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Belgrade Media Report 11 January 2022



Vucic: This referendum is important for the future of our country (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic called on the citizens to take part on the referendum on changes to the Constitution, to be held on 16 January. “I invite people to participate in the referendum. It is not a party referendum, it is not a political referendum. This referendum is important for the future of our country and we can always be proud of an independent judiciary and an independent prosecutor's office,” Vucic said in a video message posted on Instagram of SNS Serbia.


Dacic on alignment of Serbian legislation with EU acquis (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Monday that Serbia “can’t possibly be harmed” by harmonizing its laws with the European Union’s, adding that the alignment should cause no fears. “The European Union maintains very high standards in individual areas of law, and it’s something they discussed 10, 20, 30 or 40 years ago,” Dacic told TV Happy. He said that fears only existed about political pressures related to the status of Kosovo and Metohija, but “it has more to do with EU member states than the Union itself”. “Serbia is coming closer to the EU, and it is in its best interest to join the Union, but it is our natural prerogative to protect our own national interest, and no compromise will be made in the sense that Serbia might recognize the independence of Kosovo, or something along the same lines. It’s unacceptable for us,” Dacic underlined. The Constitution of Serbia is amended at the recommendation of the European Union, and according to him, the new amendments constitute an integral part of Serbia’s EU accession. Serbian citizens will voice their opinion on the constitutional change in a referendum on 16 January.


SPS MP: I will vote against constitutional change in referendum (Beta)


The Socialist Party of Serbia’s (SPS) MP, lawyer Toma Fila, said on Monday that amendments to the Constitution of Serbia the Serbian government had put forward might be an improvement, but an inadequate one, adding that he would vote against the change in a Jan. 15 referendum. Fila said in a comment for Beta that, as a member of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for constitutional affairs, he had repeatedly criticized the amendments. He assessed that the proposed amendments opened room for nepotism. He described as “nonsense” the arguments of the opposition, which, according to the lawyer, believe that the procedure and the current make-up of the parliament of Serbia are the problem.


Dveri: Referendum first chance to defeat regime (Beta)


Dveri Movement leader Bosko Obradovic has said that a referendum on constitutional amendments scheduled for 16 January is the first chance for all opposition-leaning Serbian citizens to defeat the regime - by voting no. Obradovic told a Monday news conference on Dveri premises in Cacak that there is not one good reason for this change to the Constitution, noting that the decision on amending it had been made in a one-party parliament with no opposition and no public debate, while the Law on the referendum was changed twice, two months ahead of the referendum. Obradovic added that "we can only talk about the Constitution and potential amendments when Serbia is a free and democratic country again, including a serious public debate and agreement, not under pressure and blackmail from the EU and in a totally undemocratic procedure like now".


Stefanovic wonders why Brnabic said nothing about offensive claims (Beta)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic expressed surprise at the fact that Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic failed to respond to offensive remarks by the leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS)Vojislav Seselj. Seselj’s remarks included the claim that Serbia under SNS rule was a colony run by the Americans and Britain and that Stefanovic was conspiring against Vucic. “Despite the fact that I and other officials denied everything he said, Seselj is continuing his public conspiracy claims about my attack on President Vucic under orders from America and Britain,” a press release from the Minister’s cabinet said. “It’s unusual for the Prime Minister to hear all that and not say anything about Seselj’s nonsense that Serbia is some kind of colony and a vassal state run by America and Britain because she knows full well that absolutely no one influences President Vucic and his decisions,” Stefanovic said, adding that it’s strange that Brnabic did not react to Seselj’s insults against the president. He said that he can resign at any time.




Protest held in Sarajevo, due to current political situation in B&H; Schmidt addresses protesters: We will not accept that territorial integrity of B&H is brought in question, and I am working to gain great support for that (N1


The Citizens’ Association ‘Restart’, which has been organizing protests ‘Awakening of Citizens’ in recent period, organized a protest of citizens in front of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Sarajevo on Monday to express their discontent with the current situation in B&H. The protest was attended by hundreds of citizens, but the precise number was not established. Protesters demanded that those who compromise peace in B&H should be stopped, and warned that the international institutions will be responsible for their inaction. The protests culminated in a blockade of traffic in front of the OHR building, after which High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt appeared unannounced, coming out of the building, and he addressed the protesters. Schmidt stated: “We will not accept that the territorial integrity of B&H is brought in question, and I am working to gain great support for that.” According to Schmidt, it is not in anyone’s interest for the people of the RS to live worse than the people in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), but every citizen must have the right to decide where and how to live. “Yesterday was not a good day, but it motivates us to keep working, to implement what we achieved twenty or thirty years ago. I thank you as the civil society for encouraging and supporting me”, underscored Schmidt. Although the HR invited representatives of citizens to enter the OHR building, the citizens did not want to meet with the HR’s assistants. The HR and the citizens’ representative have thus scheduled a meeting for 17 January. Organizer of the protest and representative of ‘Restart’ Suad Djozic stressed that the citizens’ list of demands, which is essentially a call for action, are intended for numerous international institutions, including the French Embassy. “There is an impression in the Brussels that France is hindering some things. That is why they, not us from ‘Restart’, have decided that this should be sent to the French Embassy”, Djozic stressed. President of ‘Bosniak Movement’ Sejfudin Tokic attended the protest and called on the OHR and the international community to protect the non-Serb citizens in the RS. Civic activists gathered around the organization 'Restart' presented clear demands, calling on the OHR, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the EU to give unreserved support to the HR for the use of the Bonn powers. Protesters also called for an end to the blockade of B&H institutions and annulment of the decisions of the RS parliament on the transfer of competencies. Schmidt addressed the gathered citizens in Sarajevo. Schmidt said that these are difficult times and that he is seeking support for B&H, but also the OHR. Schmidt underlined that he wants peace in B&H, adding that talks are needed in these difficult times. Meanwhile, several hundred citizens held a protest in Tuzla on Monday to express their discontent with the current situation in B&H and to call for peace and stability. Protesters warned they have had enough of the politicians who are trying to divide B&H, while crime, corruption, and personal interests are behind all that. Protesters thus expressed their support to an integral, civil B&H, and called for preventing glorification of genocide and war criminals.


Schmidt condemns RS authorities’ continued disregard for final and binding decisions of B&H CC (BHT1


HR Christian Schmidt condemned the RS authorities’ continued disregard for the final and binding decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which established that the designation of 9 January as the RS Day is incompatible with the B&H Constitution. "The RS as a part of B&H is fully entitled to determine its public holidays, including the Day of the RS. However, the Day of the RS should not be celebrated on 9 January, according to past decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court. I share commitment towards equal respect for all constituent peoples, who live in B&H," Schmidt stated in a press release. The HR called on the RS authorities to fully abide by the decisions of the B&H CC and designate an RS Day that can be celebrated by all its citizens.


EU firmly condemns negative, divisive and inflammatory rhetoric used by RS leaders during marking of unconstitutional RS Day (FTV


The EU decisively condemns negative, divisive and inflammatory rhetoric used by the RS leaders during the celebration of 9 January on Sunday, EU spokesman Peter Stano said in a statement published on Monday. “Such rhetoric and actions jeopardize the stability and prosperity of the country and are in complete contradiction with its EU perspective, which can only be based on a single, united and sovereign B&H,” the statement reads, adding that the EU has repeatedly called upon the RS leadership to disengage from such actions and rhetoric, and to resolve disputes through dialogue and legal means in state institutions. The statement also stresses that the RS leadership should contribute to ending a worrying trend of hatred and intolerance. “This must include putting an end to the glorification of war criminals and to denying or glorifying their crimes. Should the situation further deteriorate, the EU disposes of a wide toolbox, including the existing EU sanctions framework, and a review of the overall EU assistance,” the statement concludes. “Such rhetoric and actions have further heightened the tensions among communities throughout the country and are further escalating the ongoing political crisis,” reads the EU’s statement. The EU underlined that RS celebrations are also not in line with the B&H Constitution, as ruled by the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. “The EU also regrets the support brought by other partners to such demonstrations, which threaten regional stability and affecting good neighborly relations” the EU noted. “We are committed to assist the dialogue that would remove obstacles to real progress of B&H on the EU path,” said Stano.


German Embassy: We followed with great concern ceremony held on the occasion RS Day, which B&H CC declared unconstitutional (BHT1


The German Embassy to B&H stated that it followed with great concern the ceremony held on the occasion of 9 January, the RS Day, which the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H declared unconstitutional. "Aggressive nationalism and rhetoric of division stand in the way of cooperation between different parties," the German Embassy in B&H stated, calling for dialogue and reforms.


France distances itself from two MEPs who attended unconstitutional January 9 celebration of RS Day in Banja Luka Sunday (BHT1


France distanced itself from Sunday's presence of French members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Thierry Mariani and Herve Juvin at the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska (RS). "The French Embassy in B&H was not informed about the arrival of this delegation. The activities of the parliamentarians do not bind the French government in any way," the French Embassy in B&H stated in a press release. The French Embassy reminded that France respects the rule of law in B&H, reminding that the Constitutional Court of B&H confirmed on 29 March 2019 that the law on the RS holidays is unconstitutional.


Dacic: RS is heritage of Serb people; Vulin: People in the RS chose 9 January, it cannot be disputed by any court (ATV


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that the RS is big heritage of Serb people as well as achievement people in Serbia are not always aware of. He stressed that this is first Serb entity created over Drina. Dacic underlined that the RS has not been created due to political will, but it was response to destroying of Yugoslavia. Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin stressed that people in the RS chose 9 January, adding that it cannot be disputed by any court. He added that Serbs have never been imposing holidays to Bosniaks.


Turkovic sends protest notes to embassies of Serbia, China and Russia due to attendance of officials at RS Day marking (Nova BH/Glas Srpske


Deputy Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic sent notes of protest to embassies of Serbia, Russia and China due to presence of embassies’ officials at events that were organized on Sunday in Banja Luka. The B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out to the fact that the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H ruled that marking of 9 January as the RS Day is unconstitutional. The Ministry also emphasized the stance which says disrespect of the B&H institutions and the B&H CC rulings represents an act of harsh meddling into internal affairs of B&H, and such behaviour can disrupt friendly relations. The Ministry asked for foreign affairs ministries of the three countries to be informed of these protest notes, explains the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Glas Srpske daily learns that Turkovic sent the protests notes to the three embassies on her own, without consulting anyone, including the B&H Presidency which is in charge of foreign policy.


‘Drzava’ coalition has filed two criminal reports before Prosecutor’s Office of B&H for corruptive activities, attack on B&H’s constitutional order and marking unconstitutional RS Day (N1


Coalition ‘Drzava’ (‘State’) has filed two criminal reports to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Monday. The first criminal report refers to committing of corruption and an attack on constitutional order, while the second report is over marking the unconstitutional RS Day. Coalition ‘Drzava’ demanded from the international community to prevent public violence and violence that the returnees have lately been exposed to. Coalition ‘Drzava’ pointed to the fact that the policy of division and spreading of fear and nationalism have brought B&H into its most difficult period in recent decades, and called for taking concrete action rather than issuing statements. Platform for Progress leader Mirsad Hadzikadic specified that the first criminal report – for corruption and attack on constitutional order – applies to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, PDA leader Mirsad Kukic, former President of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H Milan Tegeltija, and ATV Banja Luka. “The second report refers to the unconstitutional marking of the RS Day. It refers to 15 persons, associations, institutions, groups – starting from RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic, the RS Government delegation, the Cabinet of the RS President, and all up until the City of Banja Luka and its Mayor (Drasko Stanivukovic)” Hadzikadic added. ‘Red’ (‘Order’) Movement leader Adis Arapovic stressed that Coalition ‘Drzava’ also seeks from B&H Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic to take a stance and provide a response to the question of “when the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H take action to prevent the upcoming coup d'état, and seizure of state institutions on the territory of the entity”. Arapovic also asked a question of how come that the US Government has reliable evidence that corruption and attack on constitutional order have been committed, while the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H lacks such evidence. Arapovic called on High Representative Christian Schmidt to finally end violence against legal order in B&H and B&H citizens, as otherwise the violence against employees in B&H institutions, returnees in the RS or the state property will be the next step of secessionist phalange. Independent Bloc (NB) leader Senad Sepic said that Coalition ‘Drzava’ calls on the EU and financial institutions to impose sanctions to the authorities in the RS due to its activities that threaten peace of B&H and the region. Sepic added that the B&H Presidency and the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs should send an urgent note to Serbia and Russia, because their high-level delegations attended the unconstitutional RS Day marking. B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic requested introduction of sanctions to all members of the B&H Armed Forces (AF) who attended the marking of the unconstitutional RS Day.


Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sends protest note to B&H regarding ‘Milan Tepic’ memorial plaque in Banja Luka (HRT1/N1


The unveiling of a memorial plaque to Mayor of former Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) Milan Tepic – who blew himself up in the Bjelovar barracks in 1991 and killed 11 Croatian veterans and conscripts, as part of the marking of the unconstitutional Republika Srpska (RS) Day in Banja Luka on Sunday, sparked harsh reactions in Croatia. Namely, Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic paid tribute to this year’s marking of the RS Day by formally unveiling the memorial plaque to Tepic. In his reaction to the unveiling of a memorial plaque to a man whom Croatia considers a war criminal, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that Croatia is appalled by such act, adding that Tepic killed so many people and any plaque in his honour is unacceptable. However, Plenkovic had a less harsh view on attendance of MP in the Croatian Parliament Milorad Pupovac at the marking of the unconstitutional RS Day. Plenkovic said that Pupovac attended the event only in the capacity of the President of the Serbian National Council (SNV) in Croatia, and did not deliver any speeches at the event. The Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs sent a diplomatic note to B&H over the unveiling of the memorial plaque to Tepic. The ministry pointed out that such decision of Mayor of Banja Luka and the Banja Luka City Administration is unacceptable. The Ministry stated: “By this, they glorify a terrorist act of a person who – during the ‘Greater Serbia’ aggression against Croatia, in a suicide operation – knowingly caused the death of many Croatian veterans and civilians and huge material destruction of Bjelovar. With such a decision, the city authorities of Banja Luka without any doubt identify themselves with that criminal ‘Greater Serbia policy’. In addition, this unacceptable act of the city authorities of Banja Luka further distances us from the process of building trust and developing good neighborly relations.” Croatian Minister for Veterans Tomo Medved said that the young generations should face reality, adding that Croatia knows historical facts very well, after having faced the ‘Greater Serbia’ aggression. HSLS’ MP in the Croatian Parliament Darko Klasic assessed that Pupovac’s decision to go to the RS Day marking was not a good one. “We are all appalled considering (the incident) and the number of people killed at the time. Therefore, we consider any memorial plaque inappropriate and out of place, and we condemn that” Plenkovic said.


Plenkovic and Izetbegovic discuss current political situation in B&H and reform of B&H Election Law (HRT1/AJB


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with leader of SDA and deputy speaker of B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Bakir Izetbegovic in Dubrovnik on Monday. Two officials discussed the current political situation in B&H and reform of the Election Law of B&H. Plenkovic paid a visit to B&H in December 2021 and had stated that Croatia wants to improve cooperation with B&H and help B&H on its EU path. During his visit, Plenkovic expressed support to sovereignty of B&H and preservation of its institutions. Plenkovic had an informal dinner with Izetbegovic on Monday evening. This was a closed-door meeting, and it is really continuation of a dialogue between the two officials started in December in Sarajevo. Plenkovic and Izetbegovic are expected to discuss many topics – the future of B&H, cooperation of the two countries, and, of course, showing Croatian government’s full support for B&H’s integrity. They will also discuss possible solutions for the Election Law of B&H by which Croats seek equal rights and treatment in regards to electing their own representatives. HRT1 reminds that changes should be made prior to announcing the call for the 2022 General Elections in B&H, and the changes should once more allow Croats to choose their own member of the B&H Presidency. Ahead of the meeting with Izetbegovic, Plenkovic said he will send a strong message of support for B&H, its territorial integrity and sovereignty – which the Croatian government fully supports. Plenkovic said cooperation between Croatia and B&H will be emphasized, as well as seeking solutions for giving Croats equal rights as one of the constituent peoples in B&H. Plenkovic said the Election Law should enable legitimate representation of Croats, i.e. for Croats in the Federation of B&H to be able to elect their own member of the B&H Presidency. “That is something that we have been pointing to for years and, in some way, to return to a time before 2006,” Plenkovic stated.


SDP support for a sovereign and integral B&H (RTCG


The Social Democratic Party (SDP) strongly supports the integrity, sovereignty and integrity of neighboring and friendly B&H, as the most important precondition for regional stability and peace, the party said. Namely, in front of the EU Delegation in Podgorica, MP Draginja Vuksanovic-Stankovic, SDP Secretary General Ivan Vujovic and Head of the Media Team Mirko Stani gathered to send a message on behalf of Montenegro about the need for stronger international support for B&H. "The challenges that this country is facing in the past period have intensified due to pressure from the same centers of power from which the orchestrated campaign against Montenegro is taking place, the civic concept of our country and Euro-Atlantic commitment. "We show that B&H will not be alone in this fight and that it will have the full support of progressive, civic and anti-fascist forces from Montenegro," the SDP said.


BS supports the integrity and sovereignty of B&H (RTCG


The Bosniak Party (BS) supports the borders of B&H envisioned by the Dayton Agreement, as well as the integrity, integrity and sovereignty of that state, said BS Vice President Jasmin Corovic. "The future of the whole region must be in the EU. We strongly condemn the secessionist statements that can be heard in recent days from political representatives from the smaller B&H entity, as well as from certain officials from Serbia," said Corovic. He added that they condemn the nationalist savagery, provocations and threats directed at Bosniaks in B&H, but also in Serbia. "The future of the entire region must be in the EU, but we certainly cannot talk about European values ​​if we still hear threats of new genocide," said Corovic. Corovic called on all political representatives in Montenegro and the region to contribute to reconciliation and calming tensions. "Going back to the 1990s is giving up civil, European, multi-ethnic and anti-fascist Montenegro. We are sure that the majority of Montenegro does not want to go backwards, but on the contrary, in the direction of integration and progress," said Corovic.


Kovacevski announced the nominations for new ministers (Republika


SDSM President and Prime Minister-designate for the formation of a new government, Dimitar Kovacevski at a press conference late Monday announced the nominations for new ministers, who, as he said, have professional capacity, honesty and desire to work for the citizens and believe in solidarity and equality. Deputy Prime Minister for Fight against Corruption and Crime, Sustainable Development and Human Resources – Slavica Grkovska; Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic affairs, coordination of economic departments and investments – Fatmir Bytiqy; Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs – Bojan Maricic; Minister of Defense – Slavjanka Petrovska; Minister of Interior – Oliver Spasovski; Minister of Justice – Nikola Tupancevski; Minister of Agriculture – Ljupco Nikolovski; Minister of Labor and Social Policy – Jovana Trencevska; Minister of Culture – Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska; Minister of Transport and Communications – Blagoj Bocvarski.


Meta: I would not like Albania to separate from Northern Macedonia on the EU road (TV 21/


"We would never want to separate because not only are we two neighboring countries, but we are extremely interested in Macedonia making progress, and if they move faster than Albania, let there be progress, and Albania has no reason to drag Macedonia back," said President of Albania Ilir Meta. In a guest appearance on TV 21, he said that as countries we should increase our efforts to move together on this path and find a solution with Bulgaria and bilateral issues should not be an obstacle for a country to join the EU. “This was my position and I said before that in the last 2.3 years Macedonia is far ahead of Albania, in terms of fulfilling the main tasks of the European integration process. Bulgaria's veto so far is unjustified because it is unacceptable for a bilateral issue to become an obstacle to enlargement, as it turns out that any EU member state can veto anyone,” the Albanian President said. Meta announced that he will soon visit Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and discuss what can be done to resolve the Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute. He also spoke about the Open Balkans, pointing out that he could not play a lawyer on an initiative that has changed its name three times so far. “I think that there are many initiatives that are consolidated but are comprehensive where Kosovo is an equal party with all, which we should adhere to and which are under the supervision of Germany or the EU. This initiative, I as President can say, so far I have not seen any act of this initiative, although I asked for official information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania. "It is difficult for me to talk about this initiative, about issues for which there is no official, state documents," he said.