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Belgrade Media Report 17 September



Vucic and Palmer discuss Kosovo, agree to meet soon (FoNet)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had a telephone conversation with US Deputy Assistant State Secretary Matthew Palmer, a statement from the president’s cabinet said on Monday.

Vucic and Palmer agreed to meet again in the next 10 days and this telephone conversation continues their recent meeting in New York, the statement said. It added that the “open and concrete” conversation was about Kosovo, the regional situation and their next meeting in the next 10 days. Vucic is quoted as saying that Serbia has continued advocating a real and sustainable compromise solution for Kosovo, the protection of the interests of the Kosovo Serbs and preservation of state and national interests. They agreed that peace and stability in the Western Balkans is fundamentally important for the political and economic progress of the region.


Brnabic: Serbia has excellent relations with Germany despite disagreement over Kosovo (Blic)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has said that Serbia has excellent relations with Germany, despite disagreement over Kosovo. Ahead of a visit to Berlin on Sept. 17, Brnabic said that she wanted to solidify those good relations during a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Serbia and Germany do not agree on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, said Brnabic, adding that even so Serbia has proven itself as a reliable, honest and predictable partner to Germany. She further said that the support of Chancellor Angela Merkel, who remained devoted to the Western Balkans even in times when it was not politically useful to deal with this part of Europe, was very important to Serbia in many situations. "We will always appreciate this" Brnabic told

Blic. The prime minister recalled that Germany was Serbia's most important economic partner. Brnabic underscored that she honestly believed that the only way to lasting peace in the Balkans was a historic agreement between the Serbs and the Albanians. She said that the only option was a compromise solution between Belgrade and Pristina, which entailed that both sides would lose something, but also gain something. "Both sides have a lot to gain - a more stable, happier future, long-term peace, and prosperity" said Brnabic.


Kurz: Austria to support any deal between Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)


Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said that Vienna will support any solutions agreed by Serbia and Kosovo, including a possible modification of the border, and that he has no reason to speculate that Croatia will block Serbia's EU path which it has supported so far. "Our position is clear: we support anything the two parties agree, including a possible modification of the border, if that ultimately leads to a comprehensive solution that would bring about greater stability. The goal must be to ensure that all open issues are resolved through dialogue" Kurz told Tanjug, in an interview published on Monday. Underscoring the importance of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and their return to the negotiating table, Kurz said that the European integration process depended on this. "A new dynamic is necessary because a negotiated settlement is a precondition for subsequent accession to the EU" he added.

Asked if the EU was strong enough to resolve the Kosovo issue and whether it had any influence on Pristina, given that it has ignored appeals from Brussels to lift tariffs on Serbian goods, the Austrian chancellor said that the EU had different ways of acting, and was doing it all the time. Everything depends on Belgrade and Pristina and they need a sufficient political desire for compromise, he noted.

Kurz welcomed the appointment of Matthew Palmer as US special envoy for the Western Balkans, saying that "only together" could the United States and the European Union arrive at a political agreement in the Balkans. "I am confident the EU will closely cooperate with him" he said.

Kurz said he supported clear accession prospects for all Western Balkans countries, provided that they met the membership criteria by implementing the necessary reforms. Asked about frequent difficulties between Serbia and EU member Croatia over the protection of the Serb minority in Croatia and the possibility of Zagreb blocking Serbia's EU path, Kurz said he would not speculate about hypothetical issues. "Croatia has supported Serbia's accession process so far and I have no reason to assume that this will change. As for the protection of the minorities, this of course is an issue of great importance in all members of the European Council and the EU" Kurz said. He said that Austria, Hungary and other EU members that care about the Western Balkans would support the countries in the region in their efforts to join the EU. He said that the new European Commission, headed by Ursula von der Leyen, would pursue intensive accession talks with Serbia and Montenegro so that they could advance as swiftly as possible towards EU membership. Reforms are crucial for further progress and the Western Balkan countries must implement them by themselves, the Austrian chancellor said.


He recalled that on entering the EU Serbia would have to leave all bilateral free trade agreements it has with Russia and Eurasian countries. Serbia should not overlook the fact that it conducts 63 percent of its foreign trade with the EU, while its trade with Russia accounts for 10 percent, he added. Kurz believes that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will continue to vigorously pursue the necessary reforms to take Serbia into the EU as soon as possible.


Babis discussed the withdrawal of Kosovo's recognition with Zeman (Beta)


Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis met with the Czech President Milos Zeman to discuss the idea of Czech Republic's revocation of Kosovo's independence. Babis told reporters that he would discuss the matter at Coordination meeting of Czech Foreign Policy, as he, as Prime Minister, cannot decide on this alone, on behalf of the government. "We will address this at a meeting on foreign policy coordination. There will be a minister of the interior, a foreign minister, a president of the Senate, a speaker of the House of Representatives. This will be a topic to exchange views with other government colleagues" Babis told reporters after meeting with Zeman in the Lany Castle near Prague.

The Czech Prime Minister stressed that he could not decide on this alone, as prime minister on behalf of the government, and although he said last week that he saw no reason for the Czech Republic to change its policy and withdraw Kosovo's 2008 recognition, he did not categorically rule out such a possibility tonight.  "I do not say that. I discussed it with the President. The president said that our position was such as we were in NATO for two weeks, that it was a political decision, but that his position towards Kosovo's recognition was negative" said Babis.


Cooperation with NATO respecting Serbia's military neutrality (RTS)


The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Air Marshal Stuart Peach and expressed satisfaction with the mutual trust and good cooperation with NATO, which is being developed with respect for Serbia's military neutrality. Vucic emphasized the importance of harmonizing the new cycle of the Individual Partnership Action Plan and emphasized that through joint activities with NATO, the Serbian Armed Forces strengthens its interoperability.

President Vucic said that the presence of KFOR forces in Kosovo and Metohija is a guarantee of security, and that the forces are also responsible for crisis response. He therefore once again advocated the maintenance of regular communication between the Serbian Armed Forces and KFOR, and emphasized the need for rapid contact in the event of security threats in northern Kosovo. He reminded that Serbia continues to strive for a lasting and sustainable compromise in the dialogue with Pristina, because the policy it pursues, the policy of peace, cooperation and stability in the region, is the basis of economic and any other progress.

Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, Air Marshal Stuart Peach conveyed to President Vucic the greetings of NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg and expressed satisfaction with the development of cooperation and the number of joint activities, emphasizing the importance of last year's joint exercise on natural disasters. Pitch also supported the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue as a way of finding a solution to the Kosovo issue, noting that KFOR is continuing its mission under the UNSCR resolution 1244. Marshal Pitch praised the professional behavior of the Serbian Armed Forces in crisis situations in Kosovo and Metohija, agreeing that timely communication is the best response.


The two interlocutors looked at the situation in the entire Western Balkans region and expressed their concern about raising political tensions as well as hope that all problems would be resolved peacefully.


Obradovic: Alliance for Serbia to boycott next election (Beta)


A chair of the Alliance for Serbia, Bosko Obradovic, said that all members of the opposition bloc were boycotting parliamentary elections in Serbia in the spring of 2020. Obradovic explained that the Alliance had made the decision after the authorities had failed to meet the Alliance's Sept. 15 deadline until which they were supposed to reshuffle the national Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM) and make necessary changes to Serbia and Vojvodina's public services, RTS and RTV. "We are all witnesses that nothing changed by Sept. 15...We are not in favor of an election boycott, we'd rather have a fair election," Obradovic said to reporters in Belgrade. Obradovic expects that "no real opposition will take part in Vucic' false polls." The battle for a fair election "is not for the international community to fight, it's our own battle" Obradovic said. Obradovic recalled that in its Agreement with People the Alliance for Serbia undertook not to participate in elections unless they were free and fair.


Jeremic: Decision to boycott elections is final and irreversible (N1)


The People's Party leader, Vuk Jeremic, said that a decision to boycott the next election was final and irreversible. "It is too late to create circumstances for a regular vote next spring because an agreement to ensure a fair election needs to be implemented at least six to 12 months ahead of the election. The time is up. Yet we are not giving up the fight for a free election. An election boycott is the quickest way to make it happen, bringing closer a change to the system as well," Jeremic said in an interview with the N1. Jeremic said that the authorities would like a voter turnout in the spring vote to exceed the turnout levels in the elections in which the opposition took part, and that it would be possible to achieve through pressure and blackmail only. "I think that the regime will reach a higher voter turnout percentage-wise after all, but for that to happen, we'll witness an unprecedented rape of the state and society, to ensure a massive turnout. They will use every possible method for that purpose. Yet the rape will be fatal to the regime because the people will never forget and forgive the pressures they have been exposed to" Jeremic said. The opposition leader explained that the number of people to go to the polls would not be a measure to gauge the success of the election boycott, but a period of time until Vucic stepped down would be.


Mihajlovic: Jeremic's statement is proof that opposition fears elections (Beta)


A senior official of the Serbian People's Party, Zorana Mihajlovic, said that the words of an opposition leader, Vuk Jeremic, that it's too late for a fair vote to take place confirmed that the opposition feared elections next spring. Jeremic had said earlier that Belgrade's invitation to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to send its observers to monitor the election process in Serbia was late. "First they had criticized the Serbian government for refusing to invite the OSCE mission to monitor the elections in Serbia, and that was one excuse. When the Serbian government sent the invitation six months ahead of regular polls, Jeremic said it was too late. And now that's the reason why they are boycotting the elections," Mihajlovic said in a written statement. The progressive official feels that opposition leaders have insisted on electoral improvements not because they want to take part in elections, but because they need to keep inventing reasons not to. Mihajlovic recalled that in 2012 the OSCE mission arrived in Serbia in April, a month ahead of parliamentary and presidential polls in May. "What I don't understand is how come that when (the then foreign minister) Jeremic, (the then Serbian

president Boris) Tadic and other opposition figures were in power it wasn't too late to have the OSCE election monitors in Serbia a month ahead of the polls, but now it's too late to call them six months ahead" Mihajlovic wondered.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


OHR on SDA Program Declaration: Each change of internal organization of B&H must be adopted in line with procedures stipulated in B&H Constitution (BN TV)


Asked about the stance of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) on the SDA Program Declaration, the OHR stated on Monday that each change of internal organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) must be adopted in line with procedures stipulated in the B&H Constitution, which requires wide support within the political spectrum of B&H, including the constituent peoples. The OHR stated: “The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council constantly confirms unquestionable commitment to territorial integrity of B&H and its fundamental structure as an integrated, sovereign state that is composed of the two entities as it was determined by the Constitution”.

While most Republika Srpska (RS) officials believe that SDA Program Declaration is a call for new conflicts, the international community representatives did not have any specific reaction to this document. According to the reporter, it is well-known that the HR immediately condemns all decisions adopted in the RS – which he finds unacceptable – and, this time, the OHR did not react before the media asked for it, after the RS officials condemned the fact that the international community is once again ignoring warmongering moves of Bosniak politicians.


Dodik: OHR reacts to SDA Program Declaration upon media insisting (BN TV)


Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on Monday a reaction of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to the SDA Program Declaration. Dodik stated that the OHR did not find it necessary to react on their own to the program documents of the SDA, arguing that they did it upon insisting of media, although it is completely clear that the documents are unconstitutional and anti-Dayton. Dodik said that the answer of the OHR says that they observe B&H as a state composed of the entities without mentioning the other part of the same article of the Constitution which reads: “and the three constituent peoples” and argued that in this way, “the High Representative (Valentin Inzko) himself violates a provision of the Constitution of B&H and takes the side of the anti-Dayton resolution of SDA”. Dodik also noted that instead of interpreting the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), HR Inzko hides behind the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and continues to quarrel with Republika Srpska (RS). Commenting the OHR’s public statement, Dodik said the HR himself violates the provision of the Constitution of B&H and sides with the SDA's anti-Dayton Declaration. "B&H is a state union, while the RS existed even before the Dayton and the Constitution of B&H; otherwise, how could it be a signatory to all annexes to the DPA, including the Constitution of B&H. Valentin Inzko should know that the RS already had an international subjectivity in Geneva before the Dayton Conference, which means both before the Dayton Agreement and before the HR himself, and even before Valentin Inzko" the Serb member of the B&H Presidency recalled.


Cvijanovic: SDA Declaration further undermines confidence in B&H; RS is used to IC not responding to such behavior of SDA and Bosniak officials (N1)


Many reactions came on Monday to the recently adopted SDA Program Declaration which, amongst other things foresees changes to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and different arrangement within the country. Even though SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic emphasized during his speech at the 7th SDA Congress in Sarajevo that such changes, mentioned in the Declaration, will not be possible without consent of all three sides in B&H, Serb and Croat leaders accused SDA of huge violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Republika Srpska (RS) officials believe this Declaration to be a call for new conflicts and say that representatives of the international community (IC) in B&H did not react accordingly to SDA’s move. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said in Banja Luka on Monday that the adoption of the SDA Program Declaration further undermines confidence in B&H and that the RS is used to international representatives not responding to such behavior of SDA and Bosniak officials. When SNSD was passing benign resolutions and declarations with a warning character, everyone reacted, Cvijanovic reminded. Asked what will be RS’ next moves in regard to this Declaration, Cvijanovic did not wish to comment this for N1, but assessed that “when one has partners like SDA that never ends well”. She concluded that cooperation between SNSD and SDA will not be possible if SDA continues to behave in such extreme manner. “There was never a balanced approach here. I, frankly, believe that many things that the Bosniak political leaders ‘shoot’, so to speak, are part of an agreement; such things are agreed with some of the foreigners” Cvijanovic told reporters.


Russian Ambassador Ivantsov on SDA Program Declaration (RTRS)


Commenting on the Declaration, Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Petr Ivantsov has expressed the conviction that consistent implementation of provisions from the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is needed and not some new alternative ideas. Ivantsov said that the program documents adopted by the SDA Congress propose a reform of the Constitution and reconsideration of principles of administrative and territorial organization of B&H, including a change to the country’s name, as well as the transformation of the government institutional system, which does not correspond to basic principles of the DPA, which guarantees the equality of the three constituent peoples and wide powers to the entities. “Taking all this into account, unanimous rejection of the announced agenda by the Serb and Croat officials is quite understandable. Unfortunately, under the current internal political situation in the country, where one year after the elections it is not possible to form a new B&H Council of Ministers, such statements only complicate the process of formation of authorities and do not contribute to reaching and implementing necessary agreements” the Russian Ambassador said. Ivantsov stresses that SDA Program Declaration, which advocates ‘the Republic of B&H’ has strongly shaken the public in B&H and its region.


Serbian PM Brnabic: SDA’s Program Declaration is public call for dishonoring DPA and opening of Pandora’s box (FTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic commented SDA’s Program Declaration which stipulates that the primary and long-term goal of the party is adoption of a Constitution by which Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) would become Republic of B&H. “Incredibly dangerous. A public call for dishonoring of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the opening of yet another Pandora’s box in the Balkans. This is something that should not be taken lightly” Brnabic said.


SDA reminding of the SNSD declaration that presented secession of the RS as a goal and a declaration of SNS which presented merging of the RS with Serbia as its goal (Hayat)


SDA reacted on Monday to numerous reactions to the SDA Program Declaration adopted in Sarajevo on Saturday. SDA stated that this party is not threatening anyone. According to SDA, the party does not aim to reach its legitimate goal, i.e. the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) – a state in which all citizens will be equal – with unconstitutional, unilateral and illegal moves. SDA stated that the existing B&H Constitution stipulates that the two-third and the entity majority in the B&H Parliament is necessary for constitutional reform, adding that this is the only road to change B&H’s organization. The party dismissed groundless attacks and pressures, reminding of the declaration of the SNSD Assembly that presented secession of Republika Srpska (RS) as a goal and a declaration of SNS from 2013, which presented merging of the RS with Serbia as its goal.


SDS and Sarovic could push out Dodik and form coalition with DNS and SP RS; Dodik definitely has no intention to cooperate with Izetbegovic (EuroBlic)


EuroBlic daily comments that while SDA Program Declaration has caused fierce reactions, behind the scenes there is a process of discussing of various combinations for forming of authorities at Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level, where both SNSD and SDA leaders, Milorad Dodik and Bakir Izetbegovic respectively, could be left empty-handed. Namely, according to daily’s “well-informed sources” there are at least two scenarios for forming of the new Council of Ministers and the authors are SDS leader Mirko Sarovic and Dodik, where in the first scenario there is no room for Dodik and the second scenario excludes Izetbegovic. Daily learns that Sarovic already contacted representatives of DNS and SP RS trying to persuade them to turn their backs to Dodik and to enter the process of authority formation along with SDS, PDP and parties from the Federation of B&H. Allegedly, the positive response has not been delivered yet, but DNS and SP RS also have not rejected the offer even though they publicly claim they stay in coalition with Dodik.


Author noted that these contacts were made before SDA Program Declaration was adopted and before SDA “took radical program stances”, after which none of Republika Srpska (RS) parties should be cooperating with them. However, daily’s sources argue that such messages from SDA could soon be forgotten as were SDA’s stances from 2015, when they also advocated unitary B&H. DNS leader Marko Pavic did not want to talk to the daily about this, saying that he is a serious man and has too many years to deal with “nonsense”. According to the daily, unlike Pavic, Sarovic is mysterious and he said that in theory “majority is possible without any of the three parties which discussed authority formation by now” but the question is whether this is realistic. Sarovic noted that he deems that B&H is to enter the period of standstill in authority formation process in order to find a realistic, acceptable platform. However, Sarovic did not answer daily’s question whether he contacted DNS and SP RS. According to daily, in this scenario either Sarovic or DNS Vice President Milan Radovic are mentioned as CoM Chairman, and being that Annual National Program was a condition for authority formation, the chances are that parties gathered around SDS, would accept some form of ANP, but SDA would have to give up such conditioning after they would push out SNSD. On the other side, SNSD representatives stressed that every attempt of election losers to present themselves as winners, would represent deceit of citizens not of SNSD. SNSD’s Spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic stressed that RS citizens were clear who they want to represent them. As for the coalition partners, Kovacevic stressed that the coalition between SNSD and DNS, SP RS is the longest coalition in the Balkans and he trusts that the coalition will remain strong. However, daily argues that everyone is aware that relations within this coalition are disturbed. As for Milorad Dodik, daily’s sources claim that he definitely has no intention to cooperate with Izetbegovic after the Declaration and he plans to turn toward other parties in Sarajevo – DF, Our Party, SBB B&H and some others. According to these sources, there is a chance for Dodik to even invite SDS to join the coalition and they claim that SDS new leadership could think about this possibility.




Markovic: Hahn should take care of standards in his own country (CDM)


“Enlargement Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, should take care of the standards for settling social and housing needs in his own country, within the EU. We are going to act in the interest of our citizens. This isn’t the policy that requires standards, this is our national policy and our right”, said Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, when asked to comment on Hahn’s statement that the European Commission will examine the question of allocation of apartments to public functionaries in Montenegro, warning that such practice isn’t common in the EU Member States.

Markovic said he wasn’t sure about the context of the statement. “We are dealing with housing issues of everybody. We are building apartments for pensioners, healthcare employees, education staff, Ministry of Defense staff… We have settled over 1550 housing issues for two years” said Markovic.


Crisis in the opposition has reached its peak (Dnevne novine)


The opposition is continuously trying to derail the work of the Committee on Comprehensive Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation because the only acceptable electoral system for them is the one enabling them to win the elections, the political analyst Srdjan Vukadinovic clarified for Dnevne Novine daily.

“At least we are clear with the Democratic Front as they won’t take part in any activity involving the Democrats. It tells a lot about their conflict and it cannot be solved in a year. It looks as if the whole opposition is united in efforts to derail the work of the Committee. They [the opposition] want to draft electoral legislation and a system which would make them win the elections” Vukadinovic said. The crisis and challenges in the opposition have never been greater, according to him. “The opposition will obstruct the work of the Committee, and I’m not sure whether the Committee would be convened ever again. In my opinion, it will cease to exist” Vukadinovic was adamant.


Republic of North Macedonia


Tusk supports opening accession talks with Macedonia as Zaev promises to fight corruption (Republika)


Outgoing European Council President Donald Tusk came out in favor of opening EU accession talks with Macedonia, during his meeting on Tuesday. Tusk acknowledged how Macedonia delivered on its obligations, chief among them – renaming the country and rewriting its history – and said that it is now up to the EU member states to also deliver.

“Skopje is the best possible place where I would like to appeal to the leaders of the European Union: Now you do your share. Because North Macedonia has already done its share. #EUAccessionTalks” Tusk tweeted out during his meeting with Zoran Zaev.

Zaev assured Tusk that his Government will work to get to the bottom of the major corruption scandal, which is undermining the case for opening EU accession talks. Our obligations to deliver are still on, especially in the rule of law. we are fully committed to resolve all challenges in accordance with the European values and standards, such as adopting a law on state prosecutors, said Zaev, whose Government is slowly backing off from the talks to adopt this law, insisting that the prosecutor’s service can continue to operate even without a designated unit for fighting high level crime.

And yet, Tusk said that the results in the fight against corruption can be denied by anybody, and everywhere, before assuring Zaev that in Brussels the bureaucrats are determined to advance his request for accession talks. France and the Netherlands are seen as the main opponents to the opening of EU accession talks, citing fears over high crime and corruption levels in the Balkans and the danger of watering down the EU.


Tusk meets President Pendarovski to discuss the country’s EU membership aspiration (Nezavisen vesnik)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Tuesday with the President of the European Council Donald Tusk, who pays a visit to North Macedonia and exchanged views on overall situation in the country and the region as well as the country’s EU membership aspiration. Pendarovski said that North Macedonia has made tough decisions on many sensitive issues over the past two years, including the Prespa Agreement with the Republic of Greece and the Treaty Friendship, Good-neighborliness and Cooperation with the Republic of Bulgaria, and has implemented substantial and thorough reforms in many key areas, reaffirming its commitment to the EU integration process, Pendarovski’s cabinet said in a press statement. Pendarovski voiced expectation that the European Council in October would valorize the country’s efforts and verify the tenth European Commission recommendation and would set a date for the opening EU accession negotiations with North Macedonia. The opening of accession negotiations, as Pendarovski said, will be a strong impetus for further implementation of the country’s crucial reforms, which will contribute to the overall stability and prosperity of the country and the region. Pendarovski expressed his appreciation to Tusk for his clear and direct support to North Macedonia’s European future.


Albanian nationalist politician promises help for Albanians in Macedonia (Republika)


Albanian nationalist politician from Kosovo Albin Kurti threatened that there will be no stability in the region unless Albanians are treated equally. In comments given in Skopje, Kurti lamented how Albanians from Macedonia did not end up unified with those in Albania or Kosovo.

Due to our tragic fate, the Albanian people were spread through several states and across the world. So, the fate of the Western Balkans remains linked with the fate of the Albanians. History has shown us that the Balkans are better off when Albanians are treated well. There is no war in the Balkans without Serbia, but also, there is no peace without the Albanians, Kurti said. He promised that his Self-determination party, which is competing in the coming elections in Kosovo, will work to help Albanians in Macedonia, and route to possible Albanian unification.

It’s our duty to come from Pristina and from Tirana to Skopje, because Albanians from “North” Macedonia made a contribution to the independence of both Albania and Kosovo, and yet you were left outside of both countries. With that, you paid a large price, Kurti added.




Balla: No one should hold back the path of a profound reform of the electoral code of the Republic of Albania (Radio Tirana)


SP parliamentary group chairman Taulant Balla said the government is ready to co-operate with the DP on the electoral reform. After concluding a meeting with the Secretary of State for Justice Christian Lange, Balla said no political force can hold electoral reform as hostage.

“Our wish has been that electoral reform be carried out with the consent of a wide spectrum of the Albanian politics. Our efforts to reach a broad consensus with the DP will carry on. Next week we will have a table of political parties to express their point of view. No one should hold back the path of a profound reform of the electoral code of the Republic of Albania. The OSCE report has made some recommendations that need to be addressed so as the 2021 elections take place with a reformed electoral code” Balla said.

SP Parliamentary Group Chairman Taulant Balla spoke even about Germany’s expected decision, which he says is heading towards a “YES” to open negotiations on Albania, stressing out that Europe’s policy-making engine, Germany, is in the process of opening negotiations.




Bolton Sacking Raises Hopes – And Fears – In Balkans (Balkan Insight)


Donald Trump’s abrupt removal of ‘Serbia’s White House ally’ as his National Security Advisor has worried Belgrade – but most experts believe his likely successor, Charles Kupperman, will not be very different.


John Bolton’s forced resignation as President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor has made noises in the Balkans and drawn conflicting responses from Serbia and Kosovo. Serbian media outlets expressed shock about the news while those in Kosovo were cheering.

“Has Serbia lost it’s ally in the White House?” asked the Telegraf in Serbia. “‘Kosovo’s only White House opponent’, Why is Bolton’s firing good news?” asked the Gazeta Express in Kosovo. However, experts in Washington are less certain that Bolton’s removal will have much impact on the Balkan region – and doubt his likely replacement, Charles Kupperman, will be very different.

Bolton’s best-known intervention in the Balkans came in August 2018 when, after Kosovo President Hashim Thaci controversially mooted a land swap with Serbia as part of a resolution of their long-running dispute, Bolton dismayed US allies in Europe – who mostly oppose border changes – by supporting the idea. Bolton said Washington would not oppose an exchange of territory provided that Belgrade and Pristina worked out a “mutually satisfactory settlement”. “He didn’t seem to have a ‘position’ on the Balkans, [except being] open to considering land swaps [between Serbia and Kosovo],” Daniel Serwer, Director of American Foreign Policy at the John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said.  “What stands out is his support for a land-swap arrangement between Kosovo and Serbia. Other than that, I’m not very familiar with his views on the Balkans,” he added.

But Serwer says people were right to consider Bolton “closer” to Serbia than Kosovo. “Bolton opposed Kosovo’s independence [made in 2008] at the time. He gave Belgrade a sympathetic hearing on land swaps” he said.

Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense with responsibility for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia, said he was less certain that Bolton actively sympathized with Serbia.

“I’m not sure whether he’s closer to Serbia than Kosovo, but he’s got one of the worst track records on foreign policy in all of Washington,” he said. “Bolton has held misguided, reckless positions on a myriad of issues, such as supporting the Iraq war, wanting to bomb Iran, and suggesting the US should invade Venezuela,” he added. But Carpenter said he did not think the change in National Security Advisor would impact much on recent US efforts to get more involved in the faltering EU-led Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, aimed at “normalizing” relations between Serbia and its former province – whose statehood it does not recognize.

This is especially after the State Department in late August appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer as special representative for the Western Balkans, with a mandate to help integrate the region into Western institutions. “Palmer is a professional and will continue with his work,” Carpenter said.

President Trump has said he has 15 candidates to replace Bolton. In the meantime, the White House named Kupperman, the deputy national security adviser, to temporarily fill the post.

The New York Times said Kupperman was likely to get the post – but the question was, for how long. It recalled that “acting officials have a way of sticking around in this administration for indefinite lengths of time”, and warned: “Kupperman’s track record as someone ensconced in Mr Bolton’s inner circle could shorten his tenure.”

Bolton himself has praised Kupperman’s record, suggesting a close similarity in terms of foreign policy views. “Charlie Kupperman has been an advisor to me for more than 30 years … Charlie’s extensive expertise in defense, arms control and aerospace will help further President Trump’s national security agenda,” he said in January, when Kupperman joined the Trump administration. According to his official biography, Kupperman has more than four decades of national security policy and program experience. He served in the Ronald Reagan Administration, holding posts in the Executive Office of the President, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the President’s General Advisory Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament. He also worked as a Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor to the Reagan presidential campaign.

Carpenter told BIRN he sounded just like Bolton in terms of holding broadly anti-Muslim views, which could affect perceptions of the Balkans, as most people in Kosovo are Muslim while Serbia is mostly Christian. “Kupperman seems to be a clone of Bolton, having served on the board of a far-right think tank, the Center for Security Policy, which has spread some lunatic conspiracy theories, like the claim that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the US government,” he said.

The Council on American Islamic Relations, CAIR, said it would not welcome his appointment as Bolton’s permanent replacement. “The National Security Advisor position has switched hands from the leader of one anti-Muslim hate group to another,” Robert McCaw, Director of the Government Affairs Department at CAIR, told BIRN.

“Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute from 2013 to 2018. Kupperman served on the Center for Security Policy’s board from 2001 to 2010. Both are conservative anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim think tanks,” he said. “Bolton’s ties to an anti-Muslim think tank could have easily made him partial to Serbia over Kosovo,” he added.  “Bolton’s support of the Serbian government’s proposed land swap with Kosovo … gives the picture of at least having closer ties to the Serbian government. CAIR does not necessarily believe that Kupperman will be any different to his predecessor,” he concluded.