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Belgrade Media Report 19 March 2018



Compromise for Kosovo or nothing (Novosti/Politika/Beta/RTS/Tanjug)


If Pristina does not want a compromise, there will be no solution for Kosovo and Metohija and that’s it – full stop, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday in an extraordinary address to the nation on the Kosovo issue, as a key political issue of the country, and defeating demographic situation. “We will continue discussions with Albanians, to try to resolve our problems, despite the fact that I don’t trust them at all. But, we have no other choice,” said Vucic. “Conversation and dialogue are the most important things, to find a compromise solution. If they do not want a compromise, there will be no solution and that’s it,” he said. All six of the 15 points from the Brussels Agreement on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) remained a dead letter on paper, said Vucic. “For five years someone does not want this to happen. We did not believe that Albanians would do anything for the sake of the Serbs. The EU wanted the ZSO to be formed, but if the international community really wanted it, their condition for visa liberalization to Pristina would be formation of the ZSO, and not the demarcation with Montenegro,” Vucic said. The President urged Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija not to participate in the formation of Kosovo’s Army. At the press conference he said that the authorities in Pristina are going to Serb areas and bribing Serb young men to join their army. “I can’t tell you everything now,” said Vucic. “They are not going only to the south, they also go to the north to bribe our young men. They say – here is the cash, be part of the army. We are facing this and talking to the Serbs in Kosovo,” said Vucic.

He added that he did not want to react to the statement by US official Wess Mitchel that the Kosovo Army, in which there will be Serbs, will not be a threat to Serbia. “Really? You are forming an alien army on the territory of Serbia, in which you will include Serbs… What, as in Austro-Hungarian and Turkish times, we are to fight Serbs against Serbs?”, asked Vucic. That is why he urged Serbs not to participate in the formation of the Kosovo Army, both those from the south and north of the province, and in that way help resolve the Kosovo issue.

Answering questions from the journalists in Prokuplje, Vucic said that he no longer trusts the international community, which is a guarantor of the Brussels agreement, and not just Albanians, on the issue of the formation of the ZSO.“ZSO is talked about at every meeting. I don’t trust them about anything. They have been lying to me for five years. I’ve been asking for five years and now I say ‘You are lying to me’. Not only Albanians. I didn’t trust them too much, but I did trust you from the international community,” he said. Vucic also recalled that Serbia fulfilled everything it signed. “They are your pet, you made them an independent state, you, the US and many European countries. How can you not persuade your pet to fulfill what it signed, and you are the guarantor of that,” he said. Vucic said that he sees that they are not interested in this issue at all, and Albanians have certainly have never been interested in it. “Only when there is a need to have the Serbs attacked, they are the champions,” Vucic said adding that we are not completely without the means to oppose it. He also said that he expects “absolutely nothing” from the Special Court for the KLA.


Brnabic, Vucic congratulate Putin on victory (RTS/Tanjug/B92)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic congratulated Vladimir Putin last night on his victory at the presidential election and the fourth term as President of the Russian Federation. “I congratulate you on the convincing victory in the election for the president of Russia. This result only confirms the wide support that you enjoy for all the difficult reforms you have implemented so far and which you are yet planning to implement. This shows that your citizens see in you the right leader who is ready to face all the challenges in the upcoming times. Serbia and Russia are tied by good friendly and cordial relations and I believe that in the future our two countries and our citizens will expand this cooperation in all areas,” Brnabic wrote in her letter of congratulations.

In his message congratulating Putin, Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia is a true friend and reliable partner of Russia. “You can rely on our contribution to the deepening of cooperation, as well as to our commitment to joint projects. I am confident that, with mutual understanding, we will create better conditions for generations to come. I am very grateful for your personal contribution to strengthening the traditional and genuine friendship of our two countries, as well as defending the state interests of Serbia, which is reflected in the support in the United Nations, as well as in all other international organizations where Serbia is protecting its integrity, reputation and its freedom-loving tradition,” Vucic said, and concluded: “I wish you, along with success in performing your responsible duty, good health and happiness in your personal life. I hope, my dear friend, that in the new presidential mandate, you will honor us and visit Serbia again, because every encounter with you is an opportunity for valuable exchange of opinions and wise advice,” Vucic said in his message to Putin, published on the Serbian president’s website.


Chepurin: Result is a good message for Serbian-Russian friendship (RTS)


The Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Chepurin has stated that the result of the presidential elections in Russia is more or less clear. “This is support to the line of policy for protection of sovereignty of the state, for the protection of joint security, not only of Russia but of all countries. I think this will be a good message for the Russian-Serbian friendship,” Chepurin told journalists in the Embassy’s building, where there was one polling station for the Russian citizens to vote.


Јаnkovic: Kosovo problem needs to be resolved in a democratic manner (FoNet)


It is a mistake that the Kosovo issue can be resolved by one man signing something, if this signature is not a result of a democratic process that precedes it and doesn’t lead to alleviation among people, the lad of the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG) Sasa Jankovic told FoNet in an interview. He confirmed that this was the dominant topic of the recent meeting of opposition representatives with the US official Wess Mitchell. According to Jankovic, Mitchell didn’t assume the right to suggest to the opposition how it needs to position itself in regard to the Kosovo problem. Asked whether any of Mitchell’s interlocutors from the opposition had given a stand on Kosovo as a ‘hot potato’ that should be left to Vucic to resolve, Jankovic responded that this claim of the Serbian President was not correct. Jankovic doesn’t know whether some of the participants called Vucic after the meeting, but repeats that what Vucic publicly claims usually isn’t true. “The support of the international community is very important” to the opposition, but this support, according to Jankovic, “should be on a healthy platform and not on a platform on which Vucic took power by promising what Tadic didn’t want”.

Asked whether he would support a legally-binding agreement with Kosovo and its membership in international organizations, which also implies the UN, Jankovic answered that he supported a sustainable solution, which doesn’t exclude the UN option, if this solution would be reached in a democratic way. Asked how he would behave if a legally-binding agreement would be on the table, Jankovic said that he would call for talks the international community, the Albanians and Serbian citizens and present them with the reality. He predicts this will be the reality in the end, which should be signed without false pushing of somebody else. “You need to understand that nobody knows what is stated there, the agreement is still a white paper because Brussels has the stand to shut Thaci and Vucic in one room and to agree with everything they write. Thus, Brussels doesn’t have a stand on the solution, that is why the paper is white,” claims Jankovic.

“You can’t entrust an arsonist to extinguish a fire,” says Jankovic, who considers that Vucic “recognized Kosovo because he integrated, past the Constitution, the judiciary into the Kosovo judicial system, accepted the international dialing code and introduced Serb MPs into a coalition with Ramush Haradinaj”. “Essentially, Kosovo has been recognized, nobody will request for a formal recognition, but the point is that the government of Aleksandar Vucic is building hatred and animosity towards the Albanians in Kosovo, but at the same time he is telling the international community: ‘We will sign that, we only need the opposition to say that they want this as well’.”


Jevtic: Formation of ZSO is an issue of political courage and will (RTS)


Minister for Communities and Returns in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the return of displaced to Kosovo and Metohija is not only an issue of security but also the economic. He says that 6,790 people had returned to Kosovo and Metohija since 2004. “The pogrom was an additional blow after the violent expulsion of the Serbs in 1999. On that March day in 2004, some places were emptied completely and we don’t have the possibility to return people there,” says Jevtic. “The situation is better today. We don’t have problems that we had then, for example, the problem of freedom of movement, except in Djakovic and Suva Reka where the Serbs can’t be without police escort. As regards returns, somebody decides to return when he/she considers everything,” says Jevtic. He says that the formation of the ZSO is an issue of political courage and will. “We need a small step that nobody want sot undertake. I was present at almost all meetings where foreign diplomats came, but the meeting with Mitchell gave me trust that something will change,” notes Jevtic.  He says it is important to continue the dialogue and that the expectations of ordinary people are in terms of the resolution of further problems standing among the people in Kosovo and Metohija. He says that the stand of the Serb List regarding the demarcation issue is clear. “We said that this issue is not of interest for the Serb List and we presented this to coalition partners. This issue is viewed differently with the Serbs south of the Ibar River. The Serb List assumed a stand and as things stand now, we will not vote for the demarcation with Montenegro,” said Jevtic. He notes that the Serb List is against the formation of the Kosovo Army. “We as the Serb List need to have a prepared stand on this issue but we must not close the door. We are against the formation of the Kosovo army and we want to explain when necessary. The voice of the Serbs in the Assembly is necessary for this,” notes Jevtic.


Expert level Kosovo dialogue resumes in Brussels (Tanjug)


A new round of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at the level of experts will be held in Brussels from Monday until Wednesday. The topics should include implementation of agreements on the Community of Serb Municipalities, energy, the bridge in Kosovska Mitrovica, freedom of movement and integrated management of administrative crossings. The delegation of Belgrade in these talks will be led by the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric, while the head of the Pristina delegation will be Avni Arifi. The EU has said that it is necessary to speed up the pace of negotiations on the implementation of the existing agreements within the framework of the dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. To this end, it is stated that technical delegations will meet every couple of weeks in Brussels.


GIK established final results; Belgrade mayor by mid-June (RTS/Tanjug)


After the City Election Commission (GIK) established the final results of the local elections in Belgrade, the 15-day deadline has started running, during which the current speaker of the City Assembly should convene a constitutive session of the new Assembly convocation. The constitutive session needs to be held within 60 days since the announcement of the final results, while 30 days at the most can pass from the constituting of the City Assembly until the election of the mayor. This means that the City Assembly speaker Nikola Nikodijevic needs to convene a constitutive session within two weeks by 2 April, while the deadline for holding it is 17 May. In that case, the final deadline for the election of a new mayor will be 16 June. The constitutive session will confirm the mandates of councilors and elect the speaker of the Assembly, her/his deputy and Assembly secretary, who need to be elected from the ranks of the councilors. The Assembly proposes the mayor, while the candidate for the mayor presents her/his program and team that is comprised from members of the City Council who don’t need to be councilors of the City Assembly.

According to the final results announced by GIK on Sunday evening, the following councilors will be sitting in the City Assembly in the next four years: the list around the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), the list around Dragan Djilas, the list around Aleksandar Sapic and the list around the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) - United Serbia (JS). The coalition “Aleksandar Vucic – Because We Lost Belgrade” will have 64 mandates, the second-ranked list “Dragan Djilas – Belgrade Decides, People Win” will have 26 mandates. The list of Aleksandar Sapic will have 12 mandates, while the SPS-JS coalition will have eight mandates. The other 20 lists have not managed to cross census, so the Democratic Party (DS), which had 16 councilors in the past mandate, will not be in the City Assembly any longer.

The elections for the Assembly of the Belgrade City were held on 4 March, while voting was repeated at four polling stations in the Stari grad municipality on 18 March, after which GIK established the final results, Tanjug reports.




Foreign affairs ministers of Western Balkan countries meet in Sarajevo (TV1)


The meeting of the foreign affairs ministers of the Western Balkans Six (WB6) took place in Sarajevo on Friday. The host of this meeting was Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). As a part of preparations for the upcoming summit in London, participants at the meeting have confirmed their commitment to stronger regional cooperation. They concluded that it is necessary to continue building better relations in the region, as well as to implement the projects that will benefit the citizens and provide the necessary support towards the EU. Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak pointed out that they were willing to do their best to achieve the best possible results. They also talked about preparations for the summit under the Berlin Process, which will be held in London in July. Crnadak emphasized that expectations from this Summit are great. “We all agreed that we need to focus on concrete projects, infrastructure linking, strengthening our economies, supporting entrepreneurship, better connectivity of cities in the region,” said Crnadak.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria Ekaterina Zaharieva stressed that the new EU strategy for the region is very concrete, well-structured and contains concrete proposals for developing all six countries at their own pace. “We want to take concrete measures that will make the citizens of these Balkan countries feel the difference. When talking about connectivity, it is not just about roads and power supply, but about connecting people, the business community and developing entrepreneurship”, said Zaharieva.

Director-General for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Christian Danielsson stated that the EU strategy is very clear and provides the exact guidelines for progress. “This meeting takes place at a very important moment, because issues related to the Western Balkans are at the very top of the EU agenda”, said Danielsson.

In a joint statement, the six ministers of foreign affairs of Western Balkans stated that they believe these kinds of meetings can enhance cooperation and mutual understanding, promote cooperation and enable the region to speak with one voice in areas of common interest, especially when it comes to the EU integration.


Minister Crnadak, UK’s Duncan meet in Sarajevo (TV1)


Preparations for the upcoming Western Balkans Summit in London were one of the topics of Friday’s meeting in Sarajevo between B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Igor Crnadak and UK Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, Sir Alan Duncan. Duncan congratulated B&H on its progress so far and stated that the UK will provide its full support to B&H, on country’s EU path. “Our Summit will focus on the economic stability, security and certain issues of inheritance. We also want to try to include young people in that, because young people are the future. They could not assess the conflict here, but I believe that they want a stable and secure region, in which they will want to live,” said Duncan. Crnadak and Duncan also discussed preparations for the upcoming summit of Western Balkan leaders in Sofia, as well as bilateral relations between B&H and the UK. Crnadak said that there are high expectations from the meetings in Sofia and London, since stronger economic cooperation in the area of the Western Balkans is one of the summits’ top priorities. Speaking at the joint press conference after the meeting, Crnadak expressed satisfaction with the fact that many topics related to security, the rule of law and fight against corruption are being introduced along with general story on good cooperation in the region. Duncan stated that there is close cooperation aimed at achieving concrete results for the region at both upcoming summits.


PM’s of RS and the Federation of B&H met with Duncan and Ferguson (FTV)


Prime Ministers of Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zeljka Cvijanovic and Fadil Novalic respectively, met with UK Minister of State for Europe and the Americas, Sir Alan Duncan, and UK Ambassador to B&H Edward Ferguson in Sarajevo on Saturday. Duncan, said that B&H is faced with serious challenges in the area of the rule of law, economy and democratic reform. Duncan also called on country’s political leaders to work together so that B&H could be competitive and successful in the heart of Europe. Novalic thanked Duncan on targeted and clear support which the UK is providing to B&H. Duncan, who visited B&H in order to discuss plans for the upcoming summit on the Western Balkans in London, made a video message for B&H citizens, citing the three topics of the London summit. “First, to strengthen regional security cooperation to help tackle common threats, including corruption, serious and organized crime, trafficking of people, drugs and firearms, terrorism and violent extremism. Second, to increase economic stability with a view to improving the business environment, stimulating entrepreneurship, addressing youth unemployment and promoting regional interconnectivity. Third, to foster political cooperation to help the region resolve bilateral disputes and overcome legacy issues stemming from the conflicts of the 1990s,” Duncan said in the video message.


Chairman of Irish Senate O’Donovan: Ireland provides full support to B&H on country’s EU path (FTV)


Delegation of the Republic of Ireland, led by Chairman of the Irish Senate Denis O’Donovan, paid a visit to B&H on Friday and met with member of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Denis Zvizdic and delegation of the parliament of B&H. Following the meeting with O’Donovan, speaker of the House of Peoples (HoP) of the parliament of B&H Ognjen Tadic said that B&H recognizes this visit as a support to the country’s EU path. O’Donovan reminded that the EU paths of the Republic of Ireland and B&H are similar. Namely, it took 13 years for Ireland to become the EU country after it submitted the EU membership application. O’Donovan went on to say that B&H will face many obstacles in process of the EU integration, adding that B&H should be persistent in this process. “The EU membership was very important for our nation. It changed significantly dynamics of our economy and development in Ireland,” explained O’Donovan. He stressed that the EU membership enables prosperity of numerous sectors in a country. During the meeting with Zvizdic it was underlined that B&H expressed support to nomination of the Republic of Ireland for non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Also, O’Donovan visited the EUFOR Headquarters in Butmir where he met with EUFOR Commander Major-General Anton Waldner and representatives of the military contingent of the Republic of Ireland.


B&H Presidency adopts country’s Foreign Policy Strategy 2018-2023 (Nezavisne)


The B&H Presidency has adopted the B&H Foreign Policy Strategy 2018-2023, which is the first document of such kind since 2003 and guidelines adopted by former members of the Presidency. Commenting on the adoption of the Strategy, Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Dragan Covic said that the Strategy represents a clear framework for those who should be carrying out a single policy on behalf of B&H. “Up until now, we had three policies,” Covic said, adding that the public in B&H has not yet recognized the importance of this document. The document reads that the prospect of B&H’s membership in the EU is unquestionable, and that B&H should be following the joint foreign and security policy of the EU. “In that sense, it is necessary to additionally improve the system of joining foreign-policy statements and EU’s restrictive measures against third countries and subjects. That requires close inter-departmental cooperation and joint risk assessment”, the document reads. Furthermore, the B&H Foreign Policy Strategy 2018-2023 mentioned full-fledged membership in the EU as one of the main strategic goals of B&H. “B&H, as the signatory state of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU, and as a country that has submitted application for membership in the EU and answers to European Commission’s Questionnaire, is aspiring to be given the status of the EU Candidate Country as soon as possible, and then open the membership negotiations. Priority activities would focus on activation and implementation of Membership Action Plan (MAP). Activation of MAP, for which there is a broad political consensus in B&H, allows for all subjects of defense in B&H to continue with implementation of activities in relation to NATO, which are defined in the Law on Defense of B&H,” the document concludes.

Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic assessed that he was the only member of the Presidency who truly protected B&H’s interests at the recent trilateral presidential meeting of B&H, Croatia and Serbia in Mostar, particularly when it comes to border issues.

Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Dragan Covic said that the Strategy will provide a framework for global representation of a single B&H policy. According to Covic, this is necessary because “there have been at least three” different policies presented on behalf of B&H. Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Mladen Ivanic referred to the Strategy as somewhat broader foreign policy guidelines than it used to be the case.


Dodik rejected the proposal of SDP, SBB and DF, related to introduction of scanners and cameras at polling stations (Oslobodjenje)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has rejected the proposal of SDP B&H, SBB B&H and DF, related to introduction of scanners and cameras at polling stations - because, as he said, the proposal is not offering solution for more transparent election process. The proposal was supported by the majority of representatives in the House of Representatives (HoR) of the parliament of B&H, while all SNSD’s MPs and two HDZ B&H MPs voted against it. “We will prevent the adoption of changes to the Election Law of B&H in the House of Peoples (HoP) of the parliament of B&H, because we find all corrections which do not represent a complete solution to be unacceptable,”u Dodik said, adding that he believes they have the majority in the B&H HoP necessary to prevent the adoption of those changes. SDP’s representative in the parliament of B&H Sasa Magazinovic is convinced that there is a majority in the B&H HoP to adopt proposed changes. “We count on those who care about having fair elections in B&H, the outcome of which will be decided by voters, not by those who count their votes,” Magazinovic said.

Vice-President of NDP Zdravko Krsmanovic said that changes to supervision of election process are the only way to put an end to “election mafia organized from polling stations to certain structures within the Central Election Commission of B&H”.

Member of PDP Main Board Slobodan Popovic also believes that B&H needs stricter control of election process, and he also believes that it will be possible to secure funds necessary for introduction of new technologies prior to this year’s general elections.

“Only those who have resorted to dishonest activities when it comes to voting or counting of votes can be against additional control of election process”, Popovic said.

Deputy Speaker of the RS Assembly Nenad Stevandic said that he supports any kind of control during the election process.


RS should consider reestablishing its army (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik asked if formation of Kosovo army could be used for reestablishing of the RS army, Dodik said that the RS is a contracted party in formation of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H, and added that it can abandon the contract if its position is not in line with the Constitution. He stressed that the RS has no benefits from the AF B&H and does not perceive it as its own army. Dodik concluded that he respects members of Serb people in the AF B&H, but added that the RS should consider reestablishing its own army. Dodik said he will ask Serbian President Vucic again “not to separate the “Kosovo issue” from the “RS issue”.


US Embassy in B&H responds to Dodik’s statements about B&H AF and parallel between Kosovo and RS (TV1)


The US Embassy in B&H issued a statement on Friday, saying that the issue of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H is resolved through the Law on Defense of B&H, adopted in 2005, which is one of the most successful reforms implemented in B&H. “The AF B&H are formed to guarantee safety and defense of the entire B&H, and to provide the necessary support and safety to all the citizens of B&H”, reads the statement. The US Embassy in B&H also addressed the statements made by President of the RS Milorad Dodik regarding Kosovo and the RS. “The stance of the US government regarding the issue of Kosovo and the RS is quite clear. As we have pointed out many times before, there cannot be any parallels between Kosovo and the RS. B&H was sovereign and internationally recognized state, even before the Dayton Peace Agreement,” reads the statement issued by the US Embassy in B&H.


Pacolli: It would be in B&H’s interest to recognize Kosovo (Dnevni avaz)


Kosovo Minister of Foreign Affairs Behgjet Pacolli who paid his first official visit to B&H, where he attended the Summit of Western Balkan Ministers of Foreign Affairs, noted that there are no official diplomatic relations between B&H and Kosovo, which makes life of ordinary citizens very difficult since traveling between B&H and Kosovo is extremely complicated. Pacolli suggested that B&H and Kosovo should have the same arrangement as Kosovo and Serbia, where there is complete freedom of movement for people and goods. He expressed hope that this issue will be solved soon. He argued that it would be in B&H’s interest to recognize Kosovo, since Kosovo is an important market for producers from B&H.


Serbian Prime Minister: No seats for Croats in parliament (HRT)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in an interview with HRT on Saturday that the Croat minority should not have a guaranteed seat in the Serbian parliament, expressing hope that the issue of border delimitation on the Danube would not require arbitration and her willingness to address the issue of missing persons from the 1991-1995 war. Speaking in her first interview with Croatian media since taking office, Brnabic talked about top priority issues between Croatia and Serbia – the rights of the Croatian minority in Serbia, the border and the missing persons.

Leaders of the Croat community in Serbia have said that steps have been taken to improve their status, but they continue to insist on a guaranteed seat in parliament based on the 2004 agreement on the protection of the Croat minority in Serbia and the Serb minority in Croatia. Brnabic, however, said she did not support the idea that each ethnic minority should be awarded one representative in parliament, "because I think we have developed a mechanism to fully protect the rights and freedoms of the ethnic minorities institutionally." On the subject of border delimitation on the Danube, Brnabic said she hoped that no arbitration would be necessary and that the two countries would manage to find a solution through bilateral talks within the next two years. Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic and her Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic agreed at their recent meeting in Zagreb that this issue should be resolved within two years. Brnabic said that the Serbian government had designated a delegation for border negotiations with Croatia. She said she was pleased with the efficiency with which the two governments had started to address the outstanding issues after Vucić's visit to Croatia.

As for the missing persons from the war, the Serbian Prime Minister said she hoped the issue would be resolved as soon as possible. "This is certainly one of the most difficult and most important issues for the families of those people and generally for the relationship between Croatia and Serbia," she added. She said she was glad that Croatian Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic would visit Belgrade on March 23 and discuss this issue with his Serbian counterpart Nela Kuburovic. Speaking of her working relationship with President Vucic, Brnabic said she consulted the President a lot "because he is a person who I think knows Serbia the best." She added that she did not mind being called "Vucic's extension", saying: "I know who I am and what I am and my results will show that." Brnabic said that Croatia and Serbia had a huge potential for economic cooperation. "In 2017, our trade increased by 14 percent in relation to 2016, but it is still low considering our potential," she concluded.


Croats in Vojvodina still insist on guaranteed seat in Serbian parliament (Hina)


The leader of the Democratic Alliance of Vojvodina Croats (DSHV) Tomislav Zigmanov said on Sunday that he would not give up on the demand for a guaranteed seat in the Serbian parliament for the Croat minority in that country, in line with Croatia's model for the Serb minority, after Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that she was against it. Commenting on Brnabic's statement in an interview with Croatian Television on Saturday that the Croat minority should not have a guaranteed seat in the Serbian parliament "because I think we have developed a mechanism to fully protect the rights and freedoms of the ethnic minorities institutionally", Zigmanov said that he was surprised by her position because members of the Serb minority used that instrument of representation in Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia and Romania. "The issue of guaranteed seats for members of the Croat minority in Serbia is not a matter of opinion of this country's office-holders, it is Serbia's obligation arising from Article 9 of (the 2004) agreement with Croatia (on the protection of the Croat minority in Serbia and the Serb minority in Croatia)," Zigmanov told media. On the other hand, Zigmanov commended the opening of dialogue and cooperation with the Serbian state leadership as well as messages by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the need to make the Croat community feel safe and integrate it in Serbian society and decision-making processes. "Let those messages serve as encouragement to freely demonstrate our Croat identity in all situations. Our space of freedom is now bigger, let's be brave and testify to what we are," Zigmanov told a party conference in Subotica, in reference to his talks with Vucic on February 20. Croatia's Ambassador to Serbia Gordan Bakota said that the status of the Croat minority in Serbia was one of the key issues in relations between Serbia and Croatia and that the DSHV was an important political and social factor. "I can see that the DSHV is aware that this is a very important time for the Croat minority in Serbia and that it has been very active, which is encouraging. Croatian diplomats are ready to assist not only the DSHV, but all other Croat associations and individuals," said Bakota. The DSHV is the only active party of the Croat minority in Serbia. It has a representative in the national parliament thanks to a coalition agreement with the opposition Democratic Party, as well as several representatives in the town councils of Subotica, Sombor and Apatin.


President speaks with German Chancellor Merkel; Merkel welcomed Vucic's recent visit (Hina)


Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has congratulated German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her fourth term as the head of the German government, Grabar-Kitarovic's office said in a statement. President Grabar-Kitarovic and Chancellor Merkel discussed "the future of the European Union and Croatia's determination to be part of its core, as well as the situation in Southeast Europe," the statement said. "Chancellor Merkel welcomed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's recent visit to Zagreb and underlined the importance of the stability of Bosnia and Herzegovina," the statement said. The two officials are expected to meet soon on the margins of an international conference, and President Grabar-Kitarovic said she expected Germany's highest officials, the president and the chancellor, to visit Croatia soon.

Merkel, leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), was sworn in on Wednesday, which marked the start of the term of the 24th German federal government and her fourth term as Chancellor.


Vujanovic called for local elections in 12 municipalities (CDM)


President of Montenegro, Filip Vujanovic, has set May 27 as the date for local elections in Podgorica, Golubovci, Savnik, Zabljak, Bar, Plav, Pljevlja, Rozaje, Danilovgrad, Bijelo Polje and Kolasin. Local elections in Plav will be held on May 20. “The President of Montenegro shall schedule local elections in Pluzine a week before all the other local elections. As local elections in Pluzine could not be held after 20 May 2018, the President of Montenegro expects citizens of Pluzine to fully understand the decision to schedule the elections on a day which celebrates Montenegro’s independence,“ stated the Public Relations Service of the President of Montenegro. These decisions enter into force on the day of their adoption and will be published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro and the Official Gazette of Montenegro – municipal regulations.


Opposition’s presidential candidate best suits Zeleznjak, DPS says (CDM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists’ (DPS) MP, Andrija Nikolic, reminded of the fact that not so long time ago, vice president of the Russian Duma and one of the officials of the United Russia, Sergei Zeleznjak, invited supporters of Andrija Mandic’s Democratic Front (DF) and Aleksa Becic’s Democrats to reconcile. “He recommended a joint candidate in presidential elections, noting that they should include Abazovic’s URA into the joint plan. It won’t be the first time Zeleznjak’s wishes to comply with the ones of Montenegrin opposition,” believes Nikolic. In his opinion, there’s nothing strange in reconciliation between Andrija Mandic and Aleksa Becic, encouraged by presidential candidacy of Mladen Bojanic. “Especially after public confession of the DF leader who said people should vote for Bojanic because he handled teargas during protests, he’s anti-NATO oriented and speaks Serbian.” Nikolic also says the leader of the “victory, not divisions” party has suddenly become silent and that he broke his promise about stopping collaboration with the DF and communicating with them only at the local level.

As for Abazovic, he is just like one of the DF leaders, Nebojsa Medojevic, as he initially supported the idea of joining NATO Alliance but afterwards avoided to vote in favor of it in the parliament, according to Nikolic.


DEMOS to support Draginja Vuksanovic in presidential elections (CDM)


Representatives of DEMOS have stated they will support Draginja Vuksanovic in the 2018 presidential elections. They added that in case of the second round of elections, they are to support the opposition’s candidate who wins the largest number of votes. They also said they will make the decision on supporting presidential candidate after all presidential candidacies become official. “Our decision will be based on criteria established within the civic opposition, which our party had publicly approved,” the DEMOS stated. They also added their criteria for supporting a presidential candidate won’t change. “Personal profile and program that a candidate promotes must be reflection and guarantee of no divisions, identity extremism or manipulations in Montenegro,” DEMOS has emphasized.


Krivokapic thanks McCain and Turner for their support in joining NATO (CDM)


The leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) of Montenegro, Ranko Krivokapic, thanked senator John McCain and congressman Mike Turner for providing the support to Montenegro in joining NATO Alliance. Krivokapic said Turner put in a great deal of effort in establishing the Montenegrin caucus in the US Congress. “I’d hereby like to remind you that the last EU strategies describe our small country as captured, but I’m sure that with your assistance, Montenegro will soon have a democracy of Euro-Atlantic type,” noted Krivokapic in his letter to Turner. In a letter to senator McCain, Krivokapic expressed pleasure at numerous meetings they had, when McCain always stressed his strong support for Montenegro’s aspiration to become a NATO member state.


Zaev: Government reshuffle and rising parliamentary majority (MIA)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said Friday the government would be reshuffled accompanied by talks for increase of the parliamentary majority. "We will probably talk with all opposition parties except VMRO-DPMNE," Zaev told reporters after Friday's forum on the rule of law in SEE. The reshuffle would be agreed with the political parties and MPs who accept the government program. The rising parliamentary majority should send a message to citizens, businesses and the society in general that the government intends to take serious decisions through a stable majority in parliament. "We will talk to all those who intend to support the concept of one society for all, those who abide by the values of this ruling majority, seen through the Law on the Use of Languages," stressed Zaev. According to him, those not giving a chance to the concept of one society for all cannot be part of the parliamentary majority. Asked about the changes in the Law on Political Parties, the PM said SDSM representatives in working groups have told him that discussions are going well. "This is a reform package, but also harmonization of the electoral legislation. It is good if we discuss these things now and not before elections. I have promoted our concept of one election district, professional institutions, the State Election Commission to be an administrative body," said Zaev.


Zaev: Ivanov’s decision is a fragrant violation of the Constitution (Meta)


The Law on the Use of Languages ​​will not change anything in Macedonia, nor will it disturb its common future. I appeal to everyone, let the law live, respect the institutions, and the Constitutional Court and the Venice Commission will have their say on the matter, said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev . “Let’s leave the Law on the Use of Languages ​​to see the light of day. I regret that the President of the country decided to blatantly disrespect the Constitution and announced for the second time that he would not sign off on the law. This is not good, it’s a flagrant violation of the Constitution of Macedonia and of course the institutions have no right to permit this to happen”, Zaev said. He pointed out that the law was not passed in secret unlike behind the scenes in past, but the debate had been open for nine months.

“Let’s all focus and give our multi-ethnic society a chance, where all citizens will be equal in accordance with the Constitution and will enjoy their rights. This law has given a deprived beginning to citizens from smaller communities”, said the Prime Minister.

According to him, the law should be passed and signed, submitted to the Constitutional Court and the Venice Commission, however it should also be clearly stated that in Stip, Gevgelija, and Strumica no one should have to speak Albanian.


Gruevski: I had no intention of causing an incident, Xhaferi should apologize to the public (Meta)


Former Prime Minister and VMRO-DPMNE MP, Nikola Gruevski said that he had not intended to cause an incident in Parliament, when the Law on the Use of Languages ​​was adopted, but only wanted to show that he disagreed with the manner in which it was passed. Gruevski stated that he only pulled the hand of the Speaker of Parliament, Talat Xhaferi at the same moment when he had touched him and that nothing more happened. According to him, Xhaferi should apologize both to the Macedonian and Albanian public because “he has adopted a law that affects Albanian citizens in a dishonest and concealed manner”. Gruevski added that the procedure had been violated when the law was passed, and that the law is unconstitutional.


Protest in Skopje against language law (MIA)


A small group of citizens staged a protest Sunday against the law on languages, adopted by the Parliament on 14 March. Citizens gathered in front of the government’s building in Skopje to voice their disapproval of the law, which boosts the Albanian language status, and called on  President Gjorge Ivanov to not sign the legislation that “will bring bilingualism in Macedonia”.


US Embassy: Macedonia parliament to focus on necessary reforms (MIA)


It is important that the parliament moves forward with its agenda and focuses on the necessary reforms with all parties saying they will support them in a bid to meet the European and Euro-Atlantic integration bid of Macedonia, the US Embassy in Skopje said Friday commenting on recent developments involving the adoption of the language law. PM Zoran Zaev, it said, asserted that the duty and responsibility of the government and political leaders in Macedonia was to advance the interests of all citizens in the country. As regards the Law on the Use of Languages, Deputy PM Bujar Osmani earlier this week in Brussels reiterated that the government would send the law to the Venice Commission for evaluation and to give recommendations to make sure the law is in compliance with European standards, stated the US Embassy. On Tuesday, the US Department of State official, Wess Mitchell, in Skopje said Macedonia had made tremendous steps in the process of building a strong democracy. The country has the chance to make progress on its path to the EU and NATO, which is supported by an overwhelming majority of the citizens, noted the embassy.




Macedonia: Naming a Country Is Harder Than It Looks (The National Interest, by Nikola Zečević, 18 March 2018)


Greece objects to the use of the "Macedonia" as the name of a country, since it claims that historical Macedonia is a part of their country. What then should be this country's name?

The interstate dispute between Greece and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) has lasted for twenty-seven years, and only recently have officials from the two countries expressed their readiness to achieve the historic compromise towards new name for this small Balkan country. Its accession to NATO and the European Union has been blocked by Greece for years, which strengthened the pro-Russian sentiment in the country itself.

The new Prime Minister of FYROM, Zoran Zaev, suggested that his country is ready to agree on a name with a geographical indication, and announced a national referendum on this issue. However, it is uncertain what the result of this referendum would be. At the same time, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has diplomatically announced that the existence of a compound name with geographical or with time designation would not be completely irrational. However, the Greek public sharply rejects the idea that the name “Macedonia” in any combination exists as a part of the name of any country. This is supported by mass demonstrations in Thessaloniki, where over 100,000 people stood behind the slogan: “There is only one Macedonia, and it is in Greece.” In that sense, I would refer to five proposals for the new state name of FYROM, which the two sides are currently negotiating under the supervision of UN Special Representative Matthew Nimetz. The least acceptable solution for Skopje is “New Macedonia,” because it is insufficiently determined, according to Prime Minister Zaev. On the other hand, the name “Republic of Macedonia (Skopje),” which contains in the brackets the name of the capital of FYROM, is the least acceptable for the Greek side because it monopolizes the name “Macedonia” and is closest to the constitutional name “Republic of Macedonia,” on which official Skopje insisted earlier. The next proposal for the name is “Northern Macedonia,” which is controversial in multiple ways. Examples of parallel countries, regions or partially recognized states with such geographical designation are present in Europe, from Northern Ireland to Northern Cyprus. But we should just look at the case of Sudan and South Sudan, which continue to tackle territorial disputes in the Abyei region and the city of Heglig. Although the background of this case is different from the Greek-FYROM dispute, we can rightly say that such a geographical determinant cannot solve some new irredentist and nationalist claims in the future. At the same time, the name Northern Macedonia implies that there is a South Macedonia (although there is not even a region with that name). The existence of Northern Macedonia would further open the question of the existence of the so-called Western Macedonia, which is synonymous for Albanian secessionism in FYROM.

Furthermore, the proposal '”Upper Macedonia”' evokes the examples of Styria, Silesia or Normandy, thus additionally debasing the statehood of FYROM while, again, suggesting the existence of the “two” Macedonias. It should not be forgotten that within the borders of Bulgaria there is a geographical region named “'Pirin Macedonia,” which someone could call “Eastern Macedonia” as needed? This fact additionally delegitimizes the fifth proposal: “Vardar Macedonia.” Firstly, the name suggests the existence of at least three Macedonias, as in Greece there is also the '”Aegean Macedonia'” and, moreover, this very geographical determinant of '”Vardar”' Macedonia covers some parts of present-day Serbia, Kosovo and Bulgaria.

All of these proposals are at least confusing, vague, inconclusive and controversial, and we have to deal with them carefully, especially if we take into account the thesis of the famous Serbian historian Slobodan Jovanović that “nationalism is the only tradition in the Balkans.” In that sense, I dare to say that the most appropriate solution for the new name of FYROM would be: Republika Makedonska (or only: Makedonska). The international name of the state would retain the Slavic transcription: Republic of Makedonska, emphasizing the Slavic semantics and phonetics in both the original and in the international transcription.

We have a comparable example of avoiding international transcription in the case of Republika Srpska. This entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina cannot be compared to FYROM in terms of their emergence and legal status, and the international transcription is avoided in this case so that its statehood can not be implied, due to the term Republika; the literal translation would be “Serb Republic,” which is an unacceptable international name for an entity within sovereign country. In the case of the Republika Makedonska, however, whose literal translation would similarly mean “Macedonian Republic,” international transcription is avoided in order to prevent the creation of an exclusive link with the term “Macedonia,” but its statehood is in no way questioned. Slavic transcription would also be used when it comes to the name of the language and people of the Republic of Makedonska (Makedonski language; Makedonska nation). Albanians of FYROM, of course, would have the right to use all these terms in their native language. It is important to say that this solution would not deny anybody's right in FYROM to continue to call their country colloquially “Macedonia.” If the British prime minister can cry “Britain”' instead of United Kingdom, or if the U.S. president can say “America”' instead of the United States, why could not that be done, in a similar way, by an ordinary citizens of Makedonska? I am deeply convinced that this solution will avoid future misunderstandings between the two countries, and provide a brighter prospect in this gloomy political moment. At the very least I believe Makedonska deserves a chance.

Nikola Zečević is a Teaching Fellow at the University of Donja Gorica in Podgorica, Montenegro. He is currently visiting researcher at the Charles University, Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies in Prague, Czech Republic.