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Belgrade Media Report 21 August 2020


Vucic: No recognition, I don’t exclude moving of meeting in Washington D.C. (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic did not rule out today the possibility of postponing the meeting in Washington, speculated by the Pristina press, but he pointed out that, whenever and wherever there will be a meeting there is no chance of signing recognition of Kosovo, under any circumstances. Vucic said that the only thing he guarantees is that he will fight for Serbia’s interests at the meeting in Washington and Brussels, and to those who dream that recognition of Kosovo will be signed there he says there is no possibility, under any circumstances, for something like that to happen.Asked to comment on the reporting about the postponement of the meeting in Washington, and that it could last longer, i.e. overnight, and whether that means that pressure is planned on Serbia, he said there was always pressure. He said that nothing has been agreed yet, and that he sees there are initiatives for a very short move of the date, for a day or two. He indicated that he was waiting to see what it was about, after which he would inform the public and provide an answer. Vucic stated that he expects and would like only economic topics to be on the agenda at the meeting in Washington, according to the agreement, but that he still does not rule out surprises. Asked whether political topics could be placed on the table at the meeting in the White House, as recently announced by the Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Vucic said that he did not know what the hosts could place as topics, except what he had been informed about so far, and those are only economic topics, what was already discussed. “I cannot guarantee that they will not be, but I would like only economic topics, because the EU is responsible for political dialogue and status issues, in accordance with the UN decision, which we accepted before. But I do not rule out surprises,” Vucic told reporters in Belgrade. He also said that he follows what Pristina media write and that it is known with whom Pristina has contacts in both the American and the Brussels administrations, and that Belgrade has not reached special conclusions, except for what Prime Minister of the provisional institutions Avdulah Hoti has already confirmed, and that is that improvement of economic relations will be discussed in a concrete way. “If there is anything else, you will be informed immediately, I will react and inform you about it,” said Vucic.

Vucic: I am closer to opting for government that public views as my second option (TV Pink/Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on 20 August that the composition of the new government would soon be known and that there would be changes, but he did not wish to announce any names. To the question of TV Pink's reporter about whether he was closer to opting for an all-party government or that of a coalition, Vucic replied that he was closer to what the public viewed as his second option, and that this was all he could say. He said that more than a hundred new, young people were already in the parliament, but that, at the same time, he also wanted to have older, more experienced cadres. "In order to cope with all the challenges, we need fighters, people who know what lies ahead. And the primary thing ahead is the struggle for Kosovo," he stated.

Dacic calls Trump better option, but affirms non-interference in US internal affairs (TV Happy/Beta

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said today that the "option" presented by US presidential candidate Joseph Biden would not be better for Serbia than "this one," but stressed that Serbia did not interfere with US elections. "It is a matter for the Serbian American citizens who live there. They are aware who said what and chose which options in the past, and this made a majority of votes in the last election go to Trump," Dacic told TV Happy. He said the federal states in the US occasionally swung a different way in the presidential vote, which "practically means -- in order for Trump to get the ballots of Serbs there, those Serbs have to think better of him than of Biden." "Admittedly that's not hard considering Biden's statements about Serbs and Serbia, and the closeness of the Democrats with Albanian lobbyists," Dacic said. However, Dacic noted, Biden is "an experienced, realistic politician and whatever he may have said before and whatever votes he expects from the Albanian diaspora, he will have to find a way to align his positions with America's real interests at this time." Dacic said the political crisis in Belarus was the country's internal affair. "It is an internal matter for Belarus. We don't want to interfere. All we want is for everything to be solved peacefully and through dialogue," Dacic said.

Formation of new government, SNS Main Board, Serbian parliament session and election of its speaker will waint until Vucic returns from Washington D.C. (Nova

The session of the SNS Main Board, the new session of the Serbian parliament, the election of its speaker, formation of the government and, one might say, the entire political life in Serbia are pending until the end of the meeting in Washington, scheduled for 2 September. As unofficially finds out from the ranks of the Progressives, there is currently a complete lull in the party, everything that was planned for the end of August has been extended until the return of the Belgrade delegation from Washington.



Dodik: We have obligation to turn Serbian President Vucic’s attention to international community’s double standards (Srna/ATV)

Serb Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik has said that Republika Srpska (RS) forwarded documents to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic proving anti-Dayton behavior of the High Representative to B&H and that by that they wanted to show that Western countries have double standards when it comes to RS and Kosovo and Metohija.

Dodik has said that when Vucic was on a visit to Banja Luka they discussed the status of RS at the moment. “We agreed to forward information to them about anti-Dayton behavior and the status of the Serbian people in B&H, which the government is reviewing, feeling that Serbia, which is conducting a dialogue with international factors about Kosovo, should take care of RS as well,” Dodik said. Dodik has said that it should not be allowed that some are entitled to independence from the point of view of the International Community and that the International Community is violating rights guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement. Dodik feels that this is a huge burden for the Serbian President. “I understand his need to perceive all this and to see how to accept or reduce all this,” Dodik said. He has said that the goal is to point out the violation of international agreements in international places where the status is discussed or where a dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is conducted, in order to show how Kosovo declared independence. “In this regard, the obligations of President Vucic are great regarding Kosovo, but I think we are achieving two things. We are providing Vucic with arguments about the behavior of the International Community in two identical cases – Kosovo and RS, and in this regard, we will support solutions Belgrade will reach in the dialogue with Kosovo,” Dodik told ATV. He reiterated that Serbia is a guarantor of the Dayton Agreement and that RS has an obligation to inform Vucic about violations of the Agreement.

Dodik: It is first necessary to return to original DPA and then to approach constitutional changes (RTRS)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that it is first necessary to return to “the original” Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and then to approach constitutional changes. Dodik underlined that the international community (IC) should not interfere in that, but rather that this should be a result of an agreement within B&H. Dodik said that whoever thinks that transfer of competences onto the B&H level will be legalized through certain constitutional changes is mistaken, adding that the High Representatives (HRs) of the IC in B&H have been illegally carrying out transfer of competences for years upon signing the DPA. Dodik noted that there had been unsuccessful demands for changing the Constitution of B&H in the past. Dodik considers that there is a need to reject any interference of foreigners in the constitutional process. In his opinion, changes are possible, but transfer of competences from the entity level to the level of joint institutions is not an option. The Serb member of the Presidency added: “It should not be changed through decisions of the HRs or the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which created a new constitutional practice that is completely illegitimate. The HR had no right to do that. That is international manipulation related to Bonn powers, but the time will come when we will discuss those issues. I hope that at least one of those international criminals in the form of HR will be alive when the conditions to lead a criminal procedure against them for international law violation are created.” The Presidency member also presented an opinion that the decisions of the international courts such as in the cases (before the European Court of Human Rights - ECHR) ‘Pilav vs. B&H’, ‘Zornic vs. B&H’, and ‘Sejdic-Finci vs. B&H’ should be observed in the context of changes of the constitution. In addition, Dodik stressed the need to improve the position of Serbs in Mostar, noting that this is the reason why SNSD will have representatives in the local elections in this city.

Cvijanovic: Things in B&H will start functioning when foreigners give up political-bureaucratized recipes, and domestic politicians have enough political will for things to actually function (Nezavisne)

The Public Relations Office of the US Embassy in B&H stated on Thursday that an almost eternal topic of reform processes in B&H is change to the B&H Constitution, recalling that this was recently emphasized by US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. The US Embassy in B&H stressed that one needs consensus on certain constitutional changes in order to make progress on the Euro-Atlantic path. "The Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) enabled B&H to move away from the war and work on creating a modern, multiethnic society. B&H needs reforms to address the problem of inefficiency that is hamper economic growth and governance. The nature of reforms must be decided by the citizens of B&H and implemented by their elected leaders through dialogue and compromise within the constitutional framework" the US Embassy in B&H stated in a press release. The US Embassy in B&H further stated that when it comes to any kind of reform in B&H, problems arise at the very beginning of such ideas, and most often it is a "blockade of the entity of the RS", whose authorities generally slow down state reforms and projects that strengthen state institutions. The Embassy stressed that "the RS authorities seek special conditions and a special position for the entity in most state reforms." "The key issue for B&H, which the RS authorities are rejecting, is the NATO path. In addition to the state's intention to one day become a full member of the North Atlantic military alliance, B&H is facing a long process of reform of the Constitution that was constructed in Dayton," the US Embassy in B&H concluded. Asked to comment the statement of Ambassador Nelson that the DPA and the Constitution of B&H should be reformed, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that she finds this a bit peculiar because the Dayton Constitution - the way it is - is definitely a US creation. Cvijanovic assessed that things in B&H will start functioning when foreigners give up political-bureaucratized recipes, and domestic politicians have enough political will for things to actually function.

USC MoI sets control points on entrance to canton and begins police operations on Thursday (Nova BH)

After a decision of competent authorities in the Una Sana Canton (USC) to prohibit entrance and transport of more migrants to the USC, the USC Ministry of Interior (MoI) started with police operations early on Thursday morning. Police officers checked the area close to the camp Lipa near Bihac and found dozens of migrants on streets and parks and transferred them to the camp Lipa. The reporter noted that some of them managed to escape, but a big number of migrants was stopped and transferred to the camp Lipa. On their way to the camp Lipa, police officers found more migrants and transferred all of them to the camp. Nova BH reported that before entrance to the camp, migrants were controlled and thus migrants have the obligation to stay in the camp. Police in the USC set controls at all entrance points and on the entity line, while the police in the RS also set their controls which is why some migrants could not return from the USC to the RS. Residents of one of the areas where police in the USC set control points said that this was done before and it brought no results and, in their opinion, the same thing will happen this time. According to the residents, the only solution is to control the border of Bosnia and Herzegovina with other countries.

Dodik: RS will not respect decision of USC to ban transport of migrants to this canton (ATV)


The Operational Group for Coordination of Activities and Monitoring of the Migrant Crisis in the Una-Sana Canton (USC) decided to prohibit transportation of migrants to the territory of this canton. This decision implies that buses transporting migrants will be stopped at entrance to the USC. Milorad Dodik stated on Thursday that the RS will not respect the abovementioned decision and that migrants passing through the RS will be transported from the RS until “the final point of the entity” and will be directed towards their destination. He also said that if the RS banned entrance of migrants to its territory, entire world would react. Dodik stressed that the RS will pick up every migrant and transport them to “border with the Federation of B&H” because migrants want to go there, they do not want to stay in the RS. Dodik underlined that they want to prevent violence committed by migrants who have been passing through the RS. “That is why we organized the entire system of monitoring the entrance of migrants, their gathering and off course relocation outside of the RS,” explained Dodik. Reporter noted that migrants attempting to reach the territory of the USC have been moving through some corn fields to avoid police checkpoints established at entrances to this canton. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that issue of illegal migrants is significantly bigger than it seemed at the beginning, adding that it seems we are witnessing escalation of the problems everyone in the RS has been warning of. She added that the current situation is complex because what could have been done earlier has not been done due to poor migrant crisis management. Cvijanovic stressed that the RS will not change its stance that no reception centers for migrants will be established on the territory of this entity.

Komsic: Dodik is to blame for inflow of migrants as he refused to deploy B&H AF onto Serbian border (FTV


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated on Thursday that presence of migrants in the RS is a direct consequence of the refusal of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to accept the proposal to deploy members of the B&H Armed Forces (B&H AF) to the border between B&H and Serbia. Komsic underlined that Dodik at a session of the B&H Presidency held last year resolutely rejected such a possibility which, according to Komsic, continued the illegal crossings of migrants from the territory of Serbia to the territory of B&H. According to Komsic, with this, Dodik actually invited the migrants to the RS. Komsic stressed that as long as this is the case, and as long as Dodik refuses the engagement of the B&H AF, migrants who are currently in the RS should stay there. Dodik reacted to Komsic’s statement and emphasized that migrants will not stay in the RS and B&H AF will not be engaged at border with Serbia because “Serbia is our home country.” Reporter noted that it is interesting representatives of the IOM, the UNHCR and the OSCE attended the session at which the decision to establish police checkpoint at inter-entity boundary line was passed.


Djukanovic: Those who wish their children well will not leave Montenegro in the hands of adventurers (CdM

Those who think good and wish their children well, will not leave this country in the hands of adventurers. We must exert maximum efforts and win on 30 August, said DPS leader Milo Djukanovic. He talked about the importance of the forthcoming elections for Montenegro and its further development. He also touched on program tasks and strategic goals of state policy. Djukanovic reminded of Montenegro’s achievements during the DPS rule since the restoration of independence all the way to the economic and democratic progress Montenegrin society has made. “We are fighting a decisive battle for Montenegro; we are defending its right to exist and develop as independent country. We are political force that has accomplished that objective and we are guarantee of Montenegro’s European future,” said president of DPS. Montenegro must go forward, although political competition wants to bring it back, Djukanovic adds. “To govern a state, skill is required. DPS has proven to know how to manage state affairs. Nobody else can provide more adequate responses to current challenges than DPS,” Djukanovic said.

Djukanovic: I do not understand those who dressed the church in political clothes and introduced it to the political race (CdM)

I do not understand those who decided to dress the church in political clothes and introduce it to the political race. I am an admirer of the experience we have with the Montenegrin Orthodox Church and it is logical that I will always have the necessary sensibility and respect for the role of the church in our society, said the President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. "Exactly because of such attitude, I do not understand those who decided to bring the church into the political race, a pre-election race, which in my opinion really endangers something that is a valuable that must not be politicized and must not be tainted by political pre-election calculations. I think that this is really a bad service to the church. I’ve warned about that, not once. However, I would say that even the highest church dignitaries in Montenegro, gladly accepted their offer, and today with special passion they send their political messages and part of these poisonous political arrows is just turned towards the Democratic Party of Socialists and the ruling coalition," Djukanovic said. It is how it is, he said and pointed out that they have learned to deal with all political things that suddenly or deliberately find themselves on their path towards achieving a European future. "Now it is a church and it is our task to win, they offered us a political offer, even if they had a church in their composition. So, we will finish that job as we intended, we will win these elections, we will continue to lead Montenegro on the path of further European development, we will implement the law on freedom of religion. Of course, just as it is written, he will guarantee every religious community a completely equal status in Montenegrin society. Of course, each of them will have the opportunity to register, those who don’t want it will be able to exist as unregistered because it is provided by law with significantly fewer rights compared to those who are registered, but it is a matter of their choice. Registered or not, they will have to be a responsible subject of Montenegrin society," Djukanovic emphasized. The sooner they understand that, the better for them, he pointed out. "This will enable the development of a normal and harmonious relationship between the state and the church, between the state and all religious communities. If some of them don't understand that, if they continue to defy the state or work to the detriment of the state, it will be to the detriment of the one who decides to harm the country," says Djukanovic. Commenting on the Law on Freedom of Religion, he said that Montenegro needed the law. "The previous law was passed during the communist development of Montenegro, it was completely clear what the attitude towards the church was then. So, if Montenegro wants to be part of the legal system of Europe and if it wants to provide rights to its citizens in accordance with European standards, we needed a new law. In this case, we are talking predominantly about the rights of citizens, about the religious rights of citizens, and the rights of those who are not believers. So, if we are talking about that, then it must have been completely logical for us to pass that Law," Djukanovic emphasized. The law, he said, addressed the issue of religious freedom and addressed the issue of the legal status of religious communities. " I am someone who is a great admirer of the history of Montenegro, including the part of history that the Orthodox Church has in Montenegro. So, I am an admirer of the Orthodox Church, which has greatly contributed to the success of Montenegro in some previous period. I am an admirer of the experience we have with the Montenegrin Orthodox Church," concluded Djukanovic.

Markovic: Nowhere in the world can you see churches and monasteries engage in political agitation (CdM

Political competition of DPS is concentrated in three blocks with one axis. DF-SPPP coalition was formed by the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), which also defined the order on the list. There are no examples in Europe or in the world where churches and monasteries engage in political agitation that spares no one and usurps freedom and dignity of believers. There are too much leaders in that coalition, and so few voters, said holder of “Resolutely for Montenegro” list, Dusko Markovic on the tribune of Klicevo and Ozrinici local communities. On the other side, coalition whose nation is peace, can’t be Montenegro’s choice, Markovic added. “These loudmouths are only capable of spending citizens’ money” Markovic said. Everybody witnessed their “peace” in Budva. “Shortly- never again! And as long as there’s Niksic and Montenegro, it will not happen again!” Markovic said. Markovic said he was so honored to be surrounded with winners – residents of Niksic have no dilemma about which path Montenegro should take.

Commenting on the current political situation, Markovic said that 14 years ago, “they believed the dilemma about whether we need our home and whether we are going to be committed to Montenegro’s progress and development was solved”. However, it’s turned out that opponents of Montenegrin independence and its European future are still on stage,” he said.


Xhaferi convened the parliament, SDSM and DUI will try to re-elect him as Speaker (Republika

Xhaferi convened the parliament, SDSM and DUI will try to re-elect him as speaker. After a day of uncertainty over whether SDSM and DUI can muster at least 61 votes needed to elect a speaker of parliament and a new government, speaker Talat Xhaferi today convened the parliament. On the agenda will be a proposal to re-elect Xhaferi as speaker, which is signed by all 62 members of the SDSM – DUI – BESA – DPA coalition. This still doesn’t mean that all DUI members of parliament would support the government – the rebellion that was reported yesterday was not over electing Xhaferi as speaker, but over the division of spoils in the new cabinet and was reportedly led by the former Mayor of Cair Izet Mexhiti.

Byrnes: Looking forward to cooperation with new gov’t towards Euro-Atlantic integration (MIA)

US Ambassador to North Macedonia Kate Marie Byrnes is looking forward to working with the next government when it is formed, towards the country’s Euro-Atlantic path, stronger bilateral cooperation and fighting the global challenge of the pandemic. “The partnership between the US and North Macedonia is extremely important and extremely strong, and we look forward to working with the next government when it is formed to continue the important agenda that we have for Euro-Atlantic integration, for stronger cooperation between our countries, and in this case, also to work together to fight this global challenge of the pandemic,” Ambassador Byrnes told MIA in an answer to a question about expectations from the new government which is to be formed in line with agreement reached between SDSM and DUI.


Pompeo: We support the declarations of Rama (Radio Tirana)

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reacted regarding the latest protest in Belarus, where the people do not accept the result of the elections and the win of Lukashenko. During his declaration, Pompeo declared that the United States of America are inspired by the peaceful expression of the Belarusian people that seek to adapt their own future. “We request to the Belarusian government to accept the offer of the head of the OSCE to facilitate dialogue and involve all the stakeholders,” declared Pompeo. The later refers to the latest request made by the head of the OSCE and at the same time PM of Albania Edi Rama.