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Belgrade Media Report 11 November 2019



Vucic: Western Balkans need clear and precise indications of European future (Beta/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Geneva on Friday that clear and precise indications of the European future of the Western Balkans is important to the entire region. “It’s a good thing that we confirmed the clear and unequivocal support for the European path of our countries. We will continue the reforms because of our citizens and everything important but also because we want to be members of the European Union,” Vucic wrote on his Instagram profile following a meeting organized by the World Economic Forum.  “We need to know - that is what I have been asking many people in the EU. And, if we solve our problems with Pristina, when can we count on becoming an EU member state? In 2025, or some other year? We have received no answers,” Vucic told reporters after the conference. He added he was hoping to get certain answers at the EU Zagreb summit in 2020 and that he also expected to see some political decisions within the EU, rather than just a technical, bureaucratic approach. “We know a lot of work is still ahead of us - from rule of law to economic reforms... We are ready to do it,” he said. He said that he would meet with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday and would ask him who can join the EU. Vucic said that a decision has to be taken on who can join the EU quickly and who can get access to structural funds and the single market. There are a lot of ideas and decisions have to be taken in the next seven months. We have to know by May next year. According to Vucic, anyone who does not see that the EU needs the countries of the Western Balkans as much as they need the Union does not understand the future of European policy. Vucic said on Friday in Geneva that removing hurdles to free movement of goods, capital, services and people in the region was very important for Serbia and that he would like to see Pristina, Podgorica and Sarajevo in an initiative connecting the six Western Balkan economies. “That is why I am very thankful to the US, the WEF, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and other institutions that have backed that project very openly. For us, it is very important and we want to see Pristina, Podgorica and Sarajevo in that initiative, but the decision is up to them,” he said.


Vucic on 'mini Schengen': Nothing better created in Balkans over past 30 years (Beta)


There was nothing better created in the Balkans in the past 30 years than ‘mini Schengen’, President Aleksandar Vucic said in Ohrid on Sunday following the agreement he reached with Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev and Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama on free movement of people, goods services and capital among the three countries. “These are huge changes and I know this is not really popular in my own country but I don’t care. There are no ‘Yugoslavias’ but only a better and more quality life for citizens. Maybe someone will destroy this, but this is certainly the future,” said Vucic. Serbia and other countries in the region aspire to become the European Union member states, Vucic stressed. “But it doesn’t depend on us only. We have no other path but European path, but the most important path for us are lives of our citizens,” he added. Vucic announced a meeting with President of France Emmanuel Macron with whom he will discuss the Euro-integration. “With permission of Zaev and Rama, I will ask Macron about the things that are important to them and also what’s important to me, and I will ask for support to our European path and this project,” he said.


Palmer: Mini Schengen has US support (B92)


"Mini Schengen is a promising initiative and has our support”, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer said in Geneva.

"The European perspective of the Western Balkans, which has been the basis of US engagement in the region for more than 20 years, has not changed and will not change," Palmer said.

"That is exactly why the European Council's failure to reach consensus on opening negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania has been so deeply disappointing, but it issue is not resolved yet. We hope that the European Council will be able to revise its stance and make progress at the leaders' meeting in Zagreb, reach the necessary consensus and begin this important process, sending an important signal to the region," Palmer said. "Meanwhile, as the US takes on a larger role in the Western Balkans and the EU is at risk of being perceived in the region as withdrawing, the region itself is taking over the initiative. Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia's commitment to improving co-operation through an initiative called 'mini Schengen' show that leaders in the region are taking responsibility for their own destiny, controlling their own future," he noted. According to him, the structure of this initiative is open, there is room for Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. "It is a promising initiative, and it has our support and we are committed to working in partnership with the leaders of the Western Balkans to make progress", Palmer concluded.


India has understanding for our principled position on territorial sovereignty and integrity (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Indian Minister of Foreign Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar underlined that the relations between the two countries are traditionally good and that mutual support is taken for granted. After meeting with Jaishankar, Dacic recalled that the traditionally good relations between the two countries date back from the period of the Non-Aligned Movement, pointing to the need to develop these relations in all segments, regardless of the disparity in the size of Serbia and India. He underlined that India’s support is of capital importance for Serbia, not only because it is one of the largest countries in the world, and the second largest in terms of population, but also because it is the fastest growing economy in the world. India’s support regarding Kosovo and Metohija is very important to us and that India has an understanding for our problems and for our principled position on territorial sovereignty and integrity, Dacic said and added that Serbia has the same attitude towards the Kashmir issue. He said that he also talked with the Indian Foreign Minister about trade and economic development, and concluded that there was great potential in that regard.


Continuity of Serbia-US dialogue assessed positively (FoNet)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received Director of the Special Task Force for the Implementation of Article 231 of the Law on Countering American Opponents by Sanctions at the US State Department Thomas Zarzecki during his working visit to Serbia. The aim of Zarzecki's visit is to familiarize the competent Serbian government departments with the most important elements of the said law, and in particular with the implementation of Article 231, which deals with the possibility of imposing US sanctions on individuals and legal entities having business cooperation with the security and intelligence sector of the Russian Federation.

Prior to Serbia, Thomas Zarzecki visited more than 60 countries in the world with the same purpose. During the reception at Dacic, and afterwards in conversation with competent experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the importance of very good bilateral cooperation between Serbia and the United States was highlighted, especially in areas where there is a strong mutual interest. The continuation of the open dialogue between Serbia and the United States on a range of issues of common interest, which is important for building mutual trust and understanding, was positively assessed at the meeting.


Dacic: Ghana withdraws recognition of so-called Kosovo (TV Prva)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Ghana is the 16th state to withdraw its recognition of so-called Kosovo. “I announce that by the end of the year, there will be 3-4 more countries that will do the same,” says Dacic. He said the official note arrived over the weekend and that this country’s leaders told him they would respect UN Security Council Resolution 1244, but also the dialogue between Belgrade Pristina when it resumes. “This is another indicator that we are working on this topic seriously, with the approval of the president of the Republic, we are demonstrating that this issue has not been resolved and I announce that by the end of the year, there will be 3-4 more countries that will do the same,” Dacic told TV Prva. He said that this is the largest country to withdraw its recognition of Kosovo far, that is has a population of 30 million and is three times larger than Serbia. He recalled that talks with Ghana lasted a long time, that discussions were held at all levels with the president of Serbia, the speaker of parliament and himself, as the foreign minister, all speaking with representatives of that country. “Ghana is a serious country and the note they wrote is better than it would have been if we wrote it. The second sentence states that Ghana has decided to withdraw recognition of Kosovo, that it considers the decision of the previous government of Ghana to recognize Kosovo as an independent wrong and a violation of the Helsinki Charter and Resolution 1244, and that they will respect the results of the dialogue,” Dacic said. He emphasized that Ghana is one of the important countries of Africa. “I will remind you that Pristina officials were chasing them down UN corridors, even announcing on Facebook that they had a meeting,’ Dacic said.


Dacic demands apology from Albania over Cakaj's statement (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has requested the Albanian government to apologize publicly for Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Gent Cakaj’s statements.

According to Dacic, Cakaj accuses Serbia of having a "criminal history" and that the former politicians and members of paramilitary groups are at the forefront of today's Serbia. "This is a falsification of events in Kosovo, and therefore I expect the apology of the government of the Republic of Albania," Dacic said. He said that these statements by Minister Cakaj do not contribute to the good neighborly relations between Belgrade and Tirana, and according to him are completely contrary to the efforts of Serbian leaders to improve relations with Albania. He adds that such statements also affect the stability of the whole region.




Ohrid: Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia sign agreement on entering countries with IDs, call on B&H, Montenegro to join them; Zvizdic: Vucic and Rama guarantee that this is not attempt to replace European integration of Western Balkan (FTV)


Western Balkan leaders met in Ohrid on Sunday for a regional meeting at which they signed the declaration on the ‘Mini-Schengen’ initiative, which is based on elimination of obstacles to free movement of people, goods, services and capital in the Western Balkans on the path towards full membership in the EU. The declaration was signed by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev. The idea of ‘Mini-Schengen’ was also supported by the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The leaders called for free movement of peoples and goods throughout the Western Balkan region. One of the concrete measures agreed at the meeting includes free movement of people between Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania with ID cards only. B&H, Kosovo and Montenegro were also invited to join the initiative. B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Denis Zvizdic, who also attended the meeting, said that it is a good thing that meetings between leaders take place in the region, adding that their economic cooperation will contribute to political cooperation. According to Zvizdic, B&H has not participated in defining of this initiative at any level and therefore it does not have the defined stance on the initiative. He stressed that the Euro-Atlantic integration has no alternative for B&H. Zvizdic noted that B&H got guarantees from Vucic, Rama and Zaev that this initiative does not represent any attempt to substitute the European integration of the Western Balkan countries. Reminding that signing of the agreement on the border between B&H and Montenegro is a positive example, Zvizdic expressed his expectation that similar agreements will be signed with Serbia and Croatia as well. “As Edi Rama said that ‘Mini-Schengen’ actually erases borders, from B&H’s point of view it is impossible or illogical to erase borders that were not previously defined through agreements”, Zvizdic explained. The leaders announced that a new meeting on removing barriers and improvement of business environment in the Western Balkan region will be held in Durres, Albania on 21 December. The signed agreement also includes work permits for work in all three countries, recognition of professional qualifications and reducing time for trucks on borders. Addressing a press conference, Vucic said that this will drastically increase attraction of the three countries for direct foreign investments. In his opinion, the results will be visible in around two years. Addressing the press conference, Rama stated that the initiative encourages processes and stressed that the document is not a result of patronage coming from abroad, but internal wishes. He added: ”Our partners from the EU and international institutions were present here. We invited them and they did not impose themselves. They welcomed this move”. Addressing the press conference, Zaev expressed hope that all participants of this process will embrace this action plan, because it brings good to the entire Balkans and this area. Rama underlined that he wants to see representatives of Kosovo at the next meeting that will be held in Durres. Rama brought into question the entire agreement saying that Kosovo should be included in ‘mini Schengen’ as well. “We expect Kosovo to be represented as other countries of the region at the next meeting in Durres on 21 December,” Rama said, adding that all countries of the Western Balkans should be included. Rama stressed that he has not changed his mind about Kosovo or about the fact that Serbia should recognize it, adding that there were no obstacles for the Kosovo President and Prime Minister to attend the meeting in Ohrid. They did not accept the invitation to the meeting explaining that Serbia and B&H do not want to recognize Kosovo, among other reasons.


Komsic summons French Ambassador to discuss President Macron’s statement on B&H (TV1/BHT1)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic summoned French Ambassador to B&H Guillaume Rousson to a meeting on Friday, following the recent statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron about B&H being a threat and a ticking bomb due to extremism and returning jihadists. Komsic presented data on the number of people that left to fight in Syria, how many died and were legally processed, as well as data on their families. He invited Macron to come and visit B&H and to see for himself how it is in B&H. Komsic informed Rousson about the exact data from B&H and its neighboring countries on the number of people still on foreign battlefields, the number of killed and prosecuted B&H citizens and the number of women and children there. He underscored that B&H is successful in fighting terrorism and extremism as evidenced by remarks from partner states. Komsic familiarized the Ambassador with the fact that the participation in foreign battlefields of B&H nationals is a criminal offence, and presented the number of tries B&H nationals who returned from foreign battlefields. In addition, Komsic stressed that B&H did not have a single terrorist attack in recent years. In the end, Komsic reiterated that B&H is aware of the danger of global terrorism and that it is fully committed to fighting this evil.


Bosniak officials criticize Macron’s statement as unfounded (TV1/RTRS/N1)


French President Emmanuel Macron stated on Thursday for The Economist that B&H is ticking time bomb because of the danger it faces because of jihadists returning back to the country. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that B&H has not registered people leaving to battlefields in Syria since 2016. He believes that the main issue of B&H are forces that want to divide it and the French President know that. Chairman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) Denis Zvizdic said that B&H is not a threat to anyone and that B&H did not have more or less people leave for Syria compared to other countries. Dzaferovic underlined that according to official data, less than 100 B&H citizens are on Syrian battlefields out of which half of them are women. Dzaferovic also stated that B&H undertook measures to solve this problem and in his opinion, B&H is doing it in a successful way. Addressing media in Sarajevo on Friday, he said: “The main problem that B&H has and I believe that President Macron knows it, is the activity of destructive forces in B&H that want additional territorial and ethnic divisions in B&H which simply block functioning of institutions of B&H. In large part this happens because of failure of the international community to act which is prescribed in the Dayton Peace Agreement”. According to Zvizdic, all states should obtain data on issues related to terrorism directly from competent institutions and agencies from B&H. He underlined that only data obtained in this way are the real data that can be subjected to checks. In his opinion, data should not be obtained from those who are acting in bad faith towards B&H and in this way, cause immense damage to the international reputation and credibility of B&H, as a country that is currently in the process of the European and the NATO integration. In a statement given over a phone link from Geneva, Zvizdic stated that the number of persons who went to foreigner battlefields from B&H is not higher or smaller than the number of persons from any other country in the Western Balkans, Europe or the South East Europe. He stressed that this is why B&H is not a threat and will not be a threat to the region, when it comes to terrorism. Zvizdic referred to the commendations of the US administration, noting that departure of B&H citizens to foreign battlefields has been stopped. "This speaks of our serious commitment to the fight against terrorism, which resulted in a very clear statement in the reports of relevant international institutions and agencies, which say that B&H is a credible partner in the fight against terrorism," Zvizdic said. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stressed that B&H successfully dealt with terrorism. Izetbegovic noted that the problem of departure of citizens to foreign battlefields is definitely being solved in B&H. "We adopted necessary strategies. We are member of that coalition which is very successfully dealing with this problem," Izetbegovic underlined. SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic stated that B&H was one of the first countries in Europe to treat departure to foreign battlefields as criminal offence punishable by imprisonment. He noted that return of fighters from foreign battlefields is a challenge in B&H and other countries, but he underlined that B&H is a very responsible member of the global anti-terrorism coalition. He welcomed the statement of B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic who invited Macron to visit B&H and see for himself that B&H has the ability and will to fight radicalism.


Mektic: B&H has not had any serious terrorist threats for years (TV1/BHT1/FTV)


B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic said that B&H has not had serious threats by terrorism or radicalism in the last several years. He added that B&H was dedicated to this issue and solved a major part of it. “How come we are a time bomb, when terrorist attacks happened in Bataclan in Paris with more than one hundred dead. In Nice one truck drove into pedestrians and killed people. Several police officers were killed in Paris and that is not a time bomb,” said Mektic. Mektic said there were ten times more French nationals on the foreign battlefields than there are such people in B&H. “We implemented many measures in order to stabilize the situation,” Mektic stated. Mektic reminded that the return of fighters from foreign battlefields is constantly under control, adding that France is facing a bigger problem in this context – up to 10 times more. According to data of security agencies in B&H, less than 100 citizens of B&H are at foreign battlefields, which is a much lower number compared to other countries.


Dodik thanks Macron for revealing truth about B&H (TV1/ATV/RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that he was grateful to Macron for revealing the truth to the global public and for warning about the real problem in B&H which, according to Dodik, is Islamic radicalism. He added that he can only express additional concern, because a serious politician like Macron would not make statements like the one about B&H easily. Dodik underlined that Macron’s statement is true and denying it means “burying one’s head in the sand” and running away from the problem. Dodik commented the meeting of B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic and French Ambassador. According to Dodik, everything Komsic told the French Ambassador to B&H does not represent the harmonized stance of the B&H Presidency. Dodik said that Macron surely did not make such a statement easily. "That is probably supported by the persistent work of his services and structures that told him that information. We should not ignore that or attack Macron's stance as (people) from Sarajevo are trying to do, but try to engage our institutions, both in the RS and those at the B&H level, to meaningfully fight against that," Dodik underlined. Dodik said that Macron’s warning is exactly what the RS has been warning of. Dodik said that he agrees with Macron: “Unlike others who would gloat after their stances were confirmed by Macron, I can only express more concern, because a serious president such as Macron is surely not presenting assessments easily and presenting them on the global scene. This has to be backed by the work of his security structures which have informed him. We should not be ignoring these statements and attempting to challenge his stances, such as Sarajevo is doing, rather attempt to engage our institutions, those in RS and on state-level, to combat the issue”.


SDS and PDP launch initiative to enable temporary formation of commissions in parliament to unblock work of B&H HoR (Hayat)


Representatives in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Mirko Sarovic (SDS) and Branislav Borenovic (PDP) presented in Sarajevo on Friday a model on how to unblock work of six commissions in the B&H parliament. According to Hayat, SNSD has been obstructing work of the six commissions for months. Sarovic and Borenovic argued that the solution lies in changing of the Rules of Procedure according to which the Collegium of the B&H HoR would be given the right to appoint members of the commissions if the parties fail to reach an agreement. In case that the Collegium fails to reach an agreement, parties that are ready to delegate their representatives in working bodies would appoint members of the commissions.

The reporter noted that the initiative needs the consent of 22 MPs and so far, the initiative enjoys the support of 14 MPs. Addressing a press conference, Borenovic stated that their initiative will enable formation of the commissions on a temporary basis. Borenovic said that they have the obligation and the moral responsibility towards citizens to try to unblock work of the parliament. Sarovic stated that this kind of a decision is legitimate. ”Not only that it is legitimate, it is also socially justified bearing in mind that due to blockade of work of this body, the entire country suffers especially the economy and investments given the fact that a series of projects, contracts and international agreements that would enable the entire country’s accelerated growth, are on hold,” said Sarovic.


Mektic deems main problem of migrant crisis is lack of accommodation capacities and lack of coordination at all levels (BNTV)


Guest of BNTV’s show ‘Izazovi’ were B&H Minister of Security Dragan Mektic, SDA representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Jasmin Emric, member of the RS government’s Coordination Body for Monitoring of the Movement of Illegal Migrants through the Territory of the RS Milos Stevanovic and Head of the B&H Border Police Field Office North-East – Bijeljina Velimir Przulj. Asked how many migrants are currently in B&H and whether the situation could get out of control, Mektic noted that 48,000 illegal migrants have been registered in B&H over the past two years and, if there are currently around 6,000 or 7,000 of them in the country, it can be concluded that more than 40,000 of them have left the country. “Therefore, it is not entirely true that B&H is becoming a so-called ‘hotspot’ of migrants, nor are there any kind of indicators that these migrants would like to stay here. Not a single migrant wants to stay in B&H,” Mektic said. He noted that once they enter B&H, they usually express their intention to apply for asylum primarily to get a refugee card and they are entitled to stay in the country for 14 days with access to humanitarian aid, medical care, food and everything else they need. During this period, they try to find a way to leave the country, Mektic said, adding that the main problem is the fact that B&H does not have enough capacities to accommodate this number of migrants in reception centers. Asked about the financial situation, Mektic reminded that the EU allocated 34 million Euros that was already spent, plus 12 million Euros more that should be spent on construction of new reception centers in order to provide accommodation for migrants in line with humanitarian standards. As for the criticism that competent institutions at the level of B&H do not do enough to solve this problem, Mektic stressed that it requires coordination at all levels but, unfortunately, that does not exist at all. “The RS government has already taken a stance that it does not want reception centers, but we cannot get a single socially-owned facility in the FB&H either, because it is a problem for local communities. EUR 12 million has been on hold for three months now and we have not spent a single euro yet because we cannot find a location anywhere,” Mektic explained. He assessed that the temporary camp ‘Vucjak’ is a shame for the country, which will be discussed at the UN Security Council (UN SC) as UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants Felipe Gonzales Morales is going to prepare a report after his visit to B&H. He reminded that the EU made it clear that it would not finance such location, which is a former landfill that could affect the health of migrants, so they agreed at a meeting in Brussels that a new location would be proposed within 30 days. The EU also made it clear that only a state-owned facility can be proposed and yet the USC authorities proposed Medeno Polje as a new location, Mektic said. He assessed that it seems like this situation is being misused for someone’s business: “The owner of ‘Sedra’ that we are renting at the price of tens of thousands of Euros, in which we invested a large amount of money for adaptation, is also the owner of Medeno Polje (…) in which 2.5 million Euros needs to be invested.” He added that FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic has proposed several locations for new migrant reception centers, but the talks are still underway. Mektic also noted that the B&H Presidency, particularly Serb member Milorad Dodik, has rejected several plans that he proposed as a solution for the migrant crisis.


Zaev says the “Mini Schengen” will be good for the region, as Vucic insists it will not be a “new Yugoslavia” (Republika)


Prime Minister Zoran Zaev insisted that the Mini Schengen initiative between Macedonia, Albania and Serbia will lead to a better life in the Balkan region. The three leaders are meeting in Ohrid today as part of the process, which was launched just as the European Union, under French pressure, announced that it is closing the doors to Balkan would-be members. Our action plan provides for 24/7 open borders that will allow movement of our citizens using only their identity cards, and fast track movement for trucks over the border crossings. We will have all the food and veterinary documents accepted automatically with greater mobility of goods and services. This will lead to better lives for all of us and open a new chapter. I hope that the Western European countries will recognize this initiative, Zaev said during the joint press conference.

The countries in the region already have a very high level of integration in the economy and movement of people, but left without an immediate EU perspective, despite the humiliating name change, Zaev enthusiastically jumped on this regional initiative. Media outlets in Serbia have also gushed over it, insisting that it ensures a dominant role for their country, even labeling it as the “pro-Serbian project” in the region. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic insisted that Mini Schengen will not be a “new Yugoslavia”. Some may yet demolish this initiative and it may fail, but it may bring a better life for our people. I’m proud at the treaty we reached. This is our future. It’s not a new Yugoslavia, it’s just better life for all, Vucic said. Macedonia is the junior partner in the process, which includes the much larger Serbia and Albania, which on the other hand is hoping to bring Kosovo into the “Mini Schengen”. Kosovan President Hashim Thaci refused to participate at the meeting today, insisting that Kosovo is only interested in a full Euro-Atlantic perspective. Bosnia and Montenegro were also represented. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama condemned Thaci’s decision. The idea is not to partition the Western Balkans but to include all of its member states. There was no problem preventing the President or the Prime Minister of Kosovo to participate in the dialogue. There was a time when Serbian and Bosnian representatives could not sit with Kosovo, but now its participation is not under a question. I see no interest in going back in this, Rama said, adding that Kosovan citizens should not have to wait in lines at the border crossings in the region. Vucic, who pointedly told Zaev that he will not repeat, “like a parrot”, the mantra that the EU is the only option for the region, said that he faced criticism in Serbia when he would push infrastructure projects that include Kosovo, just as Rama is now facing criticism in Albania, because he is joining what is seen as a Serbian led initiative. Vucic said that such criticism will blow over.


Mickoski on the Mini Schengen initiative: For us, the only option is to join the EU (Republika)


Asked about the Mini Schengen regional initiative, whose summit was held in Ohrid today, VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski replied that the only alternative for Macedonia is to join the European Union. We have no alternative other than full EU membership. We’ve said it before that any initiative that improves the lives of our citizens should be seized, but this can be done with bilateral treaties. I honestly have no information about what is being discussed there, what they have decided on, what is Zoran Zaev signing us up for now. I asked for an explanation during our meeting in the President’s office and I received two sentences which contained nothing of essence. But, I will repeat that, for Macedonia there is no other alternative than EU membership, Mickoski said.


Zaev asked Alexander Soros for money and Edi Rama for more Albanian votes (Republika)


For a second day the Zoran Zaev government is neither confirming nor denying that a secret meeting with Alexander Soros took place at the Mini Schengen summit, after the son of the controversial billionaire George Soros was seen landing at the Ohrid airport. Alexander Soros and his retinue, that included the strategic communications director of the Open Society foundations Laura Silbert received a VIP treatment with police escorts and closed off streets as they went through Ohrid toward the residences where the summit was taking place. Soros was met by a security detail from the 6th department of the UBK service after landing with his private plane and was escorted to the Unique hotel in Ohrid. Hotel staff was told to stay clear from the area used by Soros, and the conference room where Zoran Zaev and Edi Rama later arrived. The Macedonian Government continues to withhold information about the nature of the visit and the topics of discussion. Republika was unofficially told that the meeting was timed for the Mini Schengen summit, in order to conceal the arrival of the apparent heir to the political activism machine built by George Soros, within the overall commotion of the regional summit. It comes after Zaev suffered a major defeat, in his failure to secure the opening of EU accession talks, which pushed him to agree to early general elections in April 2020. Zaev’s early attempts to paint the opposition as anti-European, have not had an impact on the polls where his SDSM party is lagging behind VMRO-DPMNE, so relying on the Soros network and funding is a necessity for the Prime Minister. It is believed that Zaev asked for additional funding and media support from Alexander Soros. Also present at the meeting was Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, who makes no secret of the fact that he helped install Zoran Zaev as Prime Minister of Macedonia, both by pushing ethnic Albanian voters to support his SDSM party in 2016, and by pressuring the Albanian political parties to select SDSM as their coalition partner. Zaev badly needs a repeat of this support from Rama in 2020, but Republika was informed that this time Rama is warry not to step on the toes of the DUI party. DUI is rejecting Zaev’s requests for a pre-election coalition, which might help him make up the difference in votes between SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE, but DUI fears losing its voting base and being swallowed by SDSM. According to unofficial reports, Zaev has helped deliver wiretaps of DUI party officials to the Chicago based leaker who goes by the name of El Cheka. His publication of wiretaps that point to criminal activity on the part of DUI have damaged this party and might be used to pressure this party to accept folding into SDSM. In exchange for the necessary support he requires from Soros and Rama, Zaev reportedly agreed to make Macedonia available for whatever regional priority he may have, including securing the continued lax controls along the Balkan migrant route for a possible new autumn wave. Soros funded organizations were heavily involved in easing the flow of migrants during the 2015 – 2016 crisis, and leaked reports show that George Soros was receiving updates from Macedonia on the numbers of migrants and issues that might obstruct their movement every other day. After the borders were closed, the flow has reduced to a trickle, but Greece is reporting a serious increase in new arrivals at its islands overlooking Turkey in the past several weeks. Turkish President Erdogan has also openly threatened to open the floodgates again, unless his 2016 agreement with the EU is honored in full. Macedonia was frequently mentioned as both a transit country but also as a potential camp site and government officials, many of them veterans of Soros funded NGO groups, have pushed for new migration bylaws that would introduce funding for accommodation, education and labor market access for illegal migrants in Macedonia. Soros was reportedly also interested in the allegations that a Government official was misappropriating funding provided from the Open Society foundations to NGO groups in Macedonia. He left Ohrid for Paris where he will attend the Peace Forum. President Stevo Pendarovski, who travels there to try to get an audience with President Emmanuel Macron and to ask him to reverse his veto of Macedonia’s EU accession talks, confirmed that he will meet with Alexander Soros during the conference.




Von der Leyen: EU path for Western Balkans is of ‘great strategic importance’ (, by Hans Von der Burchard, 8 November 2019)


The incoming Commission chief said Albania and Northern Macedonia had made “incredible efforts.”

Granting Albania and North Macedonia a route to EU accession is "of great strategic importance" for the bloc, Ursula von der Leyen said Friday. The comments by the European Commission President-elect, who addressed reporters in Berlin following a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel were a clear dig at French President Emmanuel Macron, who last month led opposition to a decision to launch enlargement negotiations. "I firmly believe that it is of great strategic importance for us to link the Western Balkans as closely as possible to the European Union," von der Leyen said. "Albania and Northern Macedonia have made incredible efforts to reach the point we have asked them to reach," she continued, while stressing that she will look for alternative means to strengthen ties with the countries. "As long as it is not possible to actually open the accession talks ... I will put all my energy into developing joint projects that will increasingly bind these countries to us through close cooperation," she said, adding: "If we don't do that, others will fall into a vacuum, and we do not want that to happen." Speaking next to von der Leyen, Merkel said she considers it "extremely important, for strategic European interests, that these countries don't lose hope in the prospect of accession." This was also "very closely" linked to the issue migration, the chancellor added, alluding to the fact that many refugees have entered the EU in past years via the Western Balkans route. Addressing the topic of migration, von der Leyen said that she aims to present in the second quarter of next year her New Pact on Migration on Asylum, which she had announced in her first speech to the European Parliament in July. "Our goal must be ... to be a role model in this world for how migration can be managed sustainably, with a humane approach, but also effectively. And I am firmly convinced that the European Union can do that," she said. Merkel said Germany was in favor of von der Leyen's migration plans, which haven't been specified further yet: "We will, of course, give our positive support to the new proposals, I think."


Brussels casts Zaev a thin lifeline (New Europe, by Alec Mally, 11 November 2019)


Is Zaev dealing with the wrong Italians?

Brussels cast a thin Italian-flavoured political lifeline to North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev over the last ten days, something sorely needed after Zaev had badly managed his public reactions in the period immediately after the EU Summit where France froze all discussions of immediate EU Enlargement, effectively excluding Albania and North Macedonia.


Political support to Skopje with an Italian accent

In a joint press-conference with Zaev who visited Rome on October 29, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that his country would support North Macedonia firmly and that it would work to find a formula to initiate EU membership negotiations for the country.  Conte noted that North Macedonia had shown courage in terms of resolving open issues, which had already opened the path for the country’s early NATO membership. Conte cautioned Zaev however that his country’s support would not mean immediate EU integration and explained that would happen only after negotiators have formally worked through the full 35 required chapters.

On his first official foreign trip, President of the European Parliament David Sassoli visited North Macedonia on November 4-5 where met with Zaev, President Stevo Pendarovski, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi, and other government officials. A similar Sassoli trip to Albania has been scheduled for December 2-3. Sassoli tried to cast the EU Summit’s deadlock on EU Enlargement in a positive light, characterizing it as a minor obstacle. Addressing North Macedonian youth at the opening of the new Europe House in Skopje, Sassoli said “We have a common destiny and a small blockade is not enough to stop our attention towards you, the goal of which is that North Macedonia becomes a part of the European Union. It is a disappointment, but we should have great confidence and hope.” The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) issued a strongly worded resolution October 31 expressing deep disappointment with the European Council’s failure October 17-18 to reach a decision on a date to open EU accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. Luca Jahier, President of the EESC is an Italian journalist. Analysts will be asking whether the Italian interest in supporting Enlargement now reflects the search for more commercial opportunities, especially in the energy sector, or whether other factors are in play. They are also asking whether Italy’s current support for Zaev would continue if power shifts and Matteo Salvini takes over as prime minister, bringing with him a previously expressed affinity for hardline nationalist Nikola Gruevski, the former PM of the country now referred to as North Macedonia.


Italy’s expanding role in the Western Balkans

The expanding Italian role in the Western Balkans can be explained by a multitude of factors, but it seems primarily linked to Italy’s historical relationship with Albania and Albanians. This is understandable in the case of Albania itself, as Italy has long had to deal with trafficking and drug smuggling problems originating there. In the case of North Macedonia, Italy and Italian officials in Brussels may be taking a longer view, being clearly aware of the demographic situation concerning the large Albanian minority that Skopje is so hesitant to measure, having delayed its overdue census by another year for fear of collecting politically inconvenient data.    In the long run Italian bridge-building to all the Albanian communities in the Western Balkans may pay off, as it remains hard to predict how and when the borders separating large Albanian communities and states will shift, if ever. In raw political terms Italy’s current interest in the region should also be viewed as a traditional power vacuum-filling exercise as well, since it remains hard to forecast the political balance in Southeast Europe between France and Germany if and when Brexit is completed. This is certainly not an opportunity that deeply-indebted Greece is currently positioned to exploit with new resources, given that so much energy must be devoted to the Aegean, Cyprus and the refugee crisis. Accordingly, the field is left open to Italy.