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Belgrade Media Report 12 October


Vucic: Serbia prepared to discuss compromise, but not ultimatum (Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he didn't have to say what Serbia's answer to being asked to "recognize Kosovo's independence without getting anything in return, and seeing the Serbs exposed to a pogrom similar to that of 17 March 2004," was. When asked to comment on a statement by the EU special envoy for talks between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak, who said earlier that he expected the Serbian President to make "a far-reaching decision" on Kosovo, Vucic said that Serbia was always prepared to discuss a variety of compromises, but that it had to be a compromise, not an ultimatum. "I hope the EU will understand well that someone cannot not sign an agreement in Brussels under the auspices of the Union only to pass a resolution denying the existence of the Community of Serb Municipalities and saying that they would never accept it, or asking Serbia to recognize Kosovo's independence first" followed by the creation of the Community afterwards, President Vucic said. The President added that "it can't be easy" for the EU envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue when he gets a message from Pristina that it refuses to talk about something that it signed seven years ago in Brussels.

Dacic: Security Council session on Kosovo and Metohija scheduled (Tanjug/Politika

On the occasion of the request by Dveri to have the session of the Security Council on Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Friday in a statement sent to Tanjug that the SC session had already been scheduled for 21 October, based on an agreement with Russia that is presiding over the SC in October. He says that the information on the session was published nine days ago in the UNSC work plan for October. He noted that Serbia is in permanent communication with the UNSC members regarding the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, especially with the permanent members that have understanding and support Serbia’s stands, especially with Russia and China. “It is not necessary for anyone to remind us about these kind of activities in the protection of national and state interests,” said Dacic. Deputy presidents Ivan Kostic and Milovan Jakovljevic submitted on Friday a request to Dacic where they ask the Ministry to send an official request to the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasilii Nebenzya for scheduling an urgent UNSC session on Kosovo and Metohija. Dveri representatives requested that the session be held with one item on the agenda, and this is the state-of-affairs in Kosovo and Metohija in light of the respect of the decrees of UNSCR 1244. They remind that the reason for their request lies in the fact that attacks on Serbs had been more frequent in Kosovo and Metohija, but that all international institutions are being silent about this. “The UNSC session itself should open the issue of responsibility of UNMIK, EULEX and KFOR for the security of citizens and their property in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as the issue of non-compliance with UNSCR 1244, which aims to promote the establishment of substantial autonomy in Kosovo and Metohija not the fake state of Kosovo,” notes Dveri.

Vucic: Important decisions next week (Tanjug/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that next week will be very significant because many important decisions will be made and major political talks will be held. Vucic did not specify what important decisions were in question, but otherwise, as previously announced, the formation of the government of Serbia is expected. When it comes to important talks, the visit of the EU special envoy for dialogue Miroslav Lajcak to Belgrade and Pristina has been announced for next week.

We'll see if there'll be early elections in 2022 

Vucic said that it remains to be seen whether, in addition to the presidential elections in 2022, early parliamentary elections will be called and whether anyone from the opposition will boycott them. Responding to the question of the journalists, he said that he only announced it as a possibility. "When you attack the government and ask whether there is a strong opposition or not, let's look at yesterday's research or field research from four days ago, which shows that none of those parties that are big opponents would enter parliament, but have more media space", Vucic said. Answering the question of the journalists whether there will be a strange parliament without the opposition, Vucic asked: "How do you know there will be no opposition? I don't know, how do you know that? Who will be the opposition, I believe you will be able to see in the shortest possible time, and maybe there will be no opposition, maybe you're right, maybe you're not. The question is how do you know that?" Vucic says that it is very strange for him that we have several very responsible parties and that there are people in the opposition who would like to behave more responsibly, but that thanks to the tycoon power of those who know they will not be elected by the people, they prevent everyone else with fierce campaign and pressure. They only help us in a political aspect, he noticed.  He expressed the expectation that the new parliament will have a huge role to play in showing that it can behave differently, by not preventing opposition MPs voice from being heard in the Parliament, as it used to be, but also that opposition MPs will discuss issues by using arguments, not by turning to violence. They need to show that they can do a lot for the benefit of Serbia, the president added. Vucic says that when he was in the position, he sharply criticized the government, but that he never thought of coming to power by force, nor did he take the assembly by force, bragging about that. "On the contrary, when we were in front of the Presidency, I begged people not to jump over the fence," says Vucic, adding that it never happened that as an opposition they hadn't reported a political rally, while today, he says, there is no legally reported political rally. He adds that those who organize the protests today will not take responsibility, hoping that someone else will do the dirty work instead of them, since they know that the people will not. Vucic also says that he always knew how to admit defeat in the elections in the second round by only 0.4 or 0.5 percent of the votes, and that he already congratulated his political opponents at half past nine in the evening. "You have to have that kind of gentlemanly approach and understand what a political game is in which you can both win and lose," Vucic said. He adds that, in contrast, he is exposed every day to the most brutal campaign in which his entire family is attacked through their friends, tycoons and the media, as well as being exposed to ridicule for building highways, railways, fountains in Belgrade, St. Sava Temple, Belgrade Waterfront and other projects. He added that, when he was in the opposition, there were no opposition media that worked against the government round the clock, but there were changes because the people wanted it, while now the opposition has no clever ideas, only resorting to meaningless attacks.

Petkovic: Thaci not for dialogue, his signature not worth anything (Tanjug

The newly appointed Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated on Sunday that Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, with his statement that “mutual recognition” should be the only item of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, has once again demonstrated that he is essentially opposed to dialogue. He added in the press release that Thaci thus also confirmed that his signature before the EU, whereby he committed to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo and Metohija, is not worth anything. Petkovic says that the dialogue, opposed to what Thaci is imagining, cannot have a predefined outcome, and that people both in Washington and in Brussels are aware of this as well. “With their maneuvers and evasiveness, they cannot take off the seven and a half years unrealized obligation to form the ZSO, and that is a topic that they will not be able to eliminate and remove from the table with any political and diplomatic gymnastics,” assessed Petkovic. “The ZSO and disrespect of the Brussels agreement by Pristina will be our first topic during every visit to Brussels, and let no one have unrealistic expectation on the progress of the dialogue until this obligation is fulfilled,” said the Head of the Office.

Lajcak: Brussels expects a far-reaching decision from Vučić on the Kosovo issue (FoNet

EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said that Brussels expects a “far-reaching decision” from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on the Kosovo issue, but that the Serbian President rightly wonders whether the EU offers a European perspective in return, FoNet reports. “The most difficult part was to restart the dialogue at all,” Lajcak told the Austrian Wiener Zeitung, and reiterated that the goal was a binding comprehensive agreement, Deutsche Welle reports. “We already have a text proposal on exiled and missing persons, as well as on economic cooperation. But here, too, the principle applies that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed. We are currently discussing very complex topics, including financial claims and property rights, “Lajcak said. He pointed out the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities, which, as he reminded, had already been agreed in the agreements of 2013 and 2015, which were not implemented. “This is a very sensitive topic that was also addressed by the Kosovo Constitutional Court – that opinion must be taken into account. But I ask those who say that now is not the time for that – when, if not now? Well, you signed the agreement yourself,” stated Lajcak. The Slovak diplomat points out that the Balkan countries expect a European perspective, and the EU expects them to work seriously on that. “We can blame each other, but it does not benefit anyone,” Lajcak points out. Stating that the European Commission’s progress reports clearly show that “reform momentum has been lost” in the region, Lajcak says that “it must be clear to the countries of the Western Balkans that EU accession requires a lot of work and that no one gets membership just like that”. “During the last European Commission, we lost our political vision, technical details dominated. This was also felt in the countries of the Western Balkans. But negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania should begin soon, and a new methodology has been introduced in enlargement talks. The political vision is here again,” Lajcak added.



Commissioner Varhelyi visits B&H (BHT1)

EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi paid an official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Friday. He met with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Zoran Tegeltija, Federation of B&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic, Republika Srpska (RS) Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and Brcko District Mayor Sinisa Milic, as well as with members of the B&H Parliament Collegium. Varhelyi also held a meeting with B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic to discuss the migrant crisis. At the meetings with B&H officials, Varhelyi conveyed a message that the Western Balkans is the EU’s priority. Varhelyi stressed that the Western Balkan countries will have a chance in the next couple of years to get EUR 29 billion intended for economic development of the region within the economic investment plan, but in order for this to function the countries will need to accelerate reforms and to have better cooperation on the regional plan. He also said that B&H should launch a more decisive fight against corruption and organized crime and the country also needs to ensure the rule of law. Addressing the press conference after the meetings, Varhelyi stated that the economic investment plan worth over EUR 9 billion for grant funds and over EUR 20 billion ensured for guarantees is quite significant financial injection, which represents one-third of the GDP of all countries of the Western Balkans. The economic investment plan includes 10 main projects in the field of sustainable transport, energy, digital future, climate and environment, human capital and private sector. Money would be available through the IPAIII funds in the period 2021-2027. Commenting on the plan after the meeting, Tegeltija explained that when it comes to B&H, key reforms are the reforms in the field of judiciary and the rule of law. “The first thing is the law on public procurement as a precondition to launch this investment cycle in the first place, as well as the law on prevention of the conflict of interest and the law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. I am sure that B&H will continue to meet its obligations,” Tegeltija stated. He reminded that Varhelyi once again confirmed his commitment to the goal to see B&H acquiring the EU candidate status in summer 2021.

Izetbegovic: B&H is responsible for everything the EU criticized it in its Report (BHT1)

EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi paid an official visit to B&H on Friday. Among others, he also met with members of the B&H parliament Collegium. Deputy Speaker of the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Bakir Izetbegovic said that B&H has a chance to get nearly BAM 2 billion within the economic investment plan and expressed hope that not too many conditions will be set before B&H to be able to withdraw this sum, reminding of situations in the past when B&H has lost some EUR 100 million because of the failure to meet certain conditions. Izetbegovic also said that B&H is responsible for everything the EU criticized it in its Report, which he referred to as “reflection of our situation”. Izetbegovic stressed that, on its EU path, B&H is required to adopt the laws on the HJPC of B&H, the public procurement, and the conflict of interest. According to Izetbegovic, the election campaign might slow things down in this regard. Still, he believes that, after the local elections, B&H is capable of adopting these laws. In his opinion, B&H could obtain the candidate status if it adopts all of these laws. Izetbegovic noted that the Croat side also raised the issue of amendments to the B&H Election Law at the meeting with Varhelyi. "The Croat side is persistently repeating, they have a mantra, which they regularly repeat about the fact that Bosniaks elected their member of the Presidency, that there is a problem of legitimate and illegitimate, so it is necessary to introduce a balance, remind of the verdicts 'Sejdic and Finci', of the collision of those two principles, and the verdict of the Constitutional Court on the motion filed in Ljubic case. I did precisely that today (Friday) and I asked for a more intensive mediation of people from the international community, because we are not able to solve this problem on our own," Izetbegovic said. On the other hand, member of the B&H HoP Collegium Dragan Covic (HDZ B&H) stressed that he informed Commissioner Varhelyi about the fact that the B&H society is deeply divided, and that this will not change without the legitimate representation of the constituent peoples, underlining that Brussels understands this very well.

Dodik: B&H will not manage to centralize itself at expense of RS for sake of European path (RTRS)

RTRS carried an interview with Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in Brussels. Speaking about the atmosphere at Friday's meetings between B&H Presidency members and EU officials in Brussels, Dodik said that he believes that "there is too much, there is a dose of insincerity." "They are presenting us and we are presenting them with stances not fully going into problems, into the essence of the problem. Both ignore the problems, and they remain the same, it is impossible to change them. I am not the type of person who believes that he should be part of an illusion here or to be a spin which should serve everyone. There will be many problems surrounding that. We did hear some good things here. We heard that it is possible that B&H will get candidate status mid next year. That would definitely be good for us in the RS as well, because that would mean new dynamics. We believe that getting the candidate status is impossible if the High Representative and foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H remain (in B&H). That issue is provided for in the 14 priorities in the Opinion. Whether colleagues from the Federation of B&H will want to do that, to solve those issues to get that candidate status, when you are listening to them here, they say that they want, but when they return to B&H, they say that they do not want that" Dodik stressed. Dodik noted that he believes that it is important to meet with important officials of the EU, adding that past experience with the former European Parliament’s Rapporteur for B&H was bad. Dodik said that the new European Parliament’s Rapporteur for B&H is a balanced representative who is specialized in constitutional matters. "We mentioned to him both the High Representative, judges of the CC, 25th anniversary of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and many other things. Today (Friday), we learned from (B&H Presidency Chairman Sefik) Dzaferovic that their main problem as to why they do not want to eliminate foreign judges from the CC is fear of a new configuration which would be 3-3-3 and he is afraid of the manner in which decisions would be made in the future," Dodik underlined. Asked to comment his previous statement that the EU will have understanding for certain major issues to be put aside for the time being and to focus on issues that can be solved at this point so that B&H could get candidate status in spring 2021, Dodik said that he understood that one should solve what can be solved at the moment and to make a road map for the rest of the issues that are considered difficult, such as the issues where one wants to transfer competences to the B&H level and whether that will be solved or not. Dodik noted that only the Coordination Mechanism can provide answers to all the challenges and to all fourteen priorities from the European Commission's (EC) Opinion. "Involvement of all in that is definitely something that goes without saying. If all at different levels are not involved surrounding the European path, then the European path is of course faulty," Dodik stressed. Asked whether he believes that it is realistic to expect B&H to obtain the candidate status in spring 2021, Dodik said that he believes that this will not happen in spring, but that it could happen in the summer of 2021 if all in B&H become involved. "I trust Commissioner for (Neighborhood and) Enlargement (Oliver) Varhelyi the most, who said in a recent interview for the media that he pledges his political status for B&H to obtain it (the candidate status) next year. I am glad if that is such, I believe it," Dodik said. Dodik underlined that there will be no transfer of competences from the level of the RS to the B&H level. "That is the story of ten years ago which did not happen. All European matters to fall under B&H's jurisdiction. That was ten years ago. Now, one wants to do this through the form - if lower levels cannot agree something, for it to be transferred... It will simply not happen. We will write that we will work on that, that this will go through the Coordination Mechanism, that this will be done in accordance with the Constitution. There you have it - the road map," Dodik said. Asked whether he is sticking to the position that SNSD could boycott the upcoming local elections, Dodik said that he wonders what the deal is. "What is this hypocrisy? The EU in its Opinion stated that the rule of law in B&H is catastrophic. Then they support an illegitimate appointment of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) where the CEC was not appointed in accordance with legally prescribed procedures. Then you come into a position to ask what is the problem, what is this story. You are asking for the rule of law and you allow lawlessness there. Ultimately, the EU in the previous period did everything to model the justice system by violating the Constitution of B&H, together with the High Representatives. They are the ones that made the Court, the Prosecutor's Office, the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and forced political elites to allegedly adopt that themselves. Basically, that is an unconstitutional and anti-Dayton position," Dodik said, adding that the RS is insisting on talks on the justice system. "We are not against keeping some level of judiciary at the B&H level, but what we have today is unsustainable and I am against it. It is unconstitutional, anti-European and ultimately anti-Dayton, but they of course do not want to qualify it like that, because they created such a system," Dodik said, emphasizing that B&H will not manage to centralize itself at the expense of the RS for the sake of the European path.

Dodik: B&H will not be EU member if it means removing competencies from RS and transferring them to state-level (ATV)

Following the meeting of the B&H Presidency members with EU officials in Brussels on Friday, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that EU membership would be good for the RS. He deemed however that this would be impossible should the High Representative remain in B&H as well as foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, because this is not in line with European practices. He stated that it is concerning that Europe continues to ignore problems in B&H. “I think that there is too large a dose of insincerity here, where certain stances are imposed, which we are informed of and we inform them of it - without getting into the root of the problem. Problems are being ignored by both sides, and they remain the same, it is impossible not to change them. I am not the type to think that I should be part of the illusion here and to be a spin which should serve everyone,” Dodik said. ATV reminded that the EU Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi stated during his Sarajevo visit that priorities for B&H’s EU accession are an independent judiciary and rule of law. Varhelyi said that the rule of law is a precondition for investments. He noted that the challenges are well known to everyone and that quicker reforms with concrete results are needed. Dodik said that even though the European Commission (EC) assessed the rule of law in B&H as ‘catastrophic’ in their ‘2020 Report on B&H’, the EC nonetheless supported the unjust appointment of the Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC). Dodik also reminded that the EU formed the Court of B&H, the B&H Prosecutor’s Office as well as the anti-Dayton High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H. He stated that amongst the 14 key priorities is departure of international judges from the B&H CC. According to Dodik, this matter is one which most upsets (Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik) Dzaferovic. Dodik stated that while meeting with EU officials, ‘they’ (assumingly meaning other two members of the B&H Presidency) agree to everything, but once they arrive to B&H, no agreements can be reached. Dodik stated that Dzaferovic is afraid that should international judges leave, a new configuration will take place including all three peoples and is afraid how decisions will be rendered once this is done. Dodik stated that the RS insists upon discussing the judicial system noting that certain things should be left at state-level but emphasizing that the current situation is not sustainable, is anti-Constitutional, anti-Dayton and anti-European. He concluded that B&H will not be able to centralize at the expense of the RS because of its EU path. He reiterated that if the EU accession means reduced competencies of RS, the RS will say ‘no, thank you’.

Dodik: There can be no war in B&H; RS deserves recognition just like Kosovo does (ATV)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that Serbia should approve Serbian citizenship to Serbs from the RS the same way Croatia and Hungary do for their citizens. Dodik said that he advocates the idea of automatically giving all citizens of the RS a Serbian citizenship. He said he is trying to convince the Serbian authorities to support this idea. “For us to have equal rights, and for that integration (with Serbia) to be at the highest possible level. I am completely convinced that this shameless lie, that is called B&H, cannot function based on the principles in which one of the peoples, the Serbs, are being degraded, which has been brought to a position where it must fight for its bare existence,” Dodik said. He added that he discussed this issue with representatives of Serbian authorities and he hopes this issue will be solved soon. Dodik also said that there is interventionism of the international community in B&H and that centralization is not acceptable and would harm Serbs. He highlighted that there is no interest in war, but recognition. Dodik explained that if Kosovo can ask for recognition, so can the RS. “Where is the difference, when the historical context, the political and any other situation is almost identical? Therefore, there is the right for some and for us there is no right and we need to accept that because they come from the West,” said Dodik. He added that the representatives of the West are not right and no one can create war in B&H. According to Dodik, there can be small incidents and terrorist attacks, but the Federation of B&H and Bosniaks attacking the RS is an illusion. He believes that things need to be discussed within political frameworks and through dialogue. Dodik reiterated that the RS only wants what is given to it in the B&H Constitution.

SDP B&H, NS, NiP and NBL submit request for no-confidence vote against SC government led by PM Nenadic (FTV)

SDP B&H, Our Party (NS), People and Justice (NiP), and Independent B&H List (NBL) submitted a request to the Sarajevo Canton (SC) Assembly on Friday asking for a no-confidence vote against the SC government led by SC Prime Minister Mario Nenadic. According to FTV, the SC government led by Nenadic appears to have lost the support of the cantonal parliamentary majority and it thus no longer represents the democratic will of the SC citizens. FTV assessed that the lack of confidence of the parliamentary majority can be clearly seen in the fact that no proposals, submitted by the SC government, were recently adopted by the SC Assembly. Representatives of SDP B&H, NS, NiP, and NBL announced the intention to address a press conference on Saturday in order to provide a clarification of their request. The request for a no-confidence vote was signed by 18 representatives in the SC Assembly, including by SDA’s Aljosa Campara. On the other hand, SBB B&H is yet to take an official stance on the reshuffle of the SC government. In a phone statement to FTV, Head of NS Caucus in the SC Assembly Neira Dizdarevic noted that the main reasons for submitting this request lies in delays to appoint the SC Minister of Healthcare and the SC Minister of Social Policy and Labor. “Those are two key ministries in the wake of the fight against the pandemic,” she specified, adding that other reasons include issues with low subsidies for the housing solutions for youth in SC as well as failure to meet any of the demands of students. Meanwhile, SDA has expelled representative in the Sarajevo Canton (SC) Assembly Aljosa Campara from the party, because he signed the request for a no-confidence vote against the SC Government that was formed by SDA, SBB B&H, and DF. In a statement to FTV, Campara confirmed he heard about his expulsion. Campara was quoted as saying: “There are quality individuals in SDA, although their number has been decreasing. I am sure that they will eventually leave that party, because it is becoming increasingly evident that it is difficult to change it for the better. I am sorry that SDA does not want to help itself and that it has lost touch with ordinary citizens.” Campara further noted that SDA only works for its own interest, rather for the interest of the people, due to which he does not see himself as a part of it for a long time now. Campara also criticized SDA for always leaving room to “see if something can be done”, and he was quoted as concluding: “If I were interested in that, I would check with Asim to see if he could do something to take me back to the party. However, I have no interest in that.”

There is no doubt that reshuffling of SC government will result in reorganizations in TC and ZDC (Dnevni avaz)

Dnevni avaz daily reads that reactions to submitting of the request of 18 MPs in Sarajevo Canton Assembly for casting of no-confidence vote to the SC Government, continue especially after SDA expelled Aljosa Campara who also signed the request. The daily noted that Campara did not want to comment the request for him submitting the resignation to all of the posts he holds in authority and daily comments that there is no doubt that reshuffling of the SC government will result in reorganizations in Tuzla Canton and Zenica-Doboj Canton. Author comments that it seems that SDA, which gathered the partners in these cantons, has lost majority and “we are heading to hot political autumn”. SDP leader Nermin Niksic commented the situation on the social networks and underlined that ‘Friday the 13th Coalition’ has lived up to expectations and turned lives of SC citizens into horror movie. He underlined that it is high time to stop the decay of the canton, undermining of the institutions and catastrophe that SC Government is leading the Canton to. Niksic stressed that their goal was to draft the program and the issue of distribution of posts will be addressed after elections. SDP MP in SC Assembly Igor Stojanovic said that reshuffling of the SC Government is more than justified and noted that he is not concerned about developments regarding Campara. “Both Aljosa Camapra and Elmedin Konakovic tried to make certain changes regarding the SDA politics. I think that after their departure and what they told us about the events within SDA, it is clear that this party is deep into nationalism and crime and it is clear that they should be removed from the authority as soon as possible,” said Stojanovic.

In a statement to the daily, SDA Vice President Safet Softic commented the recent developments in Sarajevo Canton and expulsion of Aljosa Campara from the party. Daily comments that these turbulences in the party happen a month before local elections and reminded that SDA Presidency was suggested to expel Campara and to ask Campara to resign to all posts in the authority. Softic said that SDA Collegium will hold a session on Monday and discuss the issue of both Campara and the request for reshuffling of the SC government. He noted that Campara announced this and his moves have not surprised SDA leadership, adding that he personally thought that this will happen only after elections. Asked if this situation will disturb SDA considering it is happening right before the elections, Softic said that it is difficult to say as this is only initiative for reshuffle of the Government, so it remains to be seen. He reminded how Campara’s role in authority is important, being that he performs three posts and with his departure SDA would have only two posts in the FB&H government.


Pompeo in Dubrovnik warns Croatia against close ties with China (Hina)

Mike Pompeo in Dubrovnik attracted a lot of media attention, and the former head of the CIA had a clear message to Croatia when it comes to doing business with the Chinese - Be careful.

As Novac/David Lekaj writes, "Open your eyes when doing business with China," was the message of the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, who received his military training at the prestigious West Point and his doctorate in law from Harvard. Mike Pompeo in Dubrovnik explained the geopolitical dangers and pitfalls of cooperation with China in great detail as part of the "17 + 1" initiative. His statement that "the Chinese just want to take money from Croatia" surprised the Croatian public, considering that newspaper columns have been filled with articles about Chinese investments in various projects within the country for several years. However, what was happening far from the radar of the Croatian public was the presentation of Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma to Chinese businessmen at the "Green Forum" on Tuesday (September the 29th) when he uttered almost the same words as Pompeo in Dubrovnik. All in all, we should encourage our government to seriously consider Croatia's further role in the "17 + 1" initiative. What has been achieved from the announced Chinese investments in Croatia? Well almost nothing. In the absence of the realization of the promised investments, Peljesac Bridge often gets referred to as a Chinese investment, although it isn't. Peljesac Bridge is an investment by the Croatian Government, mostly financed by European Union (EU) funds. The Chinese simply picked up money to carry out the work. The then Chinese ambassador in Zagreb, Hu Zhaoming, in the midst of some strong media lobbying for Chinese companies, publicly promised that the money that the Chinese state-owned company would receive for doing the work on Peljesac Bridge would be invested in Croatia. As soon as the transfer was made, the Chinese directed all the money to the Italian Port of Trieste, and Ambassador Hu Zhaoming left Croatia for half a term, and was promoted to the high position of Director of the Information and Communication Office of the Central Liaison Department at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Such a modus operandi was pointed out by Pompeo in Dubrovnik. As were China's combinatorics through the "17 + 1" initiative, whereby China has networked the transition countries of Europe in order for Chinese companies to gain initial business experience that they currently lack to enter the ''game'' with developed EU countries. In fact, the "17 + 1" initiative brings together the "b" and "c" leagues of European countries according to Chinese criteria. In all this, Croatia hasn't achieved any economic interest and this quite legitimately calls into question the further membership of Croatia in such an organization from which only China benefits. Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma appealed to Chinese corporations at the Green Forum on Tuesday (September the 29th) to strive to be at the service of the world to restore China's degraded image, rather than trying to conquer the global market. In addition, Ma told Chinese businessmen that they should stop considering globalization a mere effort to conquer the global market and nothing more. Instead, they should properly develop their ability to provide quality products and services, the tycoon noted. In other words, China’s image is currently and expectedly dismal, as Chinese companies are the world’s biggest plagiarists, unscrupulously using other people’s patents and intellectual property. But you don't have to go to China to understand what Jack Ma is talking about, just visit the Smederevo steel plant or the Bor mine in neighboring Serbia, which taken over by the Chinese, and after talking to the locals there it will be clear what environmental issues are at stake in that part of Serbia. If China doesn't finally make a real turnaround, if it doesn't become a reliable country that instills confidence in others, that doesn't "mask" things that can endanger human lives around the world (as it did at the beginning of the current coronavirus pandemic), then such a China quite simply cannot expect the rest of the world to harbor decent relations with it, instead, the world will continue to experience China as it did before - the global cradle of cheap copies. The harsh criticism of the Chinese Embassy in Zagreb on the statements of the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Dubrovnik was obviously wrongly addressed, as Pompeo spoke in Dubrovnik almost in the same tone as Jack Ma did just a few days ago in China.


Djukanovic – Varhelyi: Montenegro remains on its European path (CdM)

Montenegro remains on its European path, committed to dynamizing reforms and regional cooperation. Oliver Varhelyi’s visit to the region is very important, that was the conclusion of the meeting between Milo Djukanovic and Oliver Varhelyi which was held in Podgorica. President Djukanovic welcomed Commissioner Varhelyi ‘s visit to the Region, which came immediately after the publication of the Progress Report, which, along with encouraging messages from EC officials in relation to the WB’s European perspective, is an additional incentive. He informed the EU Commissioner about the current post-election context in Montenegro, emphasizing that Montenegro has shown that its democratic capacity for a peaceful transition of power is at a much higher level than expected and reaffirmed its commitment to support any initiative and decision of the new government which is in favor of European progress. The EU Commissioner, while grateful for the comprehensive review of the situation in Montenegro, expressed satisfaction that the President will continue to actively participate in the work with the EC and in the enlargement process. He said that after the elections he should return to work and speed up the results, he said that the EC remains a partner, which is confirmed by the economic-investment plan whose goal is to overcome the backlog of WB, but also devising a recovery procedure after the crisis caused by COVID. A package of support to the countries of the region, worth about €29 billion, can achieve an increase in GDP by about 3.6 percent or more, according to preliminary estimates; it will initiate private investments, infrastructurally connect the region, enable the creation of new jobs and encourage the development of skills and knowledge through the education system. Commissioner Varhelyi emphasizes that all these benefits will require active participation of the new government and face-to-face work, in order for this plan to be implemented in the next 4-5 years. At the same time, it will be necessary to demonstrate the capacity to implement and accelerate reforms, achieve results in the area of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and a transparent public procurement process. This concept should be mutually beneficial for both the region and the EU, but not for third parties, and that is the only political condition on the part of the EC emphasizes that all these benefits will require the active participation of the new government and face-to-face work, in order for this plan to be implemented in the next 4-5 years. At the same time, it will be necessary to demonstrate the capacity to implement and accelerate reforms, achieve results in the area of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and a transparent public procurement process. This concept, Varhelyi points out, should be mutually beneficial for both the region and the EU, but not for third parties, and that is the only political condition on the part of the EC. The President welcomed the messages on the new economic and investment plan for the WB, adding that it is an extremely valuable offer and opportunity that can contribute to the accelerated development of the region and make the WB more European.

Jokovic and Knezevic: Participation in government should be in proportion to the election result (CdM

Presidents of the Socialist People’s Party and Democratic People’s Party Vladimir Jokovic and Milan Knezevic talked about the process of the formation of the new government and establishment of institutions relevant to Montenegro’s further development. Jokovic and Knezevic agreed that citizens should decide about that. In other words, three winning coalitions shall take part in the government in proportion to the election result. Presidents of parliamentary parties have pledged their support for the prime minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic.

Ibrahimovic: Bosniak Party members started consultations about entering new govt (Dan

The Bosniak Party has started consultations following the official invitation of the prime minister-designate Zdravko Krivokapic for taking part in the formation of a new government. Bosniak Party official Ervin Ibrahimovic told Dan daily that consultations with the party members and voters had started on Thursday. “The party’s Main Board will make a decision on eventual coalition,” underlined Ibrahimovic, adding that he could not tell more about it at that moment.  


The majority changes unilaterally the Electoral Code (Tirana Times)

Just months prior to the general elections, the Albanian parliament took a decisive vote on Monday to apply significant changes to the Electoral Code, despite the fact that no political consensus was reached on them. The 140-seat parliament voted with 97 votes in favor while 15 were against and 5 abstained. This is the first time in three decades that such unilateral changes are made upon request of the chief of the executive. They also elected new officials of the top election commission, notably returning former CEC Chair Ilijran Celibashi as Chief State Commissioner for elections. The new laws partially open the candidates’ lists, lowered to 1 percent the threshold of political parties entering the parliament, asked that political coalitions to be presented as one subject and also partially depoliticized the election commissions. The intensive debate about the opening of the candidate list thus comes to an end with citizens being able only to indicate weakly their preference since still the secure places on top of the list will be determined by the party chairman and real competition for the constituents’ vote is reserved only for a few names on the bottom. The new laws decide that it is again the party leader setting the names of the candidates. The leader sets the first five names following consultation with the membership. The leader also may run in four different districts. Also, a candidate that is liked by the people or party members should earn more than the average number of votes in his area so that he may be included with the winners. The Socialist majority was joined by most of the replacement MPs that have filled the seats since the opposition walked out of the parliament last year. The only vocal opposition voice to these changes was Rudina Hajdari, who sought open lists throughout and tried to filibuster the speakers’ podium in the Assembly as a gesture of protest.  The DP reacted that this vote was in violation to the agreement reached on 5 June, with international mediation and celebrated as the fulfilment of the important integration conditions. The main objection point for DP and SMI is the abolishment of pre-electoral coalitions. Experts and observers of political developments of Albania highlight that the changes are unilateral but they differ on whether this move will aggravate the political crisis. Some of them point out that the changes were chewable by the DP, whose reaction was limited to just one declaration. The new Election Code will be applied next year for the 25 April parliamentary elections. Post-communist Albania’s elections, have always been contested and marred by irregularities, including vote-buying and the manipulation of ballot counts. In a post in its Facebook page after the vote the United States Embassy in Tirana mentioned its pressure on Albania’s leaders for “a transparent and inclusive manner on issues of national importance.” The embassy reminded that “the 5 June agreement should be honored and that any additional measures should be considered and adopted in similar transparent and inclusive manner using the Political Council.” It added that “the ruling party terminated discussions at the Political Council and voted to adopt significant changes to the rules that will govern the 25 April elections.” “It is regrettable that the majority failed to honor its own stated commitment to seek common ground in the Political Council. Albania is a member of NATO, an aspirant for membership in the European Union, and Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE. It is incumbent upon Albania’s leaders – beginning with but not limited to those in power – to hold themselves to a higher standard and to ensure the freedom and fairness of the upcoming elections.” In their reaction, the EU Delegation in Albania pointed out that the changes did not relate to the recommendations made by OSCE and ODHIR. They also echoed the same sentiment saying that “We regret that no compromise could be reached in the Political Council before the amendments were voted on in the parliament”. Both the US and the EU representatives in Albania were key stakeholders in being able to reach an agreement in the Political Council between all legitimate sides on 5 June.