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Belgrade Media Report 09 December 2021



Vucic: I returned Law on Expropriation to parliament, Referendum Law to be revised (B92/Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public from the Palace of Serbia on Wednesday night. The address was dedicated to the current protests and the company Rio Tinto.

“The previous two years and the previous seven are some of the years in which we can boast of the rapid development of our country, our growth rate will be 2.7 percent. We expect two chapters or one cluster to be opened by 14 December. It is possible that Serbia will be the only country to open new chapters,” Vucic said. “I am proud of all the results we have achieved, but I know that we could have done even more without the laziness of some people, but also with bureaucratic problems we had faced,” he said. “As for the law itself, as I said in previous addresses, and despite the fact that I am one of the few presidents who returned laws to the parliament, such as the Law on Waters,” he said. “Something happened that in the desire, as I understood the people from the government, to pass the best possible law, they passed a law in which one thing was problematic for me, and that is the insanely short deadlines given to the owner of real estate, either land or house,” he said. “It was not unconstitutional, the law did not go through a public debate, due to COVID crisis, which is unacceptable,” said Vucic. “I saw ministers’ flaws in taking over responsibilities that did not belong to them. I made a decision and signed that decision on returning the Law on Amendments to the Law on Expropriation to the parliamentary procedure,” he said. “There was a possibility of interpretation that the law could be overthrown, due to Article 58 of the Constitution, where property rights are violated. Although in many EU countries they do it even after 8 days, I certainly think that the deadlines are insanely short,” Vucic said. This means that the Law on Amendments to the Law on Expropriation has been returned to the parliament. Tonight or tomorrow, they can make a decision to withdraw the law. My proposal to the government of the Republic of Serbia is not to pass any new Law on Expropriation, but to make one of the broadest public debates instead,” he said. He also blamed ministers who, as he said, did not bother to organize a broad debate on the Law on Expropriation and failed to visit the area most affected by a potential mine to talk to people there.


I signed the Law on Referendum

“I signed the Law on Referendum, there is nothing unconstitutional about that law,” he said about the Law on the People’s Referendum. “Everyone will say this is Vucic’s defeat, but I am the president of all citizens, and my job is to take care of all citizens,” he said. “I know there are a lot of citizens, wonderful, ordinary people who are worried,” he said. “Although it is not part of my competence, I accept it as part of my guilt,” says Vucic. “I listened to the people in Gornje Nedeljice, this is my address to them. People, that’s 5.000 people and less, but it's not just those 5.000, I would fight for a single man. I listened to them, I saw how painful it is for them, my job is to hear them out. So, I am addressing them, primarily,” Vucic explained. “Everyone knows it’s not my fault, I didn’t bring Rio Tinto, but I’m eating myself from the inside because I didn’t pay enough attention to it, I thought others cared about it,” he added.


Roadblocks are so harmful; I want to apologize to people

“Here, we fulfilled all the requests, and you know why? They say Vucic is scared, wants to preserve the government,” he said. “We will accept all demands, as the blockade of highways is causing us great damage. This is not good for the image of our country. And I am proud that the police did not use water cannons. We have a fragile democracy and we must protect it,” he said.

“I want to tell the citizens of Serbia that no one is working against them. I want to tell them that I do not intend to do something against their interests,” he said. “I want to apologize to all citizens who suffered the terror of irresponsible people, and those who were beaten in illegally organized protests, I apologize to the old people who suffered, I apologize because the state did not do its job and did not protect them,” he said during the address. “But it is all the price of democracy. We have to fight for the country to move forward. The people will evaluate each of us in the coming period,” he said. “I really tried. We fulfilled all the demands they made, although some were, from my point of view, a political whim. And then you will see that politics is behind everything. But it was important to me that we meet the needs of ordinary people and I care about them more than anything,” said Vucic. Vucic thanked the citizens for their patience and the people who showed their strength, and invited political opponents to compete on 3 April.

“Those who are tired do not have to be ministers. They can spend the little time they have left serving the people,” he said. “I have been angry countless times because we did not explain to people about the medical treatment of children,” he said.


I apologize for not visiting eight and a half thousand villages

“I am the man who, I think, visited all places in Serbia the most times. I was in the area of ​​Loznica and Krupanj many times, I was 26 or 27 times officially, only in those two places. I worked hard on the floods, we helped. Do you know the names of the rivers in Loznica area? I know, because I've been there 11 times,” he said. “I apologize for not being able to visit eight and a half thousand villages in Serbia,” he said. Vucic denied he yielded to the protests though earlier claimed the street would not lead politics in Serbia. “As for the street protests, they take place every year,” he said. In the end, he said that he was happy that the demands of the citizens were met, but that he knew that there were those who were happy because they perceived this as his defeat. He said he pledged with the government to make some changes to the Law on Referendum, which he had signed to fulfil the demands of thousands of people who protested over the last two weekends against both laws. Commenting on the Treasury Department report, Vucic said his ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) had not gotten a penny for Veselinovic’s brother.


Law on Expropriation withdrawn from parliamentary procedure (Tanjug)


At Wednesday night’s session held at 20.00, the government of the Republic of Serbia made a decision to withdraw the Law on Expropriation from the parliamentary procedure, which was returned to the Serbian parliament for reconsideration by President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic. The government of the Republic of Serbia will make an analysis of whether amendments to the Law on Expropriation are necessary and, if it is determined that the law needs to be changed, it will be done with a broad public debate involving the professional public, professional associations, business and civil society. At the same session, the government proposed to the parliament amendments to the Law on Referendum and People’s Initiative, in Articles 7, 20, 43 and 44. The mentioned articles refer to the verification of signatures, the representatives of the authorized proponent in the body for conducting the referendum and the deadline for re-calling the referendum. The government by this proposal abolishes the fee for the verification of signatures and clearly enables the representatives of the authorized proponents to be part of the body for conducting the referendum. According to the proposal, it will not be possible to call a referendum on the same issue in less than four years. Also, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia will not be able to make a decision different from the one confirmed in the referendum within four years. The government of the Republic of Serbia apologizes to the citizens, the parliament of the Republic of Serbia and the President of the Republic of Serbia for sending a working version of the statement to all media during the preparation for the government session, due to a technical error.


Dacic: Government cannot withdraw adopted law (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The government cannot withdraw the law adopted by the parliament, said Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, regarding the news that the Serbian government had withdrawn the Law on Expropriation. “The constitutional procedure is completely clear,” Dacic commented. Dacic told Tanjug on Wednesday night that he had scheduled a session, at which this would be debated and decided, for Friday at 10 am. “I note that the amendment of this law has nothing to do with the decision made on calling and holding a referendum on constitutional changes in the field of justice for 16 January,” said Dacic.


Dacic says expropriation law up for public debate (TV Pink/FoNet)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Thursday that MPs won’t debate changes to the Law on Expropriation which President Aleksandar Vucic sent back, adding that it will be put up for public debate. Dacic told TV Pink that he doesn’t know if the law will ever be amended after the government also withdrew it from procedures. He added that the government also submitted draft amendments to the Law on Referendum. According to him, MPs will debate the issue at a session of Friday.


US identifies five Kosovo Serb businessmen as leaders of organized crime group (N1)


The US Department of Treasury’s press release titled ‘Northern Kosovo-Based Transnational Organized crime: Zvonko Veselinovic and his Organized Crime Group’ named five Kosovo Serbs as members of organized crime, including Veselinovic’s brothers Zvonko and Zarko, Milan Radojcic, Zeljko Bojic and Marko Rosic. It said that Zvonko Veselinovic, “the leader of the Zvonko Veselinovic Organized Crime Group (OCG), is one of Kosovo’s most notorious corrupt figures. The Veselinovic OCG is engaged in a large-scale bribery scheme with Kosovar and Serbian security officials who facilitate the group’s illicit trafficking of goods, money, narcotics, and weapons between Kosovo and Serbia”. The press release says that the group “has also conspired with various politicians in several quid pro quo agreements, including the early 2019 bribery of Kosovar security officials to allow their smuggling operations between Serbia and Kosovo and the late 2017 bribery of Kosovar border security officials to allow safe passage for smugglers”. It said it had discovered 16 individuals and 24 entities in several European countries and the Western Hemisphere under Executive Order 13818 targeting those who have committed corruption and serious human rights violations. The release detailed the other crimes allegedly committed by the OCG, adding that “as of late 2017, Veselinovic and his brother Zarko Veselinovic had agreements with politicians to help their party win elections, secure political victories for their candidates, and contribute large sums of money to candidates. In return, these politicians would grant the brothers control of certain areas for their businesses and where they could conduct their illicit business activities without interference by Serbian authorities and would also provide proprietary business information to support the brothers’ business investments. The politicians would also reward the Veselinovic brothers by working to grant the brothers the best infrastructure contracts”. “Additionally, Veselinovic and his group were indicted for their alleged involvement in the murder of political party leader Oliver Ivanovic in January 2018. Veselinovic and fellow members of the OCG, Radojcic, Bojic and Rosic were all named in the indictment for the murder, each serving their role in the assassination for the criminal enterprise,” the press release added.


Serbian environmental organization wants Rio Tinto plans removed (N1)


The Ecological Uprising organization said on Wednesday that it would call for road blocks unless the Loznica town authorities remove the Jadar lithium mine project from its plans. The organization said that it would call the local population to “block roads until the final goal is met – the expulsion of Rio Tinto from Serbia.” The Rio Tinto company is reported to be planning to open a lithium mine in the Loznica area of western Serbia. The plans prompted protests both locally and nation-wide, including the road blocks over the past two weekends following the adopting of two laws which are said to have been introduced to accommodate Rio Tinto’s plans. Those protests are demanding the withdrawal of the laws on referendums and expropriation. The authorities have said that any decision on the Rio Tinto plans has to be approved by referendum and the land for the mine can then be expropriated under the guise of higher national interests. “Aleksandar Vucic is very wrong to think that he will stop us by meeting. Unless the Lozica Municipal Assembly meets by 15 December at the latest to decide to delete the Jadar project from its plans, Ecological Uprising will call the public to continue protests and roads blocks until the final goal is met, the expulsion of Rio Tinto from Serbia,” a statement by the organization said. Djordje Miketic of the movement told N1 that the moves fulfill the two main requests the activists insisted on, but that it that would not stop Rio Tinto to do its business in Serbia. He added that “we already have agreed to a protest at some 50 locations. People are fed up with fear. Some protest against Rio Tinto, some against (Chinese tire factory) Linglong in Zrenjain, some against Zijin in Bor. Our focus is on Rio Tinto. The changes to the laws won’t make it leave.” Miketic said that Rio Tinto got location permits seven days ago and that there was a spatial plan in the western Loznica municipality that included Rio Tinto. He added that the Rio Tinto’s area of interest “looks like a war zone, or like a storm hit it. Black jeeps drive around, pressuring people. That will continue. It may ease a bit ahead of the elections, but what after them?”


Working Group for Rio Tinto project involves President’s aides, but diplomats, too (Beta/NSPM)


The Working Group for the Jadar Project which the government of Serbia set up a year ago with the responsible Minister Zorana Mihajlovic at its helm, involves President Vucic’s close allies, but also representatives of foreign embassies and international financial institutions, Wednesday’s release says. A decision to set up the working group and amendments to the decision were published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia in November 2020 and in April, this year. Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic was named the chair of the group, and a state secretary at her ministry Jovanka Atanackovic, her deputy. The group includes a team of just under 30 people, including the president's chief of staff, Ivica Kojic and his special adviser, Danilo Cicmil. The decision says that the second secretary of the Australian Embassy in Belgrade, Michael Shiraev, and the head of the World Bank Office in Serbia, Stephen Ndegwa, may join the group as well. Appointed to the working group were also assistants at the ministries, agencies and administrations in charge of the process, as well as representatives of local self-governments and state-run companies, including Srbijagas, the Roads of Serbia, the EPS power utility, Srbijasume, the Zeleznice railways, etc.


Stefanovic: KFOR to act within the given mandate, Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical agreement (Tanjug/Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Wednesday with NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Javier Colomina Piriz, who is visiting the Republic of Serbia. Stefanovic pointed out that Serbia cooperates with all partners in an extremely transparent manner and that we are satisfied with the results achieved through participation in activities under the auspices of the Partnership for Peace, which for us is the optimal framework for achieving security goals and improving defense capabilities while remaining neutral. He emphasized that Serbia viewed attempts at forming an army of Kosovo as unacceptable, that these were certainly in violation of all international agreements, that it expects NATO to retain its neutral position and for KFOR to act within the given mandate, Security Council Resolution 1244 and the Military Technical agreement, and provide safety and security for everyone. He expressed deep concern over the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, especially for the security of the Serb population, which is continuously threatened by unilateral moves by the provisional Pristina institutions.  Colomina Piriz pointed out that Serbia is a respected and respected partner of NATO and a key country for the stability of the Western Balkans. He reiterated that NATO fully respects Serbia’s policy of military neutrality and that it is entirely up to Serbia to choose the nature of its partnership with the Alliance.


SNS MP: Vulin responsible for police acts, alleged deal with Russians (N1)


A ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) MP Dragan Sormaz told N1 on Wednesday he believed that the Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who heads the Movement of Socialists, should be held responsible for the police conduct during recent protests across the country against two controversial laws and for an alleged deal he made Russia's security services about joint acts regarding the so-called colored revolutions. “The police did not act well during the protests, and the Minister should face the consequences,” Sormaz said but added that if he were the minister, the road blockades would not have happened because that was the violation of the laws. On the news about Vulin’s deal on Russia and his handing over Serbia’s state security agency documents about a meeting of Russian opposition leaders in Belgrade, Sormaz said he did not know anything about it and that President Aleksandar Vucic Vucic denied it. “Minister Vulin obviously worked on his own since he put it on the website. And what means a deal? There is no contract, agreement,” Sormaz said. Commenting on Vucic’s initiative accepted by the government to withdraw the Law on Expropriation and amend the Law on Referendum, after mass protests, Sormaz said that the street did not win, but an NGO messaged the institutions they were wrong about certain solutions in those laws.


Lecturer: Summit for Democracy – a bad idea for the world (Beta)


The Summit for Democracy, the forthcoming virtual gathering of leaders of more than 100 countries is a wrong idea in the global sense, because it strives to divide the world into two incompatible camps, between which there can be little relationship and even less understanding and, when things are brought to their logical conclusion, conflict is inevitable, an economist and lecturer at several universities in the US Branko Milanovic assessed on Wednesday. Under the title “Summit of Democracies Is A Bad Idea”, Milanovic wrote that the virtual gathering, organized by US President Joseph Biden. on 9 and 10 December, could be viewed in different ways, but that the most realistic was the one interpreting it as an introduction into the creation of a bulky association of states, which the US would use to conduct its ideological crusade in the escalating geo[1]political conflict with Russia and China. The author, who is an expert in issues of global inequality, assessed that the conflict between China and US was geo-political and ideological and that history had shown that such conflicts could be solved, but that they became dangerous when they were transferred to the field of values. “If one side believes that the values it represents are in complete contradiction with the values of the other side, it is difficult to see how conflict can be avoided in the long run,” Milanovic wrote. He believes that “the creation of an association with establishes or fortifies the view about the incompatibility of values between the system of the American type and that of the Chinese type contributes to raising of the initial conflict of interests to the level where compromise is almost impossible”.




Escobar meets B&H Presidency members: Dzaferovic: Me and Komsic are encouraged by constant support that comes from US (Hayat


US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar met with Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Escobar was accompanied by Deputy Managing Director in the European External Action Service (EEAS) for Western Balkans, Turkey and the UK Marko Makovec. The meeting was also attended by EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson.

Addressing media after the meeting, Dzaferovic stated that, to solve all issues that exist in B&H, it is essential for the institutions in B&H to immediately start functioning. Escobar was once more very clear in his messages sent towards B&H leaders. He said all issues in B&H need to be resolved, and state-level institutions must function normally. He emphasized that B&H must implement necessary reforms in order to continue its path towards the EU. Dzaferovic agrees with US officials when they say that a solution must be found so that B&H institutions would continue to function normally. He said that he and Komsic are encouraged by the constant support that comes from the US – for B&H’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Dzaferovic says this means that US officials will not allow anything bad to happen in B&H. Dzaferovic said all issues should be solved in state-level institutions, and any negative moves made by the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament will further prolong the crisis in B&H. Escobar and Makovec did not give statements themselves after the meeting with the members of B&H Presidency. Unofficially, there were sharp tones directed at Dzaferovic and Komsic, due to their rhetoric, noted the reporter. The fact that Dzaferovic did not mention sanctions or harsh words about Dodik and the RS, but only called for the functioning of B&H institutions, confirms that the foreign factor is slowly realizing the real situation in B&H, commented the reporter. Dzaferovic stated: “The parliament, the Presidency and the Council of Ministers should function, and then all issues should be discussed in the B&H institutions. That is the basic message we could hear today from our friends from the US and the EU.” Dodik commented: “I did not look at what Dzaferovic looks like today, but from what he said, now in retrospect, I can see that he had some depression and even anger about everything” The reporter comments it is interesting that Komsic and Dzaferovic did not mention or request from foreigners the sanctions for politicians from the RS, and goes on to say that this time, Dzaferovic commented on the special RSNA session in much calmer manner. Commenting on this, Dodik said: “It must be known there is no B&H without Serbs and the RS. I enjoyed today at the Presidency when I listened to them swearing by the RS, Dzaferovic and Komsic, claiming they think all the best about the RS, that they have never said anything bad, that they are for the RS to exist equally, etc., and the public knows what that looked like.”


Dodik tells Escobar that international community needs to find way to withdraw Inzko’s law (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik called on all patriotic-oriented forces in the RS parliament to jointly vote on decisions to withdraw consent for competencies transferred to the B&H level. Dodik emphasized that this is not adventurism because nothing is being done outside the RS Constitution and the B&H Constitution. Dodik told the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar that the international community should find a way to withdraw the law imposed by the former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko from the legal system and that the truth cannot be enforced. Until that happens, the RS will remain committed to not participating in the work of B&H institutions but does not feel at all guilty about the political crisis, claimed Dodik. “We did not produce it, it was produced by the High Representative at the orders of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the largest embassies here. Let them find ways to erase and invalidate that kind of story,” claimed Dodik.

Dodik said that everything that the RS is doing to return, as he said, the forcibly taken away constitutional competencies in the areas of defense, justice and indirect taxes are political and not war initiatives. After his meeting with Escobar and Deputy Executive Director for Europe at the EEAS Marko Makovec, Dodik commented on the meeting in Istocno Sarajevo. Dodik was quoted as saying: “We will know how to defend ourselves by political means, but we will not go to war.” Dodik stated: “We will withdraw our consents from these three areas and annul the decisions on 140 imposed laws that were imposed by the High Representative and move towards the normative regulation of all these areas. I reject any speculation that this is exclusively a war option or any other option. This is about defending the Constitution”. Commenting on the writing of the Italian magazine 'la Repubblica', which does not rule out the possibility of territorial division of B&H, Dodik said that this is something new that they have not been able to hear from Western European countries so far. Dodik confirmed that, at the extraordinary session of B&H Presidency held immediately after the meeting with Escobar, he gave consent to urgently destroy the spent Luna rockets, located in the warehouses of the B&H Armed Forces around Banja Luka, because they are dangerous to people and property. Dodik said after the meeting that the RS and its leaders would not wage a war under any circumstances, even if it was attacked, and noted that the RS leadership would continue to use political means to fight against such attempts. Dodik said to the EU and the US officials at the B&H Presidency that calling the special RS parliament session was the continuation of the RS’ political initiative for withdrawal of consents for the B&H Armed Forces, indirect taxation system and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), and not a war initiative, as some from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) wanted to present it. Dodik also said the Serb people advocated stability and peace in B&H and the protection of the Dayton Peace agreement (DPA), due to which he called for unity in the RS parliament. Dodik said that abovementioned meeting – like many others before, did not yield concrete results. When asked what would take for RS representatives to return to the B&H institutions, Dodik said the only way is for imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, adopted by Inzko and which ban genocide denial in B&H, to be annulled.


Izetbegovic’s announcement that all decisions of RS parliament on restoration of competences will be annulled by Constitutional Court causes reactions from RS: This is proof that SDA controls judiciary (Glas Srpske


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that all decisions of the RS parliament on restoration of RS’s competences will be annulled by the B&H Constitutional Court. According to Izetbegovic, the announced special session is “a dead-end street” and all decisions made at the session will be declared null and void. His statement caused many reactions of RS officials and analysts who believe that it represents yet another proof that he in fact controls the Constitutional Court. B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik stated that Izetbegovic revealed himself and the Bosniak policy. “This statement is the best evidence that SDA controls this Court. Izetbegovic sometimes loses the orientation and admits everything. He claims that he will repel the decisions of the RS parliament before the Constitutional Court of B&H. This means that he knows in advance what decision they will make. Our response will be that we do not implement decisions of this court in our territory. The ones passed in some other period, as well as some new ones. We will continue to do that until our demands are fulfilled. Justice is on our side, on the side of the RS,” said Dodik. Dodik said that threats of Izetbegovic with the B&H Constitutional Court are futile, because all decisions made in Sarajevo by outvoting and at the expense of the Serb people would not be implemented in the RS. SNSD’s Stasa Kosarac stated that Izetbegovic’s statement proves that the policies of the RS leadership are correct because they are focused on returning B&H to the framework of the Dayton Peace Agreement, especially in the field of judiciary which has been under control of SDA for years. Kosarac underlined that it is necessary to pass new laws which will create the necessary balance in B&H Constitutional Court and take away this dangerous toy from the hand of Bosniaks. He warned that if Izetbegovic’s threats become truth, the already undermined credibility of B&H Constitutional Court will be completely destroyed. “It is time to stop this game. After the attempt to ban the Day of the RS and snatch away the property, as well as many other decisions which stepped over the rights of Serbs and Srpska, the annulment of decisions on restoration of constitutional competences would surely be the final straw and it would probably mean the end of work of the Court in its present format,” said Kosarac.


Dzaferovic: RS parliament’s discussion of issues of B&H institutions would only lead to further escalation of already bad political situation (Hayat


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic addressed media in Sarajevo on Wednesday and commented on a special session, which the RS parliament is scheduled to discuss on Friday, and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik’s statement that, after the RS parliament adopts the conclusions, the B&H Armed Forces (AF) should come down to half of its current number within six months. Namely, Dodik said that the RS has already prepared the Law on the RS Army. In his comment, Dzaferovic stated that this issue was commented many times, and once again warned that discussing the issue of defense and B&H institutions in the RS parliament would only lead to further escalation of “an already bad political situation”.


IMF warns of consequences if RS decides to withdraw from ITA B&H (O Kanal/RTRS


On the occasion of the announcement by the RS authorities that the entity will withdraw from the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA) of B&H, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reacted. “We believe that such a move would have major economic consequences,” the IMF representatives say. The disbandment of the ITA B&H would also jeopardize the timely servicing of B&H’s external debt, which the ITA B&H currently provides through an automatic mechanism that is isolated from political interference. “Even if the entities remain committed to servicing their liabilities, a transition from this proven mechanism would likely weaken investor sentiment and increase borrowing costs,” IMF underlined. Reacting to the Representative of the IMF for B&H Andrew Jewell's statement that disbanding the ITA would break up the proven good framework for tax collection in B&H, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija said that it is high time for Jewell to stop dealing with political issues in B&H and start doing the job for which he is paid, which is the cooperation between B&H and the IMF. Tegeltija said that since his arrival, Jewell has been known only for the large number of interviews he gave to the media in B&H in which he dealt with politics, and not topics that are within the competence of the IMF. Tegeltija emphasized that Jewell should not worry about how revenues will be collected in B&H nor how B&H will service its foreign debt.


Dodik says US tried to remove him and replace him with Cvijanovic; Cvijanovic: There are efforts to isolate Dodik (RTRS


Commenting on some media reports that former US mediator Richard Grenell is trying to overthrow the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik through the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, Dodik said he fully trusts Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic also confirmed that such initiatives exist but that she refused them. Cvijanovic was offered to take over SNSD during her trip to the US and, as Cvijanovic said, she notified Dodik about it. Cvijanovic added that she recognized in certain news in the last two days that Vucic is also a target in addition to Dodik. Dodik stated that he is completely convinced of full coordination between him and Cvijanovic. Dodik claims that Cvijanovic informed him when she came from the US that they told her that it would be good to expel Dodik and take over SNSD. “She got up and told them ‘Do you not see that I am a serious woman? Why are you suggesting nonsense to me?” stated Dodik. Cvijanovic confirmed that there are attempts to isolate Dodik and find someone who will turn their back on him. According to Dodik and Cvijanovic, media headlines about overthrowing Dodik through Cvijanovic and Vucic are speculations and subterfuges. They said that everyone knows Grenell no longer has any role in the US administration because he abandoned all his functions after the departure of the former US President Donald Trump.


Colomina: We call on Russia to take constructive role in Western Balkans (Oslobodjenje


Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Police of NATO, Javier Colomina spoke for Fena on the eve of his official visit to B&H and stated that integral structures are important for stability of the country, especially the Armed Forces of B&H, which are one of the strongest multi-ethnic institutions in the country. “So, we are completely dedicated to continue to support all intentions in interest of improvement of reforms and efficient functioning of state institutions. At the same time, we call on political leaders to act constructively and demonstrate political will on behalf of everyone in B&H, in order to improve Euro-Atlantic aspiration by carrying out the urgently necessary reforms, including those that are part of Reforms Program that B&H has towards NATO, without prejudicing the final decision on NATO membership,” said Colomina. He called on Russia to take constructive role in the Western Balkans, “even though we are witnesses that Russia is doing the opposite”. “We respect the sovereign right of every state to elect their own political leaders and security arrangements and we call on Russia to do the same. This is the founding principle of European security that we all are dedicated to, including Russia,” said Colomina.


Vulin with Viskovic; Vulin: Serbia insists on respecting DPA as only way to preserve peace (N1


Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin visited Banja Luka two days ahead of the special session of the RS parliament about the return of competencies to the RS. Vulin was hosted by the RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and they held a short meeting. They said that their meeting did not focus on the transfer of competencies but that they also discussed that issue. When asked about the details of the meeting, Viskovic said that there was nothing that should worry anyone in B&H and said that Sarajevo can sleep peacefully. Vulin repeated the stance of Serbia that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) should be respected in a way that does not diminish the rights of any of the entities. Vulin added that Serbia will not support policies aimed at diminishing rights of one entity or one people, or even abolishing an entity. Viskovic stated: “Reserve funds exist, but there is also the intention of the RS, as we know on Friday. There is a special session on the return of competencies. Then only information goes and then a message is sent to all interested people: ‘Come to your senses, let us talk, let us agree on the future and destiny of B&H’.” With this statement, Viskovic practically denied the statement of the RS Minister of Finance Zora Vidovic who said earlier that the funds for the army, indirect taxes or other institutions that would be formed by returning competencies were not planned in the RS budget for 2022, noted the reporter. Vulin said: “If a million of Serbs who live in B&H are constantly declared a disruptive factor that does something bad, how will the state survive inhabited by a million people doing something bad and wrong? Such policy is wrong and such policy always causes conflicts. As we know, B&H is a country made of two entities and three peoples and for us that is the only way to preserve peace.” Vulin also said that Serbia, with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic at the helm, is taking care of all Serbs in the RS and it will continue to do the same in future as well. He noted that the RS is the foreign policy priority of Serbia and said that, for as long as Vucic is at the helm of Serbia, the RS will be guarded and assisted in every possible way, both in economic and diplomatic context as well as every other way the RS deems to be necessary.


Izetbegovic: It will be HNS’ fault if negotiations fail (Dnevni list


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that in case the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) sticks with its hard positions that ethnic prefixes for members of the Presidency of B&H must remain, then part of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) would not be implemented and the negotiations would fail. According to Izetbegovic, if the HNS gives up on “the impossible request”, then the negotiations should intensify and should be completed by end of the year. The SDA leader further noted that he warned on several occasions that HDZ B&H will get nothing, and that he warned HDZ B&H and the international negotiators that they are going the wrong way if they think the problem will be solved by addressing only HDZ B&H’s and HNS’ needs. In this context Izetbegovic stated that a compromise must include expectations of the pro-Bosnian parties, stressing that pro-Bosnian parties have almost 60% representatives in the B&H House of Representatives. He went on to say that these issues cannot be “swept under the rug”, especially having in mind the fact that constitutional changes require 2/3 majority in the parliament of B&H, which cannot be secured without the pro-Bosnian bloc.


Bajrovic on possible boycott of elections by SNSD and HDZ B&H: Boycott of elections will not have any meaning, as other parties from the RS do not support the idea (O Kanal


US-Europe Alliance Co- Chair Reuf Bajrovic, asked to comment the announcement of HDZ B&H and SNSD on possible boycott of the 2022 General Elections in B&H. They will boycott the elections if HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H is not passed, and if SNSD’s demand on the law that bans genocide denial – imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko – is not accepted and this law annulled. Bajrovic assessed this situation, saying HDZ B&H and SNSD find themselves in a “politically desperate situation”. He says this boycott will not have any meaning, as other parties from the RS – primarily PDP and SDS, do not support the idea. Bajrovic says HDZ B&H will also fail to acquire support for such an initiative. He says elections will definitely be held and results will be implemented. Bajrovic reminds that talks on changes to the B&H Election Law are in their last phase, which is why HDZ B&H and SNSD are desperate to make moves in order to achieve their goals. He says SNSD leader Milorad Dodik supports HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, and they want to use the election boycott as a “bargaining chip”, in order for HDZ B&H’s proposal of amendments to this Law to be accepted. Bajrovic said these pressures will not work as none of the big parties in Sarajevo will back down and accept these blackmails.


PIC SB warns that any unilateral decisions will endanger peace in B&H; Schmidt: Entities are constitutional part of state, but that does not give them right to unilaterally secede from B&H (Hayat


Following a two-day session, the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) adopted on Wednesday a communiqué. Russia did not take part in the session or in the communiqué, because that country does not recognize Christian Schmidt as the High Representative (HR) and it demands closure of the OHR. According to PIC Political Directors, who endorsed the communiqué, the RS is not allowed to unilaterally withdraw from the constitutional-legal order of B&H, there can be no RS’ passports, entities have no right to secede, and threatening peace entails consequences. The PIC SB condemned the activities undertaken by the ruling coalition in the RS, and which seriously undermine the Dayton framework and stability in the region. Addressing a press conference after the session, Schmidt warned that if the activities related to undermining in B&H continue, setting conditions pertaining to financial support will start. “The entities are the constitutional part of the state, but that does not give them the right to unilaterally secede from B&H. They legally exist only based on the Constitution of B&H” Schmidt said. According to Schmidt, the PIC SB supports all measures that can be used, and several options are on the table. “B&H has been affected by difficult situations,” noted Schmidt. The HR pointed out that B&H lacks economic growth, and investors doubt stability in B&H because of the political situation. The HR added: “The international community wants to encourage all leaders to build atmosphere of mutual trust and start with dialogue, so that the citizens would obtain progress instead of rhetoric of escalations.” In addition, Schmidt stated that criticism is necessary when someone has the idea to process things in a destructive manner. When it comes to measures that could be used to deal with the situation, Schmidt made it clear that “Bonn powers are still at the disposal” but he wishes this country to decide on its own what to do. In his opinion, cooperation needs to take place. Schmidt commented on visits of foreign diplomats to B&H, saying that they take place only when a solution cannot be reached. The PIC SB warned that the adoption of the law on non-application of the decision of the High Representative banning the genocide denial in B&H represents violation of the Annex IV and Annex X of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), adding that the adoption of the law on medicines and medical devices of the RS also violates the DPA. The PIC SB expressed its full support to ongoing efforts on constitutional and electoral reform, warning that another election cycle must not go by without increased integrity and fairness of the electoral process, and without equal opportunities for all citizens to run for this country’s highest offices. Also, the PIC SB called on the FB&H parties to fully implement the 2018 election results. The PIC SB reminded all parties of their obligation to comply fully with the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP), all its annexes, and decisions of the High Representative. The PIC SB emphasized the need to fully implement the ‘5+2 agenda’, which remains necessary for the closure of the Office of the High Representative (OHR). The PIC SB shares the concerns raised by the IMF and the World Bank (WB) on the serious consequences for government budgets, access to financing, and foreign assistance projects by such actions. “Actions taken by any party to undermine the GFAP will bear consequences,” Schmidt said. Schmidt still believes that all problems in B&H can be solved through peaceful dialogue, through constant talks and negotiations. When those main issues are solved, Schmidt said the B&H authorities will then be able to focus on important matters – and they will adopt solutions that will primarily bring benefits to B&H citizens. Schmidt also said he respects everyone in B&H, including representatives in the RS. When it comes to the upcoming special session of the RS parliament, Schmidt noted that laws and Constitution of B&H can be changed only in the B&H parliament. Schmidt is not worried about the special session of the RS parliament regarding the transfer of competencies scheduled for Friday. Schmidt said that he and the members of the PIC firmly stand by the state of B&H. “If there are wise politicians in the RS, and I am sure there are, then all this will show an invitation to talk, and I think that some things can be done. It may not be very convenient or the results will not be suitable for headlines in the media, but it is something that is quite good, receptive and common in a democracy. So, I am not particularly nervous right now, nor am I watching so dramatically what will happen, but I think it is still a bit too much for tactical games.”


Russian Embassy reacts to PIC SB’s session: B&H does not include entities, but it is made out of entities, OHR should be closed and NATO will never be a goal (O Kanal


Representatives of the Russian Federation did not take part in the two-day session of the Political Directors of the PIC SB, which was held in Sarajevo. They commented the session, saying responsibility for the crisis in B&H should be sought in domestic politicians. Amongst other things, they stated that B&H does not “include entities, but it is made out of entities” that the OHR should be closed and that NATO will never be a goal. The Russian Embassy to B&H pointed out that the OHR confirms the correctness of their argument because PIC only proposed a candidate for the position of High Representative in the conclusions of the independent annual audit report of 26 November. The Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement which reads: “We believe that the reason for the internal political crisis in B&H are the subjective decisions of former High Representative Valentin Inzko and the refusal of PIC partners to follow the approved procedure for appointing the High Representative. We believe that the proposed communiqué of our Western partners contains a distortion of the letter of the Dayton Peace Agreement. We are forced to state that according to Dayton, B&H does not include but consists of two entities.” The statement reads that they oppose the international imposition. Russia repeated that members of PIC go beyond the framework of their mandate. The Russian Embassy stated that its representatives did not attend the PIC SB session because Russia does not recognize Christian Schmidt as High Representative, since his appointment was not confirmed by the UN Security Council.


Dodik harshly criticizes Schmidt and PIC SB’s conclusions (Hayat


Addressing media on Wednesday, Milorad Dodik harshly criticized HR Christian Schmidt and the conclusions adopted by the PIC SB. In his statements, Dodik reiterated his claims that Schmidt is not recognized as the HR in B&H due to – as he added – not being appointed in a legitimate manner. Dodik said he is not interested in what foreigners in B&H have to say, although he noted that nothing is binding or legitimate without Russia’s participation. “I have not been reading those shameful communiqués, issued by those from PIC, for 10 years now,” the Serb member of the Presidency remarked. The Presidency member noted that all of the qualifications from the PIC SB’s conclusions are invalid and inexistent for him, adding: “No one asked them to give their opinion on that.” According to Dodik, foreigners are powerful, strong “and arrogant”, but they are not dominant here. He concluded that the elected officials will continue acting on behalf of the people who elected them. Hayat presenter noted that, although he claims not to care for foreigners’ opinion, Dodik cares about what Russia has to say. Dodik also said that an unauthorized group of countries is dealing with the issue of B&H. According to Dodik, their meeting is “aimed at once again confirming the lie that is called the High Representative, that does not exist in B&H”. Dodik stated: “They did not provide an answer to the basic question, which is: ‘On what basis is someone High Representative?’,”. Dodik added that they have to remind that the UN Security Council did not appoint anyone as the High Representative to B&H, which means, as Dodik said, that he does not exist. Dodik said that the OHR does not exist if the High Representative does not exist. Dodik underlined that the situation in B&H is absurd, and to make things even more absurd – the PIC SB appointed some man, called Christian Schmidt, to be the High Representative, and they well know his appointment must be confirmed in the UN SC. Dodik rejected the PIC’s communique, reiterating that the RS political representatives would decide in the institutions of B&H if amendments to the imposed Criminal Code on sanctioning denial of genocide and war crimes was recalled, and announced that the authorities in Banja Luka would continue with activities related to return of competencies. “Political initiatives to withdraw consent from the Army, indirect taxes and the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) are not war initiatives. The RS, and we that lead it at this moment, will not wage a war under any circumstances,” said Dodik for the media on Wednesday. Dodik agreed with the statement of the Russian Embassy and said that the question is who gave this group of countries the competences to discuss B&H and to issue communiques. Dodik stated that the RS has the right to restore the RS Army, RS Fiscal Council and RS High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council which all existed until 2006, when they were abolished because of the arrogance of the High Representatives. He reiterated that the RS National Assembly will adopt 140 laws on restoration of competences and called on all political parties in RS to vote for them. According to Dodik, the times of imposed decisions are over, and the RS has the legal basis to return what belongs to the RS.


Milanovic comments PIC SB Communiqué: Report has all elements of colonial administration, which they try to systematically impose onto B&H (Hina


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented matters in B&H. He commented the Communiqué issued by the PIC SB on Wednesday. “The report has all the elements of a colonial administration, which they try to systematically impose onto B&H,” reads the statement from the Croatian President’s Office. “It is good that the ‘political directors’ who sit in that Steering Board are in favor of a stable, secure and prosperous B&H, but it is neither good nor acceptable that in their commitment, they again, as expected, forget and keep silent that there are three constituent peoples in B&H – Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats,” reads the statement. Respect for the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) also means respect for the equality of all three constituent peoples, including their right to legitimate representation in all government bodies, reads the written statement from the Office of the President of Croatia.


Milanovic: It bothers me that Serbs are insinuated that they are a genocidal people (N1


The President of Croatia Zoran Milanovic stated that the stories about genocide are horrible and sad, and pointed out that the definition of genocide is flexible and a topic for discussion. Asked to comment on his statements about the genocide in Srebrenica, Milanovic asked whether the Hague verdicts for him must be a manifesto of destiny that he must adhere to. "The definition of genocide is a rubber definition. It's stretching. It is not a heavenly law. Whatever the court is and whoever they are and that it passed ten verdicts, that is a political qualification. If that is the case, I repeat what I said, and that is that we must find another name for what the Nazis did," Milanovic said. He pointed out that bothers him that Serbs are insinuated that they are a genocidal people, just as he would be upset if it was done to Croats. "Shall we stop this nonsense?" These are sad and horrible stories. "What about Vukovar, that city was systematically destroyed, not for two days in the surrounding forests, but systematically, so I have not heard anyone in Croatia say that it is genocide," Milanovic said. He also touched on negotiations on changes to the election legislation in B&H, which have been intensively conducted in recent months with the mediation of the US Special Envoy for the Balkans Gabriel Escobar and EU Representative Angelina Eichhorst. "Bosniak politics is disastrous. They shot themselves up in a barrel and negotiate with themselves. They believe that third-class American diplomats will bring them domination over Croats. I have good news - it will not," Milanovic said.


Plenkovic visits Ukraine amid rising tensions with Russia (HRT


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic is in Ukraine for an official visit that comes amid a standoff between Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine has accused Russia of massing tens of thousands of troops near its border. Plenkovic met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and other top officials. Among the issues they discussed were Ukraine’s aspirations to move closer to NATO and the EU. The two leaders said Croatia and Ukraine were two friendly countries that nurture excellent political, economic and cultural relations. "Ukraine and Croatia took a major step forward today in strengthening friendship and cooperation. Firstly, I would like to thank you for supporting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. I am especially grateful to the Prime Minister of Croatia for taking part in the Crimean Platform summit, where he spoke in Ukrainian and expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people. We appreciate Zagreb's active role in supporting our path toward Euro-Atlantic integration," said Zelinsky. Croatia supports Ukraine on its path to the European Union and NATO. Zagreb is also offering Ukraine the experience of peaceful reintegration. The two countries signed a joint declaration on Ukraine's European prospects. "The declaration we signed today on Croatia's support for Ukraine's European prospects only cements what we have been practicing for years. We are one of the countries that supports a European future for Ukraine. We support its European reform efforts and believe that this is the best course for internal consolidation, raising the standard of living for Ukrainians, and harmonizing the legal system and the basic tenets of social market economy," said Plenkovic.


Djukanovic: I’m optimistic that government will fall; If a policy similar to reality shows prevails in Montenegro, I won’t be its stakeholder (Portal Dnevne


“Do not expect me to be subject to political populism, a political circus is currently on the scene,” Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has said in Danilovgrad. “If a policy similar to reality shows prevails in Montenegro, I will not be its stakeholder,” Djukanovic has added. When asked by journalists whether he thinks there is a majority for overthrowing the government, he says he cannot make estimates just like that, but that he is optimistic that the government will fall. “It is high time we initiated the initiative for its dismissal,” Djukanovic has pointed out. He believes that time has been lost for Montenegro in these 15 months thanks to this government. “The noise they create because they are weaker and insignificant is comical and deafening,” Djukanovic has stated, commenting on the government’s one-year work.


Government won’t fall – PM supported by Pozitivna and Democratic parties (CdM


In the absence of support from the parties of the current majority, PM Zdravko Krivokapic has sought support from parties that no longer exist. As he does not have the support of the Democratic Front, he says that he is supported by the Democratic Party, but in addition to URA, the Prime Minister also has the support of Pozitivna (Positive Montenegro). However, he did not say anything terrible there – considering that the URA top rungs are from Pozitivna, the Prime Minister has a justification for this statement. The Prime Minister thanked these parties because he says that they permanently support him, unlike the obstructions that come from the opposition and the position. That is how the public has found out about the Prime Minister’s secret alliance with the Democratic Party and Positive Montenegro. We believe that these two parties will vote and that this government will survive when the vote of no confidence in the government is on the agenda.


Becic: I hope they’ll stick to his words and that parliamentary majority won’t support initiative for no confidence in government (CdM


Parliament speaker Aleksa Becic has said that no one from the parliamentary majority will support the initiative for a vote of no confidence in the government, and that he hoped that “everyone will stick to their words”. According to him, they should find modalities for better cooperation and relations. Becic says that we are all politically transient, but that we must build strong institutions that will be non-selective.


Radulovic, Plenkovic: Croatia supports Montenegro's European path (Ministry of Foreign Affairs


During his official visit to Croatia, Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic met with Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic. The two officials confirmed that the bilateral relations between the two neighboring countries are good and friendly. The meeting noted that Croatia supports Montenegro's European path, especially in light of Montenegro's readiness to meet clear and strict criteria for full membership in the EU. In that context, Prime Minister Plenkovic expressed his views regarding the EU's enlargement policy and the attitudes of some member states regarding the admission of new ones, and reiterated that the Republic of Croatia will continue to take a proactive approach to European integration of all Western Balkan countries. Minister Radulovic thanked for the continuous support to the integration processes of our country. He conveyed openness and readiness to improve bilateral relations in all fields, especially in the field of economy, environmental protection and health. The officials agreed that the continuation of the work of the Intergovernmental Joint Committee, as a good platform for exchanging opinions on numerous issues, would significantly contribute to the deepening of relations between Montenegro and the Republic of Croatia.


Minister Radulovic meets with his Croatian counterpart Gordan Grlic Radman (Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic met with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Republic of Croatia Gordan Grlic Radman. Dialogue and friendship have always been the most valuable things we give to each other. Montenegro and Croatia are guided by the principles of good neighborliness, European values and strategic partnership defined through the NATO membership. The bilateral cooperation proves that we have a solid foundation, and we have numerous possibilities for its further improvement, said Minister Radulovic during his first official visit to Croatia. He emphasized that NATO and the EU must remain the leading actors in the region, in order to maintain and enhance the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective, strengthen stability and ensure a more prosperous and better future. Speaking about the alliance, he welcomed the two countries' cooperation within joint participation in numerous international missions, and thanked Croatia for supporting Montenegro's Western Balkans initiative. Speaking at a joint press conference, Radulovic pointed out that good neighborly cooperation is one of the pillars of our foreign policy, and that it is as important for Montenegro as its strategic goal, full membership in the European Union. Minister Radulovic pointed out that Montenegro highly values Croatia's unequivocal support for our European path. In that context, he emphasized the unquestionable commitment to meet the criteria of the integration process through substantial reforms in the areas of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and organized crime. Minister Radulovic also added that the two countries do not have open issues, but only issues on which they have different views. Minister Grlic Radman pointed out that the visit of Minister Radulovic is a confirmation of good bilateral relations and a joint commitment to strengthen relations in the coming period. He also expressed his gratitude to Minister Radulovic for laying wreath at the former Morinj camp, emphasizing that he highly appreciates this gesture. Minister Grlic Radman expressed unquestionable support for Montenegro's further European path and readiness to resolve open issues through dialogue, in the spirit of good neighborliness and friendly relations. Furthermore, he pointed out the need to intensify cooperation in the field of protection of the rights of national minorities, which represent a strong link between the two countries.


Bulgaria maintains its position and does not withdraw its veto - Albania can start negotiations with the EU, North Macedonia cannot (Libertas


Bulgaria has decided not to change its position, ie not to withdraw its veto on the start of EU membership talks for North Macedonia, but on the other hand, it is ready to support Albania on its path to the Union, the Bulgarian transitional government announced. As stated in the statement, Bulgaria will adhere to the Declaration of the National Assembly of 10 October 2019 on EU enlargement and the Stabilization and Association Process of North Macedonia and Albania, as well as the Framework Agreement on the European perspective of Macedonia and Albania. adopted by the Council of Ministers on 9 October 2019 and supported by the Declaration of the National Assembly of 10 October of the same year. According to the announcements, Bulgaria will defend this position at the meeting of the General Affairs Council (CO) to be held on 14 December in Brussels. "The basic principle of each candidate's own merits remains decisive for Bulgaria. "We believe that Albania is ready to move forward on the path to the EU and is ready to support the adoption of the Negotiating Framework for the country and the holding of the first Intergovernmental Conference," the Bulgarian transitional government said in a statement.


US Ambassador to Albania reacts after sanctions imposed on Serb Group in Kosovo (ADN


US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim has reacted after sanctions were imposed on a Serb group operating in northern Kosovo. In a Twitter post, Yuri Kim stressed that the US government will intensify steps to hold those involved in corruption accountable. She also has a warning for those involved in corruption or attempts to undermine democracy, telling them now is the best time to stop. "Ahead of the Anti-Corruption Day and the Democracy Summit, US Treasury OFAC released new designations. Following President Biden's executive order, the US government will step up steps to hold accountable those involved in corruption or undermining democracy. Designations like this sometimes take years to build, but when they do, they are devastating. If you are involved in corruption or trying to undermine democracy, now is a good time to stop and consider the consequences."