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Belgrade Media Report 09 October 2020


Brnabic: EU membership Serbia’s key foreign policy priority (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic underlined during the talks with European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi that EU membership is a key foreign policy priority of Serbia and that European future of the Western Balkans is important for the stability of the entire region. Brnabic said that the continuation of reforms will be a priority of the future government of Serbia, and emphasized that the goal of all reforms that Serbia is implementing on the road to the EU is a better life for citizens. Brnabic and Varhelyi discussed the Annual Report of the European Commission on the progress of the Republic of Serbia, whereby the Prime Minister pointed out that it is important that the economic criteria in the report were positively assessed. She and Varhelyi discussed in particular the European Commission's Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. The plan envisions grants of €9 billion from IPA funds and another €20 billion from international financial institutions for the Western Balkans region, for the period from 2021 to 2027. In accordance with that, Brnabic assessed that this plan is an additional incentive and assistance for the continuation of reform processes and that it will contribute to GDP growth and the strengthening of economies. Projects in the field of infrastructure, renewable energy sources, green economy and digital infrastructure were identified as a priority.

Vucic: A big assignment for the new pro-European government (Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi addressed the public after the meeting. "I would like to express my satisfaction with the visit of a true friend of Serbia," Vucic said on that occasion. "I spoke openly about my shortcomings, about what I am guilty of, it is good to take it upon myself. We talked about the Report, it is always good to see political issues, they had nothing to tell us about economic ones. There are special criticisms that I used my position of the president of the republic and thus won the votes... It doesn't matter, I will answer when the time comes. I pointed out only to a single project that is directed against Serbia," he says. Varhelyi stated that after the formation of the new government, they will cooperate in order to achieve all the goals that will lead to the opening of new chapters in the negotiations. “We have a fresh start ahead of us,” he adds. Vucic states that he did not always say the best words, but as he states, he apologizes to the people of Serbia because he thinks that the president should think for himself.

"My fault is that I proposed a stricter curfew, because of the use of force, because of the purchase of Pantzir, because of the election... There is a long list of my grave sins, I accept them completely," he says, adding that he stated that no one should touch the protesters "until they take over an institution." But, as he states, his job is to protect the country. Vucic commented on the information that leaked to the public that, together with the representatives of the National Convention, at the suggestion of one of them, he paid tribute to the Albanians found in the mass grave in Batajnica, saying that he would stand up for anyone killed in the conflict, with the hope that there will be no more conflicts. Vucic thus answered the question to explain whether the information that he paid tribute to the killed Albanians at the meeting with the National Convention is correct. He said that, by the way, it was agreed at the meeting not to disclose to the public what was said and what was happening at that gathering. "I know that I did not tell anyone what was happening, and that the EU representatives and ambassadors were not the sources of that information. Enough about the morale of those who presented information from the gathering to the public," he said. Vucic said that at that gathering he tried to answer every question, listen to all the people, hear their opinion, that he agreed with some, but not with others. "One of those present, I think Naim Leon Beshiri, said at one point that we should stand up and pay tribute to the killed Albanians. Everyone got up, and I, as a decent man, will always stand up. I am always ready to pay tribute to every killed person. Of course I will", he said. Vucic said that he did not want to talk about whether it was a trick, but that elementary decency ordered him to stand up. "The fact that someone has no morals, so he brings to the public something that has been agreed to be held under "Chatham House Rule": share the information you received, but do not reveal the identity of who said it... My conscience is completely clear," he said. Varheyi says that he discussed with Vucic about the annual report of the European Commission on Serbia and that he noticed that some progress has been made, but that more has to be done. "We encourage the new government to implement reforms that must go hand in hand with investments, so that they can be realized," said Varheyi at a joint press conference. He pointed out that the EU attaches great importance to the rule of law. "We will have to start working with the government to speed up the work, in order to achieve all the goals, in order to open new chapters in the pre-accession negotiations with the EU," Varhelyi said.

Djuric appointed Serbian Ambassador to the US (Tanjug/Politika/RTS

At Thursday’s session of the government of Serbia, Marko Djuric was appointed Ambassador of Serbia to the US. At the same session, Djuric was dismissed from the position of Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, that he had held since May 2014. In his last address to the Serbian public from the position of Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Djuric reminded that he took office eight and a half years after Pristina unilaterally declared independence and 15 years after the withdrawal of military and police forces and most institutions from our southern province. “I was aware of the scope and scale of pressure on our country, the expelled majority of our people from Kosovo and Metohija, inherited unconstitutional and bad agreements from the previous period, displaced negotiations from the United Nations to the far more unfavorable terrain of the EU ... I took this position determined to ensure to use as a state and people every remaining, legal, economic or political chance to stop the violent affirmation of illegal secession of the seizure of part of our territory and to ensure the survival of our people in the area, which is the foundation of Serbian statehood, spirituality, national ethics, identity,” he said. “Despite the wishes of extremists, in previous years they failed to carry out mass violence, the continuation of armed conflicts and mass deaths of our compatriots,” said the outgoing Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, where he will be replaced by Petar Petkovic. He referred to the concrete results of his Office over the past seven years and reminded that in that period he led our delegation in 220 rounds of negotiations with Pristina in Brussels. In that period, as he pointed out, the state managed to work out 18 withdrawals of international recognitions of self-proclaimed Kosovo, to “lower the ramp” for entrance into UNESCO, Interpol, and the World Customs Organization. He pointed out that the Serb List was created and that today it exists as a state project of the Republic of Serbia and the entire Serbian people. “Over the past 10 years, we have gone through 10 election cycles in which the Serbian people have louder and more convincingly expressed their support for their state of Serbia and the desire to preserve ties with other parts of Serbia,” said Djuric. He thanked President Aleksandar Vucic for the opportunity, his entire family for their support, as well as numerous people from his team, church and institutions, allies who, as he said, did not recognize the independence of the southern province. “However, I owe the greatest gratitude to our people, in whose service I was and will be,” said Djuric.

Falconi: EC report shows foundation in place, progress limited or non-existent (Radio Sto Plus/Beta

French Ambassador to Serbia Jean-Louis Falconi has said that a recent European Commission report shows that Serbia has laid the foundation and invested effort to make strides in many areas, but that results were lacking due to observable difficulties in implementation. In an interview he gave to Novi Pazar-based Radio Sto Plus, Falconi said France remained sincerely aligned with Serbia’s bid to join the EU, but also stood by the position of the EC as given in the report, mentioning the state of the media in Serbia and the Media Strategy as an example of non-existent results. A lot more needs to be done in public administration reform, in appointing holders of office and raising transparency. We also expect reforms of the justice system, and a committed fight to curb corruption and organized crime. These reforms are required for association with the EU, that is the rule, Falconi said. He added that the new methodology for EU expansion would not mean that Serbia would start over from square one, and everything done so far would be taken into account. Falconi went on to say that he expected Serbia to begin with the new methodology once its new cabinet was formed, and that Brussels and the EC would track all of this, and also take pro-active steps.



Members of B&H Presidency travel to Brussels to meet EU officials (Hayat)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and members of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Milorad Dodik travelled to Brussels on Thursday to meet EU officials. This will be the second visit of members of the Presidency to Brussels in the past ten days. Addressing media before departure to Brussels, Dzaferovic said that the 2020 Report on B&H did not praise B&H because 12 out of the past 16 months were wasted due to blockades. Dzaferovic said: “It is up to us in B&H. We are going to Brussels to confirm - as the Presidency - our commitment. At a session of the Presidency next week, we will adopt a statement and call on all institutions in our country to immediately continue with meeting of obligations and to continue doing this. This can be done and it will be good for this country and for all of us who live in the country”.  Addressing media, Komsic said: “European officials do not find important what HDZ (B&H) or anyone else in B&H demands. The important thing is what the Opinion of the European Commission (EC) says and the Opinion of the EC and one of the priorities in the opinion is implementation of verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). If you implement the verdicts, you will get the answer what it means and what it is the response to requests of HDZ B&H or any other requests. Implementation of the four rulings of the ECHR changes the entire concept of organization of B&H, not just the administration, the state units, the way of voting but the B&H society as well”.  Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik says that, due to the fulfillment of European conditions, serious political talks are ahead in B&H, but he also estimates that the EU could still open the door of candidate status for B&H, by second half of 2021.

Belgium ‘constituent’ model and federal units are model for B&H (Vecernji list)

Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative, Ambassador Johan Sattler, said that B&H will always have to have a balance between ethnic and civic in order to function successfully. According to the daily, by making the statement Sattler, has denied allegations that the EU is making requests from the member countries in terms of their internal organization. “As far as B&H is concerned, I believe it will always be a combination of different elements of constituent peoples whose role will remain important, but there has to be this civic aspect as well” said Sattler adding that B&H “will not join the EU until it resolves the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ (ruling)”. According to daily, this case (Sejdic-Finci) could not be resolved in Belgium because Belgium did not accept all protocols related to the European Convention on Human Rights. In this context daily writes that former Prime Minister of Belgium Wilfried Martens had said that in case more numerical Flemish community imposed political representatives for the community in Walloon, Belgium would have dissolved. Daily also commented on statement of ‘imposed’ member of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic, who said that the principle of constituent peoples that is in force in Belgium would not be accepted by anyone in B&H because there is proportional system in Belgium, whilst there is parity system in B&H. Daily underlined that there is no single constituency at the level of whole country in Belgium, instead representatives into the federal parliament are elected in the federal units, after which the parties must negotiate about a coalition government because it is theoretically impossible that one party has the majority.

US Embassy to B&H urges political leaders to implement political and economic reforms to bring country closer to EU (Oslobodjenje)

Following the letter of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic to the US Ambassador to B&H, UK Ambassador to B&H, EU Delegation to B&H, OSCE Mission to B&H and High Representative, in which he claimed that SDA avoids implementation of the signed agreement on the Law on Elections of B&H, the US Embassy to B&H commented Covic’s letter for the daily. Namely, the US Embassy to B&H stated that it welcomes all agreements that were signed with good intention and with the goal to improve social, economic and political conditions for all citizens of B&H.

“Each amendment to the Law on Elections of B&H must have a wide inclusive political support and must bring the country closer to European standards. Fulfillment of legal obligations, such as the implementation of election results and fast formation of authorities, as well as implementation of recommendations of ODIHR and GRECO, are necessary to improve trust of citizens in election process. We urge B&H leaders to implement political and economic reforms in order to bring the country closer to the membership in the EU” the US Embassy to B&H noted. Federation of B&H (FB&H) Vice President Milan Dunovic commented on the part of the European Commission’s 2020 Report on B&H, in which the question of filling in of vacant positions in the FB&H Constitutional Court (CC) was raised. Dunovic argued that this is not about bureaucratic sluggishness or irresponsibility of both Vice Presidents of the FB&H, but solely about blockades carried out by FB&H President Marinko Cavara upon an order of HDZ B&H. Dunovic argued that Cavara ignored insisting of the FB&H Vice Presidents to fill in vacant positions in the FB&H CC and he also failed to respond to letters of the FB&H Vice Presidents and FB&H CC sent to him.

‘United Srpska’ to file appeal with Court of B&H over B&H CEC’s decision (ATV)

‘United Srpska’ will file an appeal to the Appellate Chamber of the B&H Court against the decision of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H to ban this party from participating in the local elections due to the disputed video. The highest officials of the party claim that even 24 hours after the B&H CEC’s session, the decision did not reach the party's address. That, they say, is another proof that decisions in the B&H CEC are made politically, not legally. ‘United Srpska’ says that SDS and PDP are directing the whole story. “Here is a shameful coalition that promotes single-mindedness, breaking the law, and in this way the CEC is trying to elect councilors and mayors, rather than allowing the people to do that. This is a transparent and dirty game, a clear and bare attempt of election theft. The main motive is Banja Luka. Here, SDS and PDP are trying to make a lever for activities of a joint policy with (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic and (DF leader) Zeljko Komsic” said ‘United Srpska’ leader Nenad Stevandic. "Since this decision is not based on the law, this decision will fall. Because the Appellate Chamber in the Court of B&H has lawyers, judges who judge according to the law, and not politicians who sit in the CEC, who judge and who impose sanctions according to what they think, that is, according to the directives they receive from their former political bosses" pointed out ‘United Srpska’ Vice-President Milan Petkovic.

B&H politicians, political parties react to decision of B&H CEC to ban ‘United Srpska’ participating in local elections (ATV)

The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) decided on Wednesday to annul the application of ‘United Srpska’ for the participation in the local elections in November and fined President of the party Nenad Stevandic with BAM 10,000. ATV reported that the decision of the B&H CEC decision was also condemned by the largest party in the Republika Srpska (RS). SNSD announces a meeting of all coalition partners. “I have to say I am surprised; I did not count on it getting here. The question is, what is next? How will they clean the political scene in the RS?”, asks SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Dodik gave an example of how politics run things in the B&H CEC by pointing to a situation, which can be reviewed in transcripts of the CEC’s sessions, in which one member of the Commission, which was proposed by PDP, could not cast his vote due to, as explained, the fact that he did not have the party’s stance on the discussed matter. Dodik says no party stances should be considered during voting in the B&H CEC, which is supposed to be an independent body. SNSD says that they would stand behind any party, even the opposition, if they were victims of the bureaucratic B&H apparatus. SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the decision represents revenge of B&H CEC members who have party affiliation. She added that annulling the verification for participation in the local elections is a too strict sanction for some propaganda material. ATV points that the “historic B&H CEC’s decision” was first welcomed by members of SDS and PDP. PDP members gloated on Thursday. “I think it is very important that we get one such decision and I expect that the campaign ahead of us will really be different from previous campaigns. And that this decision has a preventive effect” said PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic added that the B&H CEC has unanimously supported the decision that is restoring trust in the institutions of B&H. Commenting on the CEC’s decision and Dodik’s statements that SNSD will consider with its coalition partners the participation in the upcoming local elections if ‘United Srpska’ is not allowed to participate, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said: “I would not comment on the B&H CEC’s decision. As for the SNSD’s threat that they will not participate in the elections, it will never happen, because they have alternative and competition, as long as there is an alternative and competition, they will not give up on ruling”.  SNSD Vice President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the decision represents revenge of B&H CEC members who have party affiliation. She added that annulling the verification for participation in the local elections is a too strict sanction for some propaganda material. Socialist party leader Petar Djokic stated that it is not democratic or wise to disqualify any political subject right before the elections.

Chinese Embassy in B&H sends protest letter to B&H FM Turkovic (ATV)

The Chinese Embassy in B&H has sent a letter to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic, due to B&H's accession to the statement on human rights in Xinjiang and Hong Kong and expressed concern over such move of B&H. The letter from the Chinese Embassy points out that B&H, as a co-signatory of this statement, seriously undermines the political mutual interests, which adversely affects the cooperation between the two countries, therefore asking from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs to take immediate measures to withdraw it. The letter reminds the Ministry of the good cooperation and mutual respect of partnership relations between the two countries.

Turkovic: B&H should always condemn jeopardizing of human rights and rights of minorities (Hayat)

B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic reacted on Thursday to requests of member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik to hold a session of the B&H Presidency to discuss the fact that B&H joined the statement on violation of human rights of Uyghur people in China. In a video message, Turkovic said that she does not see why Dodik is bothered with the fact that they followed the defined foreign policy strategy of B&H and supported protection of human rights and rights of minorities jointly with the US and Germany. According to Turkovic, it is important for B&H to always condemn jeopardizing of human rights and rights of minorities in the entire world. She underlined: “This is our constitutional obligation and this is the obligation that arises from strategic documents that the presidency adopted. What is important to emphasize is that the foreign policy is not being readopted from one session to another. Guidelines are being adopted and work is being done in line with the guidelines. Therefore, we have principles, we have standards, we have rules and of course, as long as I am on the lead position in this ministry, the ministry will stick to this”.

B&H HoP convenes: Information on illegal and unprofessional activities of B&H Minister Turkovic not adopted (BHT1)

The B&H House of People (B&H HoP) convened on Thursday. The information about illegal and unprofessional activities of B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic was not adopted by the B&H HoP. During the voting on this information, there was a general but no entity majority and the information will be discussed by the Collegium of the B&H HoP.

Delegate of SNSD in the B&H HoP Dusanka Majkic proposed for the information to be added to the agenda of Thursday’s session. The information was justified with the fact that Minister Turkovic acted against decisions of the B&H Presidency and that she made decisions that were not previously discussed by the B&H Presidency. The information was supported by the Serb and Croat Caucuses. The Bosniak Caucus assessed the information as politicizing and stated that any decision cannot have any legal consequences. Majkic announced that the B&H Presidency will lead a discussion on this topic as well. Deputy Speaker of the B&H HoP Bakir Izetbegovic said that Turkovic will not be removed from her post because of this and one needs to see what the B&H Presidency has to say about this. He believes the B&H Presidency will disagree with such a proposal. Delegate of HDZ B&H Lidija Bradara proposed for the B&H HoP to oblige the Council of Ministers (CoM) to prepare a report on the work of the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to deliver it to the B&H HoP within 45 days of adopting the information.

B&H HoP rejects report on work of B&H CoM and B&H CEC in 2019 (N1)

The B&H House of People (B&H HoP) convened on Thursday. Among other things, the HoP also discussed the report on B&H Council of Ministers’ (CoM) work in 2019 and the report on the work of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H in 2019. Both reports were rejected.  SDP B&H’s delegate Denis Becirovic requested from B&H CoM Chairman Zoran Tegeltija to resign from his post, reminding that the work of the current convocation of B&H CoM has been the worst in the past 20 years. Debate on the report on work of B&H CEC in 2019 was turned into a debate on B&H CEC’s work in this year and a number of reports on election irregularities. B&H CEC member Ahmet Santic reminded that B&H CEC has asked for a meeting with the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on several occasions in the past couple of months to discuss possible manipulations and abuses in the election process, with special focus on voters who want to realize their voting right via mail, but this formal meeting has not been scheduled yet. Most of the delegates believe that the current convocation of the B&H CoM is responsible for many manipulations regarding the registration of voters for the vote via mail. The main problem when it comes to the registration of voters for the vote via mail is the fact that no verified copy of identification document is required.


Deputy PM says war crimes perpetrators should answer regardless of ethnicity (Hina)

Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) said on Thursday that it was his and the government's position that war crimes perpetrators should answer for their actions regardless of their or victims' ethnic background. "It is the government's position and my position that anyone who has committed a war crime should answer for it, regardless of the ethnic background of either the perpetrator or the victim," Milosevic said ahead of a government session. He said that he did not have information on new circumstances that have resulted in the latest arrests. Two men, arrested in the eastern village of Negoslavci on suspicion of involvement in war crimes, have been reported by police for taking part, as members of Serb paramilitary forces, in the torture of persons captured in Vukovar and taken to the Ovcara farm outside the city on 20 November 1991. Milosevic underlined that he did not believe the arrests were a political move by the HDZ, which is no longer in power in Vukovar, aimed at winning back voter support. "I expect the judiciary and police to investigate war crimes committed across the country, including eastern Slavonia, just as I expect the crime in Varivode, whose perpetrators have not been found, to be investigated and its perpetrators to be brought to justice," Milosevic said. He also said that he did not believe the latest arrests were connected with the coming Vukovar Remembrance Day. "I expect the judiciary and police to work autonomously and investigate all war crimes and not look at the calendar," he said. He noted that the arrests would not bring into question the SDSS's cooperation with the HDZ. "As a coalition partner, we expect investigations into war crimes committed against Serbs, in Varivode and Grubori, as well as into war crimes committed in eastern Slavonia before the war started, (we want) investigations into how people went missing in Vukovar and who did it," he said.


Djukanovic to send proposal for prime minister-designate (CdM)

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic will send a proposal to the parliament that Zdravko Krivokapic should be prime minister-designate. He hopes Krivokapic will form the government as soon as possible. “Consultations are over. I will refer the proposal to the parliament. I praised the agreement representatives of the three coalitions signed,” Djukanovic said. He pointed out that Montenegro is the only republic without wars. “We must not allow any government to endanger Montenegro’s vital interests. I hope the new government will continue to work on creating conditions for attracting foreign investments,” he said. Commenting on the announcements about amendments to the law on Freedom of Religion, president Djukanovic said that he would always respect the will of parliamentary majority. “When I see the content, I will tell you my view,” he said. On DPS Congress, Djukanovic explained why DPS Congress will be held in December. “Montenegro has democratic capacity to respond to challenges. We understood the message that the public didn’t want DPS to be the pillar of the government. Now we are going to work on proving that DPS deserves to restore the trust,” he said. According to Djukanovic, DPS will take certain steps. Djukanovic touched on the 2020 Report on Montenegro. Asked to comment on the third term of office of Vesna Medenica, Djukanovic said that “we need to talk more carefully with the EU”. “I am not the address for the interpretation of constitutional and legal system,” Djukanovic said.

Krivokapic: Today is the day of the victory of democracy (CdM)

Today is the day of the victory of democracy. We had a clear and concrete answer. Djukanovic said that Zdravko Krivokapic will be prime minister-designate. “By 8 November we will have everything harmonized. Today we are going to formalize negotiations with minorities,” Krivokapic said. According to Becic, the meeting was productive. “Djukanovic expressed his readiness to be efficient. We expect all constituents to show partnership relation and sensibility for the epidemic situation in Montenegro,” Becic pointed out. President of URA, Dritan Abazovic, said it was very important that Djukanovic had accepted reality. “This day proves that Montenegrin society is more democratic than we thought. Cohabitation begins. Citizens can relax. President Djukanovic said there would not be obstructions. This is a big day for Montenegro. The government will be formed in a month,” Abazovic said.

Djukanovic: Transition of power is going smoothly (CdM)

Consultations that took place today showed that transition of power is going smoothly, despite unfounded suspicions of one part of national and international public over potential obstructions. With the proposal for prime minister-designate, we confirm that Montenegro’s national interest is above everything else, said President Milo Djukanovic, during the meeting with the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro, Oana-Cristina Popa, who handed him over the EC Report on Montenegro. The President pointed out that every decision and initiative which had interest in Montenegro and its European path would be endorsed. He said that the Report “is expected and realistic outlook of partners”. Djukanovic praised new EC approach in the context of investment encouragement for WB countries, indicating some serious challenges in overcoming consequences of coronavirus and returning economy to sustainability and intense development.

Popa pointed out that her intention was to hand over the report to the president first, but it had to be delayed due to his international activities. She congratulated the President on the agreement he reached with the representatives of the governing majority and said that Report discussed Government’s activities in the previous period. “It is very important that the new government starts activities that will provide citizens with the benefits of the EU before full-fledged membership,” Popa said. “EU Ambassador reiterated strong commitment to assisting Montenegro in the improvement of the rule of law and judicial reform, through cooperation with the new government, the parliament and the president,” the statement said.


CAA calls Albanian government to fulfill requests on Progress Report 2020 (ADN)

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors welcomed the endorsement on 6 October 2020 of the comprehensive Plan on Economic Recovery and Investments 2021 – 2027 and the Progress Report 2020 on Western Balkans by the EU Commission. According to this Council, it should be emphasized that this is not simply a matter of humanitarian and development aids. Although, following the previous projects in these areas, in the International Donor’s Conference in Brussels in February the EU Commission collected 1,15 Billion Euro for the avoidance of the effects of the Earthquake of 26 November 2019. Then, in May it delivered 3,3 Billion Euro for the countries of the Region in the context of the Pandemic COVID – 19. As the EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Mr. Oliver Varhelyi underlined in his official encounters in Tirana on 7 October, CAA considered this as a major all-inclusive Project amounting to 9 billion Euros. “Its 10 vital components range from economic recovery to investment promotion, employment growth, fostering know – how, vigorously supporting youth, so that they would see themselves living in their own countries in the future, a much more efficient connection and inter – action among the region’s states and, finally the acceleration of the economic convergence with the EU. CAA notices with satisfaction that these essential elements are not conceived as an aim in itself, but to the full-fledged benefit of political, cultural and social integration of the region to the EU. To this end, the Economic and Investment Plan has been designed in large – scale projects in infrastructure, transport, energy, trade and other areas with a far – reaching geography: South – North, East – West, the Coastline areas and others, accompanied with the construction of modern inter – regional roads, highways, railways, ports, airports and other facilities,” says statement. “Apart from the above-mentioned, given their relevance and urgency, the said Plan does also include two defining agendas for the future of the countries in the region – the transition to digital and to Green Economy; the later will be submitted to the EU – Western Balkan Special Summit due to be held in Sofia in early November. Both these agendas represent new qualitative components, which would guarantee the success and effectiveness of the projects, programs and processes related to economic growth and investments; besides, they would provide adequate solutions to serious challenges, such as economic competition, climate changes, global warming, natural calamities and others,” CAA statement continues. CAA notes that the Economic and Investment Plan confirms and consolidates the absolute priority that the EU attaches to Western Balkans, as an integral part and follow up of the next two major moments during this year: The New Strategy designed to invigorate the EU Enlargement process to our region as adopted in early February; and secondly, the decision by the EU Council on 25 March on the opening of the EU Accession talks with Albania (with the 15 conditions) and North Macedonia. “CAA calls on the government and the implementing agencies to make the proper assessment of this new historic momentum and to start working on applying these projects. This does urgently require the establishment where they are missing and the expansion of the technical and administrative capacities, a growing public transparency, avoidance of informality, corruption and other negative occurrences. The Council of Albanian Ambassadors notes with concern that these weaknesses, defects and delays are also mentioned in the Progress Report 2020, which should be analyzed and done away with as soon as possible. Unfortunately, despite the cautious diplomatic language, the said Report does not mention that Albania is complying with the conditions, but only that Albania is near this compliance - regarding the opening of the negotiations this year. Therefore, the remaining period until December, when the First Inter- Governmental Conference could be summoned should be used to speed up and finish the relevant procedures for setting up the High and Constitutional Court and completing the Electoral Reform, under the relevant terms and conditions decided by the EU Council. Finally, the CAA takes this opportunity to thank once again and salute the EU Commission and all Member States without exception for their multi-faceted assistance and support, so that our region and Albania would get much closer to the EU,” ends the statement.

EU calls for improvement of political dialogue in Albania (ADN)

Political dialogue in Albania must get better, emphasized Thursday the EU Ambassador to Albania Luigi Soreca as he expressed regret that 30 July and 5 October amendments were approved without compromise before the vote in Parliament. The EU Ambassador also stressed that the changes in the Electoral Code have enabled the fulfillment of one of the conditions for Albania to partake in the First Intergovernmental Conference. He released this statement at the National Council for European Integration, where the progress report on Albania is being presented. “On 5 June was reached the agreement, but afterwards the parliament passed the constitutional amendments, fulfilling one of the conditions to sit in the first Intergovernmental Conference. Political dialogue must be improved, and we have said out loud that we are really sorry that the changes of 30 July and 5 October were approved without compromise before the vote," stated Soreca.

Netherlands discussions on EU Enlargement and Albania (ADN)

The Embassy of Netherlands in Albania has made public recently the discussions in the Dutch parliament regarding the EU enlargement and the progress report for Albania. In its announcement, the Embassy reveals that after the Netherlands received the progress report on Albania on 8 October, the government will send an assessment of this package to the parliament. The latter will then conduct a debate on the matter, according to parliamentary procedures.

“The Dutch parliament briefly discussed a letter that Foreign Minister Blok had sent to the parliament on 4 September. The letter referred to the draft of the framework of negotiations for Albania and North Macedonia. On 6 October, the Netherlands also received the annual enlargement package published by the European Commission, part of which is also the progress report for Albania. As usual, the Netherlands government will send an assessment of this package to parliament in the coming weeks. This will be followed by a debate according to parliamentary procedures. It will be the General Affairs Council meeting in November, where the enlargement package will be discussed,” stated the Embassy.