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Belgrade Media Report 10 January 2022



Vucic: We will not join sanctions against Serbs in B&H (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday announced he would speak with the Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and Republika Srpska President (RS) Zeljka Cvijanovic about the current situation, and noted that Serbia would in no way implement sanctions against Serbs in B&H and the RS or their representatives. Vucic was responding to a reporter's question about US sanctions imposed on Dodik and Alternativna TV ahead of events marking the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the RS. "As early as on 10 or 11 January, I will speak with Dodik and Cvijanovic. This is about very complicated matters where an urgent reaction, let alone a precipitate one, is not appropriate because this brings numerous challenges not only for the RS but for Serbia as well," Vucic said at a press conference. "Serbia is certainly not happy with the sanctions and does not believe sanctions are the solution, and there is no doubt the Republic of Serbia will not only not agree to the sanctions, but that it will also not implement sanctions against members of its own nation in B&H and the RS and Serb representatives in any way," Vucic said. "We must maintain rational, decent and fair relations with the Americans as they are a great power while, on the other hand, we will not go back to the times when blockades and barricades targeting political representatives of our nation were being put up on the Drina," he said. Vucic said he was concerned over sanctions against Dodik and other individuals from the RS, but that he was even more concerned over a US explanation that Alternativna TV was a part of a corruption system. "We will have many questions for the US administration about some other media and links with crime and corruption to which we think no adequate answer can be provided. But we will leave that for after Christmas. I spoke with both Dodik and Cvijanovic yesterday and we will continue the discussions in the days ahead," Vucic said.


Brnabic: Serbia committed to preserving stability in region, B&H (TV Pink/Tanjug)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed on Saturday that the situation in the RS is difficult and that this country faces great challenges, but that Serbia will never consider imposing sanctions on it and its legitimate representatives, which Milorad Dodik is. Brnabic told TV Pink that Serbia will try its best to contribute to stability in the region and in B&H. She pointed out that Serbia respects B&H, but also the integrity of the RS, with which it has special and parallel ties, and reiterated that it is necessary for Serbs in the RS to know that Serbia stands by them and will always do so. Brnabic also said that the Serbian government is close to the decision to annul all contracts with company Rio Tinto, which researched lithium reserves in the area of Jadar in order to build a mine. The Serbian government is on the verge of making a decision and accepting all the requests submitted. The current government did not bring Rio Tinto to Serbia. We did not bring them, we did not promise, we did not do something that the people did not know. Everything we did, we did transparently, we listen to our people, she reiterated. According to her, it remains to be seen how much and in which way the state must pay for the breach of contract, which she will discuss more with President Aleksandar Vucic.


Judicial reforms major steps for Serbia - Quint ambassadors (Tanjug/RTS)


At a meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic on Thursday, the Ambassadors of the Quint states said judicial reforms put up for a referendum in Serbia were major steps in strengthening judicial independence and advancing the rule of law in the country. The Ambassadors of France, Italy, Germany and the US and the charges d'affaires of the UK and the EU Delegation to Serbia said this was also important in the context of Serbia's commitments in the EU accession process. Brnabic said Serbia had made major progress on the rule of law and that constitutional amendments were the most significant reform in that field, the government press service said in a statement. "The partners from the Quint highlighted the significance of the rule of law and called for further progress on the judicial reform," the statement also said. Brnabic said she was dissatisfied with the refusal of the provisional Pristina institutions to allow the holding of the referendum in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija.


Selakovic: Intensifying cooperation with diaspora (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Sunday, at the end of his visit to Chicago, where he spent the Christmas holidays with members of the Serbian diaspora, that Serbia will deal more intensively with the needs of Serbs living abroad. We came here not to ask anything from members of the diaspora, but to hear from them what they expect from the motherland and what Serbia, the Foreign Ministry, the Directorate for Cooperation with the Diaspora and Serbs in the region can do for them, said Selakovic. According to him, one of the most numerous Serbian communities in the world lives in Chicago and its surroundings, which is connected by an extremely strong patriotic feeling and the Serbian Orthodox Church, which has been operating in that area for more than a century. I am convinced that there is an extremely great potential of our people here. And that is what we have to work on much more in the future, on establishing even greater national unity, even stronger ties with the motherland of the Republic of Serbia, and to work much more on promoting what Serbia is today, he pointed out. On the second day of Christmas, Selakovic visited the oldest Serbian organization in this part of the USA - the Serbian National Defense, talked to members of various associations of the Serbian people and participated in the celebration of the RS Day. He pointed out that the visit to Chicago was also a valuable opportunity to meet with representatives of the business community in this part of the United States, who have the desire and need to invest and increase their capital in different parts of the world. That was a chance to promote Serbia as one of the fastest growing economies in Europe and a country that is the absolute regional leader in attracting foreign investments, Selakovic underlined.


Djuric: We have boosted Serbia's influence, presence in US Congress (Pink/Tanjug)


Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric on Friday said he was proud of Serbia's current policy, spearheaded by President Aleksandar Vucic, and the resulting better positioning of Serbia in the global political and economic map. "2021 was a year of accelerated economic, infrastructure, security and foreign policy development of Serbia," Djuric told Pink, noting that he was representing a country that was Europe's fastest-growing economy. Asked about possibilities for cooperation with the US, Djuric said business opportunities for advancement of bilateral relations had resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of contracts for Serbian state-owned defence industry companies and added that he was proud the Serbian embassy in Washington had helped to establish contacts in that and other spheres. Speaking of US-Serbia relations in general, 2021 was a year when we deepened our influence and presence in the US Congress," Djuric said, adding that the Serbian caucus in the US Congress had more than doubled in membership last year. "As ambassador, I myself had a triple-figure number of meetings with representatives of the US Congress. Many of those people had not focused on Serbia on a daily basis, so that was a unique and valuable opportunity to present to them an image of Serbia that is different from the one in 1990s," Djuric said.


Road blockades continue (Beta)


Some of Serbia's main roads were blocked on 8 January by people protesting the possible opening of a lithium mine in western Serbia, as part of Rio Tinto's Jadar Project. Several hundred citizens blocked a highway outside the Sava Center congress hall in Belgrade for an hour. No police officers in uniform were seen at the rally. Around 200 people blocked the highway near Novi Sad in both directions, from and to Belgrade. An incident occurred when a driver tried to break through the blockade. The Ibarska Highway in Preljina, near Cacak, was blocked by roughly 100 citizens for two hours and passed without any incidents. The Pozega-Kosjeric road was blocked in the small town of Pesak, in protest over geological excavations, the exploitation and opening of a lithium mine in the village of Dobrinje and in other places in Serbia. Some 100 citizens of Pozega, Kosjeric and nearby villages blocked the main roads to Pozega, Kosjeric and Valjevo.


Activist: All of Serbia is coming to Belgrade to protest next week (Nova)


"The plan is for everyone to gather next Saturday in Belgrade and for the whole of Serbia to come to the capital," Aleksandar Jovanovic Cuta told Nova, announcing a big protest and a new blockade of the highway for 15 January. Regarding the Prime Minister’s announcement that the Government is close to the decision to cancel all deals with Rio Tinto, he said that protesters will “help her get to that point” and to “end this agony and to end all obligations to Rio Tinto.” “From 15 January, we plan to further radicalize the protest if these two demands are not met. There will be no compromise regarding a healthy environment, human health and the right of all citizens to a dignified life and work on their properties because Serbia is no one’s colony,” he said. Biljana Stojkovic from the Assembly of Free Serbia also said that there will be no giving up on the protest and that the fight against Rio Tinto will continue. These demands are important for the whole of Serbia. We need to think carefully about the exploitation of ores and the impact, whether it means the destruction of the entire country and the expulsion of the population from their land,” she said, according to Nova. The Environmental Uprising and the Association of Environmental Organizations of Serbia (SEOS) invited all related organizations to a meeting in order to plan further protest activities and radicalize Serbia's defense against Rio Tinto and other similar companies.




Pisonero says political crisis in B&H needs to be resolved urgently (Hayat)


The EU has taken note of the US administration’s decision on sanctions against the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, but there are no indications that EU will follow US. The Spokesperson of the European Commission (EC) Ana Pisonero believes that the political crisis in B&H needs to be resolved urgently. Pisonero said that this is about B&H’s stability and prosperity, as well as the whole process of EU integration of B&H and its future within EU. Pisonero stressed that the consent of all EU members is necessary for sanctions. Germany’s initiative to introduce sanctions against the RS officials was rejected by Hungary. Diplomatic sources said that France and Slovenia are among the countries opposing the sanctions, noted the presenter. Pisonero was quoted as saying: “The EU, as you know, makes its instruments available. You are well aware that since 2011 the EU has prepared a framework of sanctions that allows the imposition of restrictive measures against persons who seriously threaten the security of B&H and undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement. Such things, as you know, require unanimous adoption by the Council. It is also clear that only the progress in reforms can guarantee the continuation of European aid. B&H risks losing significant aid if nothing is done.”

Dodik: American sanctions are farce and reflection of powerlessness (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is clear in his stance – he says the US can quarrel with him but not with the RS. He says American sanctions are a farce and a reflection of powerlessness. He believes the goal is to destabilize the stable RS, and to favor the other entity in B&H. Dodik said that Americans would like someone that would work on taking competencies away from the RS. He does not mind the US restrictions. “And, I have met many people, which live in difficult conditions, and they all told me – ‘Do not allow RS to be taken away’. That is my vow. The fact that some Escobar will come here, and try to do something, or the American President for which a debate has been led all these years regarding involvement of his family in corruption activities; for you to accuse me? That is irrelevant,” Dodik told reporters. He said his entry into the US was prohibited, but he repeated that he does not plan to travel there ever again. He said they also said he could not use properties in the US, but Dodik claims he does not own any property there. The US officials are not hiding the fact that these sanctions are just the beginning. Dodik pointed out that the RS will always have an adequate response to the moves that come from the US. He emphasized that if the US decides to impose sanctions onto the RS, then that will be a decision that will push the RS in the direction towards achieving its independence. Commenting on the US sanctions imposed on him, Dodik stated that it is a pure farce to forbid him to dispose with property which, as he said, he does not have. Dodik explained that he has never had a bank account in the US and that he has no intention of going to America even if the sanctions are lifted. Dodik pointed out that if the US imposes the sanctions against the RS, it will mean a decision on its independence. "The essence is that there are no sanctions against the RS and the Serb people, and last night I said, and that is our decision, the decision of our party and our coalition partners, that the moment the West decides to introduce sanctions against the RS, any, minimal, symbolic (sanctions), at that moment they can count on and describe it as the date of the independent RS," Dodik emphasized. Dodik reiterated that the sanctions imposed against him by the US are injustice. Dodik added that despite to everything, he will resume to lead policy of preservation of the RS. He assessed that the US’ sanctions are just propaganda trick. Dodik reminded that the sanctions against him were introduced earlier, adding that this time they accused him of corruption. He also said that their claims are contradictory, because no processes concerning corruption was ever led against him in B&H or the US. Dodik stressed that Americans believe that they can deal with peoples in an arrogant way. He added that “we live here and our mandates are not political”, adding that some from the US who have political mandates believe they can achieve something by using force. Dodik emphasized that they might reckon with Dodik, but cannot reckon with the RS and Serb people. Dodik also claims that besides Serbia, some other countries will not support sanctions imposed by the US. He stressed that this means America is no longer having monopoly and is losing its power.


Ivanic: US sanctions could have a real effect if they were also expanded to Dodik’s associates, other corrupt politicians in B&H (AJB)


PDP Honorary President Mladen Ivanic believes that US sanctions could have a real effect if they were also expanded to the associates of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, but also to all other corrupt politicians in B&H. Ivanic said Dodik expected this to happen, and he prepared physiologically and financially before the sanctions were issued. In short term, there will be no significant consequences of the sanctions, Ivanic assessed. He believes political consequences will come if sanctions are expanded to Dodik’s associates, especially those high-ranked in SNSD. If the current sanctions remain, Ivanic said Dodik will use this story to present himself as the “biggest victim of an unjust America”. Ivanic stressed that Dodik might be the biggest problem in B&H, but he is not the only problem in the country. Ivanic said PDA leader Mirsad Kukic cannot be considered as the most important politician amongst the Bosniaks in B&H. Kukic was also covered by US sanctions, but Ivanic says there are many politicians from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) that should also be on the US’ list. There is corruption in the RS, Ivanic admits, but he points that there is a lot of corruption in the FB&H as well, which is why sanctions must be issued against all those that conduct such activities. Ivanic concluded by saying if sanctions are not expanded, then the US will prove its incorrect behavior and proneness towards only sanctioning the Serb representatives. Ivanic presented an opinion that, if the sanctions are only imposed to the mentioned names without people from the FB&H, then he will take that as the FB&H officials’ coalition with the international community.

SDA welcomes US’ decision to introduce sanctions to Dodik (Nova BH)


SDA welcomed on Thursday the decision of the US administration to introduce sanctions against Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik for corrupt activities and a threat to the stability and territorial integrity of B&H. SDA urged the EU to impose sanctions, as well. In a statement issued by SDA, it has been emphasized that timely and comprehensive sanctions are an adequate response to attempts to violate the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and endanger peace and stability in B&H and the region. SDA added: “The decision on sanctions sends a clear and unambiguous message to all those who, through their unconstitutional and illegal activities, endanger peace and stability in B&H, and who threaten the strengthening of the rule of law and economic development through corrupt actions.” Representatives of political parties in the FB&H welcomed the decision on sanctions and expressed hope that these sanctions will be a warning for others who advocate for similar policies. Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic (SDA) called on other countries to impose sanctions as well. “This is a clear message that undermining state-level institutions as a foundation of peace and stability will not be tolerated. Also, this is a clear message to Dodik that he cannot expect any award, but only severe sanctions for attacking the constitutional order and blocking institutions,” Dzaferovic assessed. B&H House of Representatives Speaker Denis Zvizdic stated that it was only a matter of time when the USA would announce sanctions against SNSD leader and B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik and others who undermine the state institutions, constitutional order, stability and economic progress. “I am sure that the sanctions will help improve relations in B&H and in the Balkans because they send a clear message to individuals warning them to return to the constitutional and legal framework for action,” said Zvizdic. He added that he expects individual EU member states to introduce similar sanctions as well.

Marking of RS Day: US Embassy calls RS leaders to act in line with B&H CC rulings (BHT1)


Respect for the rule of law is the foundation of democracy, and is of vital importance for B&H’s progress on its Euro-Atlantic path, said the US Embassy in comment on marking 9 January as the Day of the RS. The US Embassy called on all political leaders to act in line with the decisions of the court. BHT1 reminds that RS authorities announced, this year as well, that they will mark 9 January as the Day of the RS regardless of the ruling of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H which says marking this holiday is unconstitutional. The US Embassy issued a statement noting that marking of the RS Day is unconstitutional and that the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) are final and binding.

Dodik: No one has invited US Embassy representatives to RS Day or asked for their comment (ATV)


Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik reacted to the US Embassy’s message and he said that “for the umpteenth time” the US Embassy has shown it is “a place of destabilization in B&H”. Dodik assessed that this represents perfidious activity against Serb people. Dodik noted that foreigners tried to abolish the RS Day through “so-called B&H CC, under the pretext that this day offends others”. He stressed that no one invited the US Embassy representatives to come to the RS Day marking and no one asked them to provide a comment on that, and he referred to the Embassy as a factor of destabilization. In addition, the Serb member of the Presidency stressed he is proud of 9 January, the RS, and the Serb people. The Serb member of the Presidency said that the future of the RS lies in strengthening of its autonomy. Dodik noted that 9 January 1992, is a day when the RS broke up with illusions that someone else would grant the Serbs their freedom. “Serb people have always defended their freedom. On 9 January, we decided to claim our freedom. It can survive only if the people feel love for the RS. Everything that happened in the war and after, through different political processes, was directed against the RS and towards efforts for its disappearance,” Dodik said. Dodik stated on Friday that 9 January as the RS Day is an important date because on that day in 1992 illusions were broken that someone else will give freedom to the Serb people. He added that on 9 January the Serb people have taken a path of wining its own freedom.

Dodik: I would never admit that RS is genocidal creation or that Serbs are genocidal peoples, if RS authorities accept to mark RS Day on any other date except 9 January those who are labelling RS as genocidal creation will be proven right (ATV)


Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik spoke about marking of the Day of the  RS and the 30th anniversary of the formation of the RS, the newest US sanctions against him and the initiative for reinstatement of the RS’ constitutional competences. Commenting on marking of the Day of the RS and the 30th anniversary of the formation of the RS, Dodik said that efforts to prevent peoples and states from forming their own identity are spreading like a plague across the world and those who support this did all they could to bring marking of the Day of the RS into question. He claims that no one counts on the Serb people standing up to this but 9 January is among the most important dates for Serbs in the region because the decision to form the RS was made on this exact date in 1992. He stressed that Serbs have fought hard for their right to mark the Day of the RS on 9 January and anyone standing opposed to this is actually standing opposed to the RS and the Serb people. According to Dodik, there are attempts to convince Serbs that the RS is a genocidal creation and Serbs are genocidal peoples, which is absolutely wrong. He stated that he would never admit that the RS is a genocidal creation or that Serbs are genocidal peoples because the RS was formed before the war in B&H and if the RS authorities accept to mark the Day of the RS on any other date except 9 January, those who are labelling the RS as a genocidal creation will be proven right. He confirmed that two French MEPs from the Identity and Democracy Group and members of the French party ‘National Rally’ will attend the main ceremony for the Day of the RS in Banja Luka, adding that he is quite moderate when explaining the RS’ political stance compared to what French MEPs wanted to say at an earlier press conference. He revealed that French MEPs were prepared to acknowledge the RS’ right to its own territory, armed forces and judiciary, which is absolutely true, and it is important to let the RS’ friends speak their mind and continue to visit the RS. He noted that the media in the FB&H tend to portray anyone who is opposed to political Sarajevo as far-right extremists and radicals. He also confirmed that several Serbian officials will not attend the main ceremony for various reasons but the majority of the Serbian leadership will, including Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic. He added that the Russian Ambassador to B&H and ambassadors of several other countries will attend the main ceremony as well. He emphasized the importance of support from Serbia, Russia and China and efforts to keep them constantly interested in the situation in B&H. He argued that political Sarajevo can think of French MEPs as extremists but the RS can say exactly the same about MEPs from the Group of Greens/European Free Alliance who are worshiped as heroes by political Sarajevo. He deems that the problem in B&H is persistent imposing of stereotypes about the Serb people as the culprit who needs punishment and the RS must explain to its friends how things stand, for example the idea of turning B&H into a civil society is akin to the formation of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) by the Ustashi regime in the World War II because Serbs would be a minority without its identity and the right to express its opinion.


Numerous events organized across RS on occasion of 30th birthday of RS (ATV)


Numerous events were organized across the RS on Saturday on the occasion of the 30th birthday of the RS. A formal academy, which was attended by senior officials of the RS, including Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic, representatives of the RS institutions, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, including Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, delegations of political parties, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, speaker of the Serbian parliament Ivica Dacic, Prince Filip Karadjordjevic and other guests from abroad, was held in Borik Hall in Banja Luka. The formal academy in Banja Luka was also attended by Darko Mladic, the son of Ratko Mladic, and Danilo Vucic, the son of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. The RS begun a two-day-long celebration of the RS Day and the 30th anniversary of its formation on Saturday. On this occasion, Banja Luka hosted an academy. Top RS officials attended the event, as well as a delegation of the Serbian Government led by Brnabic, Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov and many other officials. RTRS reported about some details of the academy related to program of events that were held on Saturday. During the academy, officials sent – what the reporter called the main message – that 9 January is a day of unity, togetherness and unbreakable ties between peoples and institutions of the RS. Cvijanovic said that she is proud of everything what was achieved in the past 30 years, adding that despite of many political pressures, disputes and imposing, the RS is becoming more and more organized. Cvijanovic reiterated that the RS does not want anything more or anything less from what it belongs to the RS within the Dayton. She dismissed claims that the RS is undermining of constitutional framework of B&H by demanding respect for the Constitution of B&H. Dodik said that the 30th birthday of the RS is special because the RS went through a lot in the past 30 years; pressures and disputes. Dodik underlined that today, the RS is strong and capable to reexamine all previously-taken competences. Once again, he reiterated that without full respect for the Constitution, B&H will not survive and in this case, the RS has the right to self-determination. Brnabic also addressed attendees and she said that Serbia will not take part in any kind of sanctions against officials of the RS. According to Brnabic, sanctions are never a solution for any kind of problems. Brnabic underlined the official stance of Serbia, i.e. strong support for peace in the region. Brnabic expressed concern for problems and challenges that the RS, its leadership and representatives of the Serb people in B&H are facing. Porfirije also called for peace and he also called on all sides for dialogue “without difficult words that will insult the other side”. Porfirije said that he came to encourage preservation of unity in the RS.

Brnabic: Republic of Serbia will never implement sanctions against members of its people and representatives of Serb people in B&H and RS (ATV)


ATV broadcast live part of the formal academy held in Borik Hall in Banja Luka on Saturday on the occasion of 9 January - the Day of the RS. Addressing the formal academy in Banja Luka, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic congratulated the officials and the citizens of the RS on the Day of the RS. "Today, together, we are marking an important jubilee, thirty years since the formation of the RS. And as always, it is a great honor for me to be here with you today in Banja Luka so that we could mark this significant date together," Brnabic said. Brnabic conveyed greetings and congratulations from President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and the citizens of Serbia. "Although many things, both good and bad, happened in these thirty years, the RS always remained a reflection of a centuries-old dream, desire and struggle of the Serb people for collective and civil rights in this area. Still, more than anything, the RS is an indicator of how determined the Serb people were to prevent the recurrence of crimes from the Second World War, the most horrible, inconceivable crimes which aimed to completely destroy the Serb people in this area" Brnabic emphasized. Brnabic pointed out that on 9 January 1992, the Serbs were looking for a way to preserve peace and security so that Jasenovac, Donja Gradina, Furmanci, Klepci, Tasovcici, Prebilovci and other execution sites and horrors of the Serb people would not happen again. "The RS was formed to defend itself from that evil, which came a little later, that same year," Brnabic stressed. Brnabic said that it is important for her to point out that when someone says that the RS is a genocidal creation, she can only say that the RS was created on genocide, genocide against the Serb people. "Genocide that was planned and implemented in detail in the 1940s of the last century with a clear intention to continue and end it 50 years later," Brnabic underlined. She emphasized that the RS is fruit of a desire for peace, freedom, safe upbringing of children and a desire that crimes against the Serb people do not continue and do not recur. Brnabic underlined that she is worried about the challenges and problems that the RS and its leadership and representatives of the Serb people in B&H are facing. "I am deeply concerned about the US decision, as well as about the way and the explanation about the introduction of sanctions against Milorad Dodik. It requires us to behave rationally, seriously and responsibly without making hasty decisions. Fact is that sanctions were never a solution for any problems. Precisely because of that I want to say what President Aleksandar Vucic said. The Republic of Serbia will never, never, implement sanctions against members of its people and representatives of the Serb people in B&H and the RS," Brnabic pointed out.


Dacic: Thirty years of RS represents great historical achievement of Serb people (ATV)


A large delegation of the Republic of Serbia arrived in Banja Luka on Saturday on the occasion of 30th anniversary of the RS. Besides Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and speaker of the Serbian Parliament Ivica Dacic, the Serbian delegation also included Director of the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) Bratislav Gasic, Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin, Serbian Ambassador to the United States Marko Djuric and many others. Dacic stated that thirty years of the RS represents a great historical achievement of the Serb people, and that its survival is one of the vital national and state interests of Serbia and the entire Serb people. Dacic pointed out that Serbia is against any threats to the survival of RS, as well as against endangering the competencies that the RS has on the basis of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). "You know very well that we do not support the policy of sanctions against anyone, including Dodik. I have called on all officials of the RS to persistently work on peace and to be firm in defending our, their interests, the interests of the RS, i.e. in preserving the Dayton Agreement as an agreement which was written in the offices of the great powers," Dacic emphasized.

Reactions of Bosniak officials to the celebration of RS Day (BHT)


Bosniak RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic stated that the continuation of unconstitutional marking of January 9 “creates atmosphere of unsafe environment, irritates, provokes and discriminates against all victims of persecutions, serious crimes and the genocide, spreading intolerance towards citizens who are not Bosnian Orthodox Serbs”. Salkic stressed the respect of the B&H Constitutional Court’s decision was a constitutional obligation arising from the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and that everyone who violates the B&H CC’s decisions, violates the DPA and threatens peace. Salkic has called on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to react.  Salkic asked for an urgent reaction from the B&H Prosecutor’s Office due to the celebration of the unconstitutional holiday of RS Day. Salkic stated via phone that it is one thing not implementing the decisions and another is to actively oppose the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court. Salkic added that the celebration of the RS Day is a provocation. Meanwhile, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that the RS authorities were sending a very bad message with the celebration of the RS Day, which was directly opposed to the decision of the B&H Constitutional Court. Vice President of SDP Vojin Mijatovic said that on Sunday, Serb millionaires celebrate 30 years of their power, 30 years of crime and Serb downfall and isolation, as well as 30 years since Serbs have been led, as Mijatovic said, by the worst of them. Representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Semsudin Mehmedovic (SDA), commented about 9 January, which is marked as the Day of the RS, that he is launching an initiative to mark 9 January as the Day of Beginning of Genocide in B&H because it is the only way “that we do not forget what happened to us in Bosnia and who did it”. The Cabinet of B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic stated that the celebration of 9 January showed that Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik does not respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), adding that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, as part of the DPA, clearly stated that this holiday is unconstitutional and cannot be celebrated. "January 9 is unacceptable as the day of one of the B&H entities, because it is a date that symbolizes the beginning of the attack on the physical existence of Bosniaks and Croats," the Cabinet of the Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency stated in a press release. Our Party (NS) stated there is no doubt that those who celebrate today (Sunday) deny the Constitution and the legal order of B&H. Earlier, the US Embassy in B&H stated that the celebration of 9 January is unconstitutional and that the decisions of the B&H CC are final and binding, calling on all political leaders to comply with court rulings. SBB B&H issued a press statement stating that by celebrating the 9 January as the RS Day, authorities in the smaller B&H entity are violating decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H which declared this day as unconstitutional and completely discriminatory towards other two, equal peoples in this entity (Bosniaks and Croats). The statement reads that 9 January is marked as St. Patron’s Day and RS Day, which is completely unacceptable in a secular state, such is B&H. “Celebration of the unconstitutional RS Day and ceremonies which are used to convey shameful, neo-fascist statements and messages are only the peak of all the spine-chilling, nationalistic expressions of hatred towards Bosniaks in Foca, Prijedor, Visegrad, Doboj, Bijeljina… It is clear that celebration of the unconstitutional RS Day and threats to Bosniaks are result of years long shameful activities of politicians from the US black list. They positioned this part of B&H as the dark part of Europe, which values everything that denied achieved civilizational values, where genocide is denied, convicted war criminals are glorified… Regardless of everything, B&H will survive in the end and remain a strong, modern state of all its peoples and citizens, the state where it will not be possible for authorities to use nationalistic deceits to cover up lack of care toward those who are called hungry and displaced people” reads SBB statement. In his statement, state lawmaker Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) warns, and reminds, that in 1992, a group of representatives from the ranks of Serbs adopted a declaration that was not in line with international law, i.e. the Constitution of B&H, by which part of the territory of B&H was separated, and Bosniaks and Croats were not welcome there. Later on, that declaration was deemed unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of B&H. The Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H ruled that the RS Day is an unconstitutional holiday, thus this decision also confirmed that the declaration from 1992 was unconstitutional.

Covic calls for dialogue (HRT1)


Croat political leaders in B&H are of view the crisis can be resolved only with dialogue. HDZ leader Dragan Covic said for the media. “In the RS, as a part of B&H, and people who sit in the institutions of B&H, you need to talk with those people, whether they are under sanctions or not. I would make a difference between two things there; crime and corruption are one thing, for which the institutions of B&H exist, and everyone who has any document or evidence can put it, so they can prosecute them, and the narrative, general and based on some principles, is another thing. The fact that legal state does not exist here”. The reporter notes the talks about the B&H Election Law have been pushed aside, without which it will be difficult to hold elections in October, and concludes by saying that another difficult year is ahead B&H.

Izetbegovic: Situation will deteriorate in B&H this year, there is no dialogue with Dodik (Dnevni list)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will deteriorate after imposition of the US sanctions against Milorad Dodik, which is why more resolute punishments coming from the West will have to follow. Izetbegovic expects that the list of persons under sanctions will be extended and cover more people close to Dodik in order to achieve a desired effect. Knowing Dodik, argues Izetbegovic, he will certainly go against the West and additionally radicalize the relations and the situation, which would have to result in even more resolute steps by the US, the UK and the EU Member States, and that the sanctions will increase until they achieve a result. The SDA leader further stated that this election year will be marked by dramatic fight between Dodik and the international community (IC) and the institutions of B&H, foremost the judiciary. Izetbegovic argues that Dodik will now focus all his energy to prevent the Court of B&H and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H from working and that he wins the October elections. In such circumstances, says Izetbegovic, there will be no room for dialogue that would resolve the crisis caused by Dodik’s separatist plans, “however I believe there is room for an agreement on the Law on Elections, which HDZ B&H insists on”. In this context Izetbegovic said he does not believe that HDZ B&H leadership will take part in dramatic blockades, thus risking joining Dodik on the black lists. Bosniak leadership in Sarajevo supports sanctions against Dodik and Izetbegovic says that in the times the state is undermined there can be no dialogue.


Picula: International community likely to push-back election law reform deadline for B&H (HRT


Speaking for Croatia Radio on Saturday the Croatian Member of European Parliament from the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats commented on the situation with election law reform in neighboring B&H. Croatian MEP Tonino Picula (S&D/SDP) said that with 2022 being an election year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is plenty of reason for concern. He said that personally he is most concerned that various chronic crises in that country overlap with an election year. Picula added that the key issue is that one of the pillars of every parliamentary democracy is absent in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that is a new election law: “Time is ticking away. I think that the international community is in a way likely to push back the set deadlines for the adoption of a new election law to ensure that the elections are fair and that they can even be held at all. I think that the deadline will be pushed back in the end, but that pressure on Sarajevo will be increased over the next month or two. Whether or not the United States will play the central role in that process, and we can see that they are making some moves in the Balkan region, and whether or not the European Union will join in that process, is difficult to forecast right now.” The existing election law in B&H discriminates against the Croat population there, as it allows Bosnian Muslims to elect political representatives for the Croat people, one of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Meanwhile, Bosnian Muslim leader Bakir Izetbegovic, says that the situation in B&H will worsen after the imposition of American sanctions on Bosnian Serb leader, Milorad Dodik. Izetbegovic says Dodik will definitely oppose the West and further radicalize the situation, which must, in return, result in even more decisive action by the United States, Britain and the European Union.


Croatia's county head accuses Bosnian Serb capital of glorifying war criminal (Hina


The head of Bjelovar-Bilogora County Marko Marusic has condemned the unveiling of a memorial plaque in Banja Luka, B&H to Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) Major Milan Tepic, who blew up an ammunition depot in Bjelovar in 1991 to prevent Croatian forces from seizing the weapons. Marusic said in a statement on Sunday that the monument honoring Major Tepic was "a slap in the face and salt on the wound" to all victims of the Serbian military aggression on Croatia, especially those in Bjelovar (about 80 km east of Zagreb). Major Tepic will be remembered as a fanatic who blew up himself and a depot with 170 tons of explosives in the JNA barracks in Bjelovar in 1991, Marusic recalled, adding that 11 Bjelovar families were left without their sons and husbands and that Tepic would have destroyed the entire town had he not been prevented from detonating the explosive in other depots. "This, unfortunately, is not the first time that a person who has nothing to do with heroism is called a hero. He was a coward and a war criminal. After Belgrade, which named a street after Milan Tepic, Banja Luka has now also joined in glorifying this war criminal, obviously not accidentally," Marusic said. He said it is scandalous that the mayor of Banja Luka, who was not even born at the time of this war crime, has joined in cherishing this cult of personality. "This only shows that the idea of a greater Serbia continues to live," Marusic said.


Bjelovar Mayor: As long as politicians live on myths, Bosnia will remain in past (Hina


B&H will stay buried in the past as long as populist and nationalist politicians, such as the Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic, who has unveiled a memorial plaque in tribute to Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) Major Milan Tepic, live on myths, the Mayor of Bjelovar, Dario Hrebak, said on Sunday. "As long as populist and nationalist politicians, in particular those as young as Stanivukovic, who know nothing about the horrors of war, live on myths and build their political careers on that, instead of giving a future to people through development policies, our neighboring country will be buried in the past and people will be poisoned with quasi-heroisms like this instead of being provided with a better life," Hrebak said. He said there is no room for fanaticism in Europe or in the civilized world. "Our young men were killed while defending their homes and families, when Stanivukovic was not even born, and we will never forget them. We will not use this to incite hatred and ethnic intolerance, because as many as 22 ethnic minorities live in harmony in Bjelovar today but will try to ensure that inhumane people never again put their finger on the trigger or the detonator," the mayor of Bjelovar said.


Possible new government with a new majority (Pobjeda


This government is counting the last days, and populist maneuvers around the budget and its accompanying elements will certainly not help it, said in an interview with Pobjeda Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Draginja Vuksanovic-Stankovic, emphasizing that the Prime Minister and his government ministers are aware of that. "Krivokapic and his young ministers know that the government is falling and all they are doing is just their attempt to build the rating of their emerging party, in the run-up to the elections they consider certain" Vuksanovic-Stankovic said. She sees the most logical solution to the current crisis in the new elections. She notes, however, that the elections of a new government, with a new parliamentary majority, are not impossible. "If pro-European political actors make decisions based on values ​​and programs, the outcome of this crisis could be favorable for Montenegro and all its citizens. The SDP will do its best to contribute to any outcome that will stop this sinking and devastation of this society its segments," she said. When it comes to the Memorandum of Cooperation concluded by URA, SNP and Civis with minority parties, Vuksanovic-Stankovic says that the SDP welcomes the agreement and sees it as a contribution to better understanding of issues that must be fundamental values ​​of modern Montenegro. "Montenegro needs political change in the direction of establishing valuable political partnerships and strengthening political dialogue as the only way out of the systemic agony we are going through. Whether this will happen and whether this memorandum will have some broader political implications will be shown. "We are engaged in politics in order to fight for some goals that we consider capital for society, and not to be guided by vanities, personal and narrow party interests," she pointed out.


No serious future government can be built without BS (RTCG


The president of the Bosniak Party (BS) Ervin Ibrahimovic said that no serious future government could be built without the BS. He said that during the 5th Municipal Election Assembly of the Bosniak Party Plav. At the session, the delegates elected a new convocation of the Municipal Board. "In the new convocation of the Municipal Board, which has 45 members, there is a significant number of new members, who have not been in the party's bodies so far," the BS announced.  At the beginning of the session, Ibrahimovic said that no serious future government could be built without the BS. "Polls show that we are the party that currently has the greatest support in Plav. This city, which should be the tourist center of this part of Montenegro, has all the predispositions for something like that. With the help of the state and in cooperation with our diaspora, I am sure that this city has a perspective. We have shown in the previous period, since 2016, when we wondered, then the investments arrived in Plav," said Ibrahimovic. The BS Vice President Damir Gutic pointed out that the Plav Board of the BS has always been the most interested political entity for the development of the Plav. "We know that our fellow citizens expect that from us, and we are constantly working on improving the conditions for all citizens of Plava. We have always done that, when we were the state government in particular, we do it as a factor of municipal government and we believe that we should get the greatest support from the citizens in the next elections, which would take over the leadership of the municipality of Plav," said Gutic. In addition to President Ibrahimovic and Vice President Gutic, the Assembly was attended by Secretary General Admir Adrovic, Vice President Jasmin Corovic, members of the Presidency, presidents of other BS committees, as well as members of the Main Board. Representatives of the DPS, SDP, SD and the Albanian Alternative also attended the ceremonial part of the Assembly.


New government by the end of the week (MIA/


SDSM leader and prime minister-designate for the new government Dimitar Kovacevski is expected to submit to the Parliament tomorrow the proposal for the composition of the government cabinet and the new government program, and at the end of this week to hold a parliamentary session to elect the government. In an interview with MIA, Kovacevski said that the preparations for the new government are at the very end, and the program and personnel decisions have been harmonized with the coalition partners. “Our goal to form a stable government with clear principles of action has been met. Such a government will mean efficiency in its work and stability in solving the serious challenges that lie ahead. In terms of personnel solutions, I would say that these are people who reflect the efficiency of work, have a serious professional capacity, honesty and desire to work for the citizens and society. Social democratic values ​​and approach to politics are also a feature of the new team. "These are people who believe in equality and solidarity, who fight for the rights of the vulnerable, and justice is their characteristic feature," Kovacevski said.  According to him, everyone is interchangeable, especially if at some point he is no longer up to the task and that will be the basic principle of effective governance and the new government. As for the new government and the departments that will be headed by SDSM, he added, it is a team of new people, but also proven staff from the previous government who had good implementation and results in their departments. “I expect from all of them maximum dedicated work, fulfilment of the promise and focus on the priorities of the program. The new government will be highly productive in its work, dedicated to economic challenges, as well as to strengthening the living standards of citizens. For this to be achieved by every member, every part of this engine must function flawlessly, Kovacevski emphasized. Kovacevski, after receiving the mandate from the head of state, said that he plans to propose the government around 10-11 January, i.e. in a shorter period than the constitutionally provided. He received the mandate from President Stevo Pendarovski on 29 December, after the head of state from SDSM was informed about a proposal for a prime minister, supported by the political parties that together have a majority in parliament. After receiving the mandate, the prime minister-designate within 20 days, i.e. no later than the 20th day should appear before the Assembly with a proposal of the personal composition of the new government and the work program of the government. The ruling SDSM announced a session of the Executive Board for today, after which the Central Board will probably have a meeting at 8 pm. The Vice President of the party Sanja Lukarevska, in a statement given before the Christmas holidays announced that on Monday is expected to be a session of the Central Board of SDSM where President and Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski will present the names of the cabinet, after which the appropriate procedure in the Assembly. Pursuant to the Law on Government, the government elects and dismisses the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia by a majority vote of the total number of representatives. When proposing the composition of the government, the prime minister-designate proposes ministers for each of the ministries determined by law and ministers without portfolio. The government takes office on election day.


French Ambassador to Bulgaria: France is ready to offer mediation between Sofia and Skopje (MIA


French Ambassador to Bulgaria Florence Robin said her country considers the issue of EU enlargement with Macedonia and Albania to be extremely important, and as a country holding the EU Presidency in the first half of 2022, France will offer mediation to resolve the dispute between Sofia and Skopje. As MIA’s correspondent in Sofia reported, according to Ambassador Robin, the Western Balkans is part of Europe and it is a matter of security for the region to be more involved in EU policies, economic development and trade in general. France’s ambition is to reaffirm its European commitment to the Western Balkans, and especially to Macedonia and Albania. Robin said that there are disputes between neighboring countries and expressed confidence that with good will and through discussions and promotion of respect for civil rights and respect for minorities, they will be able to respond to these challenges. According to her, stability and maintaining good relations are really important, and “with understanding and listening, things can be sorted out.”


Opposition factions, police clash during attempt to take over DP headquarters (Tirana Times


The headquarters of Albania’s main opposition Democratic Party turned into a battleground between supporters of former leader Sali Berisha and private security and police protecting incumbent leader Lulzim Basha on Saturday, with calm returning and protesters dispersing after a massive police response. Berisha supporters had called a protest to take over party headquarters after they held an assembly and vote in December to remove Basha from office. Basha and his supporters do not recognize the vote and the assembly held by Berisha supporters. Berisha supporters tore through doors and broke windows shortly before the start of the official protest scheduled for noon. They were met with iron-reinforced doors, then chemical irritants thrown by what appeared to be private security inside the building. An attempt by several people to climb the stairs to the second floor, on a balcony on the left side, was repulsed by several people from inside the building, who beat at least two men with clubs and left one bleeding, television footage showed. Police then intervened in force, with massive amounts of tear gas, quickly pushing protesters out of the area. Police said they were called in by members of parliament inside the building because they believed “lives were at risk.” After attempts to go back to party headquarters were met with firm police resistance, Berisha called on protesters to disperse so they could take care of the wounded and and get help for those detained. More than 30 people have been detained, local media reported, after they refused police orders to leave the area. "This is a revolution that aims to bring the Democratic Party back to power and to end the narco-state," Berisha said. "Let's disperse to return soon to even greater battles than what we saw today." Basha's office issued a statement saying: “Sali Berisha is endangering the lives of dozens of Democrats with acts of violence today! In an unprecedented act, mercenaries under his command are attacking the Democratic Party building, putting the lives of top Democratic Party leaders in the center and in the districts in real danger."


Background to the clashes 

Berisha and his supporters, which polls indicate make up a large portion, if not a majority of the party membership, are vying to officially take over the main opposition Democratic Party after Berisha was expelled by Basha from the parliamentary group due to Berisha’s designation by the United States as inadmissible due “to significant corruption.” Berisha supporters held an assembly on Dec. 11 and a membership vote that sacked incumbent Democratic Party leader Basha and replaced him with a transitory ruling body until leadership elections can be held in the spring. However, neither is officially recognized by Basha and his supporters or the Albanian courts, leaving the opposition divided and in limbo. “The solution in the DP is simple -- for Mr. Basha and Mr. Berisha to withdraw -- and allow a third leader, over time, to take over through a calm process. It appears neither is ready to that,” Lutfi Dervishi, an independent analyst, told the A2 television station.


International reactions 

The US Embassy issued a statement on Twitter condemning "the protestors' use of force." "The US is deeply concerned with rising tensions at the Democratic Party headquarters building and protestors' use of force. We call on protest organizers to reject violence and exercise calm. Those inciting violence or undermining the rule of law will be held accountable," US Ambassador Yuri Kim wrote on Twitter. The European Union Delegation also said it condemns the acts of violence and calls on all actors involved to exercise calm and restraint. "There must be no room for violence in politics. All concerned have the responsibility to ensure that demonstrations are conducted in an orderly and peaceful manner and to guarantee the safety of all people present, Albania’s EU integration path needs a solid opposition that contributes to the country’s reform agenda, responding to the aspiration of the Albanian people who overwhelmingly want to see Albania into the EU," the EU Delegation said in a statement.