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Belgrade Media Report 01 November 2021


Vucic: Pristina will look for an opportunity of a new provocation; Croatia has been disgraced (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, as a guest in Focus on TV B92, responded to the accusations from the region that were carried out by the Croatian media. “This man hadn’t invented this by himself. I have never been to Petrinja in my life. I was in Glina in 1995 with the Serbian Radical Party (SRS). We were there for two days. Mr. Paspalj was sitting in the audience then, so it was then that I saw him for the first time,” Vucic said. “I have never been on the territory of the Independent State of Croatia, as they say. I guess I was not brave enough, so I did not apply as a volunteer. I was 21-year-old and studied in Belgrade. They are aware that this is the most common lie because other witnesses said that of course they never saw me. I was not involved in politics, I was not a member of the SRS at all at the time.” As he says, he draws one very good thing from this - they have shown what kind of witnesses they have. “This would have been a kind of crescendo, I don’t know what else they could invent. Croatian state is disgraced and it will be talked about, these are witnesses who talk about their actions,” Vucic said. “This is a shame for the EU and those who preach to us about the rule of law. I can find ten witnesses who will say that Plenkovic burned my house, but that has nothing to do with the truth, so I ask you - are you at least a little bit ashamed about what he said and wondered why is this happening. That’s because they thought they were done with Serbia, that Serbia was buried for good.” Over the past few days, there have been more and more accusations against Vucic coming from the region. Vecernji list published the testimony of a ‘witness’ who claims that he personally saw Aleksandar Vucic beating Croats in Petrinja in 1991, torturing them and threatening to slaughter them.

We want good relations with Montenegro

Vucic said that Serbia wanted good relations with Montenegro and that he was certain that it would manage to improve them. When asked whether the upcoming official visit of Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic to Serbia meant an improvement in relations with Montenegro, he answered: “We want good relations with Montenegro. There are a lot of problems here, but I believe that we will be able to improve them in the future.”

Pristina will look for an opportunity of a new provocation

When asked what can be expected on 6 November in Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic said: “They plan to take Valac then ..., but it’s a very complicated story. I’m sure they will look for new opportunities to provoke our people.” He said that he would soon go to Glasgow, where he would meet with the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. He said that the heads of several services will also be there, as well as Joseph Biden and Ursula von der Layen. “I will warn them and I will fight in every place to point out the danger of possible conflicts,” he said. He pointed out that part of the Western powers are trying in every way to prove that “the Serbs are a genocidal people and that the Community of Serb Municipalities should not be formed”.

Vucic: I am sad that unity does not exist in RS 

Vucic commented on the newly formed groups of the US for Kosovo and the Republika Srpska (RS) by saying that he does not understand why they are making, as he said, “a hot potato” out of the situation when nothing is the same as in the 1990s. Vucic said he understands very well how powerful the US is, adding that it is his duty to protect Serbia, warning that a difficult period lies ahead of that country. In addition, he opined that a difficult period was ahead of the RS, too. “The period for our relations with Bosniaks will not be easy at all. However, I believe that by talking with them, because we are very close to Bosniaks, we can overcome those issues”, Vucic noted. He added: “I regret to see that there is no more unity in the RS, and I was particularly affected by the fact that US representatives openly stated that they managed to break that unity.”

BIRODI: Agreement legitimized the collapse of integrity of elections (Beta/N1)

The Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) assessed that the agreement on the improvement of election conditions, signed in the Serbian parliament, legitimized the collapse of electoral integrity. BIRODI stated in a statement that the agreement between the authorities and opposition parties that did not accept foreign mediation should have replaced the current Council of the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM) due to many years of illegal work status.

“With the signed agreement, Serbia got a commissioner’s body that does the work of the REM and whose members are also appointed members of the REM, whose conflict of interest should be determined by the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption,” the statement said. epresentatives of the Serbian Progressive Party, the Socialist Party of Serbia, Dveri, Dosta je bilo, the Serbian Radical Party, the Movement for the Renewal of the Kingdom of Serbia, the Democratic Party of Serbia, Zavetnik and Zdrava Serbia signed the agreement on improving election conditions in the Serbian parliament on Friday.

Djilas: Serbian democracy is dead (Beta)

In a comment on an election deal the Serbian government had made with several opposition parties, the Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said on Saturday that Serbian democracy was dead, and that it couldn’t be changed by the mercy of the killer. “It was murdered by Aleksandar Vucic’s regime, breaking laws, destroying institutions and organizing elections by integrating stealing and corruption in the process,” Djilas said at a press conference.

He repeated that his party insisted that the public service allowed for opposition TV presence, letting in people who possess knowledge, and that pressure against voters be stopped. Djilas added that he was discussing participation in the elections next spring with representatives of the Democratic Party, the Free Citizens’ Movement, the People’s Party and the Turnabout Movement, as well as many non-party figures.

KFOR: Kosovo security forces must have approval before deploying in northern Kosovo (Beta/Kosovo Online)

Hungarian General Ferenc Kajari, the new commander of KFOR, said on Sunday that the Kosovo security forces must obtain approval from the KFOR commander before any deployment in northern Kosovo, according to an earlier agreement. In an interview he gave to the Kosovo Online, Kajari said KFOR and NATO expected the Kosovo institutions to continue to abide by that agreement. Kajari told Kosovo Online that he had met with key Kosovo institution heads in his first weeks and received assurances that all action would be coordinated with KFOR, and that Kosovo Security Force deployment in northern Kosovo would continue to hinge on notifying and obtaining authorization from the commander of KFOR. He underscored that KFOR had years of excellent cooperation with the Army of Serbia at all levels of responsibility, adding that he was in regular communication with Serbian Chief of Staff Milan Mojsilovic. KFOR will continue to work closely with both the Army of Serbia and with Kosovo security organizations to ensure safety across Kosovo. Synchronized patrols with the Army of Serbia will thus continue along the administrative line, Kajari said.

Election of Christopher Hill blocked (RTS)

Candidate for the position of the US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, and twenty other colleagues will wait for the Senate to confirm their election. Republican Senator Ted Cruz blocked the entire process due to the withdrawal of the Joseph Biden administration from blocking the Russian project North Stream 2. Among the candidates whose choice, at least for now, has been suspended is Biden’s favorite for the post of ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill, and the probable future head of US diplomacy in Pristina Jeffrey Hovenier. The only Biden candidate whose choice is not in question is the future US Ambassador to China Nicholas Burns, another veteran of diplomatic maneuvers that followed the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Burns’ choice is certain due to the fact that the United States has not had an ambassador to China for more than a year, who was previously confirmed by the Senate, reports Bloomberg. In addition to Cruz, the election of the majority of ambassadors is also blocked by Senator Josh Hawley. Democrats accuse Republicans of inflicting great damage on American foreign policy with such moves.

US ‘invasion’ of the Balkans?

According to Washington’s latest moves, America is returning to the Balkans in great style.

Judging by the five that US President Joe Biden delegated to deal with the Balkan countries in the coming period, Washington has very serious intentions in this area in the coming period.

Biden’s five specials are Gabriel Escobar, Christopher Hill, Jeffrey Hovenier, Michael Murphy and James O’Brien - some will deal with the region as ambassadors, some as State Department special envoys, but they all have in common that they are seasoned diplomats, energetic. They know the Balkans practically like the back of their hand and everyone speaks Serbian.

Dodik: I am not breaking apart, but saving Dayton Bosnia (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)

In an interview to Politika, Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik argued that life in B&H would have been much better had the RS not been deprived of its rights: “They made an experiment, an illusion. That is why we are here right now, stuck.” Dodik added that everyone should have worked in line with their own competencies and in line with the Constitution. Speaking about the report Christian Schmidt announced he will present to the UN Security Council, Dodik said that “this is yet another absurdity, as non-appointed diplomat is about to present a report. This proves that the world is a mess. We will not bring the world in order, we can only draw conclusions and duck below the radar, but not allow policies pass besides us or be intimidated on the basis of ‘glory’ acquired from past strictness”.

Dodik went on to say that opponents of the RS are working hard to create the atmosphere of nervousness and instability and they even invoke war: “This will not happen. We are not making unconstitutional moves. We are legalists who will apply the Constitution. We will not bring in question anything that belongs to B&H as in line with the Constitution. The focus is on measures that were imposed by lawlessness”. Dodik added that it is hard to imagine that the Constitutional Court would violate the Constitution, but this happens frequently because the Constitutional Court of B&H has always ruled against the RS regardless of the fact it had no constitutional grounds to do that. Dodik stated that the RS has prepared two sets of issues and explained that the first set is related to transfer of competencies for which the RS gave its consent “under terrible pressures”. “Therefore, we will now revoke the extorted consent which we gave in three fields – defense, indirect taxes and High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC),” Dodik announced and added that there will be a transitional period of time during which the existing solutions will stay in force until preconditions for functioning of the RS’ institutions are created. Dodik argued that all judicial processes are concentrated in Sarajevo and are controlled by the Intelligence and Security Agency of B&H (OSA) “i.e. AID, the former Muslim service which settles accounts with Serbs and Croats. We will prohibit work of B&H HJPC in the territory of the RS and we will form a new one. The judiciary in the RS is financed from the budget of the RS after all”. Dodik also argued that B&H does not have competencies in fields of defense, fiscal system and judiciary as in line with the Constitution and added that the Constitution also stipulates that “everything that was not explicitly given to B&H belongs to the entities. Well, we will not touch whatever was given to it. Everything else goes to the entities”. Asked to comment on claims that this would ruin 20 years of reforms, Dodik replied by saying: “Does anyone think that it was 20 years of success? If we had a chance to stick to the Constitution, we would have been a much more successful society. We will return matters where they belong.” Dodik explained that the second set of laws is related to imposing “which went so far that the consent of the entities was not even asked for, although they had the obligation to do that. There are 140 laws in question here. All those laws were listed in a single legislative document and will be put out of force in the territory of the RS”. Dodik noted that those laws will be suspended within two, three or four months, in order to avoid creating legal voids in the RS until needed legislation is secured. Asked to comment on claims that the RS had the habit of withdrawing at the last moment in past in similar situations, Dodik replied by saying that the RS is open for dialogue, for example to “explain advantages of abolition of the Army. Each of the people should provide one third of the army’s members. However, one half of the Croat quota has been left unfulfilled, which means that there is a shortage of some 1,500 people, as well as of 30% of Serbs, which is about 1,000 people. Muslims are creating their own army, that is why they defend it so passionately”. Dodik argued that less money should be spent on the army and added that it would be enough for the army to have 3,500 soldiers instead of 9,500 and the difference in money should be redirected in development. Speaking about foreign warnings related to the announced steps of the RS, Dodik said that the RS will realize everything it announced and noted that “meddling by Gabriel Escobar is incredible, but we do not need those he can make an influence on and tell them what to do. His meddling is a serious diplomatic rudeness”. Dodik added that he has no problems with Americans worldwide “but they need to think about why they have problems with Serbs here for decades”. “Matthew Palmer proposed abolition of ethnic prefix in B&H so that we stop being Serbs. For them, it is acceptable that we are simply ‘an ethnic group’. Americans would say that they want a multi-ethnic country. It would be interesting to see multi-ethnicity without Serbs and Croats,” Dodik said and noted that he does not understand what “they want here, except for the fact that it seems to me that we are an experiment”. Commenting on calls to turn towards economy instead, Dodik said that “they launch stories on economy, yet they closed all possibilities for us to enter world economic market”. Dodik argued that Washington used to be a military, political and economic center but this is no longer dominant “because of which they are nervous and are restoring their role in a rigid way, by favoring Bosniaks”. Dodik added that USA must be appreciated but it does not present itself as an unbiased mediator. Dodik also claimed that it was USA that created instability because they did not let domestic politicians to reach compromise and, instead, imposed solutions that cannot be implemented. Dodik reiterated that the RS was forced to accept establishment of a single army in B&H “but I always counted on the fact that we must not change the Constitution” because he knew the day will come to bring in question justification of existence of everything that was not included in the Constitution. “Do you want Bosnia? It is not the problem for us, we do not dispute its integrity and international sovereignty. There is no internal sovereignty of B&H, only the entities have this”, Dodik said and added that the RS will first revoke its consent “and see how things go”. Dodik added that, in case no agreement is reached after that, the RS will adopt its own law on the army of the RS: “We are not doing anything secretly, we have no hidden plans, we are not planning secession, but an affirmation of the Constitution”. Speaking about claims on threat to peace, Dodik said that “their goal is to create psychosis which they want to fabricate and blame us for it” and he claimed that his approach is the only right one because “this country can survive only on grounds of Dayton papers”. Asked whether there is anything the RS can be offered in order to give up the intention to proclaim B&H institutions as invalid in the territory of the RS, Dodik replied by wondering why should the RS give up its own rights in exchange for some petty offer. “It is important now not to participate in quarrels in the RS on who transferred something, although gradation of responsibility could be made here. I am being resented for passports, license plates, but we will not touch this now, everything will stay”, Dodik said and announced that a session of the RS parliament that will take place in November will be “the milestone in the RS’ history” regardless of whether opposition will participate in it. He argued that such steps bring no risk for the RS and claimed that five or six EU leaders said at a conference that “it is clear that BiH cannot do anything and that a solution is well known, clearly insinuating that a division is only possible. The ‘non-paper’ which appeared is no illusion”. Finally, Dodik argued that the RS is not considering any concept that might result in a conflict and added that nobody has any reason to be worried: “The Presidency of B&H cannot deploy the army against the RS except in an illegal manner. The police must not cross the inter-entity boundary line. Izetbegovic is not sending such threats to Serbs anyway, this is intended for foreigners in order to intimidate the world with a war”. Dodik concluded by saying that there are honorable plans of Serbs and rational people: “We want our rights and no threats will represent an obstacle.”



Politicians react to Vucic’s statement (ATV/EuroBlic


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he is sad there no unity in the RS. This sparked reaction from MP Nebojsa Vukanovic who claims that this statement represents an attack on people in the RS. Namely, Vukanovic said that this is side blow from over Drina, adding that it is not aimed against the opposition but against people and the RS. Vukanovic said that the statement of Serbian President is unfair. Vukanovic explained that it is unusual “and I do not want to say hypocritical” what the Serbian President implies in regards to the opposition in the RS. He also wrote on his blog that next year the opposition will defeat both, Milorad Dodik and Vucic. Radovan Kovacevic, advisor to member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people, reacted to these claims and stated that obviously it is hard for the opposition in the RS to deal with the truth, adding that besides Dodik, they are now threatening Vucic as well. Vukanovic said that it is untrue that the US representatives broke the unity in the RS, adding that such unity never existed in the first place. SNSD stated on Sunday that members of the opposition have troubles to handle the truth which is why – aside from Dodik - they now even begin to threaten Vucic. SNSD’s Srdjan Mazalica said that if Vucic – as a serious president of a serious country – reacted, then those are definitely not empty words. According to Mazalica, the opposition was always seeking for ways to leave the Serb unity. Mazalica underlined: “We already knew it but Escobar only confirmed it and now, the President Vucic as well.” PDP’s Igor Crnadak said that the RS is the most important, but he added that he will “never support the regime”. “The RS is the most important and we will never allow its constitutional position and main mechanisms of protection to be brought in question, but we will not support the corrupted regime which is willing to do anything to protect its crimes. Luckily for the RS, these initiatives do not have the support of people because the RS does not want to iron uniforms and clean rifles again,” Crnadak added and concluded that the RS has to start solving its biggest problems – disastrous economic situation and extreme corruption in all parts of the society. SDP B&H’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Denis Becirovic noted that it is unacceptable and unfounded to bring Kosovo and the RS entity in B&H in any parallel. Becirovic added that B&H will never pay the price of a wrong Serbian policy that systematically violated the rights of Albanians in Kosovo. Serbian politician and a leader of SRS in Serbia Vojislav Seselj stated that majority of the opposition in the RS has been bought by foreign factors and they are managed by western intelligence agencies. Seselj explained that he refers to former leader of PDP Mladen Ivanic and to SDS.


Palmer and Eichhorst reaffirm support of US and EU to B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (Hayat


The reporter comments that despite the “diplomatic offensive”, the US and European officials are leaving the country after numerous meetings, without any concrete progress, and goes on to say that, as usual, encouraging messages could be heard, with US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst leaving B&H encouraged by messages they have heard. The reporter comments that only they know what is encouraging for the citizens of B&H. Palmer and Eichhorst did not want to discuss details in regard to concrete proposals for changes in the Election Law, and their message is that the meetings should help in consolidating ideas and proposals in one framework within which negotiations would start. Addressing the press conference on Friday, Eichhorst said it would not be good to present ideas since the talks were ongoing. “But it will happen soon, when the leaders are ready, to present what the frameworks are. I want to leave room that will allow their mutual talks. I cannot discuss details, but I can say that we have experts in the field with extensive experience,” Eichhorst is quoted as saying. Palmer said: “We are not here to secure a concrete solution, or to advocate one path. We are engaged to create parameters for possible solution, to help the leaders to achieve that themselves. We are looking forward to the continuation of talks while we are here. This is not the end of the process. There is still a lot of work to be done. You can count on the US and the EU as partners.” The EU and the US for the B&H’s perspective with its integrity and sovereignty was underlined, and according to what was said “those are not empty words, but they carry a lot of responsibility” due to which it is important to continue to act constructively. “It is high time that the elected officials sit at the table and talk with each other. The second message is that words are very important. I see that many live in fear in B&H. We have the responsibility to eliminate fear and to show that this country has a bright future,” said Eichhorst. When asked what “the red line” would be for the sanctions, Eichhorst said the work is being done on the process that would allow the use of peaceful means to reach solutions through the dialogue, the work of international leaders would continue, and that they were encouraged with what they saw. Addressing the press conference, Palmer stated that they believe that it is possible to move forward and solve judgements of the ECHR in a way that is in accordance with constitutional mantra of B&H, i.e. one country, two entities and the three constituent peoples plus the ‘Others’.

Palmer, Eichhorst meet members of B&H Presidency to discuss political situation in B&H, reform processes and activities on EU path (FTV/Nova BH


US Special Envoy for the Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst and other representatives of the EU and the US met members of the B&H Presidency in Sarajevo on Friday morning. During the meeting, the officials discussed the current political situation in B&H, reform processes and activities on the EU path. The hosts expressed commitment to the EU perspective of the state as one of the key foreign-policy goals about which there is absolute consensus of all political actors. Palmer and Eichhorst again expressed support of the US and the EU to peace, prosperity and territorial integrity of B&H. The main topic of the meeting was the electoral reform in B&H. According to the statement issued by B&H Presidency after the meeting, B&H Presidency members reiterated their commitment to the EU perspective of B&H as one of the key foreign-political goals on which all political actors have agreed. The statement also reads that participants at the meeting exchanged their views on the electoral reform, the rule of law and implementation of rulings of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik, was also present at the meeting with the US and the EU officials, organized at the state Presidency building. He seemed to be open for talks with the foreign officials, and for continuing his work in the Presidency, Nova BH concluded.

FB&H opposition parties meet Palmer, Eichhorst: We are not optimistic, we do not want to be alibi for ruling structures (FTV


FTV reported that during the second day of the visit to B&H, the focus of US Special Envoy for the Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst was on the opposition in B&H. Palmer, Eichhorst and other EU and US officials met representatives of the opposition parties from the Federation of B&H (FB&H). According to FTV, representatives of the opposition from the FB&H expressed skepticism as they do not want to be alibi to the ruling structures and they distanced themselves from an election model but they said that they are still available for constitutional changes. Members of the opposition parties expressed full support to erasing of ethnic prefixes but not for two constituencies mentioned during the past two days. Members of the opposition parties said that SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD are conducting dynamic negotiations but there is still no concrete solution. Addressing media, leader of SDP B&H Nermin Niksic stated that they were informed that the option of the indirect election of members of the B&H Presidency is not a topic of discussions but direct election. Leader of SBB B&H Fahrudin Radoncic said that the opposition is also responsible for reaching solutions. Leader of NiP Elmedin Konakovic stated that the opposition from the FB&H is united about abolition of ethnic prefixes but not about two constituencies. Konakovic argued that this is nothing but a wish of leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic that will not be fulfilled. Representatives of opposition parties in the FB&H underlined that they got impression some kind of agreement was achieved by SDA and HDZ B&H and that the opposition parties were only invited to confirm whether they are prepared to participate in further negotiations.

Palmer, Eichhorst meet Dodik and other members of ruling coalition in RS; Dodik: We are no threat for Election Law, we wait for Bosniaks, Croats (FTV


US Special Envoy for the Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst and other EU, US officials met leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik and other members of the ruling structures in Republika Srpska (RS) in the building of the EU Delegation in Sarajevo on Friday. Dodik said that they do not represent a threat for the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) as they strive to preserve sovereignty of the RS. When it comes to the B&H Election Law, Dodik stated that they do not represent a threat for this either. In this regard, Dodik said that they will support anything that comes from Sarajevo from Bosniaks and Croats, adding that everything is fine as long as the provision about a Serb member of the B&H Presidency remains present. Dodik previously also said that legitimate representation is the starting point and the reporter said that there is no doubt whose side Dodik supports. “The same desire that came from the international representatives in regard to talks, dialogue. Do something, anything. This was an opportunity for all of us from the RS to say following, i.e. that we respect territorial integrity, that it is not questionable and none of our plans include that, to threaten some territorial integrity. We also respect international sovereignty, but we equally request sovereignty of the RS to be respected, and we talked in that regard. I think it was important for me to present them our positions and we have done that. Therefore, we are not an obstacle for the Election Law in B&H. We expect the ‘white smoke’ to come from Sarajevo, from Bosniak and Croat negotiators. Everything they agree on, we will support. We are perfectly good guys,” said Dodik. Dodik also stated that the RS authorities do nothing to the detriment of the Constitution of B&H, stressing that the law banning the genocide denial in B&H that was imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko has inflicted huge damage to B&H. Dodik added that the RS respects sovereignty of B&H, but that the RS’ sovereignty also needs to be respected. Dodik also said that he expects that Croats and Bosniaks reach agreement on the electoral reform and that the RS will support any solution reached by them. Dodik said that they advocate the direct election of members of the B&H Presidency, adding that they also advocate introduction of a provision which reads that there will be election of a Bosniak, a Serb and a Croat representative in the B&H Presidency.

Palmer, Eichhorst meets representatives of RS opposition; Borenovic: There is no political will to change Election Law (BN TV


After the meeting with the ruling political parties from the RS, Matthew Palmer and Angelina Eichhorst met with representatives of the RS opposition. Addressing media after the meeting, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that authorities “although they declaratively advocate changes in Election Law” are doing everything for that not to happen. Sarovic added that the opposition views in regard to election of the B&H Presidency members were also discussed, and added that for SDS, eliminating ethnic prefix from the B&H Election Law is not a problem. “We are of view that technical changes, that are much more than technical changes, are equally important, and we do not oppose amending the Election Law in that smaller package if it is impossible to reach agreement on all issues, what is not supported by some of the political parties, primarily SNSD,” said Sarovic and added that it seems the request for the whole package is an attempt to avoid the election reform. “They are talking about the European path on reforms in B&H, I told them: they have lied about everything. They do not want any changes, because this situation, as well as this Election Law suits them perfectly. I think they were almost shocked. I told them: you are dealing with experienced liars, who have been deceiving you for years”. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said: “We said that for us in the opposition it is acceptable to have, for the implementation of the Sejdic-Finci judgement, one B&H Presidency member from the RS without ethnic prefix, and that accepting everything agreed in the FB&H is not a problem for us, and that it is an asymmetric solution in regard to the RS”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said the authorities led by SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD “have no intention to change the election law”. He added that the false representation from the ruling political parties would not prevent the opposition to win in the upcoming elections, because the opposition is supported by the people, “because we want the RS to be a free country, to equally respect each other within B&H, as envisaged by the Dayton, and to do our job in accordance with our competencies”. Borenovic went on to say that the opposition advocates eliminating difficult political topics “deliberately imposed with the intention to create a crisis. Unfortunately, representatives of the international community participated in, Inzko who imposed a very sensitive law that should have been a local product, and gave wind to retrograde and inflammatory policies in this country, primarily to SDA and SNSD”.

Escobar's statement that he called on leaders of political parties throughout B&H not to support Dodik's policy on Serb unity continues to provoke reactions (RTRS

The statement by US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US Department of State and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar in which that he called on the leaders of political parties throughout B&H not to support SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik's policy on Serb unity continues to provoke reactions. Escobar did not state who he talked to. RTRS stressed that while the opposition in Republika Srpska (RS) claims that there were no such talks with them, many without a doubt point the finger at those who, accidentally or not, acted at such an order from Escobar in the RS parliament on Wednesday, not voting on certain decisions of the B&H Presidency which the Serb member of the B&H Presidency vetoed. Dodik's advisor Milan Tegeltija stressed that it is clear what and who the opposition in the RS is working for. Tegeltija pointed out that the opposition showed subservience, which is proven by the words of Escobar, "who confirmed before the Congress that he asked them not to support the requests for the return of competences and protection of the status of the RS." "In one statement by Escobar, the opposition was profaned in the RS to the extent that it is completely spent as a political factor. All attempts of the opposition to justify this behavior or deny it are completely meaningless, because the truth is crystal clear... In this way, the opposition of the RS has shown that it is under foreign rule and that it does not work for the interests of the RS, but for the interests of the foreign factor," Tegeltija was quoted as saying. While representatives of SDS and PDP are denying that they had such talks with foreigners, Pavic underlined that it is clear that the opposition had ties with Western representatives. "It is one thing to be against the ruling party, but it is another thing to be against the RS. American policy is to the detriment of the RS and its gradual abolition, and it is shameful to receive instructions from abroad if you are engaged in politics in any country. In his arrogance, Escobar exposed the leaders of the opposition as mere puppets of the State Department and probably some other Western embassies," Pavic emphasized.

SNSD Main Board adopts “Declaration”: RS has only two options: total disappearance or return of competences (FTV


The SNSD Main Board held a session in Pale on Thursday evening and adopted the so-called ‘Pale Declaration’. FTV noted that the document brings nothing new as it contains everything that leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik announced for months. The declaration reads that activities of High Representatives (HRs), the Constitutional Court of B&H and many other foreign forces strongly undermined the Dayton constitutional organization of B&H. This is why SNSD concluded that thus, the RS has only two options: either total disappearance of the RS or return of its competences. The document reads that this process also includes reaching of a decision on declaration of laws on the Court, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and all other acts – that HR imposed and B&H. Parliament adopted - null and void, adding that after that, there will be prohibition of work to bodies and institutions formed based on the laws on the territory of the RS along with defining of a deadline for them to leave of the RS or else, bodies of the RS will intervene. The document also reads that the RS government will send a set of laws in the RS parliament soon with the aim to return competences to the RS. The document warned that the only way for B&H to survive is to respect the Constitution of B&H or else, the RS will activate its right to self-determination defined in a Convention of the UN that is an integral part of the Constitution of B&H. The documents also read that if the RS gets its military and judiciary institutions, state bodies will be prohibited to act at the territory of the RS. Dodik said that this is not unconstitutional activity because in his opinion, nothing will be taken from B&H as things return to the original Dayton principles. He also announced that return of competences of the RS will continue at a session of the RS parliament next month by leaving the B&H Armed Forces and formation of entity intelligence service.

SNSD confirms no declaration was adopted at session of SNSD Main Board, but conclusions on future activities (BHT1


SNSD confirmed on Saturday that no declaration was adopted at the session of the SNSD Main Board in Pale on Thursday but the Main Board adopted conclusions on future activities, stressing that the RS’ battle for self-determination is currently not an option. The statement comes after the text of SNSD’s declaration allegedly adopted at the session in Pale was published and caused a series of reactions in the public, especially the part that mentions that the RS will form its own army and judiciary and ban activities of state-level bodies on the territory of the RS. SNSD Spokesperson Radovan Kovacevic told BHT that the SNSD Main Board actually adopted draft conclusions and their final version will be adopted by the SNSD Executive Committee at its first next session.

SDA reacts to declaration adopted by SNSD Main Board: It is most serious attack on constitutional-legal order of B&H (BHT1


SDA issued a statement as reaction to the declaration adopted at a session of the SNSD Main Board held on Thursday. SDA’s statement reads that official documents adopted by SNSD announcing illegal abolition of B&H laws and ban of acting of state institutions on the territory of the RS by use of force represent a most serious attack on constitutional-legal order of B&H and direct violation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). The statement further reads that the rhetoric of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was included in the official documents, adding that it is high time for resolute reaction of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H.  SDA has called on the countries guarantors of the DPA and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) “to undertake decisive and concrete actions to prevent escalation threatened by Dodik. Such reaction was missing when similar actions were undertaken by Radovan Karadzic in 1991 and 1992, which resulted in horrific conflict, war crimes and the genocide”. SDA has called on the international representatives not to make the same mistake again.

Other B&H politicians comment on SNSD’s resolution (Oslobodjene

SNSD Main Board adopted a declaration on return of the RS competencies. SDA’s Edin Ramic stressed that there is no way that the RS achieves, in a legal way and through procedures prescribed by the Constitution, its goals set by SNSD. He added that this can be done through pulling down of the constitutional-legal organization and by use of force. SDP’s Sasa Magazinovic does not find anything surprising in the way that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik makes his moves. He explained that if something happens in the future Dodik will be absolved of any criminal responsibility since there are his associates who sign documents and Dodik is ready to sacrifice them if it was asked for criminal responsibility. Magazinovic added that it is more than clear that this is about a crime. He also said: “We have heard the High Representative, who said, not as loud as we want, but clearly enough, that he is ready to use Bonn Powers and obviously Dodik is testing how far he can go. The IC makes a mistake concluding that there is still room for talks with Dodik. I do not think so, you can talk with arrogant people in an arrogant manner or similar to it.” PDP’s Igor Crnadak said that none can say if SNSD will insist on its initiative to the end. He noted that this might lead to open conflicts which is very dangerous for the RS. He concluded that peace should be preserved at any price.

US and UK reaction on SNSD’s resolution (BHT/N1


The US Embassy to B&H commented on the declaration adopted by SNSD. It was stated from the embassy that there is no constitutional path enabling unilateral withdrawing of one entity from state institutions. The US Embassy underlined that the US is prepared to use all available sanctions against those who undermine or enable undermining of the DPA. The UK Embassy to B&H commented on the declaration adopted by SNSD and they stated that stories about secession or annulling the progress achieved in the past 26 years lead to divisions.

Dzaferovic calls on Dodik to withdraw from political scene in B&H (O Kanal


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency and SDA Vice-President Sefik Dzaferovic stated that Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik should withdraw from politics in B&H. According to Dzaferovic, Dodik should know that ‘Greater Serbia’ policy will not succeed. Dzaferovic warned that B&H is currently in its biggest political crisis in the period since the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed. The Bosniak member of the Presidency assessed that Dodik’s is saying what is inappropriate for a politician to say and he needs to leave the political scene. The Bosniak member added: “That is why in the last couple of days I have been openly speaking of how that is a politician who needs to leave the political scene in B&H.” Dzaferovic warned about a high level of destruction in Dodik’s rhetoric and in concrete actions, adding that the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices of the RS that was recently adopted at Dodik’s initiative is not beneficial for anyone in B&H. He concluded that the institutions will certainly react to what the SNSD leader is doing and what he plans to do. Dzaferovic said that the blockade of work in the state-level institutions is, at this moment, the biggest threat for B&H. He also commented the recently adopted declaration of SNSD, saying it is “a dangerous document”. He reminded that the Law on Medicines and Medical Devices was recently adopted in the RS parliament, which practically tries to repeal the state Law on Medicines and Medical Devices. However, he clarified that the law will never have legal force and will not be able to suspend the state law on medicines and medical devices, because the entity cannot degrade state laws with its laws. Dzaferovic added Dodik will not succeed in his intentions despite the dangerous moves he is making. Dzaferovic pointed out that too much was invested in B&H for anyone to play with it. Dzaferovic also commented the recently adopted declaration by SNSD. Dzaferovic stated: “This declaration speaks openly about the threat of force. This is so serious and (it is) so irresponsible of those who point out that no words should be wasted on it. That should be an alarm to all in the international community, those who are guarantors of the DPA and us here in B&H. Dodik will never succeed in the so-called returning of state competencies to the entity. What is now the competence of B&H will remain the competence of B&H forever. We can only improve those competencies. This way, he can only undermine peace and security in B&H and the whole region.” Dzaferovic also commented on the talks within the electoral reform, stressing the need to implement the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rulings in order to enable all citizens to run in the elections for the B&H Presidency and the Houses of Peoples (HoP) in B&H. Dodik reacted on Sunday to the statement of Dzaferovic, who called on him to withdraw from the political scene in B&H. In his reaction, Dodik said that he could respond by saying that the crisis would be resolved if Dzaferovic or SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic withdraw from the political scene, but that would be untrue. Dodik noted that the current situation is not a matter of individuals but rather of policies that have been trying to erase the RS off the map for 26 years now. He concluded that the RS remains committed to what is written in the Constitution of B&H. “The blindness shown by Bosniak nationalists, Dzaferovic being one of them, has led the whole B&H to a dead-end street, although, for years, we and Croats have been warning where the devastation of the Constitution would end, as well as taking away the rights of the peoples and the entities,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik reminded that everyone forgets that Bosniaks signed the Dayton Agreement as a temporary solution hoping and making everything so that someone gives them what they did not get in the Dayton and for what they think that they are entitled to. Dodik added that for years, High Representatives and the Constitutional Court of B&H were doing this but, in his opinion, it ended. Dodik stated: “The RS is committed to the Constitution of B&H and it will fight for it. The Bosniak nationalism – hidden under the phrase of functional B&H – will not pass and they should not think that we do not understand what kind of plans they try to realize”. Dodik said that Dzaferovic is demonstrating that he is just one of political amateurs if he still believes that the crisis in B&H is a result of policy of any individual.

Izetbegovic: Dodik will have to leave in the end because he is persistently doing damage to B&H and the RS (Hayat

Leader of the SDA and a member of the Collegium of the B&H House of Peoples Bakir Izetbegovic was a guest for Hayat. A stronger engagement of the international community in B&H has been expected for a long time, in accordance with the whole situation B&H has had for months, while sanctions are also missing for those who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), noted the presenter. Izetbegovic was asked to comment why is that so. Izetbegovic said that the international community is surprised and confused by such insolent moves from SNSD and its leader Milorad Dodik. Izetbegovic said that Dodik has tried it for a long time and that Dodik estimates it is a good time to act like this because Dodik believes Russia is returning and that China would become the main rival of the US. “The international community is somewhat confused which of course does not mean it will remain passive. They are now reassembling and will have to react to this if they want to preserve peace and their own authority,” stated Izetbegovic. When asked if he thinks that the peace in the country has been disturbed, Izetbegovic said that what Dodik is doing is definitely leading in that direction. “I do not think even he knows where he is headed, he is not aware of what he is getting into”. Izetbegovic added: “If he could secede, he would. He was warned not to go in that direction in Belgrade either, so he was instructed not to play with the (B&H) Armed Forces, not to play with peace and some referendums. And then he decided to go, he probably got the green light, to try to regain competencies. Some of his legal teams are fighting legally with some of our legal teams, with the OHR (Office of the High Representative), with the Constitutional Court. At the very least, even if it fails, if it all falls apart by the OHR, by the B&H Constitutional Court, (his goal is) to stretch the matter as deeply as possible, to try to preserve it to some extent until the next elections and to be a leader for everyone, both his own and the opposition, to impose nationalist themes, war themes where they cannot escape and must stand behind it, reluctantly.” When asked whether Dodik has chance to win during the next elections, Izetbegovic said believes that, in the end, Dodik will have to leave because he is persistently doing damage to B&H and the RS. “He is already showing very nervous reactions. They cannot directly oppose him, not be traitors, but he received such words at the parliament, he had such little support that it is clear that people have had enough of everything. I think he will take it all into account,” claimed Izetbegovic. When asked what kind of sanctions could be imposed to Dodik, Izetbegovic pointed out that the sanctions so far have not given any effect to Dodik, so they are not good even for the one who imposes them, because it reduces their authority. Izetbegovic is of the opinion that sanctions are needed that will affect businesses and the interests of people who do things like this. “So, a wider circle of people around Dodik, and eventually the entity itself, so that the people start grumbling, that it is difficult to move, that it is difficult to do business, that they have economic and financial problems. I think they will do that as well,” said Izetbegovic. When asked to comment on Dodik and SNSD’s declaration in Pale, Izetbegovic said he does not think Dodik’s announcements are possible. “The only thing that can happen if he does not leave and there is no determination from the international community to sanction and stop this matter, is to bring us into conflict. The rivers Drina and Sava will remain the borders of this country as long as it exists. These are the borders of B&H and they will be maintained at all costs. Peace is sacred, and before peace there is this. This must be maintained and it will be much easier to preserve it than in 1992, because only the Armed Forces, EUFOR, NATO, SIPA, OSA can do their job on every inch of B&H. Everything else will be a paramilitary, rebel army. I do not believe that they will get involved in such a thing, and if they do, they will get an answer”, said Izetbegovic. When asked about the military capacity and whether B&H can defend itself from possible aggression, Izetbegovic explained that B&H cannot collapse. Izetbegovic said that B&H can definitely defends itself now when it could defend itself in the 1990s while the situation was much worse. Izetbegovic added that Serbs in B&H have no reason to go to war and that it is more likely they would rather remove a leader who leads them in that direction. Regarding the military capability of B&H, Izetbegovic said that B&H now has a strong military industry, which they have never had before.


Inzko wrote letter to EU asking for imposing of sanctions against RS politicians on May 17, EU never replied to it (

Former High Representative Valentin Inzko suggested on 17 May to EU officials to impose sanctions against several RS officials, including Milorad Dodik, Nenad Stevandic, Dragan Cavic, Petar Djokic, Nedeljko Cubrilovic, Spomenka Stevanovic, Kostadin Vasic, Dalibor Stevic and Igor Zunic but Brussels never replied to this official request. and Oslobodjenje published Inzko’s letter sent to EU High Representative Josep Borrell and several diplomatic sources confirmed the authenticity of the letter. In his letter, Inzko wrote: “Although I have been facing various problems in the process of implementation of the peace agreement for more than 12 years, I have not requested imposing of European sanctions for violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) until now. To my great regret, I am now forced to request imposing of the EU sanctions to defend B&H, DPA, Copenhagen criteria but also universal civilizational values in order to prevent any further glorification of sentenced war criminals in B&H.” Inzko also wrote that he is “strongly convinced that concrete European sanctions, prohibition of travelling to the EU and freezing of assets would have serious impact and greatly reduce anti-Dayton behavior in this beautiful, yet problematic country”. The cause for Inzko’s letter were conclusions of the RS parliament from 11 May, which rejected Inzko’s request for annulment of awards given to people sentenced for war crimes.


RS government submits report on situation in B&H with UN SC (RTRS


The RS government adopted on Friday the 26th report for the UN Security Council, which reads that the RS fully respects the sovereignty, territorial integrity and constitutional organization of B&H, but it also insists that others in B&H and abroad respect and implement the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) as written. In a report, the RS again confirmed its full commitment to the DPA, including the Constitution of B&H and continuation of B&H’s progress on the path of regional and EU integration. The report also reads that none of the previous acts passed by any of the High Representatives or any of the government bodies in B&H that violate entities’ constitutional rights and rights of constituent peoples cannot be justifiably considered as reform. The report reads that for last 25 years the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) enables peaceful and stable environment in B&H, adding that this is why it is important that all sides respect it. This document also reads that all internal problems concerning B&H need to be solved by internal dialogue.


Croatian President slams Defense Minister as ‘abuser of the military’ (Hina

The President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Croatian Armed Forces, Zoran Milanovic, said on Friday that Defence Minister Mario Banozic was "an abuser of the military" and "a person who strayed into the system" in a continuation of a spat that began last week after Banozic decided to send Colonel Elvis Burcul, commander of the Honorary and Protection Battalion, into retirement. The latest incident between Milanovic and Banozic happened after a voluntary conscripts’ oath-taking ceremony in the eastern Croatian town of Pozega, when Milanovic told the press he had ordered the Chief of Staff, Admiral Robert Hranj, not to allow Banozic to address the ceremony. After the incident, Banozic told the press he had requested that Hranj be sacked, to which Milanovic responded that Hranj only did what he, as the commander-in-chief, had ordered. “He (Banozic) gathered the generals together before my arrival here and threatened them. He said he demanded the resignation of the chief of staff. Who is he to demand anyone’s resignation? Do you want me to demand his? Who is he? He is a party installation” said Milanovic. “I am the commander-in-chief elected by the people, while he has a guardian,” he continued, alluding to Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. “His (Banozic’s) conduct is against the law, he is lying.” “Until he reinstates Burcul, this is how things will go on,” Milanovic said, adding that Banozic was punishing and arbitrarily retiring honorable army officers. “You will hear in the days ahead… about all that is being done and what criteria this minister has,” he said. “The minister is under pressure from a score of his party colleagues who have friends in the army, all of whom are reaching an age when they should retire.” Milanovic said Banozic was completely unprepared for his position, full of frustration and a desire for revenge. “But my position is much higher than his and I, in order to protect the military from partisanship, will take measures which I consider to be in the interest of the Armed Forces.” The minister has brought the military to the brink of poverty with “his economizing,” Milanovic said, adding, “The military doesn’t have money for essentials, (Banozic) is occupied with the HDZ (party) and (PM Andrej) Plenkovic is letting him do all of this.” “The army won’t be run like the HDZ. Generals won’t be threatened. No one will lie that a general banned them from speaking,” Milanovic said, telling Banozic to “take it out on his local HDZ members.” He reiterated that he and Banozic had nothing more to talk about and that the only person he could talk to was the Prime Minister.

PM: By attacking Defense Minister, the President only made his position stronger (Hina

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Friday labelled President Zoran Milanovic's conduct as "a creeping coup" for not allowing Defense Minister Mario Banozic to address conscripts at an oath-taking ceremony earlier on Friday, saying he had thereby made Banozic's position in the government stronger. “I didn’t see any of it,” Plenkovic told the press in the southern Adriatic city of Dubrovnik. “What I briefly saw was a show of unacceptable behavior on the part of the president of the republic. This can be freely called a creeping coup.” He said that not allowing the defence minister to address soldiers taking an oath was “unprecedented” and that such behavior was “against the law.” With the decisions, the president is violating the Defense Act, which parliament amended when he served as Prime Minister from 2011 to 2016. Plenkovic said they agreed to hold a meeting of the Defense Council and the National Security Council on November 9, at which they would raise every issue and see how to reconcile the significantly different views on the rule of law, so that the state could function normally. “What happened, what he did to the Minister, he made the Defense Minister’s position in my government stronger. Today, Banozic is a stronger minister than he was yesterday,” Plenkovic said. He added that Milanovic would have to find a way to work with Banozic because he would serve as the Minister of Defence as long as this government had a majority, which, he said, it would certainly have until this time in 2024. Asked if he supported Banozic’s request for the resignation of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, Admiral Robert Hranj, Plenkovic said Hranj was appointed to that post with his co-signature, not “only at the will of the president of the republic.” “When I return to Zagreb, I will see exactly what happened” he said, adding that this cannot be dismissed as a simple “quarrel” but a serious problem of unlawful behavior.


PM: I’m thinking about forming Christian Democratic Party, I want to reconcile two strong extremisms (RTCG

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has announced that he is considering the formation of the Christian Democratic Party, which could, as he states, reconcile two strong extremisms. Krivokapic has stated that such a party could change the political picture in Montenegro. He adds that the formation of a good party infrastructure is an extremely difficult and demanding job, so he cannot dedicate himself to various activities that should be important for this country. Krivokapic claims that the special American envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that this Government has America’s support. “This time, the Western Balkans is cooperating with Europe and the United States. America is getting back to this area through the big door. That is a chance that the countries of the Western Balkans should take,” he stresses. Commenting on the government reshuffle, Krivokapic believes that everyone should be aware and that everyone should accept their role and build Montenegro together for the benefit of the people. “The model of the expert government has experienced full affirmation, regardless of criticism and opponents. It is a model that guarantees a good transition and undertaking reform steps,” Krivokapic points out.

PM: Citizens don’t want new elections, all those who want transitional or minority Govt. are direct accomplices of former regime (CdM

All those who want a transitional or minority government are direct accomplices of the former regime, Zdravko Krivokapic has stated during the PMQs. Answering the question of the head of the caucus of the Movement for Changes Branko Radulovic, he has pointed out that the government he heads, and he personally, are doing everything to bring the Montenegrin society to the desired consensus and gathering all the potentials that the state of Montenegro has. “I have shown personal openness, and announced that I will consider any initiative to improve the work of the Government, which is backed by at least 41 MPs. I have also expressed the wish that representatives of minority parties be part of the reshuffled government”, Krivokapic says.

He has once again called on the representatives of the parliamentary majority to adopt the new Prosecutorial Council as soon as possible. Krivokapic claims that the situation we are in does not depend only on the government. “All parties in parliament are in favor of EU integration. If so, and if the EC Report clearly states that judicial reform is one of the preconditions for intensifying the European integration of our country, I call on the parliament of Montenegro to initiate that process as well”, Krivokapic has stressed. He has also pointed out that what Montenegro lacks is a strategic institute that would deal with the development of the entire country.

Krivokapic: I won’t sign Fundamental Agreement with SPC during my visit to Belgrade (CdM

Zdravko Krivokapic has announced that the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) will not be signed during his official visit to Belgrade. “The agreement is still being considered by the SPC Synod and I am ready to sign it as soon as all the preconditions are met,” Krivokapic has told reporters.

Weber: Political dialogue crucial, govt faces crisis (Pobjeda

All political forces in Montenegro should take a constructive position and start a result-oriented political dialogue aiming to reduce polarization on the political stage. The parliament should finally address the open staff issues in the justice system, with no further delays, in a transparent, decisive and inclusive dialogue. Otherwise, there will be no progress in the EU accession process, German Ambassador to Montenegro Robert Weber said in a statement for Pobjeda. He points out that the European Commission’s report speaks for itself and does not require any further comment. “Also, now is not the time to deal with Germany-Montenegro relations, given that the formation of a government in Germany is not yet complete and the Montenegrin government is still in crisis. Instead, all political forces in Montenegro should now take a constructive position and launch a results-oriented political dialogue to reduce polarization on the political stage,” Weber concluded.

Joseph: I asked Abazovic about threats against Western orientation and the role of SPC (Gradska Televizija

“I was at the meeting in Washington, attended by Dritan Abazovic and Djordje Radulovic as well, and I cannot tell what they were speaking about as the meeting wasn’t public, but what I can tell is that I asked them about the Belgrade’s and Moscow’s threats against Montenegro’s Western orientation, as well as about the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church” a professor at the Johns Hopkins University and one of the leading US experts on the Balkans Edward Joseph told Gradska Televizija. Jospeh pointed out that both Abazovic and Radulovic had confirmed that they were going to keep up with Montenegro’s Western orientation. In addition, he assessed that all Montenegro’s issues are manageable. “The worries that Serbs in Montenegro have are the same ones that Serbs in Bosnia have, or Croats, or Bosniaks, or Montenegrins. These are all solvable problems, when everyone accepts the Western order. When you promote the alternative order of Russia and China and move away from democracy, then these problems cannot be solved,” he believes. Asked whether Washington and Brussels understand that a key factor and major trigger for mayhem in the region is the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, Jospeh answered briefly – NO. On the role of the United States in the Balkans, he says that the newly-elected ambassadors cannot pursue the policies on their own and against the official policy of the countries. “It simply isn’t possible. However, things are not going exclusively that way in the Balkans – the US ambassadors have huge space in the region. Ambassadors also assist in shaping the policy of Washington by providing recommendations. A US ambassador plays an important role in the formation and enforcement of the US diplomacy in the Balkans both as a field agent and a source of information.” As he underlined, the major problem in the Balkans is that there’s one country which doesn’t accept the Western order – and that country is Serbia.


Macedonia: VMRO victory in local elections forces Zoran Zaev to resign (Republika

While votes from the second round of the local elections are still counted, the outcome is clear VMRO-DPMNE and other opposition parties secured major gains, prompting Zoran Zaev to announce his resignation as Prime Minister and leader of the SDSM party. Zaev promised to resign after the shellacking of the first round, and he conditioned this with the outcome of the race in the capital Skopje. After an exceptionally ugly campaign on his part, his candidate in Skopje Petre Silegov lost to VMRO-DPMNE backed candidate Danela Arsovska, who will become the first woman – Mayor of Skopje. “I take responsibility for the bad results in these elections. I expect that the progressive forces will remain, will continue to fight” Zaev said before his supporters. Zaev said that he intends to remain as Prime Minister “until we re-organize a new government with a progressive majority that exists, and could grow in the future”. This indicates that Zaev will try to appoint a crony as Prime Minister and keep his SDSM party in power. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, speaking minutes before Zaev, said that the opposition won a major victory, and called for early elections. As he spoke, celebrations erupted in front of the VMRO office, as supporters streamed to rejoice in the end of the road for the hated Prime Minister who imposed numerous national humiliations on the country. Zaev has only 62 seats in parliament – out of 120, and his SDSM party directly controls only about 35. The reliability of many of his allies is uncertain, especially in face of the defeat in the local elections, in which nominal allies like DOM and LPD openly campaigned against him, while others, like DUI, obviously did not support his candidates in the second round of the elections.

VMRO-DPMNE has 44 seats, and is far less dependent on coalition partners. With the Alliance of Albanians and Alternative – the two Albanian opposition parties that competed in the local elections together with VMRO, and with the populist Levica party that joined the opposition coalition after the first round, the opposition now has 58 seats, meaning that the defection of one smaller partner can bring down Zaev’s coalition. The outcome of the elections was a brutal rebuke for SDSM. Of all major cities in Macedonia, the party won only in Zaev’s stronghold of Strumica. Of the urban centers in Skopje – only in Centar, and even that after a run-off. SDSM lost about half of its votes in the 2017 local elections – some due to the overall Covid reduction in turnout, others due to defections from smaller coalition partners like LDP/DOM, but the bulk of them are former SDSM voters who turned against the party. VMRO-DPMNE also lost votes compared to both 2017 and the 2020 general elections, that were held under Covid conditions, but not nearly as much as SDSM. In the end, Arsovska demolished Zaev’s candidate in Skopje Petre Silegov, the margin of her victory increased by the unusual abstention of voters in Albanian majority parts of the city – a possible sign that DUI pulled the rug from under Zaev’s feet and is working to bring down his coalition from within. VMRO-DPMNE won in Skopje in the second round, as well as in Bitola and Ohrid, two culturally and economically important cities that initially gave Zaev and SDSM a chance. More right-wing oriented cities like Prilep, Stip and Veles voted for VMRO outright, in the first round, as did the bulk of the separate municipalities that make up the capital – Aerodrom, Kisela Voda, Gjorce Petrov, Gazi Baba and Butel, some by 2 margins. A number of smaller cities and rural municipalities followed the lead and went from narrow SDSM wins in the first round to VMRO wins in the second: Kocani, Makedonska Kamenica, Resen… With his heavy-handed police tactics, Zaev managed to alienate even the voters in Kumanovo – which has elected nothing but SDSM mayors for three decades – a rebel party official Maksim Dimitrievski was re-elected Mayor, defeating the SDSM candidate with VMRO support – as did former SDSM official Stevce Jakimovski in Skopje’s Karpos district. In the Albanian camp, Ali Ahmeti’s DUI party, which has been part of the Government almost non-stop since 2002, greatly outclassed the opposition Albanian parties in the races for city councils in the first round. But with the help of VMRO-DPMNE, the Alliance of Albanians kept the mayoral seat in Gostivar, while BESA, the smaller, Erdoganist coalition partner in Zaev’s government, won Tetovo, depriving DUI the two most important city halls that Albanian parties can win in the country. This is certain to cause new frictions in the coalition and add to Zaev’s troubles, as both DUI and BESA are crucial to the continued survival of his government.


Unification of Kosovo and Albania becomes more likely if the Balkans are not integrated in the EU, Rama says (ADN

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama stated that the unification of Albania with Kosovo will get more likely if they are left out of the European Union. In an interview with a German paper, Rama said that the Balkans could return to the tensions of the past if its countries are left isolated. Albania is blocked along with Macedonia from opening its EU accession talks, with little hope to overcome the situation.

Chinese Foreign Minister visits Tirana (Tirana Times

With China’s foreign minister in Albania as part of a regional tour, Tirana and Beijing have expressed their mutual will to expand economic, trade and cultural ties in addition to increasing diplomatic and political exchanges. That’s according to a press release by Albania’s foreign ministry, following a meeting of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi with his host counterpart, Albanian Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka. A special part during the talks was dedicated to the exchange of views on cooperation in the UN Security Council, where Albania will sit for a two-year term during 2022-2023 and where China is a permanent member. “We have the full willingness to cooperate closely with the People's Republic of China on all those issues where we share common positions and interests, by recognizing at the same time the role of China in the global arena,” Xhacka said. Talks further focused on bilateral cooperation and opportunities for their further development in areas of mutual interest, focusing on economic and cultural cooperation, the fight against pandemics and cooperation in the field of health, as well as cooperation within regional initiatives. The visit also coincides with the 50th anniversary of People’s Republic of China return to the UN, for which Albania played a historically helpful role, which has the gratitude of the Chinese government and its people, according to the Albanian foreign ministry statement. Minister Wang Yi's visit is the first by a chief diplomat of China since 2011. He also held a meeting with Albanian President Ilir Meta, the presidency said on its website.  The visit to Albania was part of a wider tour with stops in Serbia, Greece and Italy. It comes as relations between the West and China have continued to deteriorate, and Albania has taken several steps to follow the US and European Union leads in relations with China.  China has also seen some of its investments in Albania not perform well, leading to withdrawals, such as the recent sale of the Tirana International Airport management concession from a Chinese firm to an Albanian one. According to an expert at the Albanian Institute for International Studies, Albania needs to pay closer attention to its relations with China, the same way Paris, Berlin and Rome do.