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Belgrade Media Report 12 September



Zeman: I will ask whether reconsidering position on Kosovo is possible (Beta)


Czech President Milos Zeman said in Belgrade that he is sincerely favoring friendship between the Czech and Serb peoples, intimating again that he will raise the issue of a possible reconsideration of his country’s stance regarding Kosovo’s independence. At a joint conference with President Aleksandar Vucic after their talks Zeman avoided to directly answer the question whether the Czech Republic can be expected to alter its position on Kosovo’s independence by saying that he is not a dictator and that in one month’s time, at a conference on the Czech Constitution, he will ask whether such a move is possible.

Zeman said after meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic that a war criminals-led state, should not be in the community of democratic countries. Zeman said he was glad that the Minister of Defense Lubomir Metnar had said “recognizing Kosovo was a mistake” and added that Metnar would probably be on his side as well as “we will see who will be on the other side”. Zeman also said that every politician should defend the interests of his country, “not be a puppet of foreign authorities.”


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said President Zeman with the difficulties Belgrade is encountering on its path to EU membership and in relations with Pristina, and that he had also assured his counterpart that Serbia will find a way to protect its state interests and, at the same time, create better living conditions for its citizens. Vucic also said that he had expressed his gratitude to the Czech president for his position on Kosovo and for not hiding his sincere love for Serbia and the Serb people, adding that such friends of Serbia are rare. “We will continue with our policy of military neutrality because this is a decision of the Parliament and the people. I am sure that it is the best decision. In this way we take care of ourselves and protect our skies, but we also have good relations and cooperation with NATO… Wounds of the Serb people from 1999 have yet to heal and it is hard to find a single person who understands what NATO was doing in 1999” Vucic said.


Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrej Babis stated that he is prepared to debate with the Czech President Milos Zeman regarding the revocation of Kosovo recognition "I would prefer debates on this subject on our foreign relations meeting, that is, on the meeting attended by the President, the Speakers of both Houses of Parliament, the Prime Minister, the Head of Diplomacy and the Minister of Police. Our positions do not match. I will wait for the debate, and then take some stance on it" the prime minister told reporters.


Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Tomasz Petschicek said on Wednesday that he saw no reason why the Czech Republic would withdraw recognition of Kosovo, but that although he saw no reason to discuss it, he would be happy to confer with Zeman.


Djuric: Pristina wants to see Kosovo Serbs wiped out politically (Beta)


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric, has described as "contrary to law" a decision by the Kosovo Central Electoral Commission to allow only the citizens who can present identity documents issued in Kosovo to vote in elections on Oct. 6. The Serbian government official also warned that the decision was tantamount to "a political wipe-out" of the Serbs in Kosovo. According to the new decision, Serb voters are unable to vote with Serbian ID cards to prove their identity. Djuric suggested that Pristina feared "Serbian unity," and that the decision was made "contrary to Kosovo's own regulations, in order to wipe out Kosovo Serbs and their right to vote." He urged the international community to react, allowing the Serbs to vote if they present a valid identification document. Otherwise, it will not be a legitimate vote, Djuric warned. A Serb member of the Central Electoral Commission, Dragan Veselinovic, said earlier that the commission's decision was illegal, and walked out of the meeting in protest against it.


It must be explained to the people of Kosovo and Serbia that they might not like the solution (Tanjug)


We need to explain to the people of Kosovo and Serbia that the agreement, which they may not like, is in their best interest, said U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. He told that it is up to leaders in Belgrade and Pristina to decide whether they can reach an agreement.  "What I can say is that this is my fourth visit to the region, that I have met with both presidents, President Vucic said at a joint press conference that this is the ninth time that we have met. For the last couple of years, I have been seriously engaged in this matter" Senator Johnson said.  According to him, both Pristina and Belgrade expect "greater American leadership" in the talks. "I think we will offer it to them, but not in terms of imposition and pressure, but only to support their efforts and create conditions," in which they will be able to count on US and EU support once they reach an agreement.  He added that it is necessary to point out to all citizens in Kosovo and Serbia "that an agreement is in their best interest and that it will be of much benefit, in terms of further integration into the European economy, greater freedom of travel, a more successful economy, because once an agreement is reached, it would be easier to attract foreign investments".

Johnson concluded that this is precisely why they should overcome this deadlock, and emphasized that US assignment to some point, and the assignment of the leaders is "to bring closer to the citizens not only an agreement as it is, because it might be difficult, but to point to its advantages and benefits."


Vucic: Vatican did not recognize Kosovo’s independence, Vatican wants negotiation and a peaceful solution between the Serbs and the Albanians (Beta)


Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’ s President said in the Vatican on Thursday he would like Pope Francis to visit Belgrade, but that it depended on the Serb Orthodox Church (SPC) whose consent was needed,” the Beta news agency reported. Vucic thanked the Pope for the Holy Seat’s policy regarding Kosovo and its support for Serbia’s European integration. The Vatican did not recognize Kosovo’s independence, but Vucic added that “the Vatican wants negotiation and a peaceful solution between the Serbs and the Albanians.” Vucic also pointed to the exceptional significance of protection, respect and improvement of the rights of Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo-Metohija and protection and renovation of the Serbian religious and cultural heritage there, particularly of Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries under UNESCO protection.


A statement from Vucic’s office said he passed on regards from the SPC Patriarch Irinej, adding the Pope held the Patriarch in high esteem. “I told him (the Pope) about Kosovo and Metohija and our sanctities and a difficult situation for our people there and the attempts to find a compromise, but that it takes two. I also spoke about the necessity of fixing the relations between Serbs and Croats. Everyone knows that the history and the past are splitting us, that we have different views of what happened, but that it is important to turn to the future and the role of the Holy Seat is important in that process” the statement quoted Vucic as saying. He added that both Croats and Serbs should learn to respect each other more and to think about the future instead of dealing with what had happened 20 or 70 years ago. Vucic said the two talked about the position of the Catholics in Serbia, the restitution and taxes, and added he hoped there was room to do more to improve the status of that part of Serbia’s population. Vucic and the Pope also discussed the strengthening of the cooperation between Belgrade and the Vatican in the areas of culture, historical sciences and the joint projects of the scientific institutes of Serbia and the Holy Seat, reads the statement.


V4 – WB Summit opens in Prague, without Kosovo delegation (Beta)


Overshadowed by the Czech President Milos Zeman's statement that his country might reconsider the decision on recognition of Kosovo independence, the Western Balkans’ leaders and the so-called Visegrad Group (V4) met in Prague without Pristina’s top politicians, the Beta news agency reported. However, Kosovo is represented by its Charge d'Affaires, officially due to internal politics related to October 6 early elections, but unofficially, according to the Czech CTK news agency, because of Zeman’s statement.

Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic told reporters in the Vatican he did not think the Czech Republic’s withdrawal of Kosovo’s recognition was realistic. He added that the Czechs were Serbia’s “sincere friends” but that the states, especially from “one bloc” did not often change their decisions.

Some say he has tried to apologize for his consent with NATO’s bombing of the then Yugoslavia over Kosovo.

The Summit of the V4, made up of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, and the Western Balkans countries will discuss the regional experience in the last five years and suggestion fro future, as well as about the economic situation, a statement from the Czech Government said.

Serbia is presented by Ana Brnabic, Prime Minister. The leaders will also talk about the possible improvement of reforms and the integration processes it added.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Zvizdic is turning B&H into an ad-hoc country (Glas Srpske)


Commenting on proposal made by Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Denis Zvizdic, according to which ad-hoc commissions should be established to unblock the work of the Parliament of B&H, leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said that Zvizdic has basically admitted what kind of country B&H is. “He is calling B&H an ‘ad-hoc’ country and saying that there are no institutions. He is justifying his political autism by accusing Serbs of blocking authorities” said Stevandic. He added that election winners from Republika Srpska (RS) will not act in line with Zvizdic’s wishes, but in line with the law. “We do not need Zvizdic’s arbitrations, and we are not responsible for blockade. Responsibility lies with those who believe that they can simultaneously be a part of both executive and legislative authorities” said Stevandic.


SNSD’s delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliament of B&H Lazar Prodanovic said that blockade in B&H cannot be resolved with ad-hoc solutions. “New commissions have to be established in order for the Parliament to work. Presidency (of B&H) needs to do its part of the job and propose Chairman of the Council of Ministers” said Prodanovic, adding that SNSD is not responsible for slowdown in the process.


Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoR Borjana Kristo said that ad-hoc solutions of any kind are not good for B&H. “Ad-hoc solutions are not good from the legal point of view, and such proposal has no basis” concluded Kristo.


Dodik: RSNA can ratify or alter Dayton Agreement, that is only place where some decision with regards to Dayton can be made on behalf of RS (Glas Srpske)


Commenting on the statement of US Special Representative for the Balkans Matthew Palmer, according to which the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) can be amended, Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik told daily that the DPA is an international treaty which cannot be changed unless two entities and three constituent peoples in B&H decide to do so. Dodik underlined that former high representatives in the country violated the international law, as they have undermined the DPA with the support of the “previous American policy”. “I think that the fate of B&H depends on whether we will return to the original text of the Agreement, or it will be completely devalued by the efforts coming from outside (of the country)” said Dodik.


Asked if Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) can ratify the DPA, as claimed by some legal and political experts, Dodik said that the RSNA can do that. “The National Assembly represents the RS. The RS has signed all annexes of the Dayton Agreement, including the Annex 4, which is called the Constitution of B&H. The National Assembly is the one that has the right not only to accept, but also to alter the Dayton Agreement, and that is the only place where some decision about it can be made on behalf of RS” said Dodik. He reiterated that the RS supports the DPA as it was written, and noted that decisions made by Wolfgang Petritsch, Paddy Ashdown and all other high representatives are legally null and void because, as he said, they are based on non-expression of political will. “They have secured themselves Bonn powers, for which then High Representative (Carlos) Westendorp said that they were not in line with Dayton” Dodik concluded.


Komsic replies to Dodik, says there is nothing disputable with regard to his attendance of commemoration for former High Representative Paddy Ashdown (Nezavisne novine)


Chair of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Zeljko Komsic assessed upon his return from London, where he attended the commemoration for former High Representative Paddy Ashdown, that the statement of Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik with regard to this trip was inappropriate and undiplomatic. The daily reminded that Dodik said that Ashdown remained remembered in B&H as an international representative who violated all positive domestic and international legal acts and he argued that Komsic did not go to London on behalf of the Presidency of B&H. Komsic replied by saying that there is nothing disputable when it comes to the character of the visit because members of the Presidency of B&H have both official and working visits. The daily concluded by reminding that “Komsic represents Croats in the Presidency of B&H, although he was elected by votes of Bosniaks”.


Different reactions have been registered after Trocsanyi was nominated for the position of the EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (ATV)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Wednesday that he looks forward meeting newly-elected EC’s leadership, especially Hungarian Laszlo Trocsanyi who is the candidate for the new EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations. He stressed that the fact that Trocsanyi comes from Hungary is very important because Budapest has better sensibility towards the Balkans compared to other countries. “It is hard to comment on personnel solutions now, but one can expect that new convocation of the EC will be faced with a series of internal issues” Dodik assessed.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak also commented on the nomination of Laszlo Trocsanyi for the new EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations and said that it is positive to know that Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto advocates a faster accession of the region in the EU and he added that this is something both B&H and the region should exploit. Asked to say how he expects Trocsanyi to work on legislation reforms, having in mind Hungarian experience with it, Crnadak said that one should wait and see what kind of a plan Trocsanyi will present. “I think the EU realized that it did not insist enough on the rule of law in B&H. We are the only country in Europe which has not processed a single high corruption case and I think this has been tolerated until now. EU realized the mistake and I think it will insist more on that regardless of who will be appointed the new EU Enlargement Commissioner” Crnadak concluded.


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic stressed that Trocsanyi will have to behave in line with the rules and policies of the EU. “The Hungarian Prime Minister (Viktor Orban) has always had a positive attitude towards B&H. At all of the summits I attended, Prime Minister Orban supported the enlargement in line with procedures that this process requires” Zvizdic said. He added that it all depends on B&H and political will, and not on the EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations – whoever it is.


‘Uinted Srpska’ leader and B&H MP Nenad Stevandic commented that the way how the Serb issue in the Western Balkans is treated has been improved in the past six months, adding that he expects to see continuation of this trend with new Enlargement Commissioner.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic also commented on Trocsanyi’s nomination, assessing that this will mean a lot for the Serbian EU path and that the country can expect significant support in the upcoming period.




President says Pupovac criticises Croatia in malicious manner (Hina)


President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic on Wednesday sent a letter to Independent Democratic Serb Party president Milorad Pupovac, telling him that she closely follows his public statements in which he criticizes Croatia "in an entirely inappropriate, unacceptable and malicious manner."

The president says she is determined in her intention that Croatian citizens should build a country of peace, understanding and prosperity, and that she regrets that Pupovac has not carefully read her letter to him from 2016, which she encloses with the latest one.


"I consider that my obligation also because of the 10,000 members of the Serb nationality who, in defending their homeland Croatia from the Greater Serbia aggressor, confirmed their patriotism and have never undermined it by moral patronising, particularly not by political blackmail, although they have the right and the obligation, as Croatian citizens, to point to potential anomalies which, unfortunately, are part of the growing up of every society, but not to the extent that some would like to make it seem and thus cause damage to the state they live in," the president says in the latest letter.


In a letter of 13 February 2016, the president condemned threats and hate speech against a number of public figures and organizations, but added that among them were some who for years, through their public activity, had been provoking, irritating and even insulting the majority of the Croatian population, untruthfully depicting and even ridiculing the Homeland War, essentially denying the reality, and implicitly the very idea of the Croatian state, thereby creating a climate of tension, exclusion and intolerance. In that letter, she also said one should condemn actions aimed against the equality, safety and dignity of political, ethnic and other minorities in Croatia, just as one should condemn every action that offended the Croatian people and any other majority community.


Republic of North Macedonia


Zaev and Mickoski fail to agree over the SPO following six-hour long talks (Nezavisen vesnik)


The fate of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and the cases opened by this prosecution still remain uncertain. SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE leaders Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski following six-hour long talks failed to find a solution to the Law on Public Prosecutor’s Office, which should resolve the future status of the Special Prosecutor’s Office. The key difference between the two teams remains the fate of SPO cases. Sources of the government’s negotiating team said that VMRO-DPMNE insisted SPO cases opened after June 30, 2017 to be abolished with the law. The government suggested setting up a new prosecution office for high-level corruption headed by a public prosecutor nominated by the opposition, backed by 61 lawmakers, who will be able to start proceedings if it is found that there is crime in the government as well. The opposition also demanded cases opened by SPO in first 18 months to be transferred to new office, demanding the possibility of expire, delay and disable their court endings.

The SPO’s term expires on September 15th. The new public prosecution law which is underway in Parliament should regulate the future status of SPO, but differences over the bill still remain between the government and the opposition.


Zaev: I’m disappointed with the outcome of the leaders’ meeting (Nezavisen vesnik)


North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev at Wednesday’s press conference assessed late Tuesday’s talks as conditions set by VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Hristijan Mickoski and illogical demands, against EU and NATO and against values and principle.


I’m disappointed with the outcome of the meeting. I had some hopes that it might be possible they are to change the matrix and abandon the efforts of their predecessors. We tried to meet their demands, but VMRO-DPMNE only insisted that the SPO cases come under their control, that all pre-investigations and investigations be halted, that we should hide the crime. We must not allow that, we must not cross that red line, Zaev said, adding that justice and the rule of law must and will exist, and there is no compromise on these issues. According to Zaev, SPO cases will continue to be processed, but in court, out of any political influence. On the other hand, the solution to the prosecution law can only be sought in talks with the opposition.


“As long as there are chances, doors remain open for talks to resume. Any idea or thought can lead to a solution. Therefore, I would also like to appeal to the opposition to see how important it is to show that we can put the state’s interests above party interests prior to the decision on setting a date for EU accession talks. Clearly, leader of VMRO–DPMNE and VMRO–DPMNE as a party will be the blame for any outcome other than obtaining a date for EU accession talks. They have to accept this responsibility,” Zaev said.


The government, according to Zaev, suggested that the new prosecution should be equivalent with the prosecution for organized crime and corruption. It gave creative solutions and proposals, an opportunity for the opposition to feel embedded in the process and to believe in it. However, for VMRO-DPMNE it was only important to take over the cases from the SPO and the prosecution to be headed by the representative of the opposition. It is absolutely unacceptable, because there is no way to guarantee that the chief prosecutor at one point will not decide to annul, withdraw or delay all those cases.


“I regret that that Mickoski and VMRO-DPMNE live in captivity by their former leadership. That is my impression. They failed to see that now is the time to show that we are committed to justice and the rule of law. Completely contrary to the principle of justice, they require that all cases after June 30, 2017 be taken over by a prosecutor chosen by them. And to subsequently lead to destruction, stoppage, cancellation of the cases that are in pre-investigation and investigation stages. We suggested setting up a new prosecution office for high-level corruption headed by a public prosecutor nominated by the opposition, but they are not interested in fighting corruption, they are interested in rescuing former regime crime” Zaev said. We have also ensured that all cases to be taken over by the state prosecutor, Jovevski, regardless of the procedure. Clearly, justice to decide, not politicians.


Answering journalist questions about VMRO-DPMNE ‘s request to dismiss prosecutor Ruskovska, he explained that individuals should not be an obstacle to any systemic solution.


“Ruskovska leads important cases, but one can’t change the prosecutor if Zaev or Mickoski want this. The investigation should be conducted to the end. With the possible replacement of Ruskovska we will send a message that we are afraid of reaching us. It is not up to the politicians to say where “Racket” case leads or any other investigation, it is ours to provide an independent investigation, not to say whether “Racket” case leads to Zaev or Mickoski” said PM Zaev.


Mickoski: Zaev’s plan is not reaching an agreement, we leave room for continuation of the talks (Nezavisen vesnik)


The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said Prime Minister Zoran Zaev came at last night’s leaders’ meeting with a plan of not reaching an agreement, thus protecting his crimes and the crimes of his associates. However, he left room for continuation of the talks related to the Law on the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Mickoski said Zaev’s proposal was the establishment of a prosecutor’s office for high-level corruption, led by a person nominated by the largest opposition party, also including the ten prosecutors assisting Special Prosecutor Katica Janeva. According to him, Zaev also pushed for a safeguard which said that if the ruling authorities fail to accept the opposition’s nominee, then the Council of Public Prosecutors would select a prosecutor from the ten prosecutors coming from the Special Prosecutor’s Office.


“In practice, Zaev’s offer was a new SPO led by one of Janeva’s assistants as an offensive tool, another prosecutor’s office led by Ruskoska as a defensive one, all managed by State Public Prosecutor Jovevski” said Mickoski. He added that VMRO-DPMNE agreed on the establishment of a prosecutor’s office for high-level corruption, headed by a prosecutor nominated by the opposition, including jurisdiction for prosecution of elected and appointed officials.

“But, the law on the SPO must be observed, and it says that the mandate of the prosecutors ends once the term of the Special Prosecutor ends” said Mickoski. He said the PM refused their proposal that the new prosecutor focuses on elected and appointed persons, regardless of the time when the crime had been committed, adding that the meeting failed because Zaev urged amnesty for all. However, Mickoski said, agreement is possible at any time if Zaev demonstrates will not to protect crime. “Will there be agreement by September 15? This is not up to us. Either we have a deal based on the law or there will be no agreement at all” stressed the VMRO-DPMNE leader.




German Ambassador Zingraf: Germany’s intention is to say YES to the opening of negotiations with Albania (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Parliament Speaker Gramoz Ruci received in a meeting the new Ambassador of Germany, Peter Zingraf, on the occasion of starting his mandate in Albania. Speaker Ruci congratulated Ambassador Zingraf on his new post and expressed his confidence that the relations between the two countries will be further boosted during this mandate. “Germany is Europe’s economic and political locomotive. We are grateful to the Bundestag, the German Government and to Chancellor Merkel in particular for their special attention paid to Albania and the Western Balkans and on the support provided along our European journey. We hope that this support will carry on and that the Bundestag and the German Government will say YES to the opening of negotiations with Albania at the European Council meeting in October.”


Ambassador Petert Zingraf stated that he is happy to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the strengthening of cooperation between the two countries. “Chancellor Merkel has recently stated that the Western Balkans and Albania are of strategic importance to Germany and the EU. Germany’s intention is to say YES to the opening of negotiations with Albania” underlined Ambassador Zingraf.


Speaker Ruci and Ambassador Zingraf also talked about expanding inter-parliamentary cooperation and boosting German investment in Albania’s manufacturing industries.




Czech president wants to withdraw Kosovo recognition, US takes notice (RT)


Speaking in Serbia, the anti-mainstream Czech President Milos Zeman said he’d like his government to withdraw recognition of the breakaway Kosovo province as an independent state. This has immediately attracted attention in the US. Zeman expressed his Kosovo wish on Wednesday, during his official visit to Belgrade. He also said that he would discuss the issue with Czech lawmakers when he gets back to Prague. The president would “ask the Czech government if it’s possible to review the recognition of Kosovo” his spokesman Jiri Ovcacek wrote on Twitter.


Should Prague follow through on Zeman’s desire, Czechia would become the first European country to withdraw the recognition of Kosovo, as well as the first EU and NATO member to do so. This isn’t the first time Zeman has bucked EU and NATO political consensus over an issue. His most notable departures include the migrant crisis and Ukraine, which he called a “mafia state.”


Kosovo has been under the control of an international peacekeeping force since a NATO war on Yugoslavia in 1999, in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 1244. Its provisional government declared independence from Serbia in 2008, and has been recognized by more than 100 countries, mostly US allies.


Since then, a number of nations have had second thoughts, with more than 10 countries formally revoking recognition. Five EU countries – Spain, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece and Romania – are among those who have refused to recognize Kosovo, in addition to Russia, China, and Serbia itself.