MoI. If only one of the aforementioned institutions had refused to give consent, the request for the permit would have been denied, reads a statement issued by B&H Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations. Representatives of the OSA said that OSA gives an opinion in the procurement of weapons, noting that its opinion does not have binding character. They stressed that the B&H Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations gives permission for the purchase of weapons with the written approval of the B&H Ministry of Defense, the B&H Ministry of Security and the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Representatives of OSA said that they believe the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) complied with legal provisions in the procurement of weapons.


Salkic: Single curriculum in Serbia and in RS represents most severe form of disrespect of B&H sovereignty (Hayat)


RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic stated that the announcement on establishment of a single curriculum in Serbia and in the RS represents the most severe form of disrespect of B&H sovereignty. Salkic argued that introduction of the single curriculum in schools in the RS and Serbia represents unseen cultural and educational aggression. He called on proponents to give up on this idea, taking into account laws in B&H and opinion of Bosniaks, as one of the constituent peoples in the RS. Salkic’s Cabinet stated that the curriculum represents an abuse of the Agreement on Special and Parallel Relations between the RS and Serbia.


Court of B&H: Saric acquitted of charges for genocide in Srebrenica (Oslobodjenje)


Court of B&H rendered a first instance verdict, acquitting Goran Saric of charges for genocides in Srebrenica. Presiding judge Stanisa Gluhajic said that the Court could not determine if the indictee knew about the genocidal intention of the main perpetrators. Saric, former Commander of Special Police Brigade is acquitted of charges of issuing the order, but also of having control over his Deputy Ljubimir Borovcanin who is sentenced by the ICTY to 17 years in prison because of war crimes in Srebrenica. Saric was also acquitted of charges for war crimes in Zvornik. The Court could not determine if Saric was commanding officer of the Police HQ.


Delegation of Croatian parliament pays visit to B&H (Dnevni avaz)


A delegation of the Croatian parliament will pay an official visit to B&H on Monday February 19th. One of the members of the delegation will be Croatian MP and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia Miro Kovac. Kovac told the daily that he and his colleagues will pay a visit to B&H upon an invitation of the Foreign Affairs Commission of B&H House of Representatives (HoR), on which occasion they will meet a number of B&H officials. Kovac said that this is one of ways for Croatia to demonstrate its interest to build good neighborly and partnership relations with B&H. Kovac added that Croatia also advocates rule of law in B&H because only in that way “B&H can have a functional market economy and become a member of the European family”. Asked to comment claims that relations between Croatia and B&H have deteriorated, Kovac stated that he does not accept the thesis on deteriorated relations and added that his stance is always positive. He reminded of last week’s visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to Croatia and said that there can be no progress in relations between Croatia and Serbia without dialogue and he added that he also “stands behind his words” on friendship and connections between B&H and Croatia. Asked when an agreement on border between Croatia and B&H might be initialed, Kovac said that bringing this agreement in question would be very irresponsible and harmful. He noted that this would “open a Pandora’s box and B&H would complicate its own life, especially in the context of accession to the EU” Finally, Kovac concluded that the biggest challenge for permanent political stabilization of B&H is bringing relations between Croats and Bosniaks in order. Kovac said that both Croatia and international community expect implementation of decisions of B&H Constitutional Court and changes to the Law on Elections of B&H to be implemented in timely fashion in order to secure equality of all peoples in B&H and also to make sure entire executive authorities can be established in B&H after the October elections.


Serbian minority in Croatia demands separate territorial unit (Jutarnji list)


“The position of Serbs in Croatia has not been improved and has actually deteriorated in a number of ways. This is particularly true of the level of tolerance and the rights which were introduced during the period when Croatia was entering the European Union,” claims the Statement on the Rights of Serbs in Croatia, which was adopted at the Third General Assembly of the Serbian National Council held several days ago in Zagreb. The Statement contains a list of demands of Serb political representatives addressed to the Croatian government, and some of them could easily cause new political tensions, reports Jutarnji list. The Serbian National Council (SNV), the national coordination of the Serbian national minority in Croatia. The SNV President is Milorad Pupovac, and his deputy is Sasa Milosevic. The Statement includes 13 demands. The first group are socio-economic demands, such as the electrification of the villages where Serb live, the undisturbed return of refugees, of which there are some 19,000 currently living in Serbia, the right to the reconstruction of homes destroyed during the war, as well as the resolution of housing issues for those who have lost their occupancy rights in Croatia. The Statement also includes demand for the determination of the fate of the missing persons and trials for the crimes committed against Serbs during the war. One of the demands asks the government to start “actively implementing the employment policies for members of the Serb community, by implementing an action plan for employment of members of national minorities.” There are demands for bilingual signs on public buildings, the urgent registration of Serbian schools operating in Croatia, the end to the disputing of crimes committed against the Serbs during the Second World War, and the provision of aid in establishing a Serbian language radio service. Finally, the Statement includes a demand that could cause substantial political tensions. “The institutions of the Serbian community, in particular, the SNV and the Joint Council of Municipalities (ZVO), must acquire the status of minority self-government, in accordance with their founding documents with an international character, the Erdut Agreement and the Letter of Intent.” The emphasis is on the term “must.” An almost identical initiative caused political turmoil in 2010 when its implementation was prevented thanks to an amendment proposed by Vesna Pusic. It was initially foreseen that, through the changes to the Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities, the Serbian ZVO in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem would receive special legal rights. If the proposal of then Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor (HDZ) had been accepted, that would mean the establishment of a new territorial unit in Croatia, based on a one-national, minority principle. However, Vesna Pusic and HNS were supported by SDP, and later even by HDZ, and the initiative was discarded.


Slovenia says Croatia is bad model for future EU Members (Hina)


Slovenian Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec said on Friday that Croatia, by "not honoring" the border arbitration ruling, was sending a negative signal to Western Balkan countries on their European Union journey which could slow them down. "Croatia is not honoring the arbitration ruling, giving the countries in the region a very negative signal," Erjavec told Slovenia's STA news agency in Sofia, adding that Croatia had outstanding border issues with Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that that was "the main problem" when it came to the border disputes in the region. Croatia's message in the case of its border arbitration dispute with Slovenia is that one can be in the EU without honoring arbiters' decisions and international law, which is a very negative signal, Erjavec said.

Erjavec was in Sofia for an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers on the European Commission's new strategy for enlargement to the Western Balkans. In his address, he said the EU accession candidates' unsolved border issues with Croatia were the main problem that made it unrealistic that some of them might wrap up their accession negotiations by 2025 at the earliest, Slovenian media reported.


Juncker: No EU Accession for Western Balkans countries with border disputes (Hina)


As a result of the bad experience from the Slovenian-Croatian border conflict, the Western Balkans have to solve their border disputes before they can become members of the European Union, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said on Saturday addressing the Munich Security Conference. The EU recently presented a new strategy for the Western Balkans in which refers to the arbitration model for resolving border disputes which cannot be resolved through bilateral negotiations. Juncker says that it is difficult for him to watch the Slovenian-Croatian border dispute which he believes could have been resolved prior to the two countries' admission to the Union. Instead the row was referred to an international arbitral tribunal, but the parties cannot agree on how to handle this arbitration award, he said. Juncker underscored that disputes in the Balkans have to be resolved before any country in the region joins the EU. The Western Balkans countries are not yet able to join the European Union at the present time. But it is important that they keep their European perspective, he said. This is because of the experience of the early 1990s and this is a "highly complicated, highly sensitive region. And by exporting this prospect of accession, we must export stability, instead of importing instability in the EU," Juncker said. "The condition is that the Western Balkan countries have settled their border disputes before they can become members of the European Union," he underscored. Juncker announced his tour of the Western Balkans at the end of February and the beginning of March to visit regional aspirants that are frustrated by the absence of a clear time framework for additional enlargement.


Croatian and Russian Foreign Ministers meet (Hina)


Croatia's Foreign Minister Marija Pejcinovic Buric on Saturday met with her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov on the margins of the international security conference in Munich, and their talks were part of the intensified dynamics in bilateral meetings. Throughout 2017, there were a several meetings at the ministerial and parliamentary level, and that was crowned by a meeting between the two presidents, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia, in the Russian resort of Sochi. Minister Pejcinovic Buric said that all that resulted in the strengthening of cooperation as evidenced in higher exports and imports to and from Russia, while the number of Russians visiting Croatia rose by 15% in 2017. Russia also helped efforts aimed at reaching an agreement on converting the Russian-owned oil refinery at Bosanski Brod into the one powered by natural gas, so as to address the problem of cross-border air pollution affecting Slavonski Brod, a Croatian town on the other bank of the Sava River. Pejcinovic Buric said she had not discussed with Lavrov the interest of Russia's Rosnjeft in acquiring a part of Croatia's oil and gas company INA, but she recalled that Moscow was interested in being present in Croatia's energy sector. Croatia is a member of the European Union and NATO and stands by other members, but we think that there should be room for developing the relations with large countries such as Russia, she said. During her stay in Munich, Pejcinovic Buric also held talks with an U.S. official on the future LNG terminal off the Croatian island of Krk. She also met an Israeli official for talks on the Croatia-Israel relations that were developing towards "strategic partnership" in the defence industry and in agriculture, according to a statement made by the minister.


Collapse of the opposition: we can reach an agreement but in our way (CDM)


Collapse of the opposition – this might be the conclusion of the first and most likely the last meeting of all the opposition leaders, striving to reach an agreement on a joint presidential candidate. They haven’t managed to make a deal, but rather manifested all their frustrations, vanity and differences. The Democratic Front (DF) called for the parliamentary opposition to reach an agreement, stating that they won’t accept any other candidate, but their own, i.e. former interior minister, Andrija Jovicevic. SNP’s leader Vladimir Jokovic said Jovicevic is a convenient candidate whereas the United Montenegro leader Goran Danilovic added he prefers Jovicevic over HER (meaning on Milka Tadic Mijovic). DF has claimed Jovicevic would be the only eligible candidate to compete with DPS, but part of the civic opposition responded that Jovicevic could not be “a non-party candidate”, so that Tadic-Mijovic’d be a better choice.

The opposition spent almost 2 hours negotiating after which they talked to the media.

Miodrag Lekic (Demos) and Ranko Krivokapic (SDP) were not brave enough to comment on the issue. Lekić has almost escaped from the venue, while Krivokapic stated there was no need to talk to the media. “You’ll her everything from Dritan,” he said, refusing to say anything else.

Dritan Abazovic was the only one who had guts to make a statement and admit that the opposition hadn’t managed to reach an agreement.


Kosovo’s government adopted annex to border demarcation agreement (CDM)


At the beginning of a session on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Kosovo’s declaration of independence, the Government of Kosovo has adopted a common declaration – the annex to the agreement on border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro. Heads of the two countries, Hashim Tachi and Filip Vujcanovic, signed the annex to the agreement. Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, has said the joint declaration enables correction of all possible mistakes in the agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro, signed on 26 August 2015.

Kosovo’s government unanimously adopted the annex to the agreement on border demarcation between Kosovo and Montenegro. Members of Srpska lista did not attend the government’s session. All parties of the Kosovo parliament, except the opposition Vetevendosje (Self-Determination Movement), voted for the proposal for the annex to the agreement.


Montenegro and Albania are leaders in European integrations, says Mogherini (MINA)


Compared to other candidate countries and as a result of their continuous efforts in aligning and shaping the foreign and security policy of the EU, Montenegro and Albania have been leaders in the European integrations, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini has estimated. A two-day inter-parliamentary conference for the common foreign and security policy and common security and defense policy, held in Sofia, tackled priorities and EU strategies in the area of common foreign and security policy. Mogherini stated that the national parliaments have been playing a key role in shaping foreign policy, at the same time remaining open to the public. “Foreign and security policy are not only the responsibility of the national governments, but of the parliaments as well,“ said Mogherini, according to the information of the Montenegrin parliament. She also noted that the EU-NATO relations have been stronger than ever, adding that Europeans have to take responsibility for their own safety.


Macedonia's road to EU and NATO needs to be unblocked, says MSC chairman (MIA)


Macedonia's road to EU and NATO needs to be unblocked, says Munich Security Conference (MSC) chairman, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger. "Macedonia's road to EU and NATO needs to be unblocked - long overdue", wrote Ischinger's on Twitter. The MSC chairman replied to a Twitter post by Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, who said Macedonia has been a model of successful preventive democracy. "Macedonia has been one of the very few examples of successful preventive diplomacy. But halting a negative dynamic is not enough. It is now time to seize the opportunity, propel positive dynamic and achieve irreversible success," says Dimitrov and thanks ambassador Ischinger for the excellent organization of the Munich event. Dimitrov and Defense Minister Radmila Sekerinska took part at the 54. Munich Security Conference, which is considered the leading global forum discussing current and future security challenges.


Hahn very confident name dispute will be solved by end of June (MIA)                                  


The European Union is confident that Macedonia will solve the name dispute with Greece by the end of June, said Johannes Hahn, Commissioner of European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, upon arriving at the informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council (Gymnich) in Sofia on Friday. Asked by reporters if the name dispute could be solved by the end of Bulgaria's EU Presidency, Commissioner said he is "very confident about this".

Bulgarian Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva also expressed hope that a decision over the opening of Macedonia's accession talks would be taken at the European Council meeting in June.

"Taking into consideration current developments and ongoing talks, I believe there is a big chance for this to happen," said Zaharieva at the press conference after the meeting.

She added both governments have demonstrated political will to find a permanent solution.


Stoltenberg calls for flexibility in name negotiations (Meta)


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg called for flexibility in the negotiations between Macedonia and Greece regarding the name dispute at a press conference in Brussels.

“I would be very careful and I would not speculate about the possibility for an agreement. We have a UN mediator, who now presents some proposals about how to resolve the name issue. I hope that the current initiatives will lead to such a resolution. I sincerely hope that it is possible for a solution that will solve the long lasting problem between the FYR Macedonia and Greece and which will enable Macedonia to become a member of the Alliance. Therefore, I urge them to be flexible,” said Stoltenberg.


Rama proposes one President for Albania and Kosovo (ADN)


Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama had a speech on Sunday at the solemn session of the Kosovo Parliament in honor of the 10th anniversary of Independence. He said that a common President for the two countries, Albania and Kosovo would be the best symbol of a unity of both countries. "Kosovo and Albania will have a joint foreign policy, not just one embassy and the same diplomatic representation, but why not, a common president as a symbol of national unity and a national security policy," proposed Rama. He added that his idea may seem unrealistic for now but that it may be well-liked and can be realized in the future. The Democratic Party MP, Edi Paloka, reacted over the declaration of Rama, for a joint President for Albania and Kosovo. He said that it was an empty nationalist statement that leads to problematic relations.

“He is a clown. On the 10th anniversary of the independence of Kosovo, Albanian Prime Minister comes out with a bombastic statement without any practical value that could even undermine the interests of Albanians wherever they live. Everyone remembers how with empty nationalist statements he brought relations with Greece in crisis,” said Paloka. He added that Rama did the same thing with the soldiers' cemeteries, the sea, Cam issue and with Serbia where he realized joint government meetings, with no real practical value.




Serbs won't back Kosovo recognition for EU seat, president warns (Reuters, by Ivana Sekularac, 16 February 2018)


BELGRADE - Serbs are unlikely to support full recognition of Kosovo as independent in exchange for EU membership, so only a compromise can stop Kosovo’s status from festering for decades in a “frozen conflict”, Serbia’s president warned on Friday. The European Union has told Serbia it could join the bloc by 2025, provided it carries out reforms at home and resolves its differences with Kosovo, a province which declared independence 10 years ago. The bloc has not said explicitly what form an agreement between Serbia and Kosovo must take, but Germany’s foreign minister, Sigmar Gabriel, told reporters in Pristina on Wednesday that Serbian “acceptance of Kosovo’s independence” was a condition. Serbia’s leadership has been seeking a formula it can sell to the public in a referendum. Some commentators have suggested a deal under which Belgrade might stop short of recognising Kosovo as sovereign, but accept it joining the United Nations, which Serbia’s veto-wielding ally Russia has so far blocked.

Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s president, a former Serb nationalist who has changed his views over the past decade to become pro-European, said any decision would have to be put to Serbian voters, many of whom consider Kosovo the cradle of their Orthodox faith. “The people would decide; if you think that can get a majority, I’m not so sure,” Vucic told Reuters in an interview.

“We have to look at today’s reality and to understand relations in the world and relations in Kosovo and to understand that it (Kosovo) is not ours as we taught ourselves, but neither is it theirs as they try to show it,” he said. “If there is no compromise we will have a frozen conflict for decades. We should not leave that to our children to deal with.”

On Tuesday, Kosovo’s president, Hashim Thaci, told Reuters that he expected a deal with Serbia within the year and that it would result in Kosovo’s membership of the United Nations. In exchange, some of Vucic’s allies, including his foreign and defence ministers, have called for Kosovo to be partitioned, with Serbia taking a northern slice populated by minority Serbs which Kosovo has struggled to integrate. Vucic declined to comment on such calls. He insisted agreement was possible, but that it would require “political will in Brussels to reach a compromise, rather than continuing to put pressure on Serbia.” Quoting the Serbian writer Borislav Pekic, Vucic said Serbia should look to the future: “We should not kiss the ground our ancestors walked on, but rather the ground our children will walk on.”


Serbian Orthodox Church faces economic blockade — Russia’s OSCE envoy (TASS, 16 February 2018)

VIENNA, Kosovo Albanians are trying to impose an economic blockade of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the self-proclaimed republic of Kosovo, Russia’s OSCE envoy, Alexander Lukashevich, said on Thursday. "The Serbian Orthodox Church still faces mistreatment. Kosovo Albanians are trying to impose an economic blockade on it, to deprive it of its property and all means of subsistence," the Russian diplomat told a session of the OSCE Permanent Council. As an example, Lukashevich cited the controversies over the Visoki Decani monastery, which is designated by UNESCO as a heritage site in danger. Local authorities ignore various decisions, including court rulings, which confirm the monastery’s property right to the adjacent territory. In addition, he said, a monastery in Dakovica was recently besieged by radicals, and police had to intervene and deliver food and other necessities to nuns. Russia expects OSCE to step up its efforts "to counter the radical nationalism among Kosovo Albanians," the ambassador added. "Abetting radicals will lead to new problems for Serbia’s Kosovo and for bordering states. It is a part of a wider problem of encouraging radical nationalism on the OSCE territory, which threatens to undermine stability at the continent," the Russian envoy said.