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Belgrade Media Report 28 August 2019



Brnabic pointed to two things to Borrell (RTS)


Speaking to the press after a meeting with Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Council’s nominee for the position of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today in Santander that the talks mainly focused on bilateral relations and that it was agreed that there are many possibilities for the improvement of cooperation both in the fields of politics and the economy.

She said that the inevitable topic of the meeting was the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, noting that Borrell, as Spain’s Foreign Minister, represented the country’s views - the non-recognition of Kosovo’s unilaterally declared independence. According to Brnabic, Borrell will also represent the views of the EU if his nomination for the position of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy is confirmed by the European Parliament in late October or early November. The EU position, she explained, is neutral with regard to Kosovo’s independence as there is no consensus among its members. Brnabic said that she drew attention to Borrell to two things that are important from our perspective - the Brussels Agreement, which also has the signature of the High Representative and whose implementation is guaranteed by the EU, and which Pristina has still not implemented six years after it was signed. The other thing, she said, were the taxes imposed by Pristina, which are a direct violation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) which Pristina signed with the EU. According to Brnabic, these are two basic questions concerning the rule of law and the ability and power of the EU to show that the rule of law is really important. The meeting also dealt with the further EU enlargement process. Brnabic underlined that Spain is a supporter of the enlargement agenda, backs Serbia in this process and sees it as the most important Balkan country and a pillar of regional stability.


Dacic, Stefanovic discuss activities to prevent Kosovo from joining Interpol (Beta)


Serbians Interior and Foreign Ministers, Nebojsa Stefanovic and Ivica Dacic, respectively, said that it was necessary to let everyone know that a decision to support Kosovo’s move to join Interpol would be contrary to the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, warning also about the danger of abusing the organization’s database, and letting confidential information slip into the hands of criminals and terrorists. The two ministers discussed specific steps Serbia needed to take before the next Interpol General Assembly, taking place in Chile next October, in order to prevent Kosovo from joining the criminal police organization, the Ministry of the Interior said in a press release. As Stefanovic and Dacic put it, everyone should know that Kosovo’s admission to Interpol was inconsistent with the Interpol Resolution passed in Beijing, making it clear that only the member states of the United Nations, and those with observer status, were allowed to join the organization.


Stefanovic: Allowing Kosovo to join Interpol would lead to abuses (Tanjug)


Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has informed Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Iztok Jarc about the reasons why so-called Kosovo cannot become a member of Interpol, noting that the candidacy for membership itself leads to division within this professional police organization, the Serbian Interior Ministry said. Stefanovic and Jarc also discussed cooperation between the police forces of the two countries thus far, as well as its further improvement. Stefanovic particularly referred to cooperation between criminal investigations police, which, he said, has resulted in numerous successful operations and seizure of large quantities of narcotics, and discovery of drug production laboratories. Stefanovic also stressed the importance of cooperation in the field of counter-terrorism, which is realized through operational working meetings and regional conferences. Ambassador Jarc pointed out that Slovenia's police are interested in participating in joint projects with their Serbian counterparts for the purpose of our country’s progress under Chapter 24, Justice, Freedom, Security, the statement said. Stefanovic met with Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Dimas Jesus Alvarenga Guerra and discussed so-called Kosovo’s request to join Interpol. Stefanovic informed the Ambassador about Serbia’s law enforcement, legal and political arguments against the request, and stressed that no changes had occurred since last year’s Interpol General Assembly in Dubai, which would lead to abandoning the decision made at the time not to allow so-called Kosovo to join. Stefanovic emphasized that it is clear a possible admission of so-called Kosovo to Interpol would have far-reaching consequences and would, among other things, undoubtedly lead to abuses of the databases of this international police organization, creating opportunities for confidential information to fall into the hands of criminals and terrorists.

Ambassador Guerra thanked Serbia for its longstanding friendship and stressed that Venezuela respects Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Stefanovic and Guerra also discussed the continuation of cooperation between the police forces of the two countries in the fight against all forms of crime, and the possibilities for its improvement.


Drecun: US will not take Haradinaj’s slaps (RTS)


The Kosovo authorities are refusing to hand over in Pristina the mortal remains of seven members of the Sutakovic and Petrovic families who were abducted and murdered in 1999 in Djakovic, the zone of responsibility of Ramush Haradinaj. They accept to hand them over to the families at the administrative crossing with Montenegro. The Chairperson of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) morning broadcast that the Albanians are not prepared to take part in the process of revealing who are the perpetrators of the gravest crimes, but wish to hinder the investigation, to conceal evidence and to prevent the reaching of the truth. Speaking about the early elections in Kosovo and Metohija on 6 October, Drecun says that things are clearer following the meeting of President Vucic and Pompeo and Pacolli’s statement is a result of their realization that they will not have Washington’s elastic stand that had been allowing them to manipulate and move within this elasticity of the US stand, but that they will have to remove all these obstacles following the elections, where the taxes are the main obstacle. “The US has now entered the process of normalization of relations that are on hold with the ambition of finalizing it and it will not take any more the side blows or slaps of Haradinaj…Following the US attempt to manage the process of the resumption of Belgrade-Pristina talks, though not in the formal sense, the Albanians will have to correct their behavior,” concluded Drecun.


SzS to boycott local elections in September (N1)


The Alliance for Serbia (SzS) has decided to boycott the local elections in the southern municipality of Medvedja on 8 September, the statement said on Tuesday. It added that the conditions do not exist to hold fair elections.  “The SzS is calling all the citizens of Medvedja to boycott these elections because the level of irregularities in the election process and pressure on the citizens is greater than it was at the local elections in Lucani,” it said.  “A boycott is the only normal solution due to the criminalization of the elections by the authorities,” the SzS statement said.


New Serbian security, defense strategies call for better ties with Russia, NATO (Blic)


Serbian Defense Assistant Minister Milan Rankovic confirmed to Blic that the drafts of two strategic defense and security documents which parliament is due to adopt soon clearly define national and defense interests for the first time. “This is the first time that national and defense interests have been formulated clearly,” Rankovic told the daily, commenting the Strategies on National Security and on Defense which the government adopted at an 8 August cabinet meeting. According to Blic, the Strategies of National Security and of Defense state that Serbia will remain militarily neutral, that it will strengthen cooperation with Organization for Collective Security which includes Russia and several former Soviet republics and add that improving cooperation with NATO is in the interest of both sides. The newspaper said that the four top priorities set out in the strategies are efficient defense, keeping Kosovo as part of Serbia, strengthening the country’s international position and preventing separatist activities. “There is a need to introduce new things, amend and upgrade the existing strategies and in that context the national and defense interests have been formulated clearly for the first time as the lasting need of Serbia and its citizens. Their implementation protects national values which are also defined in those documents and are based on the constitution, universal values and historic heritage,” Rankovic said. Rankovic said the strategies are based on key state interests. “A number of things affected the drafting of the strategies, especially the efforts of the state leadership to strengthen the position of the state in resolving the complex situation in Kosovo, efforts aimed at economic development efforts and overall prosperity, as well as efforts invested in the negotiations on accession to the EU,” he said. Blic said the two documents have been sent to parliament and could be adopted in October. The government adopted them with the explanation that they keep up with changes in the region and adapt the country’s security policy to protect national interests in the best possible way. The existing strategies were adopted in 2009.




B&H Presidency cancels session at Dodik’s request without appointment of B&H CoM chairman-designate (BHT1)


The B&H Presidency was scheduled to hold a session on Tuesday and discuss the appointment of SNSD’s Zoran Tegeltija as the chairman-designate of the Council of Ministers of B&H (B&H CoM). However, the session was cancelled before it started upon the request of Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik (SNSD). Following the decision to cancel the session, Dodik held a press conference and explained that SNSD-SDA-HDZ B&H agreement on the formation of the authorities will no longer be in effect if the B&H CoM chairman-designate is not appointed by 5 September. According to Dodik, such development of the situation will allow the RS parliament to discuss possible withdrawal of consent for past decisions which authorized or resulted in transfer of the RS’ competences to B&H, such as the decisions to form the Armed Forces of B&H (B&H AF), the Indirect Taxation Administration of B&H (B&H ITA) and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B&H (HJPC). “Of course one of the decisions we (RS) will discuss in the future is to withdraw our consent for the agreement on the formation of joint administration for indirect taxes (ITA). I hear they are reacting already and claiming this is a threat. This is not a threat but they do not see it as a threat when they take all the posts in the CoM, the House of Representatives (of B&H), the House of Peoples (of B&H) or when they take the post of the Chairman of the Presidency of B&H although the post of the Chairman is not questionable due to the principle of rotation,” Dodik stated. Commenting on Dodik’s statement, Chairman of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic (DF) ruled out possible dissolution of B&H and reminded of what happened with those who tried this in the past. Komsic claims that anything is possible but he would not like to see B&H facing a crisis where three functional and good things in B&H will be under assault. Bosniak member of the Presidency of B&H Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) deems that withdrawal of consent for certain decisions as announced by Dodik would be “a very bad move” but it will have no formal consequences because transfer of competences was agreed by entities and approved by the B&H parliament, meaning it is impossible to change anything without relevant decisions of entity and state parliaments.


Cvijanovic: Political game continues with clear intention to avoid will of RS voters (Srna)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic has said that is another indicator that a game, which has lasted for too long in B&H, continued, having in mind that elections were held in October last year and that the authorities could have been formed long time ago, but that this was not done on purpose. Asked by Srna to comment the cancelation of an extraordinary meeting of the B&H Presidency, Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic has said that is another indicator that a game, which has lasted for too long in B&H, continued, having in mind that elections were held in October last year and that the authorities could have been formed long time ago, but that this was not done on purpose. “That which we have witnessed from political Sarajevo is a game in which, unfortunately, we have some mentors from various sides and certain combinations which they are trying to make just to avoid the will of voters,” Cvijanovic said. She has stressed that this is devastating for the whole of B&H and that these are things that should be discussed in RS’ institutions, and the institution which is the most entitled to discuss everything that is important and which is in the interest of citizens and the society is the parliament. “I certainly expect a debate on various subjects in the parliament, including the formation of, that is, the failure to form, the authorities at the level of B&H, which, I think is necessary,” she said. She has said that she does not see any gain or benefit that all this could produce for anyone in B&H, since this is counterproductive and additionally exhausts the country which has been exhausted by various political games, meddling by foreigners and various failed attempts to reach some kind of agreement.


HNS: Postponement of appointment of chairman of B&H CoM-Designate jeopardizes implementation of agreement of leaders (Al Jazeera)


The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) issued a statement on Tuesday with regard to cancellation of the B&H Presidency’s extraordinary session and called for putting an end to blockades and for respecting the agreement of HDZ B&H, SDA and SNSD on formation of the B&H authorities, signed on 5 August. “Delaying appointment of the CoM chairman-designate shows that Bosniak politicians are irresponsible and are consciously pushing the country to the brink of an institutional and political crisis”, reads the statement. HNS called for dialogue and implementation of the signed agreement, in order to eliminate further obstructions that are detrimental to B&H citizens.


OHR: Threatening to undermine state competences and institutions with unilateral moves is anti-Dayton (BHT1)


The Office of High Representative (OHR) issued a press release and it reads: “The OHR is aware of the need to form the authorities at all levels as soon as possible, as well as the necessity to respect existing decisions of the Presidency of B&H and legislative framework of B&H throughout this process. Bearing this in mind, threatening to undermine state competences and institutions with unilateral moves is anti-Dayton and therefore, it is unacceptable. The OHR calls for calming down of such rhetoric because it does not contribute to stability and prosperity of B&H and urges political leaders to focus on finding necessary solutions to ensure the formation of the authorities”.


EUD: We regret B&H Presidency fails to reach agreement (TV1)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H stated on Tuesday that they regret the fact that the B&H Presidency failed to reach an agreement. The EUD called on members of the Presidency to overcome their differences in the interest of citizens as soon as possible. The EUD stated: “Leaders set the 30-day-deadline on their own and they should respect their obligation due to their own credibility”.


Interesting talk (Oslobodjenje)


B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak posted on Facebook that he had an interesting talk with Russian Ambassador to B&H Peter Ivantsov, EU Special Representative to B&H Lars-Gunnar Wigemark and Slovakian Ambassador to B&H Martin Kac at a meeting in the Russian Ambassador’s Residency on Monday evening. According to Crnadak, they discussed the future of the agreement of SNSD, SDA and HDZ B&H reached with assistance of the EU Delegation to B&H, reforms, NATO, regional issues and many other topics. Crnadak claims that talks in the residence of the Russian Ambassador did not go into details: “It was certainly interesting to hear these stances, because we had EU and NATO and Russia at the table. However, in the case this Agreement, which was signed, fails, everyone deem that there is a need to swiftly form the authorities in B&H at all levels and that some other solution will have to be found. However, we did not go into details what would that be and what some other scenario would look like”.


Prosecution law to be passed under expedited procedure (Republika)


Parliament decided on Tuesday it will start a process to pass the draft-law on public prosecution, which is to decide the future status of the Special Prosecutor’s Office (SPO), under expedited procedure. 57 MPs voted in favor. With this begins the debate on this draft-law in the parliamentary committees. Justice Minister Renata Deskoska voiced hope at the start of the session that all political parties would find the strength to vote for the law to continue proceedings initiated by the Special Public Prosecutor’s Office. I hope you all will find the strength to push the green button to extinguish the fire we have been facing for many years, which will mean the continuation of the Special Prosecutor’s Office proceedings in which we find indications and indictments of the crimes committed by the previous government, but we also have a situation in which a serious case is opened, which is the Racket case, which should also have a serious procedure that will lead to the conclusion of the trial. There should be effective justice for all, no matter what political set they belong to. Before you, whether you press the green or the red button, you need to consider the future of our citizens, said Deskoska.


President praises CDU/CSU commitment to solve Albanian political crisis (ADN)


Albanian President Ilir Meta praised the special commitment of German Bundestag and especially that of CDU/CSU parliamentary group to prevent the deepening of Albanian political crisis. This appreciation of the President was expressed as he received the deputy Chairwoman of CDU/CSU, German MP, Katja Leikert. Meta also appreciated the very good relations between Albania and Germany, as well as the special attention Germany is paying to Albania, the region and our European perspective. “If Albanian politicians are unable to learn from countries with consolidated democratic experience how to resolve crises, they have the opportunity to learn from a new state like Kosovo how citizens are given the opportunity to say their word through snap elections on the future of governing institutions,” emphasized Meta. In the end, President Meta mentioned again that the crisis can be solved only through elections, and 13 October is an opportunity that shouldn't be lost as the crisis will escalate.


Basha: Early elections to avoid the political crisis (Radio Tirana)


The leader of the Democratic Party (DP)  Lulzim Basha held an important meeting with a delegation from the Bundestag, headed  by the vice-chairwoman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group for Europe Katja Leikert. He condemned the silence of Prime Minister Rama and Attorney General Arta Marku regarding the case of the mayor of Vora who was convicted in Greece. After meeting with the deputy chairwoman of CDU-CSU group , Basha underlined  that the solution for the  crisis is early parliamentary elections. “The Democratic Party together with the other opposition parties is in continuous contact with the international factor,” said Basha, adding that “the solution to the political crisis in Albania should come through some mechanisms that can offer guarantees and hinder any government from abuse,” he concluded.




Kukan: North Macedonia could receive a date in the fall, Albania less likely (European Western Balkans, 28 August 2019)


BRATISLAVA – North Macedonia could receive a date for the start of negotiations in the fall, while this scenario is less realistic for Albania. When it comes to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Federica Mogherini has not shown enough leadership, but it is doubtful Josep Borrell will do better, says former Member of the European Parliament Eduard Kukan. In an interview with the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Kukan, who chaired the Western Balkans Working Group during his time in EP, explains that North Macedonia has been meeting the criteria for years, but the Union has been postponing the opening of accession negotiations, which, he believes, is absolutely embarrassing and demotivating. “North Macedonia could be given a specific date at the European summit in the fall, which I consider realistic,” says former MEP,  adding that, while Emmanuel Macron had very categorical statements on the issue, it seems that he is already easing them. On the other hand, while he is aware that Tirana is also waiting for a similar step, Kukan believes that the situation Albania is completely different. “They have to implement a huge judicial reform, the opposition boycotts the parliament and, above all, the Albanians cannot find compromises”, he pointed out, adding that it would be unrealistic for Albania to receive the date at the moment. When it comes to Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Kukan once again expressed criticism towards the High Representative Federica Mogherini, who, according to him, did not show enough leadership skills. “At the moment when Kosovo was imposing tariffs on Serbia, it was necessary to travel there and slam the table”, Kukan was unambiguous. He does not think that Mogherini’s successor Josep Borrell would do a much better job. “I remember him as President of the European Parliament. His nomination surprised me because the Spaniards have more dynamic and younger politicians”, said Kukan, proposing a special envoy as a solution to the dialogue. Asked about the idea of the exchange of territories, which was circling around during the previous year, he assessed that it was not only a campaign strategy. “I expect that the issue of resolving recognition of Kosovo by exchanging territories with Serbia will come back. However, this could destabilize neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina”, warned Kukan, stressing his opposition to the idea.