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Belgrade Media Report 15 December 2021



Vucic, Brnabic: Opening of Cluster 4 signal of EU support; Vucic: Pristina will not allow holding of referendum (Tanjug/RTS/Politika/RTV/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic opened the session of the government on Tuesday night, also attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, National Bank of Serbia Governor Jorgovanka Tabakovic and directors of all public companies. Vucic and Brnabic assessed that by opening Cluster 4, Serbia took a step forward and received an important signal from the European Union that they support the European integration of our country. We have great news from Brussels. Serbia is the only country from the Western Balkans that has now opened a chapter and received a positive signal from the EU, Brnabic emphasized, adding that we should be proud of that because it is an indicator that we can implement reforms during the pandemic, especially in the rule of law. We also have Cluster 3 ready for the opening, Brnabic said and pointed out that she had never heard more positive comments during the intergovernmental conference, at which, as she said, many said that the opening of the mentioned cluster was close. I am sorry it has not been opened, but this is also a huge success. We are preparing for the opening of Cluster 5. At the moment, we have 22 open chapters out of a total of 35, she emphasized. Vucic expressed his gratitude to President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret, who invested a lot of effort and showed a lot of respect. Also, Vucic said that Pristina has made a decision and informed us informally that it will not allow us to hold a referendum. “We have more and more problems in Kosovo and Metohija. Pristina has made a decision and informed us informally that it will not allow us to hold a referendum on 16 January. We will try to talk to Brussels to convince them to allow Serbian citizens to vote,” Vucic said. Although our authorities allow their officials, formal, informal, to enter the territory of Serbia proper, we act, he says, responsibly and seriously, but they do not allow Petar Petkovic or others to enter Kosovo and Metohija. That, he stated, is increasingly condemned by the international community, but not enough. “I am worried about what Pristina’s future moves may be,” Vucic said. As he said, Pristina rejects any kind of dialogue, conversation and even a ready-made agreement on missing persons, as well as any idea to implement the Brussels agreement, especially when it comes to the Community of Serb Municipalities. At the same time, Vucic confirmed that the stabilization of the electrical system, which fell due to the storm, is expected on Monday, and that we have enough electricity for our own needs. Vucic explained that the problem was that EPS made an additional mistake because it did not provide enough coal at the landfills and to supply TENT itself, while everything else was an objective factor. For that reason, Obrenovac did not have electricity for a while, because it is connected directly to TENT, which is why we imported enormous amounts of electricity. The financial damage is huge, he stressed. The President stated that, according to the latest information, 0.38 percent of households are still without electricity, while the remaining approximately 99.62 percent of households have electricity. Vucic said that he wants the citizens of Serbia to know which problems the country is facing, since we are facing a difficult and long winter. In that context, he said that he had talked with Minister of Finance Sinisa Mali and Governor Jogrovanka Tabakovic about how the country could bear that terribly heavy burden.


Borrell congratulates Brnabic on opening of Cluster 4 in EU talks (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)


EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell congratulated Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic after Tuesday's opening of Cluster 4 in Serbia's EU accession talks. “Congratulations (to) Ana Brnabic on this important step on Serbia’s EU path,” Borrell wrote in a post on his official Twitter account. Cluster 4 deals with the green agenda and sustainable connectivity. “Now, important to advance on the work ahead, including on Rule of law, Common Foreign and Security Policy alignment and the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue,” Borrell noted.


Selakovic with Chen Bo: Serbia and China continuously strengthening friendship (RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic spoke today with Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Chen Bo and expressed satisfaction with the continued strengthening of friendship, political dialogue at high and the highest level and a comprehensive partnership of our two countries. Selakovic said that the recent visit of Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi represents one more confirmation of the steel friendship and is a proof that despite the coronavirus pandemic, political dialogue between Serbia and China is very intensive. Speaking about economic cooperation between Serbia and China, Selakovic described as very important the fact that trade exchange records constant growth and highlighted that owing to the cooperation within the Belt and Road Initiative and China-CEEC, it has been tripled over the past five years. We are satisfied and we highly appreciate the work of Chinese companies in Serbia on joint projects in the field of infrastructure and energy, the Minister said and underlined that the dynamic of the realization of most projects is as agreed, while some are being implemented even faster than stipulated by the contract.


Dacic expects continuity of policy of growth in 2022 (Tanjug/Politika)


If Serbia has managed to increase its economic growth rate and boost foreign investment and investment in infrastructure in the years of the coronavirus pandemic, then it is evident what next year - in which I believe the coronavirus will be on its last legs - will look like, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday. Speaking at The Economist: World in 2022 conference in Belgrade, Dacic said Serbia had a strong and the best possible response to the COVID-19 crisis when it comes to health care for the population, and, in particular, when it comes to protecting the economy. “This year, it has been even more convincing in that domain, in particular in terms of investment,” Dacic said, adding that a 2022 budget passed by the parliament would ensure growth of living standards and continued major investments in infrastructure. “Those are the results of the policy of a team led by President Aleksandar Vucic, which has made the interests of the country and the citizens the top priority,” Dacic said. He said he expected the January referendum on constitutional amendments to be successful and have a high turnout in order to ensure advancement of the Serbian judiciary. He said the constitutional amendments had been backed by Serbian experts and the Venice Commission. “Elections at various levels are ahead of us, along with implementation of democratic standards and all agreements reached during the interparty dialogue. From the future government, I expect a continuity of the policy of growth of living standards and investments and, in the international arena, I expect Serbia’s interests to be protected, in particular when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija,” Dacic said.


Hill: Mutual recognition between Serbia and Kosovo best way to strengthen regional stability and security; Resilience to malign external influence, including from Russia and China (Beta/NSPM)


Nominee to be US Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia Christopher Hill stated on Tuesday in the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations that there are numerous issues that are of concern for him in connection with today’s Serbia and the Balkans. He said that Belgrade’s attitude towards Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) would be crucial for future relations between the US and Serbia. “First and foremost, it is important that we hold clear talks with the government in Belgrade, that we persuade them to understand that the level of our efforts in B&H and the Western Balkans will remain quite serious. We will carefully monitor who is helping things move in the right direction, and who is not. Bosnia is a key issue in our future cooperation with Serbia,” Hill said. “Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has clearly said that there will be no changes (in Belgrade’s position). He absolutely supports the continuation of the work of these institutions (at the level of B&H),” the American diplomat said. Hill added he thought the US should work closely with Serbia on the issue of B&H and said he expected significant talks in Belgrade on the common interests of the two countries to make B&H a successful state, adding “we should clearly say that the future of the Republika Srpska is in B&H. I think we can find a common language with the Serbian government and leadership”. “Serbia is a linchpin for stability and progress in the Western Balkans. The United States, together with our European partners, continues to support Serbia’s development as a modern, prosperous, European country, at peace with its neighbors. Serbia’s progress is integral to achieving U.S. strategic goals to revitalize our European alliances, support democracy and the rule of law, promote economic cooperation, and address global and regional challenges. The United States remains committed to deepening our bilateral relationship with Serbia through further political, economic, and security cooperation. As we celebrate 140 years of diplomatic relations, I look forward to strengthening people-to-people ties, working with youth and civil society, and sharing the American experience with Serbia. Most importantly -- and a prerequisite for eventual EU accession -- Serbia must normalize its relationship with Kosovo. The United States strongly supports the EU-facilitated Dialogue as the best chance for both parties to resolve outstanding differences. As President Biden stated, the United States believes ‘mutual recognition’ is the best way to unlock Serbia’s European potential and strengthen regional stability and security. If confirmed, I will encourage Serbia to engage seriously and urgently to reach a compromise. If confirmed, the safety and security of Americans and U.S. Mission personnel would be my top priority. I will continue the push for a full investigation into the 1999 murder of the Bytyqi brothers, three American citizens executed while in Serbian police custody. I am committed to pressing the Serbian government to ensure that those involved are brought to justice, regardless of rank or position. I will work to invigorate Serbia’s economic future by encouraging policies that bolster its international investment climate, strengthen its infrastructure, improve its energy diversity and security, and build resilience to malign external influence, including from Russia and China.” “The United States does not want to see the strengthening of Russian influence in Belgrade. Serbia is buying military equipment and that is necessary, but it is worried that it is procuring weapons from Russia. Also, in order to satisfy the great infrastructural needs, Serbia is turning to China. „We need to show Serbia that we offer a better model, that we are a better alternative than Russia and China,” he said. “Serbia has enormous potential, with an educated and talented workforce – U.S.-based firms have invested well over $4 billion in Serbia in the past 20 years and employ around 20,000 people. If confirmed, I will continue to support American companies exploring opportunities in Serbia. Finally, if confirmed, I will build on the positive momentum of recent bilateral defense consultations -- the first in five years -- to expand mutually beneficial defense cooperation. Serbia is an important security partner for the United States, particularly through its 15-year State Partnership with the Ohio National Guard. While not a NATO member, Serbia is active in the Partnership for Peace program and a global security contributor as one of Europe’s largest per capita troop contributing countries to peacekeeping operations in both EU and UN missions.”


Vitale: NATO offers support, respects Serbia’s neutrality (FoNet)


NATO Chief Military Liaison Officer Brigadier General Tommaso Vitale said on Tuesday that the Alliance is prepared to offer support to Serbia while fully respecting its military neutrality.

The Alliance respects the right of every sovereign country to chose its own foreign policy and define its own security arrangements without any interference, the general said speaking on the Demostat show on the 15th anniversary of Serbia joining NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP) program. Vitale added that NATO has an open door policy which means that countries are welcome to join the Alliance and that it respects the rights of others to become partners, not members. The NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade said in a Twitter post that the Alliance and Serbia are steadily building the partnership.


Petkovic once again banned from visiting Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic has once again ben banned from visiting Kosovo and Metohija by the authorities of the provisional institutions in Pristina.

This is the sixth time since the beginning of the year that Petkovic has been banned from entering the southern province. As Tanjug was told in the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, this time the authorities of the provisional institutions in Pristina went a step further in violating the agreement, because they did not even inform Belgrade by e-mail that the visit is not possible, doing that instead at the Jarinje crossing. At the same time, as Tanjug has learned, Belgrade today approved a visit to Bujanovac by a minister from Albin Kurti’s government, which shows Serbia’s commitment to respecting the Brussels agreement.




General Affairs Council adopts conclusions on enlargement and stabilization and association process; Condemn blocking of B&H institutions and delay in reform processes in B&H (AJB


The General Affairs Council (GAC), which brings together the Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States, adopted on Tuesday conclusions on enlargement and stabilization and association process which has been awaited for two years. Contrary to the expectations of North Macedonia and Albania, there was no change in Bulgaria's official position on the date for the start of accession negotiations with these two countries. AJB stressed that the adoption of the conclusions is interpreted as a step forward, unblocking the enlargement process and as a message of encouragement to the countries aspiring to become members of the EU. There was no agreement on conclusions on enlargement last year which is why there was talk about the enlargement process being a dead process. However, according to AJB, adoption of the conclusions on enlargement by the GAC sends a message that this is not true and that the enlargement process is indeed live and well. The conclusions adopted by the GAC express the EU's commitment to the enlargement process and a unanimous position on the European prospects of the Western Balkans. However, in essence, the conclusions do not bring anything new that Brussels has not already said to each of the countries aspiring to membership in the EU. Adoption of the conclusions did not pass smoothly and that their adoption was preceded by a heated discussion in the GAC. Namely, after the first part of the discussion, the conclusions were rejected, but after they were reworked, they were adopted. The adopted conclusions on enlargement, which Slovenians called good and well-balanced, commend Montenegro for the progress it made in reform processes, but point out that further dynamics of Montenegro's accession depends on its readiness to tackle crime and corruption. The conclusions also commend Serbia for its reform processes, but stress that Serbia has a problem with respect for fundamental human rights and that Serbia urgently needs to harmonize its foreign and security policy with the values of the EU. The Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States called on B&H to urgently offer a solution to the issue of electoral reform, respecting the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Constitutional Court of B&H. GAC's conclusions condemn blocking of the B&H institutions and the delay in reform processes in B&H, without specifically mentioning any politician from B&H. The conclusions call on all political actors in B&H to return to the negotiating table and come to an agreement on unblocking political processes in B&H so that reform processes could continue, with an emphasis on the fulfillment of fourteen conditions from the European Commission's (EC) Opinion. Ahead of the GAC meeting, the Foreign Ministers of the EU Member States described the situation in B&H as worrying. The officials of Germany, France, Luxembourg and Croatia expressed concern about the situation in B&H ahead of the session. They called for reducing tensions and they called on the EU institutions to send a clear message to officials in B&H that the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) must not be underestimated. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of EU member countries said that B&H is in one of the biggest political and security crises since the end of the war. They said that a message has to be sent to B&H officials that the DPA is a guarantee of peace and that it cannot be deviated from. They warned that separatist tendencies jeopardize peace and the EU path of B&H. Luxembourg’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Jean Asselborn said that the responsible politicians, primarily the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and the RS, need to know that there can be no progress with division and separatism. Germany seeks introduction of sanctions against Dodik. They said that Dodik’s effort to weaken B&H state institutions are moves that jeopardize the hard-earned peace in B&H and the region. German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock was quoted as saying: “The situation in B&H is worrying. The efforts in the direction of secession are unacceptable. In my opinion, this means that the current regime of sanctions should be applied against Mr. Dodik”. French Minister of Foreign Affair Clement Beaune said that this is one of the topics that worries them. “What is happening in B&H requires us to take a closer look at the overall picture of the Western Balkans region”, said Beaune. The crisis in B&H was also the reason for the visit of the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in B&H on Monday, added the reporter. Croatian Secretary for European Affairs Andreja Metelko Zgombic talked about that and said that Croatia will continue to strongly lobby for the EU perspective of B&H. The EU leaders will discuss the situation in the Balkans and the political crisis in B&H in more details at the summit with their eastern neighbors this week, concluded the reporter.


Schmidt: Parliaments in B&H can discuss any issue, as long as it is in line with DPA framework (FTV


High Representative Christian Schmidt talked about the current political situation in B&H. Schmidt had described conclusions recently adopted by the RS parliament as a threat for peace and violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), adding that although Schmidt and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H harshly criticized these conclusions, they failed to make any concrete actions. Asked whether abovementioned reaction is everything he can done at this moment, Schmidt said that every parliament in B&H has right to discuss issues that are of interest for them as long as these parliaments’ activities are in line with framework of the DPA. “Here, I saw some tendencies that are in opposition to the DPA and the Constitution of B&H and it should be discussed,” explained Schmidt. He went on to saying that if the DPA is not respected, some might misunderstand it and it can cause bigger tensions. Asked whether it is time for him to react and use his authorizations, High Representative stressed that he was appointed by the international community to take care about preservation of free state of B&H, adding that he has been fulfilling this task. Schmidt explained that his task is not related only to his executive authorizations, adding that they also want to create good environment in B&H, namely that it is necessary for all sides to listen to each other. “This is why I have impression that some representatives from the RS are only talking to themselves. Something like that is not possible in democracy and is detrimental for their own citizens,” emphasized Schmidt. The reporter stated that one of the biggest problems detected by the international community is Milorad Dodik. Asked whether he can act towards Dodik since Dodik obviously is not interested in a dialogue, Schmidt said that Dodik needs to engage in the dialogue, adding that he will certainly get instructions to do so. The High Representative reminded that he had said earlier he has necessary measures in his drawer, adding that he primarily wants to attempt to find necessary solutions. He explained that in situations where some decisions are adopted, adding that he refers to decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, these decisions need to be implemented. Schmidt stated that he talked with the PIC in B&H last week and they gave their support and emphasized that violation of obligations defined by the DPA will result in certain measures. “I do not want to make repression and exert pressure in any way, but it cannot be excluded. I can only appeal again to those holding certain positions to start thinking rationally,” said the High Representative. He went on to saying that there is a significant number of those in the RS who think rationally, adding that they that dissolution of B&H – as some define it – at this moment could cause changes in the entire region, adding that it would affect economy of the entire region. Schmidt underlined that these issues need to be explained to citizens, adding that politicians should be reminded that decisions need to be passed in favor of citizens. He also stated that politicians in the RS should also know that decisions cannot be passed unilaterally.

Asked about recent Dodik’s statement that if Germany imposes sanctions against the RS, this entity will also impose economic sanctions against Germany, Schmidt wondered what kind of sanctions Dodik could impose and wondered maybe he would stop buying mineral water from Germany.


UK Special Envoy Peach starts visit with members of B&H Presidency (O Kanal


On the first day of his visit to B&H, UK Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Air Chief Marshal Stuart Peach met with members of the Presidency of B&H in Sarajevo. The main topic of this meeting was the current political situation in B&H. The reporter commented that many were surprised with the fact member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik attended this meeting, because only a few days ago, during his address at the special session of the RS parliament Dodik talked negatively abut Peach and MPs in the UK Parliament. Following the meeting, Dodik said that this was a great opportunity to reiterate stances that the RS will resume to act in line with Constitution of B&H, as well as with implementation of its goal to restore competences transferred earlier to B&H level. He added that B&H does not need foreign envoys, because it can solve problems through an internal dialogue. Dodik emphasized that Peach informed them about his mission to encourage the dialogue and provide assistance in solving of existing issues.

Member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic said that this was very important meeting, because UK Special Envoy expressed support to sovereignty of B&H, reforms, the Office of High Representatives (OHR) and High Representative, the EU and NATO path of B&H, as well as to EUFOR mission in B&H. Dzaferovic added that Peach opposed any blockade of state institutions and that their work cannot be conditioned. Dzaferovic thanked the UK government for appointing the Special Envoy to help in solving of problems in the Western Balkans and B&H and in calming down of the situation. Reporter noted that Peach’s visit comes at the moment when B&H is facing the biggest political crisis since the DPA was signed, one that was caused by blockade of B&H institutions by MPs from the RS and by decisions of the RS parliament to withdraw competences from B&H level. Dodik told reporters that the British came to B&H to encourage dialogue and possibly help and that he told him that this is a difficult task due to complex issues. "I did not get the impression that Mr. Peach will try something one-sided here. He has a difficult mission ahead of him to understand what is happening here, because it is a matter of details, but if they think they should spend British money, let them," Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik added that he believes that B&H does not need envoys, but internal dialogue. "I believe that there are no taboo topics and that we could put all items on the agenda and try to come up with a political agreement. That is the essence of what I said," Dodik emphasized. Speaking about Peach, Dodik said that he is a "decent gentleman", but that he always associates with him commanding NATO forces when Serbs were bombed. "In any case, I stated here that there are no challenges related to war in B&H, that hysteria that is being created is absolutely unnecessary. I also informed him about the fact that the RS plans to act in accordance with the Constitution of B&H and that it will do nothing outside the Constitution," Dodik underlined. Dzaferovic emphasized that he stated at the meeting that besides the need to unreservedly respect the OHR and international military presence in B&H, it is also necessary to strengthen international military presence in B&H. "It would be a small effort by the international community for a great cause in B&H," Dzaferovic said. Dodik stated that he informed Peach that the RS is a factor that needs to be respected and that there is no other way to move forward. “If we stay in B&H that has existed so far through imposed solutions, this will not mean being on the path but outside,” Dodik stressed. Dodik stated that B&H is not functional, with the non-formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government being sufficient evidence the current situation could not continue. Dzaferovic said that the international community invested a lot into B&H and this would bring a great result, which would be the stopping of the political crisis. Dzaferovic announced the possible convening of the pro-B&H political forces in B&H to give an answer to the activities from the RS and there is a possibility of this bloc withdrawing from the negotiations on the election reform in B&H.


President of Hungary meets with B&H Presidency members; Dodik attends meeting as well due to close relations with Orban (FTV/O Kanal


President of Hungary Janos Ader paid a visit to B&H on Tuesday and met with members of the B&H Presidency. Interlocutors discussed relations between the two countries, economy and Coronavirus pandemic. FTV reminds that member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has not been attending similar meetings since the beginning of boycott of B&H institutions by the RS representatives. However, considering his close relations with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban Dodik’s attendance to this session was expected. Also, Orban should pay a visit to B&H in one month. O Kanal reported that all three members of the Presidency attended the meeting with Ader and commented that considering Dodik’s good relations with Orban, Dodik’s attendance to this session was expected.


Sarovic: Restoration of entity competences is legitimate, but risky and dangerous (Dnevni list


SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that the issue of restoration of entity competences is a legitimate goal. However, he warned, this initiative can also be dangerous. “I believe that this is an act which can cause far-reaching consequences if it takes the wrong turn,” said Sarovic. He underlined that any wrong move could lead to a spiraling of the crisis which is already intense. “It is legitimate for me to come and say that this B&H Constitution is completely grotesque. But how the other side is going to react, that is something else,” said Sarovic. He explained that SDS did not vote for the conclusions of the RS parliament because they did not want to risk. He added that in his opinion, the Dayton Peace Agreement is the best solution for B&H.


Bosniak officials: Return of RS competences from level of B&H is very dangerous and anti-constitutional process (Hayat


Deputy B&H Minister of Human Rights and Refugees Dzevad Mahmutovic (SDA) and Bosniak RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic (SDA) commented on the current political crisis in B&H, the latest documents passed by the RS parliament on return of the RS competence from the level of B&H and lack of reaction of competent institutions to the current crisis. Commenting on the latest special session of the RS parliament on return of the RS competences, Mahmutovic reminded that the RS parliament adopted a declaration, four information and conclusions regarding the information on return of the RS competences from the level of B&H. He assessed that this is very dangerous and anti-constitutional process and there is no mechanism that can return competences from the level of B&H to the level of an entity. According to Mahmutovic, request for return of competences is a legitimate request allowed in any democratic society but such requests need to be submitted with institutions that have competences to decide on this matter, while division of competences between the state and entities should be discussed in B&H parliament – not in parliaments at the level of cantons or entities. He assessed that principle in which lower levels try to derogate higher level of authority is unsustainable and unacceptable in democratic society. However, Mahmutovic warned that the RS parliament’s declaration on constitutional principles is much more dangerous that the latest declaration on return of the RS competences from the level of B&H, because it stipulates the creation of new constitution of the RS, that the RS is entity of the Serb people and the FB&H is entity of the Bosniak and Croat peoples as it was the case at the end of the war in B&H before the constitutional changes, and that laws imposed by the High Representative and adopted by B&H parliament later on will not be valid. Asked to comment on lack of reaction by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H after the special session on return of the RS competences, Mahmutovic said that surveys show that the situation in B&H is bad and that judicial institutions have greatly contributed to such situation. He assessed that the Prosecutor’ Office of B&H is the most responsible segment of B&H judiciary for the current state, reminding that none of the chief prosecutors of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has ended their mandates without being suspended or sanctioned due to abuse of office and other irregularities. Mahmutovic added that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H shows its idleness and the fact that it has not opened a case to investigate activities of the RS parliament and Milorad Dodik in line with the law encourages those who undermine the state of B&H and its institutions. He concluded that the current crisis requires adequate response from the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and this institution is the only one that has competences to stop destructive activities. Commenting on the documents passed by the RS parliamnet on return of the RS competences and if scenario in which the RS parliament’s declaration on constitutional principles will be implemented is possible, Salkic stated that nothing coming from the ruling structures in the RS is impossible and one should not relativize the current situation in B&H – which is very complicated.  According to Salkic, secession and the process of dissolution is underway in B&H and those who think that such things are nothing but pre-election tricks of Milorad Dodik are wrong. He stated that joint work on finding solutions to the current crisis that will be manifested in B&H institutions is necessary, but also that response needs to be prepared in case that B&H institutions are proven to be inefficient in efforts to protect B&H. As for idleness of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H regarding the activities of the RS parliament and Dodik, Salkic said that it is hard to say why there is no reaction from this institution, stressing that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will be remembered as accomplices in the process of destruction of B&H unless it takes the necessary steps. He warned that one must be aware of the fact that the officials who support separatist activities of Dodik perform functions in a number of B&H institutions, so it is hard to expect that they will take any measures against Dodik. According to Salkic, the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H is not the only institution that is expected to take concrete actions and react to the current crisis, but the Office of the High Representative (OHR) also has responsibility to react in line with the Dayton Peace Accords. He concluded that B&H will be faced with a serious problem if these institutions remain without adequate reaction.


Mijatovic: I asked Ambassador Kalabukhov to condemn unconstitutional decisions of RS parliament (O Kanal


Vice President of SDP Vojin Mijatovic met with Ambassador of Russian Federation to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. Following this meeting, Mijatovic said that Ambassador Kalabukhov informed him that Russia supports constitutional order, integrity and sovereignty of B&H. Mijatovic went on to saying he asked for Russia to take a constructive stance towards B&H and not to support any politics. He stressed that Russia is a friendly country, adding that it is not pleasant to see the Russian Ambassador standing with criminals. “I asked him not to support politicians such as Nenad Stevandic and Milorad Dodik and to condemn anti-Dayton and unconstitutional decisions of the RS parliament,” stated Mijatovic. The Vice President of SDP emphasized that while Russia supports the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), they are silent when the DPA is undermined. Mijatovic believes that both, Russia and the US should be friends of B&H and that B&H should not be place where geostrategic wars will be led. “We do not have to seek support from Russians or Americans, but we obviously have to hold protests outside the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H soon to make well-paid judges and prosecutors do their job. A man violates the constitutional integrity of B&H and he should be arrested,” Mijatovic stressed.


SDP, NiP, NS issue statement asking SDA to confirm honesty of their intentions (Dnevni avaz


SDP, People and Justice (NiP) and Our Party (NS) issued a statement with regards to the latest statement of SDA in which SDA called on pro-Bosnian parties for unity because of the latest attacks on sovereignty and political independence of B&H. In this statement, SDP, NiP and NS call on SDA to confirm honesty of their intentions with concrete actions, with which they will distance themselves from their past moves which greatly contributed to the current crisis. Troika underlined that SDA greatly contributed to the attack on constitutional order of B&H, carried out by SDA’s partners, which is why Troika deems that it seems somewhat naïve from SDA to call on other parties for take part in political responsibility for their mistakes. “Does this mean that we need to pardon them from the wrong policy, evident crime and corruption that is ongoing under their auspices? We, as the opposition, will stand behind the principles of establishing of state of B&H and strengthening of its institutions and there is no need to invite us to do something like that,” reads Troika’s statement.


Dzaferovic and Komsic meet with members of ‘Association of RBIH Army Generals’ and nobody from international community reacts (Nezavisne


B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic met with members of the ‘Association of RBIH Army Generals’ on Monday. The daily notes that nobody from the international community reacted or condemned this meeting. Chairman of the RS parliament Security Commission Darko Babalj stated that all three B&H Presidency members should sit and discuss current problems. He also underlined that he expects B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik to invite General from the RS to a meeting, because that would be the only adequate response to the meeting hosted by Dzaferovic and Komsic. Deputy Chair of B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for Defense and Security Dusanka Majkic stated that the RS is loudly and clearly calling for peace and dialogue, while on the other side war is openly being discussed as a possibility. According to Majkic, the fact that Dzaferovic and Komsic invited former RBIH Army Generals indicates that they are already developing different strategies. She noted that it is very concerning that the international community did not react. She also noted that the military industry in the Federation of B&H is fast growing, and commented that the reactions would be very different if this was the case in the RS. The Association ‘Cast otadzbine’ (Honor of Fatherland) from the RS reacted to the meeting by warning that the former RBiH Army Generals have openly showed their support for the “war option of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic in case that Serbs fail to unblock B&H and withdraw their demands for return to the original Dayton Peace Agreement”. Association 'Cast otadzbine' stated "we are fully aware that this meeting is an attempt to intimidate Serbs with war, so that they would stop the further fight for the RS, for the Constitution and Dayton."


Okolic: Waitz is certainly not well-intentioned towards all citizens in B&H; Meeting with generals is message to Serbs that Sarajevo will defend its interest with threats (ATV


Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Mirko Okolic spoke about the more and more frequent saber-rattling in B&H and Monday's meeting between the members of the B&H Presidency, Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic, and representatives of the Association of Generals of B&H who stated that they are making themselves available at full capacity to the B&H institutions. Asked to comment on the statement by member of the European Parliament (MEP) Thomas Waitz that EU generals can deploy 6,000 soldiers to B&H within 24 hours, Okolic said that it is difficult to comment on this in a proper way. Okolic stressed that Waitz came to send a message which is not adapted to all peoples in B&H. "I would be greatly concerned that this was the position of his state, the Federal Republic of Germany, and that would be something that should be considered. But, if it is his position, and I see that it is, that is something that I can only consider ill-intentioned towards B&H. Because, to send a message that he spoke to certain NATO generals, not naming anyone and not naming the institution from NATO (which he spoke to), that NATO is ready to send this many soldiers to B&H... I now want to ask a counter-question. To send on what basis, why and upon whom? Which is the direction all of this is going? Why would they be sent? Is that occupation of B&H and its territory?", Okolic asked. He noted that there is also the question of how many EU member states do not support Waitz's position. "The EU is not completely united in that. You have countries in the EU which do not support such a position. Therefore, such a statement is really ill-intentioned and dangerous. Of course, it is not dangerous because 6,000 soldiers will come, we know that they will not come, because only EUFOR here is in charge of implementing peace and it is the one that should take care of that. It is dangerous because his statement only deepens the gap between the peoples in B&H and it seems to me that this is his ultimate goal, and if it is the ultimate goal, he is certainly not well-intentioned towards all citizens in B&H," Okolic emphasized. Asked whether one can expect Komsic's and Dzaferovic's move to be sanctioned or condemned by the international community, Okolic said that there is of course no political nor legal consequences. "B&H is such that many things can happen here which cannot happen in normal countries in the world," Okolic stressed. Speaking about the fact that members of the Association of Generals of B&H made themselves available to the B&H institutions, Okolic said that this is an indicator of what the official Sarajevo wants. "The official Sarajevo is constantly threatening us with some war, force and so on. Republika Srpska (RS) and its institutions are not talking about any secession at all, they are not talking about any conflicts. You had countless statements by the RS officials, and the famous statement by the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, Mr. (Milorad) Dodik, that the RS will not go to war even if it is attacked, but that it will defend itself with all possible political and legal means," Okolic pointed out. Okolic underlined that the meeting with the generals is a message to Serbs that Sarajevo will defend its interest with threats. Okolic emphasized that the RS, on the other hand, is achieving its goals in a peaceful way. "We had that in 1991 and 1992 when it was said that peace would be sacrificed for war, and we had what we had. It should be emphasized here that Mr. Dodik, repeated countless times, like other officials from the RS, that the RS does not intend to wage war and that it does not provoke war. He even made the famous statement the other day that the RS will not go to war if attacked," Okolic underlined.


B&H HoR’s session adjourned without agenda being adopted; Representatives accuse HDZ B&H of supporting SNSD and blockade (BHT1


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) session was adjourned without an agenda being adopted. Certain representatives accused HDZ B&H of supporting SNSD and the blockade of B&H institutions. The RS representatives did not come to the session. The lack of a quorum in the commissions and the extended collegium showed that it will be difficult to make any decisions at the session, noted the presenter. Representatives claimed that HDZ B&H ruined quorum in the collegium when the proposal for a resolution on protection of constitutional and legal order of B&H was offered. The proposed resolution rejects the decisions adopted by the RS parliament about the transfer of competencies. The resolution defined the RS parliament’s declaration as an attack on constitutional and legal order and called on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and the international community to react. SDP’s representative in the B&H HoR Sasa Magazinovic stated: “When there is no SNSD in the institutions, then HDZ B&H is SNSD. The right to a stance is indisputable but it is also the indisputable right of the public to know how certain political actor articulates their views”. HDZ B&H’s representative in the B&H HoR Predrag Kozul stated: “I urge you not to hold sessions without the necessary capacity and not to make decisions that are one-sided and that take us away from dialogue”. Speaker of the B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic pointed out: “Not holding sessions is agreeing to a blockade, which is one-sided by representatives from the RS”. During the break, Our Party (NS) representative in B&H HoR Damir Arnaut said: “We have a break because HDZ B&H representatives turned off their buttons in order not to vote on the proposed items of the agenda”. Arnaut commented that this is a bizarre situation where representatives sit in the session hall and turn off their equipment. After the break, a general majority was secured at the session but not the entity majority for only two items on the agenda, which is why the session was adjourned, noted the reporter. SDA representative in the B&H HoR Adil Osmanovic said that they believe that the B&H HoR needs to function and that a blockade is the worst possible solution. Osmanovic called on all elected representatives to discuss all problems in the B&H HoR. The RS opposition believes that the only solution is to annul changes made by the former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko to B&H Criminal Code until the B&H Parliament adopts its own decision. PDP’s representative in the B&H HoR Branislav Borenovic claims that no one among the ruling elites is even thinking about to overcome the issue of the decision imposed by Inzko, as a key condition for parliamentary activities to return to normal. SNSD’s representative in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated: “The fact that it has become normal for them here to strengthen us even more in the stance that we need to continue, to defend our constitutional positions and to defend political will”. It is not known when the B&H HoR will hold a session again, noted the reporter. At the beginning of the session, Head of HDZ B&H Caucus Nikola Lovrinovic said that this session cannot be held unless its agenda is adopted. He stressed that HDZ B&H is constructive and wants to contribute to quality work of the B&H HoR.  SDA’s Alma Colo denied these claims, adding that HDZ B&H’s members failed to attend Monday session of B&H Parliament’s Constitutional-Legal Commission. MP Zukan Helez stated that HDZ B&H became SNSD’s political partner in the political crisis in B&H. MP Jasmin Emric (NES) wondered what MPs should be doing if they will not hold sessions. One of items that were supposed to be discussed at session of B&H HoR was the resolution that condemns conclusions recently adopted by the RS RSNA, calls on B&H prosecution and the OHR to react and calls on B&H Presidency to dismiss B&H House of Peoples (HoP). RTRS comments that an attack of Bosniaks against the RS was stopped, after five MPs of HDZ B&H voted against the proposal of SDA to discuss the security situation in B&H after the RSNA adopted conclusions on the return of competences to the RS. HDZ B&H assessed this as political violence, since it would be an ad hoc measure and give the B&H HoR competences of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC). Lovrinovic said that the MPs of SDA claim that others undermine the B&H Constitution, but they do the same with their activities. He added that all the materials tied to this request were made available to the MPs 30 minutes before the session. Lovrinovic said that the proposal for the abolition of the B&H HoP by the B&H HoR is violence as well. Novakovic Bursac said that the proposal of SDA represents a grotesque display of disrespect where one political group rejects the constitution and the existence of two entities and three people with constituent status. She added that it is a primitive attempt to discredit SNSD and their coalition partners. MP of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that B&H cannot function by negating the RS and trying to determine what the RS can and cannot do. MP of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that the convening of the session without previous agreement is absurd. He assessed that other parties in B&H are boycotting the B&H HoR, out of different reasons than RS parties. Osmanovic said that the reason for his proposal with a short notice is the reason that HDZ B&H is in continuous contact with SNSD and they are clearly working together to obstruct the work of the B&H HoR.


“Pro-Bosnian” parties to possibly withdraw from talks on electoral reforms; Lovrinovic criticizes such move (FTV


It is possible “pro-Bosnian” parties will withdraw from a dialogue on amending of the Election Law of B&H due to undermining of state of B&H by the RS officials and institutions. SDP’s Sasa Magazinovic said that bearing in mind recent conclusions adopted by the RS parliament, participation in negotiations on the Election Law of B&H would legitimize those engaged in secessionism. The reporter noted that SDA might join the opposition parties in this regard. Namely, SDA’s Safet Softic stated that it is possible this party will go in the same direction. “It is pointless to reorganize furniture in a house that is on fire,” explained Softic. Asked about possibility pro-Bosnian parties might withdraw from talks on electoral reform, Head of HDZ B&H Caucus in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nikola Lovrinovic underlined in sarcastic manner that it is a very smart move. Lovrinovic said that a state cannot be built in line with wishes of one side. “If they decided they do not want the state that is in line with decisions of ZAVNOBiH, the referendum from 1992 and in line with the DPA, they should say what kind of state they want and should be looking for such a state,” stressed Lovrinovic.


Grlic Radman: I doubt there is majority support in EU for sanctions against Dodik (Dnevni list


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, said that he doubts that an agreement will be reached within the EU in terms of introducing sanctions against leader of B&H Serbs Milorad Dodik, which is being advocated by new German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. According to Grlic Radman, Croatia advocates dialogue and is in Croatia’s interest to insist on dialogue and to convince all leaders to observe B&H as a sovereign and integral state and that there is no room for any kind of separatism. The Croatian Foreign Minister went on to say that as far as Minister Baerbock’s lobbying for using the current regime of sanctions against Dodik is concerned, it was more about testing the ground and feeling the pulse of the EU Member States.


PM: B&H Crisis should be solved through agreement, starting with election law (Hina


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday the crisis in B&H should be solved through talks and agreements based on the Dayton peace agreement which, he added, would defuse tensions and ensure equal rights for all its inhabitants. He was speaking to the press in Sarajevo after meeting with the leaders of both houses of the B&H Parliament, including HDZ B&H party president Dragan Covic and SDA president Bakir Izetbegovic. Plenkovic said that as a friendly country with great respect for B&H, Croatia wants to advance cooperation through political dialogue in order to support reforms leading to EU membership and to help B&H catch up with its neighbors on the EU journey. He said Croatia would like electoral law changes to satisfy all three constituent peoples and for Croats, as the smallest people, to be equal. If such changes were made, Plenkovic said, the relations within the Federation entity would relax, and "the gentlemen's agreement between Bosniaks and Croats," would contribute to better relations with the Serbs and all government bodies would start functioning. The European reform processes could resume as soon as the current crisis ended, he added. Responsibility for such an agreement is solely on the political parties in B&H and its institutions, he said, adding that it is necessary to have a feeling for nuance and reality. "Izetbegovic understands that too. There are different models and solutions, but it's important to keep the letter and spirit of Dayton which, until 2006, was never in question," Plenkovic said, implying that the election of Zeljko Komsic to the B&H Presidency has undermined the substance of the peace agreement. Responding to questions from the press, Plenkovic said that as far as he knew, EU bodies were not preparing to deploy European troops in B&H and that this was rather the stand of some MEPs. The stand-in the EU is to condemn all actions leading to new tensions in B&H and that the Dayton agreement must be honored, he added. It was Greens MEP Thomas Waitz who said in Sarajevo that the EU stood ready to deploy up to 6,000 troops in case the crisis escalated. His colleague Romeo Franz, head of the European Parliament delegation on relations with B&H, said today this body was following with great concern the secessionist threats coming from the Bosnian Serb entity. That poses a big danger to peace in B&H as well as all of Europe, he told the press after meeting with B&H MPs which was not attended by those from the Serb entity, who refuse to communicate with Greens representatives. Franz said their group expects High Representative Christian Schmidt to react if necessary, by using his broad powers, adding that he will insist in the European Parliament on urgent sanctions against all those in B&H who jeopardize its peace and stability. After talks with representatives of the executive and legislative branches, the Croatian prime minister laid a wreath at the monument to the first victims of the siege of Sarajevo during the 1992-1995 war.


Plenkovic against erasing of peoples in electoral reform in B&H (Vecernji list


Commenting on the visit of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to B&H that took place on Monday, daily notes that Plenkovic told a press conference in Mostar that an agreement on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H should include removal of discrimination against ethnic minorities, that the role of the constituent peoples should be preserved in line with the Dayton agreement and that he commended consensus about the electoral reform within the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS). The daily further reads that representatives of the Venice Commission proposed that judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) are implemented by erasing the constituent peoples during elections for members of the Presidency of B&H and the B&H House of Peoples. In this context daily reads that Plenkovic was asked to comment on the change to the Dayton-Constitution because of the electoral reform, to which he replied by saying there is no agreement about it in the international community. The Croatian PM said, among other issues, that the Sejdic-Finci judgment has many nuances and it speaks about removal of discrimination of the minorities, arguing that he is not aware that the international community has reached a consensus about giving up on the Dayton agreement.


Sarajevo-based parties threaten they will boycott continuation of electoral reform talks (Vecernji list


Prior to arrival of US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Director for Western Balkans and Turkey of European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst to B&H, one can see many unofficial information about the direction the process of negotiations will take. Some media have reported that the final deadline for reaching an agreement about changes to the Law on Elections of B&H is end of January 2022, which should be followed by adoption of the changes (in Parliament of B&H) by end of April. Daily further reads there are no indications that the Croat and Bosniak negotiators have brought their positions closer, which means it is certain that Palmer and Eichhorst will come to the same situation as before. Moreover, adds the daily, there are indications that some Sarajevo-based parties will completely boycott the continuation of talks, which is not unexpected because the electoral reform does not suit the Bosniak parties. In this context daily carried SDA Vice President Safet Softic who said (the other day) “I personally think there is a possibility that SDA will leave the talks” and that the SDA Collegium will soon meet to discuss the issue. The daily adds that SDP B&H may also withdraw from the negotiations as announced by SDP B&H’s representative in the B&H House of Representatives Sasa Magazinovic.


URA, SNP, CIVIS and minority parties to sign Memorandum of Cooperation (CdM


Socialist People’s Party of Montenegro, URA Civic Movement, CIVIS and political representatives of national minorities in Montenegro are to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation today. This caused a storm on the political scene even before the signing. CdM has found out that the Memorandum, among other things, states that Montenegro has been a country burdened by various national, religious, political, ethnic and many other divisions for decades, but that Montenegro must be a country where all citizens have equal rights and a state in which revanchism will not be conducted on any grounds. The Memorandum signatories commit to work on the integration of minorities into the socio-political life of Montenegro. Also, one of the items in the Memorandum is that the signatories undertake to be committed to respecting the Constitution of Montenegro as a democratic, independent and sovereign state. Only a democratic, just and legal state of independent and strong institutions can and must be eternal.


DPS would get 30.5% of votes; DF 20.4; Democrats 19.3% (RTCG


If parliamentary elections were held next week, 30.5 percent of citizens would vote for the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), 20.4 percent would vote for the Democratic Front (DF) and 19.3 percent would trust the Democrats, according to a public opinion poll conducted by the Center for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM). The results presented today show that the Civic Movement URA would get the support of 6.2 percent of respondents, while 6.1 percent of Montenegrin citizens would vote for the Bosniak Party (BS). A survey conducted from December 1st to 11th on a sample of 1,022 citizens shows that the Social Democratic Party (SDP) would get the support of 4.3 per cent of respondents. The Socialist People's Party (SNP) was below the threshold with 2.9 percent of support. 2.4 percent of respondents would vote for the Social Democrats, as much as the support for Albanian Alternative, while two percent of respondents would vote for the United Montenegro. If Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic had founded his party almost half of the respondents, 49.2 percent of them, would certainly not have voted for it, while that party would have a secure vote of 3.3 percent of respondents. It is possible that 12.5 percent of respondents would vote for that party. The new elections are the only solution in the opinion of 22 percent of citizens, while 18 percent of them believe that it is the current government without reconstruction. About 17 percent of respondents believe that the solution is a completely new government that will be formed by the parties of the current parliamentary majority, while 10.5 percent of respondents are in favor of a minority government with the support of the DPS and partners. 31.7 percent of respondents believe that early parliamentary elections should be called as soon as possible, while 12.9 percent of them believe that they should be called on the same day as the presidential elections. 26.2 percent of respondents are against calling early parliamentary elections.


BESA party calls for early elections after the latest veto Macedonia received at the European Council (Republika)


Following the latest veto Macedonia received at the European Council, where Bulgaria blocked the opening of EU accession talks again, the BESA party sent out a call for early elections. The BESA Secretary General Adnan Azizi said that the SDSM – DUI led government is failing at its key mission. They deafened us with their empty slogans about a date for accession talks, about integrations and the European Union. In reality, all they do is plunder the country until the last moment they can. There is no date. The government has been delegitimized. That is why we need early elections to take place as soon as possible, Azizi said.


Osmani believes that six months is too long time to wait for the Bulgarian veto to be lifted (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani criticized the announcement from Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, that there will be six months of negotiations before Bulgaria can decide whether it will allow Macedonia to open EU accession talks. The European Council yesterday could not agree to open accession talks with Macedonia and Albania due to the Bulgarian veto.

It was a difficult debate and the Council and the compromise was that the request remains open. For the first time, Bulgaria could not find fault in Macedonia. Bulgaria has the right to veto. Regarding the statement from the new Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov, his timeframe is objectionable. Six months are too long time in the context the region is in, with so many open questions. I don’t think that timeframe fits us. We need to sit down with Petkov and discus what the timeframe means. There is no need to hold the entire region hostage, Osmani said.


Alternative party willing to overlook the latest veto in exchange for the promise of its share of government largesse (Republika)


Even though the Alternative party insisted that their main purpose of entering the PM Zoran Zaev Government is to secure the opening of EU accession talks, it seems intent to stick with its decision despite the veto Macedonia received at the European Council. The party seems prepared to justify its continued support to the survival of the Zaev government with the possibility that Macedonia will open accession talks in the summer – which was raised by the newly appointed Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov. One of its members of parliament Skender Rexhepi said that if the EU process fails, the party may have to reconsider its support for the SDSM regime. But the party also stands to gain tremendously, with Zaev offering them three Government departments, including the major Healthcare Ministry. The lucrative potential of these posts seems to be enough for the party to set aside the latest major foreign policy failure.


Mickoski: We will have open relations with our neighbors, but we also demand reciprocity (MRT


We will have open relations with the neighbors and we are always for good relations with the neighbors, but of course we also ask for reciprocity, if we are to deserve the respect of the neighbors, they will also have to deserve our respect. If the Bulgarians demand a change in the Constitution, then they should do the same, said the leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview with MRT. He underlined that they are aware of the radical structures on the political scene with some of our neighbors, referring to Bulgaria, who use and abuse nationalism, which has very negative and at times hegemonic rhetoric towards Macedonia. He pointed out that this is not good neighborliness and good neighborly behavior, on the contrary, it is biased behavior of neighbor toward neighbor and then we invoke the right to reciprocity. Mickoski said that when Bulgaria is already asking to include Macedonian citizens who feel like Bulgarians in the Constitution, then we have the right to ask them to do the same and change the Constitution to include Macedonians from Bulgaria, something which belongs to them and which has been ruled by the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Apart from this, Mickoski added, for the recognition of the Macedonians by Bulgaria, a resolution has been adopted by the European Parliament which says that they should have their own culture, their own customs and to present it and be part of the Bulgarian Constitution.


EC gives "OK" for first intergovernmental conference with Albania (Radio Tirana


The European Council gives "OK" for the first intergovernmental conference with Albania

The Slovenian Presidency of the European Union has reached a consensus among the 27 member states of the European Union regarding EU enlargement. The Council welcomes the continued determination of Albania to advance the EU reform agenda, which paved the way for the decision to open accession negotiations with the EU in March 2020. The Council looks forward to the holding of the first intergovernmental conference with Albania as soon as possible, after the approval of the negotiating framework by the Council. The Council takes note that the parliamentary elections in April 2021 were generally well organized and recalls that these elections were held on the basis of the new electoral framework following a wide-ranging reform in line with OSCE/ODIHR recommendations. The Council also encourages further implementation of outstanding OSCE/ODIHR recommendations. The Council underlines that inclusive and constructive political dialogue in the country remains crucial, and in this context, the Council welcomes the return of the opposition to parliament. The Council welcomes Albania's good progress in the area of rule of law, specifically by implementing the comprehensive justice reform, which has advanced steadily, and by strengthening the fight against corruption and organized crime. The newly established specialized structures against organized crime and corruption have already shown first positive results. Efforts towards the establishment of a solid track record need to continue, including on high-level corruption and organized crime through proactive investigations and final verdicts, and through the further implementation of the action plan to address the Financial Action Task Force recommendations, as must good cooperation with relevant authorities of the Member States. The Council welcomes that the vetting has advanced steadily and produced tangible results, and encourages the Albanian authorities to pursue all efforts to allow the process to be successfully finalised. The Council welcomes that the High Court has resumed functioning having regained a sufficient quorum to progress in the adjudication of cases, while further appointments should continue in order to fill all remaining vacancies. The Council also welcomes that the Constitutional Court regained full functionality through additional appointments. On fundamental rights, the Council takes positive note of the ongoing efforts to implement a comprehensive land sector reform and to consolidate property rights and calls on the authorities to continue to pursue such efforts, in a transparent manner by holding consultations with all relevant stakeholders, including by addressing cases of falsification of documents and swiftly advancing the process for registration and compensation. The Council welcomes the adoption of the Population Census Law and looks forward to its smooth conduct in full transparency and in line with international standards. The Council also welcomes the adoption of the secondary legislation related to the 2017 Framework Law on the protection of national minorities and urges Albania to swiftly adopt and implement the remaining by-laws in line with European standards and with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, the Council calls on Albania to resume efforts to make tangible progress on freedom of expression and the safety of journalists. The Council reiterates the importance of ensuring that amendments to the media law are in line with the Venice Commission recommendations and international standards, should the law be further considered by parliament. The Council also welcomes the tangible progress achieved in the public administration reform, and encourages Albania to continue with determination its efforts in this area. Coordination within the public administration needs improvement particularly for integrating the policy planning and budgeting processes, and for EU integration matters. The setting-up of new agencies needs to be an inclusive progress with involvement of civil society

organizations and has to be conducive to checks and balances and to efficiency. When it comes to migration, Albania is the first country in the Western Balkans where the European Border and Coast Guards Status Agreement entered into force. The first ever joint operation outside of the EU with Frontex has proved successful. The total number of unfounded asylum applications lodged by Albanian nationals in the EU has decreased significantly, but needs to be closely monitored and requires continued and sustained efforts by the Albanian authorities. On economic reforms, the Council takes note that prior to the November 2019 earthquake and the external shock in 2020 caused by COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment continued to decrease to record lows, exports grew, and the public debt-to-GDP ratio continued to decline albeit it remains at a high level. The Council encourages Albania to fully implement the policy guidance set out in the Joint Conclusions of the Economic and Financial Dialogue, by gradually reducing the general government debt ratio, by improving fiscal governance and transparency as well as by implementing effective and well-coordinated structural reforms. The Council welcomes Albania’s continued constructive engagement in regional cooperation. The Council also welcomes that Albania continued dialogue to ensure good neighborly relations, which remain essential. The Council strongly commends Albania’s continued cooperation and full alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy and the fact that this record has been consistent over time. It also welcomes Albania's continued active participation in EU missions and operations under the Common Security and Defense Policy.


Former minister arrested over corruption related to trash incinerators (Tirana Times


Lefter Koka, Albania’s former minister of environment, has been arrested by special corruption and organized crimes prosecutors (SPAK) on charges of abuse of office and corruption, dealing with the procedures, contracts and construction of the urban waste incinerator in Elbasan. Koka received about 3 million Euros in bribes by two companies in return for giving them the concession contracts, prosecutors indicate in the charges. SPAK issued a statement noting that after receiving official reports by two opposition parties, the Democratic Party (DP) and the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI), a year ago, it started an investigation on the procedure for the Public Private Partnership (PPP) contract for the construction and administration of the Elbasan incinerator. The investigation “proved that the procedures for the contract with Albtek Energy were incomplete, and that, contrary to the law on concessions, a negotiation method was followed without a prior public notice," SPAK said in statements.  That resulted in damages to the state’s interests and the private company receiving unfair benefits, the SPAK statement added. Prosecutors say Albtek Energy, and another company which performed the construction works, Integrated Technology Services, issued bloated invoices for works not actually done, amounting to nearly 3 million euros, which are suspected to have been channeled to Koka as a bribe, after he illegally favored the two companies in the PPP contract procedures. The administrators of the two companies set up a fictitious payment scheme to hide the illegal origin of the money during their transfers. Prosecutors added that former Minister Koka had requested and received from the two companies’ indirect monetary benefits, creating with some other companies fictitious schemes for unfinished works, to cover his corruption. Koka entered politics in the 2000s as mayor of Durres under the banner of the Socialist Party. He then became an MP of the rival SMI, when that party split from the Socialist Party. He was a SMI minister in Edi Rama’s government from 2013 to 2017. He was later re-elected MP under the banner of the SMI, while in the last general elections of 25 April 2021, he won a seat in Durrës as a candidate of the Socialist Party. Shortly after the victory he abruptly resigned without any public explanation. SPAK has issued two other arrest warrants, for the owners of the two companies involved, Klodian Zoto and Stela Gugalla, both declared wanted while at large, while their shares in the companies they manage have been seized. Zoto is the owner of Integrated Technology Services, a company that owns 70 percent of the shares of another major incinerator in Fier. Gugalla is the partner of Mirel Mertiri, an entrepreneur who, according to media reports, is suspected of being behind two other incinerators in Fier and Tirana.  All concessions involving trash incinerators have come under scrutiny over alleged corruption. Fier and Elbasan have now been seized by the state as part of the charges filed on Tuesday. A major incinerator in Tirana is now also under scrutiny, with investigative journalists noting that its owners are ultimately unknown as they hide behind an offshore company. Koka also owns some large businesses, including the country’s largest producer of alcoholic beverages, and prosecutors have placed all his businesses under state administration through seizures until his trial is finished. Albania’s opposition has made public accusations about the incinerators for years, also accusing former Energy Minister Damian Gjiknuri, as well as current Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj of links to Mertiri, the partner of the woman now wanted by police. At the time of the Elbasan concession, Ahmetaj was minister of finance. DP leader Lulzim Basha told the media that time and investigations are showing the opposition was correct in denouncing the affair. The Socialists have consistently denied allegations of abuse related to the incinerators. Prime Minister Rama and his ministers defended the projects and frequently visited their construction sites, praising the impact they have brought to the treatment of urban waste in Albania. However, suspicions of breaches of procedure have persisted. In addition to investigations by the SPAK, the country’s parliament has set up a special investigative commission at the opposition’s request, which is reviewing the procedures followed by the executive bodies for the construction and administration of urban waste treatment plants in Tirana, Elbasan and Fier, the total value of which goes to more than 400 million Euros. According to the opposition, three incinerator contracts in 2014 and 2017 were awarded to newly created companies, which were set up just days and weeks before the documents were signed. That has raised suspicions that behind the violation of procedures with the drafting and signing of these three contracts there are hidden illegal benefits of significant amounts.


SP Group chair meets PM of Kosovo (ADN


During his stay in Kosovo, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party (SP) Taulant Balla was received in a meeting this Wednesday by the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. Balla states that the agreements signed between the two governments at the Elbasan Meeting were a big step towards facilitating movement on both sides of the border, recognizing diplomas or social security contributions and creating the largest areas of economic cooperation between our two countries. According to Balla, work will continue to strengthen cooperation at the level of parliamentary groups. "Meeting with the Prime Minister of Kosovo, the Chairman of Vetevendosje Albin Kurti. The agreements signed between the two governments at the Elbasan Meeting were a major step towards facilitating movement on both sides of the border, recognizing diplomas or social security contributions and creating greater scope for economic cooperation between our two countries. We will strengthen cooperation at the level of our parliamentary groups,” said Balla.


Analysis: Future uncertain for DP as parallel assemblies strive for control (Tirana Times


Delegates representing a large portion of Albania’s Democratic Party convened in an assembly Saturday, voting to sack the party’s incumbent leadership and approving changes to the party’s constitution. The delegates represent supporters of the former Prime Minister Sali Berisha and others who say they want change in Albania’s main opposition party, following a string of electoral and political defeats.    The date was chosen to match the anniversary of the party’s establishment in 1990, and the assembly labelled itself as the "re-establishment" of the political force. Delegates voted to sack Chairman Lulzim Basha, and replace him and the rest of the leadership bodies with a 27-member transition entity, the DP Re-establishing Committee which will lead the party until another assembly can be held on March 22 next year. The committee is made up of long-time leadership members, including Berisha and several current members of parliament. The assembly has called for a referendum in the party to be held on Dec. 18, asking all party members to ratify the decision to sack Basha. The party’s current leadership, under Basha, says the Dec. 11 assembly is illegal and its decisions cannot be enforced. It has called an assembly of its own on Dec. 18 where replacement of the leadership will not be discussed.


Berisha’s U.S. troubles spark DP crisis  

Albania’s Democratic Party has seen months of internal turmoil following the loss of the April 25 general elections for an unprecedented third time. But the genesis of the Dec. 11 assembly comes from a decision of the U.S. State Department in May, to publicly designate Berisha as an official banned from entering the United States due to involvement in "high-level corruption.” Under pressure from U.S. officials, Basha announced in September that Berisha would be expelled from the DP parliamentary group.  The decision led to Berisha launching a comeback movement within the ranks of the Democrats against Basha, the man Berisha had hand-picked as his successor and supported over the years, despite losing several elections.  Berisha held meetings around Albania to gather support for the Dec. 11 assembly, indicating he intends to return to the helm of the Democratic Party.  Berisha said the U.S. designation is "unfounded in facts and evidence," telling his supporters that it is an ill-informed act taken under the influence of actors who are angry over his stances, including multi billionaire donor to American progressive causes, George Soros. Berisha says he has been declared guilty without any proof or due process and has filed a defamation suit in a French court against U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. With DP being the traditional center right party in Albania, Berisha and his supporters have indicated that if a Republican administration was in power in the United States, the designation would have never happened, and that in fact it might be reversed when there is a shift in power in Washington. However, in an interview with local media during his visit to Tirana this week, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said Berisha’s claims are “wrong” and “dangerous.” “I do not want people to see these thoughts and these announcements as a political tool. These are institutional efforts to fight corruption,” Escobar said. “Therefore, it was not done by one administration, it was not done by one decision-maker, and it was not done by a member or an organization within the cabinet. It was a collective effort and we reached a consensus on it."


Perceptions on U.S. decision vary  

Pointing to the legacy of his leadership period, when Albania became a NATO member and advanced the country’s EU bid, Berisha has repeatedly said during his tour of Albania that DP will have excellent relations with the United States with him at the helm. But U.S. officials, including Escobar and U.S. Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim, have made it clear they would not meet with Berisha due to the public designation, even if he is re-elected party leader. Some analysts note that Berisha’s designation on corruption has led many opposition voters to perceive the United States and its representatives in Tirana as biased in favor of the ruling Socialist Party and Prime Minister Edi Rama. They add that Ambassador Kim’s public statements on the matter have crossed diplomatic lines, leading to anger at the U.S. Embassy, visible through comments on social media. That is unprecedented in Albania, one of the most pro-American countries in the world. Government critics say it is unusual to see the U.S. strong insistence on focusing on 77-year-old Berisha, who hasn’t been in the executive or in party leadership since 2013, when international reports on the current government show state capture and corruption at high levels. U.S. supporters also worry about the backlash and unwanted damage to the reputation of the United States among ordinary Albanians. While Berisha enjoys the support of only a minority of Albanians, he has a strong loyal group with a lot of weight in the Democratic Party. Some polls show Berisha is more popular than current leader Basha within the party, but clearly hurts the DP in the general elections, as he is a divisive figure due to his actions during Albania’s painful transition to democracy. Berisha characteristically did not mince his words at the assembly in attacking the American envoy to Tirana. “The ambassador acts like a governor, like the Soviet ambassador once did,” Berisha said. “I invite officials to reconsider their decision because arrogance and error are not virtues of free people. I guarantee you that I will continue my mission … without wavering … to return DP in power as a party of values of freedom, as a party that will integrate Albania in the European Union." Many of Berisha’s detractors say he is allowing his personal matters and quest to save his legacy to hurt the party he founded and Albania in the process. Basha held a small event to commemorate the party’s founding at headquarters and told reporters he would not allow DP to become a party of anti-Americanism.  “The shadows of the past cannot muddy the waters. And the cult of an individual will not be allowed to be built in any form or shape,” Basha said in a clear referral to Berisha, but without using his name.


Assembly vote leaves DP in legal limbo 

Nearly 5,000 delegates were present in the Dec. 11 assembly, according to its organizers, who say the decisions are legal and final. However, the incumbent leadership of the party doesn’t recognize the Dec. 11 assembly, which they say is a move undertaken by Berisha, which "has nothing to do with the Democrats and their troubles, but with the personal troubles of Mr. Berisha." Chairman Basha says what he calls the "legitimate assembly" of the Democratic Party will be held on Dec. 18. According to party officials loyal to the current leadership, 5,200 names of delegates had officially confirmed their participation with DP headquarters. With tensions running high, there were rumors that Berisha’s supporters would storm the party headquarters, but that was denied by the Dec. 11 assembly organizers who said all processes would be peaceful.  However, with competing claims to official party assemblies and leaderships, ultimately it might be up to courts to decide who will officially represent the party, experts say. Experts and polls show the party’s membership and voters are split in three groups. Supporters of Berisha make up the first and largest group. Another group supports Basha, and yet another third wants a fresh start with a new leader. In addition to Berisha loyalists and old timers, many of those who attended and voted in the Dec. 11 assembly want to remove Basha from power because they are unhappy with several electoral losses while he was at the party’s helm. Critics point out that Basha's time at the helm must end because he has shown he is not strong enough to fight off "the Rama regime" and "the unfair practices Rama has used to win elections." Berisha's supporters say only Berisha has the gravitas needed to fight off Rama and propel DP back to power. Several of the decisions at the assembly involved making the party more democratic and the chairmanship weaker, by making the removal from the post of the chairman automatic after an election loss and bringing back one member one vote on key decisions. Berisha says the goal of his efforts is to democratize the party, open it to the public and make sure it returns to power. He has indicated he would not mind if he became prime minister again.